FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Share with two others. $67 Available June 5. 342-1686 6:3 MALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE mellow house Quiet location, large garden, live blocks $60. Tom 343-1833. 6:1 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. SHARE 2 bed room apartment. Three blocks from campus. $58 per month. 343-2636. 6:1 FOR RENT NO DEPOSIT SUBLET FOR SUMMER — keep lor fall if wanted. 2 bedroom, furnished townhouae $195.1805 Oar den. Mil Race Apts #36 —342-2310 or Terry ext. 4381 afternoons. 6:3 LARGE QUADS SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER Private bath, all utilities paid, furnished. Vi block from campus. Laundry and parking facHties. OS PIRG agreement. Rem June 15-September 15, at $72.50 per month $50 refundable deposit 738 E 10th, 607-0143. or Kent 484-2022 01735.1fn $50 PER MONTH Cooperative Houang June 13 to September 16 791 East 15th St 686-4435 6* $79.50 QUADS SUMMER RATES LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED. PRIVATE BATHS. PRIVATE REFRIGERATORS, LIKE NEW, PARK ING. AIR CONDITIONED, UTILITIES INCLUDED, Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS AND TENNIS COURTS RESERVATIONS FOR FALL TERM ALSO BEING ACCEPTED HURRY. ONLY A FEW UNITS REMAINING Call first 345-1272 751 East 16th 01674 6 LARGE 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT in older house — skyk^its, new carpeting, unusual floor plan Avertable June 1st. Summer rate $285 a month 360 East 11th or cal 344-7039 (after 6 pm) 620 SUMMER RATES Quads $65 per month 2 Bedrooms $125 per month ^ block from campus 951 E 19th Ave 343-8751 63 5 BEDROOM HOUSE Spacious orty y, block from campus $325 per month 343-6751 63 SUMMER SUBLET — SPACIOUS 3 bedroom townhouse near campus — 630 E 14th St #5 — $210. negotiable 345-1016 63 FREE JUNE FOR NEW Summer 2-bedroom apartment Pod. fireplace dishwasher, block from campus, option (or fall. 465-8147. 63 LARGE, FURNISHED, Two bedroom apartment. $155 summer rale. 1647 MB St.. 686-0439 6:7 SUBLET 2-BEDROOM apartment Furnished, pool, dthwasher. quel area 5 blocks from campus $210 1255 MR 687-2164 63 SUBLET LARGE TWO BEDROOM APART MENT. Furnished with freezer June 10 to Sep terrtjer 15 485-2678 evenings Five minutes from campus 63 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, available June 11, 1750 Alder, June free, rent negotiable 343-6406 63 SUMMER AND FALL RESERVATIONS OPEN. Studio 1 and 2 bedroom Summer rates 1819 Kincaid, from 2 to 6 p m 0184823 SUBLET TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, fireplace, dishwasher, patio, parking, $115 month June 17 to September 10. Marianne ext 5307 or 485-9128 62 Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER One and two bedroom furnished apartments near U of O All have water and garbage service fur nished Some have heat 01081 Ifn NICE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. Furnished Close to campus Available June 15 Call 344-7180 83 S2S RFwann * apartment. Vi block from campus. $140 345-6471 6:3 SUBLET FURNISHED 2 bedroom apartment. Black atone Manor: $150 a month Available June 11 687-9289 63 QUIET, SHARP, FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, shag carpet, fireplace, nicely land scaped with lots of perking No ctSkfren or pets Summer rales. 887-9408, 344-6279 6* AWESOME FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APART MENT with fireplace, pod, fu* appliances. 2 blocks from campus Available lor summer. 750 15th, $210 686-6029 or 686-6038 6:6 RENT FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APART MENT. Dishwasher, disposal, deck, pod. Close to campus Cal 4-8 p.m. 345-4712. 66 LARGE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished, laundry, six blocks Irom campus. $140 summer rate. 484-1619 or 689-1081 63 QUADS $66 A MONTH. Summer rale starting June 15. One block from University. Call 667-0606. 016133 SUMMER SUBLET. New two bedroom furnished apartment, 1 Vi blocks from campus. Pod, dish washer, fireplace, covered parking Call 344-2077. 6:1 ROOM IN TWO BEDROOM HOUSE near river — •wo miles from campus. $75per month plus utilities Call 687-8605. Women only 6:1 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Backbone Manor. 