CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN CASK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10c per word the first day copy is admitted and 8c per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald veil not knowlingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of raco. color, religion sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE ITOR SALE SURFBOARD GOOD SHAPE 7 2 $30. BSR 510 turntable $25, call 484-0205. 6:6 LEAVING FOR ALASKA! Must sell: Couch $30. black and white T V $35, box spring $9, More! All good condition! 343-6300 66 FOR 25 YEARS birkenstock has been making the ultimate in foot comfort for standing or walking on the unnaturally smooth and hard surfaces that sur round us all birkenstock footprints 136 Eaet 11th Avenue 667-0065 01668:6 GULL HAVEN, the non-profit shelter by the sea is for sale Six units overlooking ocean for $56,000 Happy vibes from folks who stay there are free. So is the ocean Cal Charles or Leslie 344-0841.6:6 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag ol shredded foam — $11 50 BEST REST MATTRESS CO 632 Blair 343-0222 00570Tfn SMITH-CORONA ELECTRIC portable typewriter with power return, like new. $95 726-6882. 6:3 GREAT GRADUATION GIFT, Parker sterling silver fountain pen — brand new. Also have new pair Root sandals. 8Vi medium. 344-1711. 6:6 THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, photo equipment, etc. Buy, sell and trade 00697:mwf FRESH ROASTED COFFEES On Campus NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 762 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 00980:mwf NEW SHIPMENT of Decker Sandals are in. Campus Shoe Shop 843 East 13th 01874:6 WATER BED— heater, bag, liner, and frame Will sell for a very low price. Call 343-3554 66 PARKING METERS. Makes great conversation piece. Piggy bank, lamp. etc. $11.50 each. 686-8358 6:6 30% OFF on a select group of pottery includng casseroles, soup and salad bowls, goblets and mugs, etc At RAINYDAY CACTUS 1361 Peart 4856153 01882: KARATE, KUNG-FU, JUDO, TAI-CHI SUPPUES at Eugene Martial Arts Supply 2003 Franklin Blvd , 342-7756 Hours 16, Monday-Friday (Located right across from McKay's) 01718:6 FURNISH LIVING AND DINMG ROOM for $55 with couch, matching chair and dining set Call Kathy, daytime 686-5311, ni^its 342-3502. 6:6 INSTRUCTION DANCE CENTER SUMMER WORKSHOP. Anatomy-Kinesiology-Correctives for the dancer— June 27-July 9 University credit offered Informa tion and registration Mary Mier 345-9958 or Back stage 878 Pearl St. 6:6 MODERN DANCE CLASSES — Cunningham Technique Monday evenings. Knight of Pythias, 7:30-9 p.m Wednesday evenings. Technique and Improvisa tion, Friends Meeting House, 730-9 p.m. Call Enid, 344-4862. 01855:6 INTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES based on tech niques ol Swsni Satchidnanda. Thursday evenings 730-9p.m. 934 Washington St., #9. Call344-4862 for registration. 01856:6 Page 14 SOUND SYSTEMS QUADRA FLEX 36 SPEAKERS — ike new $60 Akai Model 8 —reel to reel—built-in amp—sound on sound — $65. Garrard Model 40B Turntable — $20. 343-3554. 6:6 ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs. experience Friendly Rates! 'Ttnofty MR Unfcars"— 342-7539 6:20 SONY TG 540 reel to reel tape recorder Two mikes, speakers, tapes. $115. Call Dave at 686-6046. after 3:30 p.m. 6:6 SUN SHOP Record*-Stereoe-SanAce 860 East 1391 464-1488 010661fn fRAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engneered. reasonably priced, in stock Yams, books on crafts - 13853:tfn PHOTOGRAPHY MUST SELL!! 135mm. 2 8 Vivitar telephoto lens with/without Canon adapter Best offer Cindy 344-6013. 6:6 HONEYWELL PENT AX SPOTMATIC with 11.8 SMC Takumar lens, 75-260 Vivitar zoom lens. 2x tele-extender, portable tripod, leather camera case, filters, etc. Al in excellent corxition $300 or best offer. 746-7078 evenings 6:3 DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011:mwf POOKS/SUPPUES THE SECOND HAND BOOK MAN We pay the hipest prices in town for your quality, used books 101 W. 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 a m.-5:30 p.m 14075:M,H,F 20,000 USED BOOKS ail selling at Vz or less of published price Textbooks. CStf Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447:tfn .CERVICES NEW DANCE THERAPY GROUPS now begnnmg Wednesday June 8th. 9:15 p.m.