POOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to torn large three bedroom apartment »4lh two other girls Good location Cal 346-3744. 83 CLEAN, HONEST ROOMMATE WANTED to ahare River Road Area 2 bedroom houee with nice yard. $112.50plustouWtise. 886-0771 before3p.m. 03 OWN FtOOM, TWO BEDROOM duplex furnished June 15 to September 15 Near campue. $80 plus utilities 345-8138. 8:3 ROOMMATE WANTED, own room In 4 bedroom house $87.50 plus uSktlet Available June IS 2082 HNyard. 887-0945. 6:8 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Share with two cithers $67 Available June 5. 342-1888 63 NICE, FOUR BEDROOM HOU8E AND quiet neighborhood Ten minutes from campus Need roommates $67 per person 342-8428 83 NEED FEMALE ROOMMATE. Share two bed room apartment. 19to near Onyx $95 plus utilities 344-0318 63 THREE ROOMS AVAILABLE M MCE, OLDER HOME. Sundeck, fireplace, share household duties $95. $90. $75/month not Including utilities Call Mark 344-3360 or 2026 Agate 63 SHARE TWO BEDROOM apartment for summer Pod,taocuzi.sauna $105 343-5779evenings 63 SEEKING ROOMMATE lor 2-story. 3-bedroom house in South Eugene Washer-dryer, secluded backyard Summer or longer preferred $96 plus utilities Steve. 343-0319 68 OWN ROOM. TWO BEDROOM apartment fur nshed June 10 to September 10. $95 Near cam pus. 686-9106 63 mar. 1 to btodts horn oampue. Rant $70 a monto 780 Bad 1MR. #8. NHH1. 88 FOR RENT SAVE MONEY. Four day* rant Iraa on uirma sublet Large two bedroom furnished apartment I'd block* from campus Swtmmng pool, ckah washer, fireplace, parking $210 per month 344-3453 6:3 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment pod. dshwasher dspoaal. covered parking June rent negotiable 1255 MM St $210 Cal 345-0964 6:3 SUBLET ONE BEDROOM, June rent free 1750 Alder, available June 15, 343-3541 66 UNFURNISHED 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Balcony overlooks MMrace. smal meadow will bunnies $175 a month 1805 Garden Ave . #21 465-2658 66 SPOTLESS. NON-SMOKING, raaponwde womai needed to share beautiful apartment for summer Close campus Now $92.50 484-0664 after 11 Pm. _ 6:6 1 and 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. Nicely fur nished. dishwasher, disposal, fireplace, shag 345-5185 01876:3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM three blocks from campus Lots of privacy for quwt male. $70 per month includes kitchen use and utilities 687 1257 _ 66 UNFURNISHED THREE BEDROOM apartment Fireplace, carpet, drapes, stove, refrigerator, gar den Lovely and spacious Three blocks U O No children or pets Lease $240 per month summer: $270 per month Fall Water and garbage paid 344-7215 6-8 p.m only 6 6 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Summer sublet $155 Near campus, call 687-2175 Pool available 6:23 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Top. Ironl location in Blackstone June Free Avail able June 13 $210 par month. 344-8797 6:3 FURNISHED, BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOUSE Deck Available lor the summer Call 342-6469 6 3 QUADS $65 A MONTH. Summer rate starling June 15 One block from University. Call 687-0505. 01813:6 HOUSE— one block Irom campus Own room — full use of house — Ironl and back yards with big trees (cool In summer) Comfortable. $85 per month 344-8384 6:23 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Modern, clean Pool, dishwasher, carpel Pets o k $135, 343-7044 alter 6 p.m 6:3 NO DEPOSIT mmuj for summer - ^ *, w « «•**. 2 bedroom, furnished townhouee. $195. 