PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM HOME, 20 minutes bik ing from campus. 10 June-18 July Fumished/unfumished Negotiable 688-5101, 686-5102,747-1058 6:8 FURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT. $160 a month, 10 days June paid Was *185 Milt Race Apts., #13. 343-4485. 6:6 SPACIOUS FURNISHED STUDIO near campus Available soon $120 . 344-8941 after 4 pm. 01881 20 ROOMS IN CO-OP HOUSE available at $160 tor tie Entire Summer Includes phone, laundry, plus utilities 1670 Alder, 485-9668 — ask for Stacy 6:6 ROOM TO RENT — $205 single. *136 multiple for ENTIRE summer Swimmng pool, kitchen, next to campus 818 East 15th Phone 485-9455 66 BARGAIN HUNTERS: Nice two bedroom fur nished apartment 2 blocks from campus. Low rent, low low depost, and cash bonus Cal 344-1993 or 484-2597 6:6 SUMMER RATES. Imperial Apartments 1 block campus 1 bedroom unfurnished $85 2 bedroom furnished $120. 18th and Emerald or 343-6052 6:6 LIKE WORKING ON OLD HOUSES? Sold 3 bed room, fireplace, basement, between town. Univer sity Money for materials $260 344-4028 6 6 LARGE QUADS SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER Private bath, all utstiee paid, furnished. V? block from campus Laundry and parking taciities, OS PIRG agreement Rent June 15-September 15. at $72 50 per morkh $50 refundable depost 738 E 16th 687-0143. or Kent 484-2022 017351fn $50 PER MONTH Cooperative Housng June 13 to September 16 791 East 1591 St 686-4436 66 $79.50 QUADS SUMMER RATES large nicely furnished, private baths PRIVATE REFRIGERATORS. LIKE NEW PARK ING AIR CONDITIONED UTILITIES INCLUDED Vj BLOCK FROM CAMPUS AND TENNIS COURTS RESERVATIONS FOR FALL TERM ALSO BEING ACCEPTED HURRY. ONLY A FEW UNITS REMAINING Call first 345-1272 751 East 16th 01674 6 LARGE 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT in older house — slcykj^its new carpeting unusual door plan Available June 1st Summer rate 5285 a morsh 360 East nth or cal 344-7009 laher 6 pm) 620 QUADS S65 A MONTH. Summer rale starling June 15 One block from University Call 687-0506 018136 HOUSE— one block from campus Own room — lull use of house — front and back yards with big trees (cool m summer) Comfortable $85 per month 344-8384 623 SUBLET ONE BEDROOM. June rent Iree 1750 Alder available June 15. 343-3541 66 UNFURNISHED 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Balcony overlooks MArace small meadow with bunnies $175 a month 1805 Garden Ave , #21 485 2658 66 SPOTLESS. NON-SMOKING, responsible woman needed to share beautiful apart mem lor summer Close campus Now $92 50 484-0684 atler 11 pm 66 SUMMER AND FALL RESERVATIONS OPEN StudK) 1 and 2 bedroom Summer rales 1819 Kincaid. Irom 2 to 6 p m 01848 23 Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER One and two bedroom furnished apartments near U of O AH have water and garbage service fur nished Some have heat 010811fn QUIET. SHARP, FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, shag carpet, fireplace nicely land scaped with lots of parking No children or pets Summer rates 687-9408 344-6279 66 AWESOME FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APART MENT with fireplace, pool, lull appliances. 2 blocks Irom campus Available lor summer 750 15th $210 686-6029 or 686-6038 66 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Blackstone Manor 1750 Alder Rent negotiable 343-9084 6 6 RENT FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APART MENT. Dishwasher, disposal, deck, pool Clo6eto campus Cal 4-8 p m 345-4712 6 6 QUAD TRIAD Unique design Close to campus No lease re quired Available now Reserve lor summer and tail 343-1477 01726:tfn CAMPUS QUADS $95/$ 115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and pnvate baths 1810 Harris 686-2470 14453tin SUMMER SUBLET — Large furnished two bed room apartment View, dose to campus Available June 12. 