-10:30 p m Friends Meeting House For registration call Enid at 344-4862 or 686-0150 Private sessions available also by appointment 01854 :6 STORAGE WANT TO GET SPACED OUT? Wle are now offer ing SPECIAL STUDENT RATES! Share a storeroom with your friend and fie rent will be even cheaper. Bring this ad and your I D. for discounts MINI-MAXI Storage 24-hour access RENT-A-GARAGE 4445 Franklin Btvd 747-5757 Eugene, Or 97403 01242:mwf TYPING _ TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rates Close to campus 344-7689 00564 :muw EXPERIENCED TYPIST: IBM Correcting Selec tric: Pica. Eite: Graduate Approved; 344-18286:6 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR B.O.A (Blow-out. oil. adjust) Manual.$12 Electric $14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Delivery Call 342-2022 day or night Work Guaranteed — References THESES, Dissertations. Long Papers. Correctng Selectric, Graduate approved Pick-up-delivery Sandy, 343-9391 00682tfn TYPING—IS YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Seiec trie. Graduate School approved. Will pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 686-3627.2710:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric. Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 14501.tfn EXPERIENCED TYPIST: IBM Correcting Selec tric; Pica, Eite; Graduate Approved; 344-1828 6:6 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for al typing needs IBM Cored Corredmg Selectric Graduate ap proved. Carolyn Sherrel. 344-7231. 01883:6 OUTDOOR GEAR SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. Manufacturer of htghi quality sleeping bags and of fers them to you at reasonable prices Also complete line of custom fitted backpacks Why pay more when you can get the best? Buy from SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. 455 HI01 St. 485-2341 01665Tfn RECREATION CHARLIE’S TOO 525 East 13th 12 to 12 Pinbal-Foosbail Pool Tables - Video Games Also, Charlie s Pool 2645 Willamette 11 a.m. to 1 a m. All Week! 14461 sb mCYCLES MEN’S 3-SPEED: Good condition, lock, leg-kght 344-3464. 6:6 ITALVEGA SUPER SPECIAL E, 25", professional, custom-equipped. Lightweight. Sacrifice S375, offer. 687-1886. 6:6 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes. Featuring a wide variety of accessories. Michelin tires and tubes 14620lfn STU'S BIKE SHOP 344-2175 - 771 BLAIR Authorized dealer for top value. European kght w eights GITANE of France. From $125 VISCOUNT of England. From $139 0189:Sb WOMEN S SEARS 3-SPEED with large back bas kets. men's Rolfast 10-speed. Both new tres $25 each or best offer 688-0707 6:6 RICHARD’S Bike Shop Saa the Brand New TAKARA’S Fui Sendee on ALL Bftae -Service aid CkiaMy” 2495 Hilyard 345-0477 01202:6 f»ARS/CYCLES PLEASE BUY OUR CAR 1968 Chevy Malibu Good condition, low mileage Only $400 342-4624. 6:6 '72 HONDA SL 350, excellent condition, low miles, first $400. call 345-1884 66 1971 MAZDA RX-2. Good condMon Air condition ing. Tape player $800 or best Oder 343-3588 6:6 1968 VW CAMPER — New rebuilt engine, new brakes, greet for traveling! $1675 or best offer 343-2198 66 ’62 VW BUS. 6000 miles on engine-transrrxsswn overhaul, H.D shocks Fully insulated, sleeps 2 $900 or ? 343-1998 66 '67 OLDS CUTLASS with tape deck, also 63 Fal con Futura, each $200 or best offer Stop by Geol Rooms 240 or 241. Ask for Randy or Paul or 344-3426 6:6 1969 Saab 96 AM-FM new interior, new transmis sion $1000. 345-2216 evenings, nights. 6:6 MUST SELL 1967 Kawasaki 350 Runs good $225 or best offer 344-1592 6:6 BRITISH AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND SERVICE EUGENES COMPLETE BRITISH CAR PARTS SUPPLIER Accessories and Trim Competition Electrical Semper it Tires "Tune-up Common replacement parts slocked Factory original parts imported from England Obsolete Unusual parts special ordered 579 Garfield 345-7383 6:6 1970 FORD GALAXY 500. Good condition $500 Call evenings 726-6882 6:6 1976 SUZUKI GT500 Immaculate, sissy-crash bars. 2200miles, two helmets. $950 746-0030 6:6 1970 TOYOTA COROLLA SPRINTER. 2 door. 4-sf>eed. radio, heater, good condition, $1,000 or best offer 464-1795, 688-9187 66 ENJOY SUMMER ON THIS 1974 Suzuki 380 Under 2,000 miles. Cost $1350, sell $600 6869258 66 1966 VOLV0122S WAGON — very good running condition. New Radials. New brakes Am leaving country $1400 or offer Anne 343-4102 6:6 AUTO REPAIR M A B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14808:tfn THE PHOENIX GARAGE Engine rebuilding and maintenance for Volks wagons and Porsches By appointment. 247 South 2nd Street, Springfield 726-8811 01804:6 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagons 342-3952 12070:tfn CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service. 