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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1977)
(Continued from Page 1) Commencement Architect Yeon has received international acclaim for his design of the Aubrey Watzek House in Portland built in 1937. In 1948 Yeon’s design of the Visitor’s Information Center in Portland again earned recogni tion for its destinctive character and land scape. A conservationist as well as a designer, Yeon served on a variety of regional com mittees concerned with natural scenery in the 1930s. He was chairer of the Columbia Gorge Committee of the Natural Resources Board during the Roosevelt administration and was instrumental in the creation or Rooster Rock State Park. His many awards include the highest award in architecture from the American Institute of Arts and Letters. All candidates are to report to their as sembly areas at 1:45 p.m. Immediately fol lowing commencement ceremonies, vari ous receptions within the departments will be held to give graduates an opportunity to chat with University Pres. William Boyd and faculty. The public is invited to attend graduation. CLASSIFIEDS (Personals continued from Page 15) DHi HQ BOS sec: No buMo cNpe Sat-nfte. Happy 20ttv Watergate Is over 63 MYOTONY HOK — McOonakfs. exercising popcorn . . . Great year! Love you all, Mr. Melody 63 MOOTS ANGELS: Hava (un In LA. and a happy summer n mtea you. Beany. 63 DONORS needed ORnNw 8 Unite; O Negates 2 Un** A Podtee 6 Units; A Negative 2 Units; AB Positive 1 Unit. GM4S6-B111 tor an ^polnenent. SOS: Mars Its. you chudJNtssd. PorYt Bear. 63 MJWSOUMM: Youdo teat sosrsil Have km m Haasal Ohms who? 63 TMME MY: To tie bastes! big staler In D.G. S Good luok on Inals and have an sadtlng summer! Lowe. Karen. 63 Mi Mi UTTLK MUM — Thank* ter tie ten and Iswotal Good kick on (teats. En|oy your summer and M's maka It aP wodt No Mil Much Iowa, Vow man at M Kappa W. 63 HOMY — Haras lo Oiy baar at 5 am.. Tuna TncMn’ 7 days a weak. aP N0M studying and cour* laaa oupa ot coliaa. lots of butsNt. and ona groat Wand Thanx tor the memories Lanea-O-Bongo. 63 T.LL. • 00*00: ConyitiJsSons on your srv gagamant Lowe. Nancy 6 OanaH. 63 MV OTMCK—Boon a graat yaar. mlaa you total Good kick at CMC. Oont drtwe tha boya too wldl TAM. 63 Lime OWBi — lot's moat In MmeapoPs How aboil S yoara? Saa you 6tan. Trua 63 KKLLY, What Wo wodd naads Is a Mend Ika you. You rs tee baatl Lous, Tom. 63 MM tM MMI May you nowar tergal tea bind (Mas, TaquHa Sunrtaae (hsMtah). Np ac tion, our teouaanrli ot phono cals and maaaagM, our lack at tea two aaaanlala. and at course al tea GOOO FUNt Keep on SmHn’ SwaaUsI Lows. Saw Saa (ate). 63 The Id H. And I THUS VAN LEER/ INTROSPECTION 2 ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED I BY ROGIER VAN OTTERLOO Saint Saens Piano Concertos NO IIH 0 MAJOR M S M F MAJOR Philippe Entremont I .