fLASSIFlEPS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DASK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10t per word the first day copy is admitted and Sc per word each consecutive day the ad is ryn without change. There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance. The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly. call 686-4343 before 1 p.m.for correction in the next day's issue. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted. There is no refund for ad cancellations. The Emerald will not knowltngly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age. CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE 1TOR SALE JULIETTE STEREO WITH 8-track and FM radto. $75. Call Jane 886-6657. 6:1 YAMAHA 30SOC BIKE, $150 Of trade for good cassette deck. Kingsize waterbed bag $15; Atomic downhill 185's with bindings $40. Dauchstein dow nhill boots 10-845. 21 pound 10-speed Italian bike $50; 1 man Tahiti—$30; ftyrod plus Medaist reel — $25; 2 man lent — $25. 343-0063 63 BEAUTIFUL, COMFORTABLE SUMMER DRESSES by Turtles tuff at Saturday Market Cus tom orders welcome. 62 GENTLEWOMAN GIVES TO every woman an in dividuality. New* arrivals. 1639 East 19th. 343-9555 018583 RECYCLEO-GUARANTEED refrigerators, ranges, washers, dryers ECOLOGY APPLIANCES 769 Monroe Street 687-1990 14016:W FRESH ROASTED COFFEES On Campus NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 782 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 00980J4WF THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, photo equipment, etc. Buy sell and trade. 00697:MWF CALCUTTA CLOTH ON SALE. $1.25 a yard Regular $1.75 a yard. Andrea s, 2441 Hilyard. 345-1324. 01866:3 REGULAR $1£O-$2.50 a yard fabric NOW 95< a yard. Andrea s, 2441 Hilyard. 345-1324. 01867:3 UKE NEW WOODEN DESK. $7.50 343-7028 62 DESK-SLEEPING LOFT combination heavy aged wood, saves space. Make an offer 2026 Agate, 344-3360 63 ONE TICKET FOR FLORA PUHIM. I'm unable to use it; veil sell at regular price. 343-8751. 6:1 PANASONIC 8-TRACK TAPE DECK, speakers, tapes, $35. 344-9635 after 5. 6:1 TYPEWRITER (Smith-Corona, manual) $40. Bicycle: $25. 484-9649 (evenings) Leave your phone no. 62 FOR SALE: 9" Black and White T.V.Like new (bought last December) $45. 1810 Harris, #302. 6:1 FOOSBALL TABLE —black, and wood. Short skis and size 9 boots. Peugeot bike Best offers. Cheap 343-6268 62 EXCELLENT CONDITION. Sanyo Compact Re frigerator $85. BSR 2620W Auto-Tumtable $40. Elk Guitar Amp. Hefner Guitar with built-in fuzz, $450 both. $250 a piece. Call 6861602. 6:3 GULL HAVEN, the non-profit shelter by the sea is for sale. Six units overlooking ocean for $56,000. Happy vibes from folks who stay there are free. So is the ocean. Cal Charles or Leslie. 344-0841.66 TRAILWISE POLARGUARD SLEEPING BAGS, regular $70 value — $55, two for $99.50. TENT SAVINGS UP TO 22%. Four models to choose from. MATTOX OUTFITTERS 57 W. Broadway on Iha Mall 6862332 017053 Pads 10 FOR 25 YEARS birkenstock has been making the ultimate in foot comfort fot standing or walking on the unnaturally smooth and hard surfaces that sur round us all. birkenstock footprints 136 East 11th Avenue 687-0065 01668:6 SECONDS: INDIAN WALKING SHORTS -67.95 MATTOX OUTFITTERS 57 W. Broedwey on the MeM 686-2332 01780:3 SMTH-CORONA ELECTRIC portable typewriter with power return, like new. $95 726-6882. 6:3 JUST ARRIVED: Wooirich 60-40 Anorak Regular $48.50. $39.95, sight irregulars. MATTOX OUTFITTERS 57 W. Broadway on the Mall 666-2332 017813 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11.50. BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 005701fn LEICA M3 and case $360. Mkon SB-2 flash $120. Nikkor 55mm Micro f 3.5 $228. Nkon K-ring set $35. Call Andrew MT 5-6 p.m . Saturday and Thursday mornings. 342-3909. 6:1 KARATE, KUNG-FU, JUDO, TAI-CHI SUPPLIES el Eugene Martial Arte Supply 2003 Frank in Bird. 342-7756 Hours 1-6. Monday-Friday (Located right across from McKay's) 017186 OARAGE SALES MOVING SALE COMPLETE CONTENTS. FUR NITURE. STEREO, 10-SPEED. ORIENTAL RUGS, OAK DRESSER, NEGOTIABLE 687-8711. 