1938 West 8th 3467785 TRANSPORTATION RIDE NEEDED PORTLAND — Eugene Friday. Eugene-Portland Sundays, through summer. Share expenses, company. Free ride — drive my stuff to Portland after finals Daniel 344-1637. 6:3 HAVE PICK-UP WILL MOVE you back to Sac ramento on or about June 13. 345-0294. 6:6 TWO NEED RIDE TO S.F., June 10-11. Share gas. driving. Cal Ronda 345-3090. 6:6 NEED RIDE EAST after Inals. Can help drive, pay gas Tma 343-4791. 6:6 WANTED_ USED PHONOGRAPH WANTED, under $35 Call 686-4961 days Evenings and weekends 344-5617. 6:6 HEAVY BAG lor punching and kicking, to hang from garage ceiling. Evenings 485-1571. 6:3 ARE YOU MOVING? $25 reward for nice 1-bedroom house, cottage Quiet area, small yard South Eugene or close rural To $150 Come by (after 4 p.m.) or write 2119 lorane Highway 6:6 $25 REWARD. LOOKING FOR PERMANENT HOUSE rental under $150 Excellent references 344-5987 6:6 IF YOU HAVE A WATER BED for sale — heater, bag and frame — call Ciff between 8 a m and 5 p.m., at 687-3505 6:6 REWARD: $25. Foron^bedroom house, duplex or detached apartment $140 or less Come by 361 E 131h #9 evenings 6:6 HELP WANTED NOW HIRING lor Portland State University Van guard. student newspaper News ecttor. associate editors, metropolis editor, stall writers, copy editors, business manager, ad sales, graptxc artist, arts editor, type setters Applications available at 429 Smith Memorial Center. PSU or P O Box 751, Portland 97207 01852:6 SUBJECTS NEEOED FOR Cognitive Laboratory s subject pool. Pay is $2 50 an hour Cal the Cogni tive Lab*686-4941 or 68&A962 from 8-5 01890:6 SUMMER CAMP DIRECTOR Christian camp Program, stall, traning and adminstrative duties Contact Ed Patterson. Bend Met* YJ4-0S94 6:6 ADVERTISING AGENCY NEEDS men and women models For appointment call 687-1153 01893:30 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK witi the handicapped Pearl Buck Center Must be eKgible lor worK study or can receive pracbcum credit through ESCAPE or Special Education Call Laura Krenk at 345-8506 02916:6 SUMMER TEACHER, Union Point Academy Elementary class ol 6. non-smoker $300 per month. Own transport, any ageican drive. 5 days. 2 random oil Nature study, farm-home skills carpen try, crafts, etc Resume to P.O Bax 5205 Eugene Oregon 97405 6 6 GOOD PAYING PART-TIME JOBS lor Fall term Apply NOW Footnotes. Room 15. 0183820 GRADUATE TEACHMG FELLOWSHIP position in the ESCAPE Community Services Division is now available lor Fall term This position oilers an excellent opportunity to work in a supportive at mosphere while gaining competency skids in cur nctJum design and field supervision Prior experi ence with community service agencies curriculum development, group process skills, and admin stra tive coordination is desired This position offers a 3 F T.E plus tuition Applications are available at tie ESCAPE office, 327 EMU (686-4351) All applica tion materials are due June 8th, 1977 ESCAPE is an equal opportunity employer Everyone s en couraged to apply 01860 6 PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME Earnings up to $8 per hour No experience neces sary Car and telephone required Call Fuller Brush Co 689-8585 017386 GRAOUATE TEACHING FELLOWSHIP AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER. Job title Infant-todder Educational Coordinator and Trainer Responsibilities: 1 Coordinate and implement classroom training program lor teacher assistance 2 Resource person lor teachers and them assis tants Provide new materials, improve caretaking techniques, offer ideas on classroom manage ment 3 Design documentation system lor childrens personal developmental rate and re commend curriculum tor such Qualifications 1 Student accepted and enrolled in masters or doctoral program by September 15. 1977attheUofO 2 Minimum of 1 year experience (at least 20 hours per week) working with infants and toddlers in a GROUP setting 3 Educational background in psychology, health, early childhood education or other areas pertinent to infants and Application Deadline: June 10. 1977 Apply at 1511 Moes, Eugene 01779:6 NEEOED: CREATIVE PERSON TO write captions for cartoonist. Will submit to magazines. 50-50 pro tit 345-6349. 6:3 SUMMER WORK STUDY? We have challenging full/part-time positions starting in June Contact Oil-Campus Housing, Suite 3, EMU. 686-3731 01840:6 HELP WANTED — Summer Term Work-study program aid. For Group home — for retarded adults, near campus. Duties various. $2.50 per hour. Phone 485-1270. 