342-3969 6 6 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, JUNE 1st available, money bonus, contract thru August 343-2830. Blackstone Manor 86 PETS KITTEN, 2 months old, energetic, needs home 343-1064 629 East 17th Ave 66 HOME WANTED for 6-month-old tamale tiger cat. longhair, sweet disposition. 343-3581 6:3 T.OST 8 FOUND LOST: ORANGE BACK PACK with jHni, sweat shirt at Autzan Stadium. Tuesday, May 31. tf know whereabouts please contact Melanie. 686-5191. 8:6 RECORDING OF "DAMN GLAD I Don t Have No Yankee Accent." By the Rebel Trio Call 343-7704 MARKET BASKET For All Your Frist and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343-5393 14570A4WF GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meats, pizzas and more Miller s Grocery, 1065 E. 20th. Open 10-10 Sunday-Thuraday, 10-11 Frtday-Saturday. 14303MWF 17OOP & DRINK NEW DAY NATURAL FOOO RESTAURANT Excellent vegetarian food at reasonable prices Open lor kmch and tinner Daily specials & soups tt a m -9 p m Monday-Sakjrday 136 East 11th Street 465-0412 IN SCARBOROUGH FAJRE 14314MH GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AUREUO St Oft Giant Pizza Tuesdays, tree movies Vi Price on bar items with regular pizza Son -Thurs after 930 p m. 29»i and Willamette 14507M-H ORIENTAL CAFETERIA AND GROCERY Spring rolls, barbeque pork, tenyaki chicken, tempura, fish and vegetable Combination plates S1 50 We ac cept food stamps tor groceries BAMBOO PAVILLION 1275 ALDER Monday-Frlday. 11-7:30 Saturday, 12-7:30 00667 MWF 1 COME AND SEE HOW WE’VE CHANGED We are now offering a complete selection of 1 nutritional supplements and vitamins CONSIDER US YOUR NUTRITIONAL CENTER We still oiler the finest of natural foods snacks Including homemade sandwiches GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 ALDER 018686 MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1609 East 19th, Eugene s own New York Deli Salads, meals, cheeses, sandwiches, groceries, picnics, tinners Caterng — weddings and at oc casions Monday-Saturday 14479:mwf THE MCE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old-fashioned natural ice cream, sweetened with honey or sugar, frozen yogurt. Italian ices, non-dairy ice cream, pastnes. coffees and teas Now leakjrmg homemade soups, salads and sandwiches Open Daily noon to midnight, 325 Blair Across from George's Garage 14541 MWF THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon dinner Omelets and other dekghts Crepes Desserts. Garden Vegetables 770 East 11*t. 342-8340 7 am-10 p.m 14480 MWF ENTERTAINMENT BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours. Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to 10 30. Friday — 4-6 p m MICHELOB ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week 13688tin homefried TRUCKSTOP TUESDAY Breakfast JIM PARF1TT Lunch BLUE SKY Dnner GREG FIELD WEDNESDAY Breakfast REBECCA LEA Dinner ROSS HOGARTH THURSDAY Breakfast RAPHAEL Lunch SUSAN ARROW Dinner JAMES THORENBURY FRIDAY Breakfast DIANA HOBBS Lunch JAMES THORENBURY Dinner CHICO SATURDAY Breakfast JAMES THORENBURY Dinner; GRADY A NO DAVE SUNDAY Breakfast MARSHA AND PAULA Lunch: ED STEVENS on 14th between HHyard and Alder 018946 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BLNLOMG, SECOND FLOOR Ktti and Oive. 687-0733 TOMTE THRU FRIDAY GENA ROWLANDS In CASSAVETTES FACES And ROBERT ALTMAN'S IMAGES SHOWTIME: FACES — 7:30 IMAGES — 9:30 018896 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocaist with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday, 9-12 14922M-H HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone lor Reservations: Windgate Farms, 996-6789 1345-tfr PERSONAL FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? UKE