r ■n i Expert Men’s & Women’s Hairstyling i i THE GOLDEN KEY S 10th A Olive Eugene 343-7421 Open Daily 8 am till 5 pm also Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings Shampooing — style cutting — blow drying — permanents — etc BEAUTY MARK HAIR FASHIONS Big M Annex Shop 747-8842 303 S. i> *., Springfield 8 am to 9 pm 10% Off with this ad i_ Ice Cream at it's Best Treat yourself to quality at Prince Puckler’s II $ 1473 E. 19th . —- A ^ • :L...,: .»tm Open daily 12:30-11:00 FACULTY AND RETURNING ] EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS Tired of late nights keeping up with current memos, bulletins, rules and administrative documents? We re offering a class designed especially to increase your reading speed and comprehension from good to great. FACULTY SPEED READING Begins July 5 for 6 weeks. Tues. nights 7-9:30 Register NOW Learning Resources Center 268 Condon x3226 Parks answer summer call If you’re one of those still be lieving city parks are the sole do main of dog walkers, nervous babysitters and young romantics, you’re missing out on nine-tenths of the fun. Eugene Parks and Recreation takes on a major planning effort during the summer that provides entertainment and activity for all types of city residents at nominal fees. Special activities this summer include dance and theater per formances, concerts, a com prehensive list of music and crafts classes and outdoor ac tivities divided by age group and activity. Hiking and backpack excur sions are planned throughout the summer along with training courses for the more challenging ventures. The trips range from Course examines issues in committing marriage A new course examining issues and conflicts of marriage and other committed relationships will be offered this summer at Lane Community College Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Grove High School. Marriage and You: A Summer Growth Experience will deal with fundamental facts of dating and marriage such as love, jealousy, sex roles and communication. “The focus is on you," says Lynn Balster Liontos, co-leader of the course with her husband Demetri. "It’s not theory, but a personal exploration of your own values, goals and directions in the context of your relationship,” explains Liontos. The course will consist of eight weekly sessions keying main ele ments from other courses the Liontos' have taught here and in Montreal, Canada. Both single and married persons are invited to attend. The co-leaders of the course say the workshops will be a non threatening approach to clarifying one’s values and positions in rela tionships. For more information call either Liontos at 342-1010. day outings to tour-aay pacus miu the Cascades or along the coast. Climbing, canoeing, and bicycl ing trips are also scheduled. For a list of workshops contact the Parks and Recreation Office in City Hall II, 858 Pearl St., fourth floor. A golf program will be held at Laurelwood Golf Course at 2700 Columbia St. Sessions are scheduled by age group to cover beginning and intermediate skill levels. Green fees are $2 for nine holes and $3.50 for 18 holes. Monthly passes are available for $15. Clubs may be rented for $1, carts are 50 cents more. The various city pools are scheduled for classes, pre registered groups and open times in which anyone may use the facilities. Schedules are available upon request. Information about any of the activities discussed is available at the following numbers. Main Office Cultural Arts Golf Excursions POOLS Amazon Echo Hollow Sheldon Meadow Jefferson Memorial 687-5333 687-5353 687-5321 687-5307 687-5350 689-1831 687-5314 687-5352 Bureaucracy (Continued from Page 4) office on the ground floor is a good source for national foresl maps for Oregon and Washing ton. They also have updated in formation on hiking trails anc campgrounds. Upstairs from the forest servict is Oregon’s Fourth Congres sional District office of Rep. Jirr Weaver. Complaints and re quests for federal assistance are handled through the Eugene of fice. Other neighborly federal agen cies in the building include the FBI, Bankruptcy Court, Internal Revenue Service, Army Recruit ing and the U.S. Courthouse. STATE OFFICE BUILDING Food stamps, welfare assis tance, vocational rehabilitation and other essential student ser vices provided by the state can be acquired at the State Office Building across Pearl Street from the Federal Building. Other state agencies are scat tered throughout Eugene. The 1 EMU CRAFTS CENTER The Craft Center is a place where all students, staff, faculty, and their spouses can work and explore creative ideas and skills in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. The Center features well equipped areas in ceramics, jewelry, photography, woodworking, graphics, and fabrics, with skilled people in each area available for help if needed. Workshops are also offered each term, where members can learn and increase their skills in specific areas. Sound good? It is! Stop by today and get acquainted. SUMMER WORKSHOPS Children’s Pottery Enameling Frame loom weaving Quilting Felt Making Stained Glass Basketry Jewelry Silkscreen Woodworking Drawing Photography Calligraphy Bike Repair Batik Registration for workshops begins at noon, Thurs. June 23, in the Craft Center, located on the ground floor of the E.M.U. new addition. For more information, stop by the Craft Center or call 686-4361. SUMMER HOURS 10:30-6:30 Monday-Thursday 10:30-3:30 Friday 11:00-4:00 Saturday July 23 & 30 employment division is located at 432 W. 11th Ave.; the state scho larship commission at 1445 Wil lamette St.; and the state police and motor vehicles division of fices at 2141 E. 15th Ave. PHONE, ELECTRICITY AND BUS Three other services you might want — unless you live in a houseboat on the Millrace — are phone, electricity and the bus. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone s local offices are lo cated at 112 E. 10th Ave. (the large brick building near the Eugene Hotel). The Eugene Water and Electric Board main offices are beneath the Ferry Street bridge. Both EWEB and phone bills can be paid at the EMU Main Desk. The local bus system is the LTD (Lane Transit District). Buses run on the half hour except on Sundays when they don't run at all. Almost every corner in the Eugene area can be reached by bus. Four important items are re quired to ride the bus; 30 cents in exact change; a bus system map; a University rider’s guide; and a Eugene Mall rider's guide. All but the fare can be obtained free in the EMU or at LTD’s rider’s in formation outlet on the mall. ^20% OFF all BOOKPACKS from $6.95 8UCAR PINE RIDGE 877 E. 13th Upstairs next to the UO Bookstore 345-5584