01885:3 TUTORS ARE NEEDED TO ASSIST in an alterna five individualized science course tor hi(fi school students Those interested in open classroom structures offering students a variety of options lor developing science skils are urged to apply. Prac ticum credit available Apply Upward Bound - 322 Condon, ext. 3501. 01886:3 NOW INTERVIEWING FOR SUMMER ANIMAL CARETAKER POSITIONS. Please do not reply unless you have work-study certification for sum mer. $3.13perhour. Can Greg, ext. 4958. 01880:3 PROGRAMMER/KEY PUNCHER job thru the summer and next school year with social learning research protect, must know Fortran, and be full time student this quarter About 20 hours a week. 485-2711. 6:6 NEED RELIABLE, warm church nursery attendant with references, experience with children Sunday mornings. Call 688-0707, 342-3880 6:6 HELP WANTED—Summer Term Work-study skill tutor Expenence with severely retarded adults pre ferred Group home near campus $3 00 per hour Phone 485-1270 01884 3 TUTORS IN WRITING, math, reading. Anthropol ogy. Health are needed lor the summer Upward Bound program Practicum credit is available Apply 322 Condon, ext 3501 01887:3 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will train Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 12035:tfn ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share large three bedroom apartment with two other grts Good location Call 345-3744 6 6 MALE, FEMALE OR COUPLE (preferably Graduate): Own bedroom in 2V> bedroom house fireplace, basement, nice yard West 18th and Otve $75 a month Available June 12 Call Bill. Leigh 343-3521. 6:6 ROOMMATE WANTED, own room in 4 bedroom house $87 50 plus utilities Available June 15 2062 Hityard. 687-0945 . 6:6 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES WANTED, share com fortable, furnished 2 bedroom apartment for sum mer 1 vy blocks from campus Rent $70 a month 750 East 15th. #9 345-5631 68 ROOMMATE WANTED. Share three bedroom house Fireplace washer-dryer $85 monthly 345-7885 6:6 COUPLE, SHARE LARGE 3 bedroom house Fall Creek. 20 mites out Available July 1.$ 137 a month 747-6242 6 6 WANTED: MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE, lo share apartment June 15-August 15 Close to campus, located on 14th and Alder Phone , utilities, depost paid. $117 50 a month Contact Sharman 345-0069 or Juke W . 344-6814 6:6 FEMALE PREFERRED TO SHARE quiet West Sxle house $60 a month 345-0858 5 6 NON-SMOKING FEMALE ROOMMATE to share two-bedroom apartment witi pool Very dose to campus Vy June, all of July and August Can 343-0225 Reasonable 66 ROOMMATE WANTED. 3 Bedroom house. 3 blocks from campus. $80 00 plus utilities available June 11 686-0320 6 8 WANTED — STUDENT TO SHARE house tor summer 15 minute bike nde from campus $92 50 a month References 344-9214 6 6 FEMALE ROOMMATE(S>: To share large two bedroom apartment close to campus tor summer One person $87 50, two people $55 each 344-0180 6 6 FRIENDLY, RESPONSIBLE roommates tor happy home $72-580 745 E 19th 344-1637 6 6 SEEKING ROOMMATE ter 2-story 3-bedroom house in South Eugene Washer-dryer, secluded backyard Summer or longer preferred $96 plus utilities Steve. 343-0319 6 6 1TOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT AT 19th and Halyard Available now Rent $65, no utilities no lease 343-1744 6:6 SUMMER SUBLET — Furnished 2-bedroom apartment 1750 Alder front $170 Avalabie June 12 342-3954 6 6 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, sublet tor summer, quiet neighborhood. 425 East 30th rent negotiable 342-3093 6 6 $70 SUMMER RATES — QUADS FuHy furnished, unities paid, laundry, parking Close campus 485-0291 1360 Alder 484-0804 01892:8-9 $25 RESERVES FOR FALL Furnished quads, laundry, perking 485-0291 1360 Alder 484-0604 01891 :sb 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, Ur block oft campus Dishwasher, air conditioner $220, utilities in cluded 687-2091 or 345-9719 6 6 NEED A PLACE FOR SUMMER? Men s co-op — $60 a month. Available June 15 to September 15 Contact Philadelphia House. 344-8344 6:6 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM three blocks from campus. Lots of privacy for quiet male. $70 per month includes kitchen use and utilities 687-1257. g-a UNFURNISHED THREE BEDROOM apartment Fireplace, carpel, drapes, stove, refrigerator, gar den Lovely and spacious Three blocks U.O No children or pets Lease. $240 per month summer: $270 per month Fall Water and garbage paid. 344-7215. 6-8 p.m. only 6:6 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Summer sublet $155. Near campus, call 687-2175. Pool available 6:23 LARGE, FURNISHED, Two bedroom apartment, $155 summer rate. 1647 Mill St., 686-0439 6:7 Monday, June 6, 1977