1805 Gar den Mil Race Apts #36 — 342-2310 or Terry ext 4381 afternoons 83 LARGE QUADS 8PECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER Private bath, all utilities paid, fume had, Vi block from campus Laundry and parking tacifties. OS PIRG agreement Rent June 15-Septerrtjer 15, at $72.50 per month $50 refundable deposit 738 E. 18th, 687-0143. or Kent 484-2022 01735Ifn 686-4436 6.6 $50 PER MONTH Cooperative Houang June 13 to September 16 791 East 151h St $79.50 QUADS SUMMER RATES LARGE. NICELY FURNISHEO. PRIVATE BATHS. PRIVATE REFRIGERATORS, LIKE NEW. PARK IMG. AIR CONDITIONED. UTILITIES INCLUDED. Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS AND TENNIS COURTS RESERVATIONS FOR FALL TERM ALSO BEING ACCEPTED HURRY. ONLY A FEW UNITS REMAINING Cell first 346-1272 751 East 16th 016746 LARGE 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT in older house — skyktfits. new carpeting, unusual floor plan Available June 1st. Summer rale $285 a month 360 East 11th or cal 344-7039 (after 6 p.m) 620 SUMMER RATES Quads $65 per month 2 Bedrooms $125 per month Vi Woe* from campus 951 E 19th Ave 343-8751 63 5 BEDROOM HOUSE Spaoous and only Vi Nock from campus $325 per month 343-8751 63 SUMMER SUBLET — SPACIOUS 3 bedroom town house near campus — 630 E 14th St. #5 — $210, negotiable 345-1016 63 FREE JUNE FOR NEW Summer 2-bedroom apartment Pool, fireplace, dishwasher, block from campus, opt on lor fall 485-8147 6.3 LARGE, FURNISHED, Two bedroom apartment. $155 summer rate. 1647 Mil St. 686-0439 6.7 SUBLET 2-BEDROOM apartment Furnished, pool, <1 shwasher. quiet area 5 blocks from campus $210 1255 Mill 687-2164 63 SUBLET LARGE TWO BEDROOM APART MENT. Furnished with freezer June 10 to Sep tember 15. 485-2678 evenings Five minutes from campus 6:3 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, available June 11, 1750 Alder. June free, rent negotiable 343-6406 63 SUMMER AND FALL RESERVATIONS OPEN. Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom. Summer rales 1819 Kincaid, from 2 to 6 p.m 0184823 Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER One and two bedroom furnished apartments near U of O All have water and gaitoage service fur nished Some have heat 0108111n NICE TWO BEOROOM APARTMENT. Furnished. Close to campus Available June 15 Call 344-7160 63 $25 REWARD if you sub lease nice 1 bedroom apartment. Vi block from campus. $140 345-6471 63 SUBLET FURNISHED 2 bedroom apartment Blackstone Manor $150 a month Available June 11 687-9289 6:3 QUIET, SHARP, FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, shag carpet, fireplace, nicely land scaped with lots of parking No children or pets Summer rates 687-9408. 344-6279 6:6 AWESOME FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APART MENT with fireplace, pool, full appliances, 2 blocks from campus Available tor summer 750 1 5th, $210 686-6029 or 686-6038 6:6 large two bedroom apartment, furnished, laundry, alx blocks from campus, $140 summer rale. 484-1619 or 669-1061 63 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Btacksfrxie Manor, 1750 Alder. Rant negotiable. 343-9064 6:6 RENT FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APART MENT . Dishwasher, disposal, deck. pod. Close to campua. Cal 4-8 p.m. 345-4712. 63 AWESOME FURM8HED 2 bedroom apartment with fireplace, pod, fui appiances, 2 blocks from campus Available for summer. 750 15th. $210. 