FILING YOUR REGISTRATION REQUEST CARO FOR SUMMER SESSION Stop by Room 64 PLC or the Ftegistrar's Office 01776:6 NEED A RIDE TO l/TAH, Arizona or Texas? Call Ted 343-9022 6:6 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5 ft x 5 ft. 5 ft x 10ft. 10ft x 10ft. and larger 344-2710 West 11th and Bertetsen Road 029181fn ATTENTION STUDENTS— Please register and vote absentee ballot Vote Yes on #51 to remove fluoride from our water 6:6 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. confidential information and free preg nancy test Call 687-8651 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Ppmq hoi Right to your door And now we have two delivery trucks to gve you ‘aster service Call 342-8111 Now open until 1 a m Monday to Saturda/. Midnight on Sunday 00628 tfn DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled spring term, you need to file a Registration Request card if you're planning to register tor courses (luring the Summer Session. There is still time to do it so stop by 64 PLC or fhe Registrar's Office. 01817.6 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS. DANCES, etc S75 and up 896-3913. 02885tfn IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO FILE YOUR REGISTRATION REQUEST CARO FOR THE SUMMER SESSION Stop by room 64 PLC or the Registrar's Office 01844 6 VETERANS Contact the VA Tutonal Office about your benefits For info call 686-3232 00730:6 HOW ABOUT A FRESH BAGEL ONION GARLIC RAISIN WHOLE WHEAT GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 ALDER 01869:6 CORINNE SK. DEBRA AS: Farewell Corine — Debbie I will Miss both of You Strange Attractor 6:6 HER HAIR IS RED, Her heart s never blue. The best friend anyone could have. CAROLINE JONES, that s you! Have the happiest b-day ever! Love. Sue 6:6 STEVE MORSE — Happy Birthday! Good luck in finals and summer term Get to see you this sum mer? J.S. 6:6 ANCHOR CLANKOR CREW — Thank you for all you've done You're the Greatest! Love the DG.'s. 6:6 USA M. AND MOLLY C.—The Comrrtttee will live on forever We love you. The other half 66 K. BAKER: Your head fakes will be missed Hate to be blunt — but is USC ready tor you? C P 6:6 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOO BANK The Blood mobile will be at Eugene Eagles from 2:30 to 5:30 today. Contact Bruce Delapp at 344-9725 for more information. DONORS NEEDED O Positive 7 Units; O Negative 2 Units; A Positive 6 Units; A Negative 2 Units; AB Positive 1 Unit. Call 484-9111 for an appointment. DAN BEDBURY: You are the best roommate we've ever had. Take ewe of your cowboy hat and Goodtime music. From your number one tans and personal audience 66 SEATTLE SLEW: You surety run an evasive race, I Ind it hard to match your pace. Perhape we I meet in a Mtonesota bar Till then you It remain my only Star. Have a sober summer! -Fresh Frosh 66 REQOIE: These past 5 months have been the most exciting and happiest in alt o< my 20 years. Thanks for the greet weekend EVERY weekend! Good luck on finals QOMER. 6* BEAUTIFUL SUE, I had a great year, I hope you did too. Thanks for the Smile and the love, Martin 66 OZONE MEN! Mark L., Mark S . Ron, Bin. Roberto, Dana. Brian, Mike. Ed, Mark H„ Dan. Pete. Rob. Scott, Steve, Clay, Kyte and Jeff. I love ya. Have a good summer. Love Kat. 6.-6 DOUGLASS 2nd floor — I'm heading on back to the range' but I won't forget be Rowcte times (or the rude' ones). If you're GTO, GFB! Gety keyed for McLain next year 111 miss you. Montana 6* SUZANNE ELIZABETH: Summers really aren't that long, or dry in Oregon The sun comes up earlier and sets later too Confudan proverb. 