...et al (Revealing a quick course in travel economics. CHEC sets free classes The Community Health and Education Center will sponsor two courses this week. Elaine Muhr will discuss the ben efits of homeopathy and hy Future images seminar topic “Images of the Future” will be the topic of the DPS proseminar Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in 156 Straub. Norm Sundberg will give a brief review of the futures re search as it relates to psychology and also present some prelimi nary findings comparing Aus tralian and American students. Indian women plan discussion for June 25 The American Indian Women's Club of Eugene and Springfield are presenting a panel discussion June 25 at the First Congrega tional Church, 1050 East 23rd Ave. Panels members will include Nancie Fadeley and Mary Bur rows, state representatives; Ida Pacheco, University Action for Women; Marjorie Wright, state chairer of the Oregon Community Child Counsel and Montana Richards Walking Bull of Oregon College of Education at Acuzar. Race Unity Day observance set In a special observance of Race Unity Day, the Eugene Baha'i Community will sponsor a public meeting Friday at the Westmore land Housing Center beginning at 7:30 p.m. Race Unity Day is sponsored by the U.S. Baha’i Community and is observed in over 7,500 localities where Baha'is reside, according to the meeting sponsors. The pur pose of the day is to focus atten tion on the most challenging issue facing America — racial prejudice and discrimination — and to stress the essential oneness of mankind under God. drotherapy Tuesday irom / 10 a p.m. at the Patterson Community School, 1510 Taylor St. Helen Tolson will talk about the healing power of colors with an emphasis on the importance of colors and the way they affect moods from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the Lincoln Community School, 650 West 12th Ave. A class on mind and body ex ploration is scheduled for Monday, June 13, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Patterson Community School, 1510 Taylor St. Carol Green and Marilyn Mar zell will conduct the sessions. A $1 donation is requested for the class, but those who are unable to pay may attend free. Emotions' affect on alcoholics topic of session The ways in which human emo tions affect the behavior of al coholics will be portrayed in a film entitled ‘The Alcoholic Within" at the community Alcohol Education Program Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Scout Room of the Central Presbyterian Church, 15th Ave nue and Patterson Street. The program is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Lane County Council on Al coholism. Laurie Griffith of the State Mental Health Traffic Safety Project will lead a discussion on decision making and problem solv ing. The film “Psychodrama ’ also will be shown. Center to aid job seekers An orientation session explain ing the services available to job seekers will be held at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in the Career Planning and Placement Center, 246 Susan Campbell. This will be the last orientation session until fall term. The Hoonah School District also will be interviewing students on campus Tuesday. The sign-up sheet for interviews is posted in the center. Teaching positions are open in elementary speech/ hearing (language disabil ities background preferred), primary/eiementary special edu cation, grade eight and high school English, social studies, reading and health. Spots also are open in music, kindergarten through grade tweK/e. For more information, contact the center at ext. 3235. Reed to roller skate for $$ Randy Reed will begin his attempt to break the Guinness Book of World Records for continuous hours of roller skating Monday June 20 to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The current world’s record is 183 hours and 7 minutes. Reed will be attempting to best that by skating for 200 hours at Skate World in Springfield. Pledge money for each hour skated will go to the association s fight against muscular dystrophy. Pledge sheets are available at participating McDonald s, 7-Eleven stores and the MDA office, 144 East 14th Ave. The top 25 money winners will appear on the Jerry Lewis Labor Day telethon. For more information, call 686-2753. Women to hold meeting The State Association of Uni versity of Oregon Women will hold their annual meeting Saturday at 10 a.m. in Gerlinger Hall. Presi dent Charlene Cox says that at this meeting they will honor the graduating seniors, the graduates of the class of 1927 and the win ners of the Ella Travis Edmund son-Mercy Travis Davis Memorial Scholarship for the 1977-78 school year. The winners of the scholarship are: Marilyn Woodbridge, Eugene, senior in public affairs; Amy Gibson, Elmira, junior in elementary education and math; Valerie Fong, Honolulu, Hawaii, sophomore in sociology; and Alva Scherich, Eugene, junior in psychology. This scholarship is administered by the University of Oregon YWCA and the State As sociation of University of Oregon Women. The speaker at the meeting will be Virginia Carpenter, who was awarded the Senior Woman Rec ognition for this year by the Ameri can Association of University Women, Oregon Chapter. Any interested persons are in vited to attend. Computer program slated A computer science colloquium will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the EMU, room to be posted. L A. Zadeh of the computer science division of the University of California at Berkeley will present “A Theory of Approximate Reasoning and Its Applications.” The colloquium, open to the public, is sponsored by the Depart ment of Computer Science and the Systems Physiology Training Pro gram. .. . 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