686-6029 or 686-6038 63 FREE JUNE RENT. Sublet furnished two bedroom; pod, carpet, terrace, dishwasher. $210.345-1684. REWARD 63 2 BEDROOM BLACKSTONE APARTMENT. Pnme location, nice fumifrjre. $19S/June rent paid. 344-8507 63 QUAD TRIAD Unique design. Close to campus No lease re quired Available now. Reserve for summer and fall. 343-1477. 01726rtfn CAMPUS QUADS $95/$115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and private baths 1810 Harris 686-2470 144633n SUMMER SUBLET — Large furnished two bed room apartment. View, dose to campus Available June 12. 342-3959 6:6 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, JUNE 1st available, money bonus, contract thru August 343-2639, Blecfcatone Manor. 6.6 RESERVE REASONABLE CONVENIENT one bedroom apartment for fall. 735 E. 17th. Tele phone 343-7219 or 344-1583. 63 GRATIS ADORABLE WHITE LONG-haired kittens Have shots. 464-1577, after 230 pm. 63 GALLON AND HALE-GALLON amber reagent bottles are available tree in the Chemistry Teaching Lab. B10 Science It Not suitable for fool or wine usage 63 PETS HOME WANTED tor 6-month-old female tiger cat. km^tar. sweet deposition. 343-3581. g:3 T OST 8 FOUND eMft at Aween^LShatv Tuesday. May's Vtknow 8M-6161 83 *100 — CAW — LOOT WBMRHY. CoddTt hM bowi a harder Sme Mfce — 728-7226 63 BLACK AND WHTTE MALE CAT. no collar, two years old: last 6 weeks ago. Help mend our broken hearts HIGH REWARD 686-8715 63 LOST: CAT, MALE, kn^iared black, one year old. I miss him. 342-7886 63 MARKET BASKET For A* Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUSTPROOUCE Is Just That 742 East 24tti 343-5393 14570MWF GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meats, pizzas and more Miller's Grocery. 1065 E. 20th Open 10-10 Sunday-Thumday. 10-11 Frtday-Saturday. 143Q3:MWF IT OOP & DRINK ORIENTAL CAFETERIA ANO GROCERY Spring rolls, barbeque pork, tenyaki chicken, tempura, fish and vegetable Combination plates $1.50. We ac cept food stamps for groceries BAMBOO PAV1LUON 1275 ALDER Monday-Frlday, 11-730 Saturday, 12-730 00667MWF COME AND SEE HOW WE VE CHANGED We are now offering a complete selection of nutritional supplements and vitamins. CONSIDER US YOUR NUTRITIONAL CENTER We still offer the finest of natural foods snacks Including homemade sandwiches GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 ALDER 01868:6 MKIVI nairimmi 1606 East 196i. Eugene s own New York Del SMarla, meats, chasaaa, sandwiches. grocertse. picnics, dnnera. Catering — weddings and all oc casions Monday-Saturday 14479mwf THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old-fashlonad natural lea cream, sweetened with honey or sugar, frozen yogurt. Mattel loss, non-dairy ice cream, pastries, coffees and teas Now teaming homemade soups salads end sandwiches Open Datty neon to ntdntgM. 326 State Across tarn George's Garage 14641MWF THE CREPEKY For a unique luncheon, dinner. Omelets and other delghts. Crepes. Demerts. Garden Vegetables. 770 EMI 11*. 348-0340. 7 a.m -10 pm 14480MWF EVENTS ASIAN AMERICAN FACT FINDING COMMISSION FONTMI ATI don tor toe U d^SMtoadhTot^^M hold a ManeonWanantpui Tto» pubic meeangidlbe too toat of many to aoSc* Input on S» typee of aendoaa needed tor Aden AmadranWaMWtotoe UdO. Wt lequeet toe praaanna of W tooaa concerned 01«7to3 ENTERTAINMENT FUN WITH YOUR KIDS ■MM THEATRE CO.'S ANDROCLES AND THE LION 83,23 y, 3-12 Jam Seadon eeary Sunday. 330-130 am. 00571f SATURDAY M A* 2 pm., and Soar, Atrium ChHtfcen *1. Aduht $2 10to and Otoe. 837-0733 KUROSAWA'S MASTBVECE 7 SAMURAI mnl Mhl At 8 pjL Miy. Rad. Admladan mat Sat A Sun. at 2 pm. — M.AI THE RESURRECTION OF EVE RATS) X — 013863 SHAMPOO With WARREN BEATTY. JULIE CHRISTE, GOLDIE HAWN 150 Science Friday, June 3 Saturday, June 4 7 end 9 JO p.m. $1.25 01847:3 MEN DON'T READ THK First 50 lades into Murphy's from 2 to6 p m Friday get free MMer T-shirts. 