...et al Chinese paintings shown An exhibition of Chinese Brush paintings on the third floor of Friendly Hall, began Thursday. These are selective works from Class ‘Chinese Brush Work,’ CHN 199, Spring 1977. Your dog can't learn kayaking at Heeling Free Dog Obedience School 272 Van Buren 484-0329 PUPPY CLASSES (2-5 mos.) PREVENT PROBLEMS BASIC OBEDIENCE SOLVES PROBLEMS For class information call or visit Classes -Kelp. Based Mineral Supplements • Equipment • navel Crates BQLKJS A Play by Peter Shaffer WINNER OF THE TONY AWARD FOR BEST PLAY Walter Kerr called Equus “remarkable.. .the closest I have seen a contemporary play come — it is powerfully close — to reanimating the spirit of mystery that makes the stage a place of breathless discovery.” Sierra Club plans sojourn to wilderness The local chapter of the Sierra Club, the Many Rivers Group, is planning an extensive study trip into a proposed wilderness area Wednesday through Monday. This is the first of three study trips into the proposed Diamond Peak Wilderness Study area. The six-day trip of 35 miles with some cross-country travel is for experi enced hikers. The trip will be centered in the area southeast of Windigo Pass. This is essentially a wilderness study trip to gather data. Particip ants will be expected to provide input to the forest planning team of the Wineama National Forest. Each trip is limited to eight hikers. For more information contact Holly Jones at 342-3551. Summer lunch offered at club Lunch will be served to faculty, students, staff and the general public this summer at the Faculty Club at 13th Avenue and Univer sity Street. This is the first time the club has remained open during the summer to serve lunch, accord ing to Faculty Club Pres. Emmett Williams. Lunch is served 11:30 a m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Bicycle trip info available now If you would like to take a bicy cle trip on the backroads of America, on your own or in an or ganized group, maybe Bikecen tennial can help. The newly opened regional office in the basement of Christie Hall at the University of Portland (phone: 283-4548) offers assistance with any cycle touring plans. Portland is the 1977 western terminus for all Bikecentennial trips on the TransAmerica Trail. TREAT YOURSELF to coffee from the coffee specialists. Allann Bros, coffee is served in Eugene's finest res taurants and roasted daily in our shop Come in and treat yourself to a sample, on us Cup for cup it costs no more than what you may be paying now. N BROS. COFFEE 246f> Hilyard St S44 0221 open seven days a ^ Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam weeks and vacations, by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co , Inc . at the University o< Oregon. Eugene. Ore . 97403. It appears twice-weekly during summer classes The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of Associated Press Emerald subscriptions are $7 per term, $20 per year News and Editorial Display Advertising and Business Classified Advertising Production Editor Managing Editor/News Editor Graphics Editor Assistant News Editors: State System, Departments and Schools Politics and Community Features, ASUO Night Editor Production Manager Advertising Manager Accountant 686-5511 686-3712 686-4343 686-4381 Wally Benson Tom Wolfe Erich Boekelheide Melody Ward Kevin Harden Jock Hatfield Jerril Nilson Kate Seigal Carl Bryant Ted Johnston Weekly film festival set Starting Thursday and continuing Thursday evenings until August 4, the romance language department is presenting a Mediterranean Film Festival. The films are open to University students and the general public for $1 per film or $4 for the series. Students in a course connected with the festival are admitted free to the three Italian films. The following films will be shown: “The Garden of Delights," Thursday; “The Conformists,” July 7; "Lacombe, and Lucien," July 14; “Two women,” July 21; “Animas Trojano," July 28, and "The Leopard," August 4. The series is a collection of recent French, Spanish and Italian films. Each film will be shown twice, at 7:30 p.m. and again at 9:30 p.m. at 177 Lawrence Hall, except for "Lacombe, Lucien" and "The Leopard." The films deal with themes of despair and alienation, the post-war bourgeoisie, historical self-consciousness, the lost political idea. Each film treats a different aspect of social or political corruption. Tickets can be obtained at the romance language department or at the door before the movie. Greyhound service alters Greyhound bus service between Portland, Eugene, Medford and Klamath Falls will be reduced by one nightly run starting Friday. "The schedules being deleted have low patronage and can be combined with other schedules without apparent inconvenience to the public," said Charles Davis, Oregon public utilities commissioner. Service on fourteen Lane Transit District routes has also changed slightly for the summer months. New timetables are now being deli vered to LTD racks in 110 locations around Lane County. Bus service to Marcola and the Vida/McKenzie Bridge area has been cut in half. These changes result from transit district board evaluations of route productivity and cost. Changes in regular LTD service include timepoint adjustments and removal of extra buses on those routes serving school popula tions. The following routes will have summer schedule changes: #2 Junction City, #11 LCC (A, B, and C), #11 LCC via Hams, #22 "Q" Street, #24 Santa Clara, #30 VRC/Irving, #55 Oakway-Campbell/Bethel, and Sunday and holiday service. Changes in routes #4 Marcola and #5 Vida/McKenzie Bridge are expected to continue in effect through next year. Slide show scheduled A free multi-media slide show of a Himalayan trek will be pre sented by Bruce Mason, co coordinator of the University Out door Program, Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m. in 177 Lawrence Hall. Mason travelled from Nepal's capital (and Eugene s sister city) of Katmandu through humid jungle trails, eventually reaching the Mt. Everest region. His three-screen panoramas hold views of the snow-covered top of the world wreathed in windblown clouds, illuminated by sunrise and sunset, swathed in mist. Interspersed with Nepal’s scenic beauty are closeup studies of the friendly and unique mountain people of Nepal, the Sherpas. briefs MEETINGS How Alcohofics Anonymous (AA) can help peo ple with a drinking problem will be the subjeci cif die next community alcohol education program today at Central Presbytenan Church, 1475 Ferry St A film. One Day at a Time, will be shown and a panel of AA members wil discuss their expert ences The program is designed for me public and coortfinaled by the Lane Council on Alcoboksm The tree programs are each Tuesday evening There will be a special meeting of me Oregon Stale Education Association at noon Thursday in the EMU, room to be posted There will be a Chinese language table from 11:30 to 12:30 every Wednesday afternoon during summer session It will meet *i Room 115, EMU Any student wishing to speak Mandarin Chinese is welcome The Campus Zen Fellowship meets Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1 30 to 2:30 m Century Room E of me EMU Begmners are wel come INTERVIEWS The fotowng school districts wil be interviewing in the Career Planning and Placement Center. Room 246, Susan Campbell Hal: June 24 Myrtle Crest Elementary Interviewing for positions in physical science (grade 8) and lan guage arts/social studies (grades 7.8) June 30 Clark County School District Interview ing for positions in special education (elementary and secondary), secondary reading specialists and two teachers of me deaf July 1 Northwest Arctic School District Inter viewing for positions in secondary mam. science. English, special education and industrial arts, jun icm high science/mam, counseling and elemen tary July 7 Douglas County Intermediate Education District Interviewing for positions in special educa tion Sign-up for interviews in me lobby of me Career Planning and Placement Center POLICY The Emerald's briefs column is open to anyone wishing to make announcement of meetings, lec tures and miscelaneous events Bnefs are run only once and are subject to space limitations They should be typed, triple-spaced in a 65-unit margin Include all pertinent information, espe cially me date you want it to run. Also, include a name and phone number In case we have ques tions Events with donations or admission charges will not be considered tor me briefs col umn All Hems must be turned In by noon two days before publication at the Emerald office. Room 300, EMU