1750 Alder. Rant negotiable. 343-9064. 6:6 AWESOME FURM8HED 2 badroom apartment wtth fireplace, pool, tul appliances. 2 blocks from campus Available for summer. 750 15tfi *210. 086-6029 or 666-6036 6:3 FREE JUNE RENT. Sublet furnished two bedroom; pod, carpet, terrace, dishwasher. $210 345-1664. REWARD 63 SUBLET FOR SUMMER 2 bedroom apartment one block from campus. Furnished. $175 per month. 343-7292. 62 2 BEDROOM BLACKSTONE APARTMENT. Prime locaSon, dee trrttre. $195/June rent paid. 344-8507 63 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE Four year old well deeigned quad style home. Wall to wall carpet and paneing Futy appKanced common kitchen living room. With dishwasher, washer-dryer end private refrigerator Easy walk to U of O Pay no utBties, just $105 for freshly painted furnished room. Apply 747-1538 6:1 SUBLET 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, pool dishwasher fireplace. $210 a month 1255 Mill — 345-6682 62 QUAD TRIAD Unique design Close to campus No lease re quired Available now Reserve for summer and fall 343-1477. 01726:tfn SUMMER SUBLET — Large furnished two bed room apartment. View, dose to campus Available Arne 12 342-3959 6:6 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT prime location in Biackslone. $210 per month. A valiable June 13. 3446797. 531 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, JUNE 1st avadebls. money bonue, contract thru August 343-2636. MatkaWna Manor. 66 CAMPUS QUADS S86/S115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and private baths 1810 Herds 686-2470 14463It n RE8ERVE REASONABLE CONVENIENT one bedroom apartment for fan. 735 E. 17th Tele phone 343-7219 or 344-1563 63 GRATIS_ GALLON AND MALE-GALL ON amber reagent bodies are available free h the Chemistry Teaching Lab. B18 Science H Not suitable for food or wine usage 63 PETS MULTI-GRAY COLORED, spayed female cat, quel, even-tempered, mature, a good friend FREE to good home 686-1357, 343-1962 6:1 HOME WANTED tor 6-montttoid female tiger cat. lon^iar. sweet deposition 343-3581 6 3 T OST B FOUND LOST: OOO MOCASSAS female, gold-cotored seller ret never lost Sunday at Trucfcstop Cal col lect 946-1336 Keep trying if no answer 62 TACKY. LIGHT BROWN MEXICAN WALLET lost on campus last week I need the I D bad Please drop oil at the EMU Mam Desk or the Police De partment or mail to 650 E. 30th Avenue. Eugene, Ore 97406 62 PLANT, 3 FEET-MAPLE-UKE TREE, left new Carson Return it where it was Kyoko 686-6329 6:2 LOST: CAT, MALE, lon{?iared black, one yew old. I miss him 342-7666. 6:3 LOST — NEUTERED WHITE -CAT with taffy patches Has flea ooiiw with turquoise ornament Please call 345-6721 62 BLACK AND WHITE MALE CAT, no collar, two years old: lost 6 weeks ago Help mend our broken hearts HIGH REWARD 6:3 REWARD FOR LIGHT BLUE loose-leaf notebook Ful of notes Lost May 27 Cal Ely 746-7452 or leave message at Geog. Dept 6:1 LOST: BLACK WALLET WITH NO LD. and a large sum of money left in Taylor's or vicinity. Am desp erate 343-3644. REWARD 6:31 LOST: GREEN SUEDE WALLET. Need I D. Keep Money. Please take I D. to Main Desk EMU. 6:1 CHURCHES MCC Metropolitan Community Church: A Christian Church reaching the gay community. All meetings open. Worship 7 p.m, 3800 Ferry St. Wednesday Bible Study Information 345-2462. 746-4696 or P.O. Bo* 3076. Eugene. 97403 14870 W For AH Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343-5393 14570*1WF GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meats, pizzas and more. Miller's Grocery, 1065 E. 20th. Open 10-10 Sunday-Thursday. 10-11 Frlday-Saturday. 14303:MWF IT OOP O PRINK GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AUREUO $1 Off Giant Pizza Tuesdays, free movies Vi Pnoe on bar items with regular pizza Sun.-Thurs. after 9:30 p.m. 29th and Willamette 14507:M-H COME AND SEE HOW WE’VE CHANGED We are now offering a complete selection of nutritional supplements and vitamins. CONSIDER US YOUR NUTRITIONAL CENTER We sMI offer tie finest of natural foods snacks. Including homemade sandwiches GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 ALDER 01868:6 THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon, dinner Omelets and other delfts. Crepes, Desserts. Garden Vegetables. 