6:3 INSTRUCTION MODERN DANCE CLASSES — Cunningham Techrique Monday (waning* Knight oi Pythias, 730-9 pm Wednesday awning* Technique and Improvisa tion, Friends Meeting House. 730-9 p.m. Call Enid, 344-4862. 01855:6 INTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES based on techni ques ot Swarm SatchKfnanda. Thursday evenings 730-9 p.m. 934 Washington St.. #9. Call 344-4862 for registration. 01856:6 MTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES involving Hatha Yoga, meditation, breathing practices call 344-4862 to register Classes begin May 17. 01757:1 INSTRUMENTS ACOUSTIC 360 Bass amplifier 200watts 1-18inch speaker $600 or best offer TAPCO 6000R 6 channel mixer with reverb. Brand new $275. PEAVEY P.A. 400 $200 PEAVEY SP-1 Spider P.A. speakers Used 5 months. $700. 666-6288 6:1 MARTIN TENOR SAXOPHONE. Complete woodwind case. Brilhart mouthpiece $200 485-9145, ext. 5390 Russell, room 309. 6:3 S.G. COPY ELECTRIC GUITAR Hum Bucks, steel adjustable, case. cord, must play. 342-3816 after 4 p.m. $150. 6:1 SOUND SYSTEMS MUST SELL CHEAP PWr of Madow Sounding Speaker* $80. 342-4836 evening* BSR MACDONALD 6500 TURNTABLE. Good condition. $25 Call 6866498 after 9 p.m. 6:1 ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs. experience Friendly Rates! ‘Timothy stHI tinker*" — 342-7539 6« f*RAFTS/HOBB!ES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 We*t Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock Yams, books on crafts. 13853Tfn PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011M.W.F POOKS/SUPPLIES ARISTOTLE’S WELCOMES summer vacation with a drawing. To be given away June 4, a deluxe copy of THE HOBBIT. ARISTOTLE'S #8 Oakway MaN 687-0485 01821:3 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at Mr or less of publ shed price. Textbooks. Cliff Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMLY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447ifn SERVICES RECYCLE EVERY THURSDAY 1:30-3:30 »t 13th and University Bring your cans, bottles, cardboard and aluminum. BRINGMOBILE ON CAMPUS Additional information: Call SURVIVAL CENTER, Ext 4356. 14754:W DANCE THERAPY GROUPS being formed now Let dance allow you to bloom anew call 344-4862 to register. ' 01756:1 NEW DANCE THERAPY GROUPS now beginning Wednesday June Bth. 9:15 p.m.-10:30 p.m Friends Meeting House. For registration cal Enid at 344-4862 or 686-0150. Private sessions available also by appointment. 018548 STORAGE WANT TO GET SPACED OUT? We are now otter ing SPECIAL STUDENT RATES! Share a storeroom witi your friend and lie rent wW be even cheaper. Bring tlis ad and your ID. for discounts MINI-MAXI Storage. 24-hour access RENT-A-GARAGE 4445 Frank!kl Btvd. 747-5757 Eugene, OR 97403 01242:MWF TYPING TYPMG — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rates. Ctoee to campus 344-7689 00564 MUW PROFESSIONAL TYPMG. Smith Corona Elect™ 120 Elte. RESUMES. THESIS. DISSERTATION, SECRETARIAL. 6880630. 6:1 EXPERIENCED TYPIST: IBM Correcting Seine trie; Pica. Elte; Graduate Approved; 344-1826.68 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Legal, manuscripts, research, stat. References Daytime only. Linda Nathan 343-8334 6 2 TYPING 50< PER PAGE Typing and editing$1 per page Cal 484-9464 6.2 EXPERIENCED DISSERTATION TYPIST. Graduate approved. All typing needs. Near cam pus. Donnie. 344-3840 6:2 iMini/krtiWKHI I * rCIflll MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR B O A (Blow-out. OH. adjust) Manual.$12 Electric.$14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Dekvery Cadi 342-2022 day or night _Work Guaranteed — References THESES, Dissertations. Long Papers. Correctng Selectnc, Graduate approved Pick-up-delivery Sandy. 343-9391. 00682tin TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Setoc thc Graduate School approved. WAI pick up and deliver Call Carole at 688-3983 or SSB3SZL2710:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec trie. Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 14501 ifn OUTDOOR gear SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. Manufacturer of high qualty sleeping bags and oi lers them to you at reasonable prices Also complete ine of custom fitted backpacks Why pay mote when you can get the best? Buy from SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO 455 Hlf h St. 486-2341 01665ifn H1CYCLES TWO WOMEN’S 3-SPEEDS. $50 and $58 One men’s 3-speed, $38 All overhauled and guaran teed. 345-1152. 63 WOMEN’S 22” FRAME BIKE for sale. 3 speed, good condition . $35 or best offer 687-9331. License no. 805260. 62 VOLKSCYCLE, MEN’S 23", good condition. Lie no 804285. $50 Ext. 5489 — Steve 6:2 FRENCH 10-SPEED $65 Astra. 23" excellent condition. 344-8807 afternoons 6:1,3 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authohzed dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes. Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and tubes. 146201fn USED BIKES From Second Nature ... Buy, Sell, Trade. 585 Blair, 343-5362 008991IW CAMPANIA SPORT, Men's 25 ". Excellent condi tion, Lie. #800922, $100. 344-8171. 6:2 MEN’S 10-SPEED SCHWINN. Excellent condition, new tires and seat, no.700932. 747-8319. 63 f ARS/CYCI.E8 ’71 VW SQUAREBACK $550.87,000 miles. Good running condition. Has dings, needs paint. 689-3350 afternoons. , 63 BRITISH AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND SERVICE EUGENE S COMPLETE BRITISH CAR PARTS SUPPLIER: ‘Acceaaoriea and Trim ‘Comparison •Electrical ‘Samparlt Tlraa 'Tuna-up Common replacemenl parts slocked Factory original parts imported from England Obsolete/Unusual peris special ordered 579 Garfield 14S-73S3 6:6 1974 YAMAHA 175 Enduro Good condition Leas than 4,000 miles $500. Cal 998-2643 6:3 '72 HONDA SL 350, excellent condition, low miles, first $400, cal 345-186462 GOOD TRANSPORTATION! 63 Chevy Belair $450. Also—rod luggage rack, $25.686-1831 63 1970 HARLEY 350 SPRINT, wind shield, luggage rack, helmet, tools, excellent shape 4000 mUes $500 or trade 6690280 6:1 1969 VW BUS — $600, body rusty, new dutch, excellent engine 343-8306 80 -66 TRMMPH OPimnC- Dependable, to* d aktaa. Korns, Mags, Blueprint engine, mid range cam, oil coder, noflbar — Sharp $1345 or dter 4850433. 6:3 1970 FORD GALAXY 500. Good condition $500 Call evenings 726-6862 6:6 70 TOYOTA DELUXE, low mileage, excellent new brakes, tires. $1100 343-9950 6:3 ENJOY SUMMER on Ms 1974 Honda MT 250. street and dit $425, be* offer 345-0054 6:1 AUTO REPAIR M A B SWIFT SHOP 747-5806 ' 4-cytmder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14806 rin THE PHOENIX GARAGE Engine rebuilding and maintenance lor Voiks wagons and Porsche* By appototment 247 South 2nd Street. Springfield 726-6611 018046 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and Iransronon rebuildng and pads for Voikswagcns 342-3952 12070HP CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1908 West 8th 345-7785 TRANSPORTATION NEED RIDE TO PORTLAND Monday dtemoon. June 6. Wil pay gas. Call Pam 345-1641 6:3 WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE? Special service locates CHEAPEST fares Tail ored lo your specific travel plans Write Las swell PO Bo* 3104. Eugene. 97403 6 1 RIDE WANTED TO SAN FRA NO SCO June 9 or 10. Share usual. Tim 342-6807 after 6 p m 6 1 WANTED_ USED ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER and two drawer filing cabinet: evenings call 344-7002 6:2 LOCAL BAND BACCHUS is hofdng audtions for lead anger Any inquiries call 686-6288 6:1 HELP WANTED NOW HIRING for Portland State University Van guard. student newspaper. News editor associate editors, metropolis editor, staff writers, copy editors, business manager, ad sales, graphic art a. ads editor, typesetters Applications available at 429 Smith Memorial Center, PSU or P O Box 751, Portland 97207 01852:6 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS many subjects for experiments in judgement and decision making this week $3 for about an hour. Call only if you didn’t participate m our experiments in May (two weeks ago) 486-2400 from 9 to 5. Native speakers of English only. 01849:3 GRADUATE TEACHMG FELLOWSHIP position in the ESCAPE Community Services