‘(UK IlhNIKMH CAPITOti: Df: TOl l(X Sf MKHH.PIASSOVfOMX (TC* Featuring all the thousands of great artists on the CBS Masterworks and Melodiya catalogs. • raw .f ROSTROPOVICH CONDUCTS SHOSTAKOVICH SYMPHONY NO. 14 FOR SOPRANO, BASS & CHAMBER ORCHESTRA GAUNA VISHNEVSKAYA, SOPRANO MARK RESHETIN, BASS ENSEMBLE OF SOLOISTS OF THE MOSCOW PHILHARMONIC adimir Horowitz lyWORIT i: BFJ-THCK'KN NtKAIAS Moonlight, Appassionato, Pathctiquo Your Campus Book & Record Shop BRWBAMO¥IQ:WI*Hnqyouat*iWatt birthday, and watch oul... * tiow a^cala* are tohaningl Law*, *» Cupcok* Pharaom 83 TO TMB KAPPA COACMBB, Mac. Cut*, and W*t tta, you're no. 1 swan H wm'rm nott From ai your hummar* and boppars. 63 LOOKOUT1 Karr-ao* «■ b* 21 on Juna 26. Pad, OiOya, Brtl*. BEWAREIH EV.63 PLAYOFFS AT THE PAD FRIDAY 6 p.m. SUNDAY Noon YOUR BEER, BASKETBALL, BIG SCREEN AND BLAZER SPECIALISTS. 62 mHrwr parahaw required during pareaa. PADOOCK TAVERN 3666 t AMMi 018763 am — ft* boat dream data a Sigma Nu could haw*, deni may too long In North Dakota, n Da waMng. D.H. 63 VOHD MCALirrVt: Wa rn going back horn* tc th* Land of ft* Mdnlght Sun to haw fun. Haw* a good aummar and aa* you In *» W. Ed and Kan. 63 OCAH V. JO CARLBON. Thanks tor making IN* yaar more fun 6tan a haad odd, more sacBtog than UMar Boom-Boom, and more oondorttM* *ian anyttUng I mm doing laat yaar at M* 6m* Low. TS. «3 PRMCCBB—Congratutadonal Commandng oreo BIGGER and BETTER Mngr Qredaa — Otdfyd ogy 404: A; ARHB8: C-; Portando Lo Soudo: A ♦. Good took: Am. JB. Mka, Undo. SHrtay, Rk*. I min. Tony.S. Whala. Marianna. Robin, Greg, E. John. Wandy, and Chrt* and Guy 63 ■'IMUMMRBOLT,” a *161* racist papar, ahodd b* uaad In dla bafroom. whore 6t* iwhnlaa who artto I. can read M 63 COW. tnal aaarna antroplc dtotaat* ft* roaa la now our*. (66gha and biagwndy laoa) Wsl daappaar to Idaho, atm out a trace Low, Pooh 63 , Thank* lor balng 6ta boat RIGHT HAND MEN ha boan gadl Low. Th* MhMa Roaa CotaL 63 KFA, Thanka tor nina larrftc inorth*. CongraUa 6ona on your iqwomlnq graduMori Low, MD63 BQMA MTB, Thanka ao mudt lor a aupar yaar. W* low you ai.Th* 76-77IkPdla Roaa Court: Kbn, Baba, Sharon, EHa*n, Tammy, Sua, Laura, Mm. 63 ROBBBMM: To it* baatCNO big ato, blanks lor awrytdng and good luck on 6nal*. Your MS* ala, Diana. 63 TDAOK AMO VAMA — Qua puado daolr? — aa oapt: Taut* la Bond*. Tacky T , card*, tkktkktg and -«— - --« - n» s- m mTiOBOliy, iiaMQHi OwTKJnQ#, rwWB, fl vail hsvds, Brack, msn, Cinon, Itopiid pHw, Funk, bufpInQ, in piin, boobs, rtlsinoi dssk, wSd csr nooni, os sen, nso nSSOSO WOHiSl, ftnu fTsSSm^ you guy* a tot) Low, Tamara 63 IMWmB. CAATOOM6T6 NEEDED tor humor oua nawapapar. Inquire: Th* Portland Inquirer, 1017 S.W. Morrison. 67206 Phono: (503) 227-4661 63 MPOALL.Thay may not b* mlaNHi. tad at laaat you can aay you're got a nto* pair d bUtots. Th* Know Captain Vldao of oourea. 63 2NO MO note — CourtdowrH Two tweaks ID too Mg 2-1 Take »In aside (Mde?). 