66 TOM — AS BETAS GO, you're the creme de la creme Live thru finals and I'll see you this summer for a racy view. Architects have better ines. Margaux 66 MONTAAANA — MOEN Halseb-Jovic Romsm Murphy-Sheep who need tieir wool-HOSE 66 TO LAURIE AND MELANIE, the two most beauti ful girts in Sigma Kappa Your secret admirers 66 RANDY — It's been two years of shear pleasure I'll miss you! Be happy. Love, Colleen 66 TO DA BEST KINE ROOMIES—Cocomuts, flash lights. pancakes, bumtuchas, pineapples, chips, and mustard on fries what a year! Thanks lor everything maui no ka oi1 (but hilos #1) 6:6 PAMELO — This summer Martini and Bill should give G P quite a thrift. Its been fun and its been real! Love Your lil sis 6:6 TOM GORDON JAYNE — I'm still searching for that crawl space But it's dark down there Will you hold my hand7 (What an excuse1) your drafting partner 66 JEFF LAVEY: 4 years and 1 degree later you resttl my main squeeze III always be proud of you Love, the-giri-you re-leavmg-behmd 66 COMPUTER — Time to back em on out of here and go earn some Unde Sam greenstamps Catch you on the rebound CONGRATULATIONS!!' Pineapple. Coconut. Pancake, Flashlight, and H.H. 66 RAY — Cheerup You oould have a jeep up your nose M and C 6:6 Pt PHI DANA — you re a dream come true Stay close this summer Love. Lake 6:6 148 ROOM HOUSE for sale Movxig to Cakfoma. No offer refused, view of P.L.C pink and green decor Ideal for convent! 850 15»h. 686-4088 (in blue ink) 66 BOB: Have a beautiful summer See you August 5 (or before7) Your 25 cent Bio Buddy 66 DIANA AND JEANNE: Thanks for all your help and support I will look forward to our days together this summer Love. Martha 66 DAVE: You ve made this term one worth remem bering Thanks LOVE, LITTLE ONE 66 JAMIE BURNS: Roses, a fabulous dinner, walking on the beach Thank You for the marvelous mo ments we ve shared together You re so sweet'66 TO THE BEAUTFUL LADIES OF THORNTON DORM Through keggars. blasting stereos, vasekned toilet seats. Kooky R A.. no-doze, popcorn, McDonalds and weird guys — we ve managed to survive this entire year. It s been fantastic! Memories — they II always be a part of us May each of you find all the love, happiness and success in your journey through life 66 CINDY SAILBOAT WILL NEVER SINK — and neither will our friendship It s been a fantastic year that I II always remember Much love — your long time fnend. roomie and ex-second half of Ihe oboe section Salty Dog 66 GINA GLOSS — I just want to thank you for being the greatest (and craziest) big-Srs in the whole world I wish we oould have another year together. I ll really miss you Delta Love, Carol 66 CONGRATULATIONS MISSIE MUELLER You ve made it! The best is yet to come love. MW 6:6 ELO EASTER! Wanna Buanna? Know what time it is don t cha? Hey Bish — go stuff a pillow! Happy 20th! Good for one kxin of Of Red 66 NAN, Good luck on your finals, and am looking forward to you being my roommate next year!' Hava a super summer! Love. Carroll CHI PSIS — You guys are the greatest! Thanks for a year of good times and UNFORGETTABLE memories .we love you. the court 66 KIM BO... it's been a year Looking forward to many more Love you. 66 THE 1977 SPRING TERM TURKEY AWARD goes to Tyler and Dave for their outstanding display of brotherhood April 1st and 2nd. (Betas and Archie lost out). You can picfc up your prize at tie Riviera Room, kids. 66 TO MY BK3 ANO LITTLE SIS, Good luck on finals!! Have a super summer! See you both next year Love in Sigma. Carroll TOM CHRIST AND STU CHESTLER: (our two favorite Sigma Cits) Many Thanks for tie really COOL raid. The Gamma Phi Soph. Porch 66 CHMS P. Thank you for not giving up on me. 6:6 SHOTZl You've been a super roommate lhia yoar. Thanks tor tie good times — kick back and taka it easy this summer! Later. Vat 6* TOM, Had a great weekend celebrating your 21erf! Good luck on your Inals!! Am looking forward to seeing you this summer! I love you! Love, "your doHaced babe" 6* MIKE M. fT started with one bird, how about Earth quake Ethefs this summer? 