770 East 11th. 342-8340. 7 a.m-10 p.m. 14480MWF MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1609 East 19th. Eugene s own New York Del. Salads, meats, cheeses, sandwiches groceries, picnics, dinners. Catering — weddings and all oc casions. Monday-Saturday I4479:mwf THE MCE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old-fashioned natural ice cream, sweetened with honey or sugar, frozen yogurt, Italian ices, non-dairy ice cream, pastries, coffees and teas. Now featuring homemade soups salads and sandwiches upw uwiy noon to mtanigm, 32S Blair Across from George’s Oarage 14541MWF ORIENTAL CAFETERIA AND GROCERY Spring rolls, bnrbeque pork, teriyala chicken, tempura, fish and vegeMfcie. Combination plates $1.50. We ac cept food stamps lor groceries. BAMBOO PAVtLUON 1275 ALDER Mondey-Frldey. 11-7:30 Saturday, 12-7:30 00667:MWF KWTEKTAWMEWT ACME BUOU PRESENTS FREE FILM SHOWING by HLM STUDIES STUDENT RLMMAKERS 180 PLC tonight 630 p.m 01862:1 EMU BEER GARDEN FEATURING THE UNIVERSITY JAZZ LAB BAND FRIDAY, JUNE 3 ID. REQUIRED 4 to 7 p.m. 018613 THREE NITES Thurs.-Frl.-Sat. BEST SEATMG ON TOURS. KFMY 980 Midnite Movie THIS WEEK RALPH BAKSHI’S WIZARDS From Ralph Bakshi. master of animation, comas an epic fantasy in wondrous color. A vision of the world 10 miSon years in the future, where Wizards rule the earth and the powers of magic prevail over the forces of technology in the final battle for world supremacy. BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY 01863:3 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olve. 687-0733 TOMTE THRU SUNDAY KUROSAWAS MASTERPIECE 7 SAMURAI The original uncut version ol the ultimate Samurai film. At 8 p.m. only. Red Admission mat. Sat. & Sun. at 2 p.m. 01865:3 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS OENE WILDER IN QUACKSER FORTUNE HAS A COUSIN IN THE BRONX SATURDAY, JUNE 4 $1 180 PLC 7 and 9 p.m. 01884:1 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2667 Willamette 344-0818 Happy Hour*: Monday and Wednesday — 930 to 10:30, Friday — 4-8 p.m. MCHELOBONTAP Entertainment four nights a week. 13688If n HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic traits, no glides WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone lor Reservations: Windgate Farms. 998-6789 1346:tfr THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocal si with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday, 9-12 . 14922:M-H SHAMPOO With WARREN BEATTY, JULIE CHRIST*, GOLDIE HAWN ISO Science Friday, June 3 Saturday, June 4 7 and 930 p.m. S1.2S 01847:3 PERSONAL LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 6 Units; O Negative 2 Units; A Positive 5 Units; A Negative 3 Units; AB Positive 1 Unit. Cal 484-9111 tor an appointment U of O CRISIS CENTER IS open every ni£it from 5 p.m. to 8 am. to help you with any problem. Strictly confidential. 686-4488 14546;W WHEN OFTEN IS HEARD a discouraging word which discriminates, denigrates or despairs, cal Affirmative Action, 686-3177, for advice and counsel. 01161:1 TO THE "OLD GUY” IN THE BROWN Z, GHW-S7B: Who are you? Write Laurie 2685 N.W Taylor, CorvaKs. 6:1 PENDLETON SWEATERS AND COMPANY—At this time the W.LA.C. wishes to thank al those participating so wiBngly in W.LA.C. "night man euvers". Your generosity wM soon be forgotten. E.D. and keep a wide-on! HJ. and LR 6:1 COLLEGE AGE WOMAN seriously interested in Iving and working on productive and dedfcated, self-sufficiency based farm starting mid-August until ?? Have had considerable book learning, so expenervce is the key. Needs and requirements are ample. Have car. Please write as soon as possible to Cindy Haprer, 35355 West Lake Drive, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 53066 and state situa tion. location, possible arrangements and phone number. 