Division is now available for Fall term. This position offers an excellent opportunity to work in a supportve at mosphere while gaining competency skills in cur riculum design and field supervision Prior experi ence wth community service agencies, curriculum development, group process skills, and administra tive coordination is desired. This position offers a .3 F.T.E. plus tuition. Applications are available at tie ESCAPE office, 327 EMU (686-4351). All applica tion materials are due June 6th, 1977 ESCAPE Is an equal opportunity employer. Everyone is en couraged to apply 01860:6 KEY PUNCH/PROGRAMMER needed to help with data processing for social learning research pro ject, flexible hours, around 20 hours per week, must qualify for “work stud/’ status. Apply by June 3. 486-2711. ^.3 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK wfti the handicapped Peart Buck Center. Must be eligible for work study or can receive practtcum credit through ESCAPE or Special Education. Call Laura Krenk at 345-8506, 02916:6 GAIN INCREDIBLE experience in working with volunteers, high school personnel and secondary age students The tab of Assistant Division Head at Secondaries is now open in the ESCAPE Program. This position provides training and implementation at volunteer supervision, group dynamics and commuiicatton. skills, and problem solving techni ques Upper division credH is available Applicants can be obtained at the ESCAPE office, 327 EMU. ext. 4351. ESCAPE is an equal opportunity emp loyer. Experience practical education — Join ESCAPE SAILING INSTRUCTORS — Competent people needed to TA. taring labe summer term. P E credit or cash, cai Rick at 486-0698 6:1 BE THE ADVERTISING MANAGERI The ASUO Course Guide needs a qualified and enthusiastic manager — Summer, Fal, Winter and Spring terms. Apply in Sulte4. EMU.bySp.m., June 1. CM 666-3724 with questions ASUO is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Every body is encouraged to apply 01822:1 EDIT VOUR WAY TO ASUO Stardom. The ASUO Course Guide is looking lor experienced or poten tial editors The position begins soon and conpnuee through Spring. 1978. CM 686-3724 with ques tions Piing deadine ■ 5 pm. June 1 in Stile 4, EMU ASUO is an Equal Opporkjrtty/Affirmative Action employer Everyone is encouraged to apply 01823:1 GOOD PAYING PART-TRIE JOBS lor FM term Apply NOW Footnotes, Room 15 0163820 PART-TRIE OR FULL-TRIE Eamngs up to *8 per hour No experience neces sary Car and telephone required Cal Fuller Brush Co 689-6585 017386 GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOWSHIP AT THE universttv of Oregon cmld care and DEVELOPMENT CENTER. Job title InlanModdeir Educational Coordxtator and Tramer ResponaMities 1 Coordinate and implement classroom travwng program tor teacher assistance 2. Resource person for teachers and ther assis tants Provide new mat an sis. improve caret slung techniques, offer ideas on classroom manage ment 3 Design documentation system lor children’s personal developmental rale and re commend curriculum for such Qualifications 1 Student accepted and enrolled n masters or doctoral program by September 15. 1977 at the U of 0 2 Mwnrvim of 1 year experience (at least 20 hours per week) wotting with irisers and todffiers in a GROUP setting 3 Educational background in psychology, heath, early chtdhood education or otier areas perknent to infants and loddtors Application Deadline: June 10. 1977 Apply at 1811 Moea. Eugene 017796 TELE PROMPTER CABLE TV We offer the best income plan off the cempus. Work 3 hours a r»{ftt. 5 30 to 8:30. and you wSI make $100 to $150 a week We will train you now to market in the worlds #1 growth industry — Cable TV Call Sam. 484-3038 018333 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will tram Car essential Kirby Company. 484-9555 120351fn 1878 OREO AN A YEARBOOK EDITOR AND STAFF: Appkcahons are now avaiable nM-tll. EMU. Salaried position (ecMor only) begins Jiffy 1. 1977 and ends June 30. 1878 Need not be m Eugene tor summer, bul would be an advantage Jotenalam backgrounds prstarred Applcatons