6:8 1526 HR. YARD GANG — you've ail been the best Don’t it always seem to go that you don't know what you’ve got til its gone? Warmth, Sheri 6* THANKS FOR OUR BEST YEAR EVER *YOUR FRIENDS IN* CLASSIFIEDS. MECHA IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for director of MECHA 77- 78. Apply at 333 EMU 01895:30 PILES JAMES T: Print ' Thanks for ail your help: We appreciated it." Rem: good luck on your finals! Go to a Fun Summer End Love Molly, Ronda and Mary 6:6 MARTIN FINCH: Our Wednesday date was lots of fun Pink Champagne, no ice I drank a lot but here s the pun It's you who paid the PRICE! Sorry about that — your date 6:6 APT 5 DEU — Thanks for the outstanding service. Your variety of meat is lovely We II never go veg etarian! Here s to good times. O F.L 6:6 K2, What CAN I SAY? I'll mss you and thanks for being you. DANCING T. MARK has a dynamite smile 6:6 VICKI R: To the best Ittle sis around I think we S get along fine, don't you? Love, SB 6:6 CHI PSI'S: thanks for all the Miflractngs. the par ties. the luau. and most of all, thanks for being such good friends. Love, SB 6:6 DEAR KIBE-A-DIBE AND THE CATCH Thanks for the wonderful year We II miss you more than we can say Loving you madly — Bix. Stickey. Ht-C Dish 6.6 GRAB ALL THE GUSTO — Going to Roman s psych lab was the best thing I did all year I'm sure glad you were (here XOX RaquetbaJI Kid. 6:6 THIRD FLOOR — REMEMBER ... FtyingKanga. Rich Girt. Hodgkinson, penrvedin!, gang cfnners. Demented kegs. Philips stuff. Ting haut! Sunny days, playm Fnsbee. Martha, floor meetings, saunas, munchies!. What is Life? Shining Star," Dawn s coming!, epileptics. Feed Mill organicness, contemplativeness, noodles, flicking. Strawberry Daiqiiris, eight dollars, weird-weird, bed flatness. Oh Jamaica, "blowin chunks, scratches, graffiti wall, he s |uuust right!, 15 buck lid, late nights in the bathroom, crusty!, bugs!, A certain Mai-Tai party. dreams eckcetera Thanks for the Memories. I ll Miss ya Love, Carolyn 6:6 KELLI — What a year! This summer and our future await Let s spend It all together'—Yourhoney 66 (DR.) SAL SUCK—Here s wishing you a mug of a man, a bad tan. a peanut butter can filled with "chunks, and a Tight old time at that "damn good camp !!! Later — your Ghetto Sisters P S. We ll miss you. Hire re serious"! 66 MR. RUGBY—Three years of unwedded biss has come to an end I'll miss dropping honey jars, cut ting the meat crooked, leather balls, sweet rolls, kaluha. slide shows, photography battles, butt bal. scratchy stereos, roller skating and late nigpit and early morning papers Luv, Peanut Butter 66 SESAME, This year s been short and the summer will be too long But the times we ve had have been the best Ace your finals and HI see you at the beach I.L.Y. sooo M — Ex. J B. 66 JAN, We love you Very much. Kooper and Ed 6:6 "KIMBIES": Thanks for the survival essentials and so much more. Love ya, ittle sis Lynn. 6.6 EL PUEBLO UNIDO jamas sera vencido Ados mis amigos y companeros. Heather 66 A.W. — For the late, great “study breaks ' — thanks. If in L O you had better call me! Your mar ried siigle 66 MAE: Have the Happiest Birthday! And good luck on finals. Daniel. 66 GRETE, adjo og bra hen eteklng, se du i norge noenday , 66 OTTER: Thanks for tolerating your other room mate! Best of luck in your futixe endeavors. Love, Larry. 66 TAP—Congratulations! You re graduatng. you're being commissioned, and best of all. you're mine! Love, Sweetie P ... 66 MAR&EE, MALENE, MARY, Kristin, Marsha. Tammi. Sue, Gail, Lauren. Cindy, Kathy, Loans, Diane, Rachel, Sue. Wendy, and aN the rest. Youal have a good summer and keep in touch.—G.L 66 (Personals continue on Page 16)