6:1,6 HOW ABOUT A FRESH BAGEL OMON GARUC RAHM WHOLEWHEAT GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 ALDER 01869:6 YOU'RE THE BEST WORST I've ever ted You said you would've won the butt contest hands down but you were only dreamin babe. In my contest you* always win... I love you very much. 6:1 SAE BAGS, KAK, HOOK Tossing rocks upon the shore Led to a boat ride and s'mores Six lounge chairs and stolen wood Made the Are extra good TV shows and tales at fright Gave us a scare Svoughout tie night Your midnight cruras, no better place to be So very glad to know you three Love Janeil. Beth, Jute 6:1 TO WHOEVER SENT ME that rather sarcastic postcard last week: I hope you tee! you've done humanity a great service, senders of anonymous letters are such exceptional models of courage and constructive achievement. I realty admire you. SF. 6:1 TICKETS FOR “ZEPPUNS" Seattle concert best offer, 345-0054 ask for Dave. 6:1 DEAR DOUGIE-WOUGIE: Thanks for a great year. Where would I be without dream dates, bruises, no pants, the Motet licking, and you? Have tun in Sexington. Your #2 I am sure. 6:1 “THIS WEEK AT MAX'S" Wednesday — Pretzel Night! Friday — Pitcher Sale 4-6! Foxe and Weasel 9-21 Saturday — McKenzie River Boys 93! 6:3 THE TDVUTU0U8 RUSSIAN: "Scrath a Rus sian and you wM wound a Tartar.” The Disarmed Panther 6:1 WE. THE UNDERSIGNED facuky member* uf the University of Oregon, beteve that the University's affiliation with RCTTC should be aboiahed. and we urge our cdtoagues to attend tie faculty meeting on Wednesday, June 1 to vote with us LE. Ward Math B A Barnes Math Margaret Simeral Econ. Richard B. Barrar Math W. Ed Whitetaw Econ. WWam Strange Engl. M. Zavarzade Engl. Barra Toetken Engl. Roland C. Ball Engl. Barbara O’Neil Ub Guido Palandri Ub Christina Woo Lib. Gail Wiemarm Ub. Susan Emerson U>. Daniel Pope Hst Mavis Male Htat. - Sharron R. Sherman Engl. Joseph W. Esherick Hist. Juan A. Sandoval, Jr. Ub. J. Daniel Udovic Bio.. Howard T. Bon nett Biol. W.R. EBott Speech John R. Sheppard Speech WWam Cadbury Speech J. Thibeau Speech Lowel Fiat Speech Larry Wittnebart Speech Amulf Zweig Phil. Cheyney Ryan Phrl Don Levi Pfst. Abed Szymanski Soc. Joe ABman Pol. Sa. Barbara C. Pope Worn. Studies Madrorra Holden Anth. Andy Thompson Counsel. Ctr George Streisinger Bid. Bayard H. McConnaughey Bid. James R. Dwyer Lib. Edward B Thatcher Ub. Paulette Thompson Ub. Angela Jung Chinese Worton Acker Coil Educ. Toby Edson C.E.P.M. Ron Rousseve Educ Peter Dreier Soc. Roy Pode Educ. Jack P Maddox, Jr. Hist. Marion Goldman Soc. Miriam Johnson Soc. Pal Schmudt Educ. David Curland Rom. Lang. Steve Rendaht Rom. Lang. Hee-Jin Kim Rel. Flcbert Tortkinson Anth. Jean Stockard Soc. John Reynolds Arch. GunMa Fmrow Arch. MkJtael Pease Arch. Colette Craig Rom. Lang. Robert Weiss Psy. Louis Olvier Psy. Gordon Dudtey Educ. Nat Teich Eng. Jerry Ftnrow Arch. Pasquale Picdoni Arch. Gary Moye Arch Pd. pokttcai ad: Student-Faculty Committee to remove ROTC from Campus 6:1 ITS NOT TOO LATE TO FILE YOUR REGISTRATION REQUEST CARO FOR THE SUMMER SESSION Stop by roam M PLC or tie Registrar’s Office 01844:6 INTERNATIONAL WET T-SHIRT WEEK at the Backdoor. May 31st thru June 4th Prizes for those in T-shirts. 01839:3 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes5ft.x5ft . 5ft. x 10ft., 10ft.x 10ft , and larger. 344-2710 West 11th and Bertelsen Road 029181fn VETERANS Contact the VA Tutorial Office about your benefits For info cal 686-3232 00730:6 UNO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping hot. Right to your door. And now we have two delivery trucks to give you taster service. Cal 342-8111 Now open until 1 a m. Monday to Saturday: Midnight on Sunday 00628:tfn DID YOU KNOW? Even Ihou0i you are enroled spring term, you need to file a Raglatradon Requeet card H you’re planning to register lor couraee during the Summer Session. There la still time to do it so atop by *4 PLC or the Registrar’s Office. 01(174 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS. DANCES, etc. $75 and up. 896-3913 02885Tin STUDENTS ELIGIBLE FOR GRADUATION June 12 who have not received graduation instructions may pick up material at 170 Susan Campbell Hal. or cal Ext. 3021. 01851:3 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. confidential information and free preg nancy test. Call 687-8651.