36 _83 BBCKV, Haas a great IlgM homo Baa you to Boa ion In a tew days Friendly's or Rennes? Yorrt aoon h* Lowe, Oswtd. « 3 MB. OBNOMOUS, Thanks ter *» good Bmee . The *uth nowar hurts, B haa boon roal lun. Jssl 83 DALI — WMwui you tw part 6 morthe woMd haws baon aartuBy dt*. Lora. Sue 83 RfHprrff. a droam, a reteree. VO, SR. BBR, and #»Bu??1 Thanks ter toe best 63 BOM, BOM BOM. BOM MOM MOM, Thanks tor (Snnar, dandng and paaami, and passes* ** <*d Your Phi's. ®a UQHTWBKIHT, Ws~we coma a long way baby, bd Mo bast b yot k> come Lows skaays, LaRy 63 MU IOTA MU BONOWTY MB I BM — As #» academic ysar mnds ID a doss, I hop* youVa laatnad toe anaswta to these IngtorMnl quadloni. Is Itiara Ba sMsr loo cnaam? Can ana hang a spoon bom one's noaa? Wtoera can Nauga Nda? Oo you know I Iowa you? 63 DID YOU KNOW? Evan though you ara anrolad spring Won, you naed to fils a Registration Request card It you're planning to rsgietar for courses during the Summer Session. Thera la still time to do It so stop by 64 PLC or the Registrar's Office. 01617:6 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS, PICNICS. DANCES etc $75 and up 896-3913 028851fn IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO FILE YOUR REGISTRATION REQUEST CARO FOR THE SUMMER SESSION Stop by room 64 PLC or Bte Registrar's Office 01844 6 VETERANS Contact the VA Tutonal Office about your benefits For into cal 686-3232 007306 HOW ABOUT A FRESH BAGEL OMON GARLIC RAISIN WHOLE WHEAT GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 ALDER 018606 TO ALL OP TMK QBM-B on 2nd loor Pompasa — Thanks tor maMng me tael welcome and for your MaraM*. Lowe PaSa 63 KILL, You pMtod mo bom ha* and put me kt haawen, and nnawar target S Fdends Me you are tar ewer Lows always. Pass 63 DBAR OAMD, good luck on your Inalal Thanks tor aB your swport. I Iowa you, LowaBacky .P S Raad toe personate awarydayt 63 SlBtBONANPlSMhlAP^^ and Good kxkt __ QOC MQHT CMW stsff6 'JSV MAXS tig; is':* Fritlav 4-6 Pitcher Sale ■*".~ I- rida> 9-2 / Foxe & Weasel 7 (SI cover) r' Saturday 9-2 I McKenzie River Boys (SI cover) wo k. mil JAMBB—A waafc from today, wa'I b* on our way, Horn* to Q.F.N.O. I latow yaul do gM on you towto. but goad lut* anyway. Thank* for a good yoarl Low*. Brook* 83 two bua Hoggaaa and w* tow* ya boMI Happy 1 ah from your frtanda In Handaraon. Low*, th# GANG 63 MA: TMB BMLTY SCREAM BOB BE TMUTICW AMD THE OTHERS SBSBLY CHUCKLE. HUMOR » A DYING ART ROHM. 63 MCK. ARM, DAVE, BAWL, OEM. DON. JOHN, OMNY. beat Baba: Thartw tor a ha* of a Than** tanay — I Iowa YoM -Your »■**** 63 MARQARET PUJNHM AMD KATHY QMFHNI anoa? Congrra* anyway and good luck- Maa you -« M • - *■- . >l “* wWV' » -9, BWaOjr* ’FOtau®# ^Bnl| I Cortrma — 6* JULIE AND DEANNA YotfroWo ( 63 ^•uooMyoMltegotwr nw»ii»Wiwy>w) To Mvy Jb. AM*. OMy. LonMno, P. Laro, Sam. PM CM. M0. Nek. Oovo. Don. John. Amo Oaono, Bob 8.. Boh M OoaMPmMnlp? 63 You ham MM my Mo. Touched H deep UMn. I hope «o moot opMn 63 QUeU WHAT? 1 pm. today kbM Ikne you ow» phoe a CMM Ad Mo Mu Oooo 6M get wayr ajmin ter aw oflitf MMteui botfv fttei) moving? I at, aMi A0e on down to 6te EMU Mein Deek, tto Boofcekxe, or 6to Emerald aMoao on the 6Wd door of ft* BAU ond ooy DM you nood to aay • 63 Mexican food at its best! RESTAURANT ti kick 6l tk6 Oikwiy Mall OPfN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon Sit. II AM 9 PM Sundays I? noon lo 8 PM