018733 THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURS. KFMY 980 Midnite Movie THIS WEEK RALPH BAKSHI’S WIZARDS From Ralph Bakshi. master at animation, comes an epic fantasy in wondrous color. A vision of the world 10 mifcon years in the future, where Wizards rule the earth and the powers of magic prevail over the forces of technology in the final battle tor world supremacy BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY 01863:3 EMU BEER GARDEN FEATURING THE UNIVERSITY JAZZ LAB BAND FRIDAY, JUNE 3 4 to 7 p.m. I D. REQUIRED 01861:3 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS, WEEKENDS Telephone tor Reservations: Windgate Farms. 996-6789 1346tfr CMEMA7 ATNUM BULONQ, SECOND FLOOR 10*i and Otva. 687-0733 TOMTE THRU SUNDAY KUROSAWA'S MASTERPIECE 7 SAMURAI Tha original uncut vacalon of Si# ultimate OawsurN Hm. At • pm only. Red. Admtseion nut Sal A Sun at 2 p.m. 01885:3 THE ANAMQA HARQA SOOETY " QUACKSER FORTUNE HAS A COUSIN IN THE BRONX Gene Wider stars as a wacky horse manure collector in DuMn, Ireland. Ule is nothing tut hm ter happy-go-lucky Quacfcser, but suddenly things get compScatod when he Hods himself face to face with true love and automation. Sriurday, Jute 4 (1 180 PIC 7 and g pjn. 018703 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 930 to 1030, Friday — 4-6 p m MCHELOBON TAP Entertainment four nights a week. 13688If n EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE RED BALLOON SNOOPY COME HOME AtM&tful waytoretax before toe windM of trials. Two Sms that wit take you back to ctxtdhood. JUNE 3 7 and 9 p.m 180 PLC Stodents $1 - Chidren 50« PERSONAL FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? UKE RUNG YOUR REGISTRATION REQUEST CARO FOR SUMMER SESSKMt Stop by Room 64 PLC or toe Registrar's OMce 01776* SELF-STOR MOfVKXJAL STORAGE UNO RENTALS Sizes5ft x 5ft . 5« x10ft.. 10ft x 10ft . and larger. 344-2710 West 11 to and Bertelsen Road 029181fn ATTENTION STUDENTS— Please register and vote absentee balot Vote Yes on #51 to remove Eionde from our water 6* REWARD OFFERED to anyone knowing anything about my atovte, 19" Moroer ten-speed that was recentty stolen from 750 East 15th. PLEASE call Jole SuEvan at 345-5412 6* FOR LAOES ONLY First 50 ladies into Mtaphy’s from 2 to 6 pm. Friday get free MNer T-shirts 01872* fCEO HBJ» ON TER M PAPERS, THESES, ETC.? Professional edttors can give organizational edfting and rewrite assistance WRTTMG SERVICES ASSOCIATES 342-6686 or 736-6414 6:3 STUDENTS ELIGIBLE FOR GRADUATION June 12 who have not received graduation instructions may pick up matenai at 170 Susan Campbell Hal. or cal Ext 3021 01851* NEED A ROE TO UTAH, Arizona or Texas? Cal Ted 343-9022. 6* ••THIS WEEK AT MAX'S" Wednesday — Pretzel Night! Friday — Pilcher Sate 4-6! Fine and Weasel 9-2! Saturday — McKenzie River Boys 9-2! 6* PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. confidential information and free preg nancy lest Call 687-8651 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Ppmg hot Riglt to your door And now we nave two delivery trucks to gve you tastei service Call 342-8111. Now open until i. am Monday to Saturday; Midnight on Sunday 00628:ttn INTERNATIONAL WET T-SHIRT WEEK at the Backdoor May 31st thru June 4th Pnzes lor those in T-shirts- 01839* (Personals continue on Page 16)