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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1977)
CAN BEWITCH (MESMERIZE) • LOVED ONES, OTHERS TO YOUR BIDDING WRITE REQUESTS: DONATIONS APPRECIATED. JAMIL P.O BOX 10154, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE ANYTIME: 342-2210 484-2441 N. J f|L COPIES J 50% OFF REGULAR 64 "While-You-Watch" copies are only 34 when your work is left 36 hours JOHNNY PRINT 470 East 11th 1219 Alder \ [ j i i Books Religious Art Religious Gifts Greeting Cards Wall Plaques Posters Imported Gifts Religious Jewelry Records Interfaith Service Center 61 W. 8th Ave. Eugene (M. Jacobs Plaza) 3355 E. Amazon Four Executive Governors of the Age of Enlightenment visited Eugene Thursday to expound upon a recent "Breakthrough " of human potential, wherein trans cendental meditation can enable persons to fly across rooms, make themselves taller or smaller and make themselves invisible. More than 100 persons attended their program Meditation crusaders advocate human potential ‘breakthrough’ 1 More than 20 years ago I Maharishi Mahesh Yogi began to r expound on the Science of Crea ■ tive Intelligence, popularly known ' as Trancendental Meditation (TM). Now over 600,000 persons reportedly practice TM in the Un ited States alone. However, lead ers of the movement have an f nounced it is about to take off — ^ literally — on a new course. [Four Executive Governors of the Age of Enlightenment were in Eugene Thursday to present a “breakthrough in human poten tial'' that enables people to fly a cross rooms, make themselves in ^ visible or make themselves smal ler or taller. More than 100 people paid $5 each to hear Peter Lyda, iJoe Repp. Henry Eckstein and Gary Gill describe how the break through was achieved. Meditation allows the prac titioner to reach what Lyda termed if a “state of least excitation, or pure consciousness.” He said this state is paralleled in physical sci ence by a “quantum mechanical vacuum ground state.” Since the states are closely analogous, TM leaders reasoned it should be possible to use TM techniques to > generate external physical man ifestations, such as levitation. Since the theory was clear, Lyda said, the problem was how to Trail Blazer T-shirts $4.98 U of O Bookstore 13th at Kincaid Phone 686-4331 Open: Mon-Fri 8:15 am to 5 pm, Sat 9 am to 1 pm utilize the level of least excitation without at the same time destroy ing it. Repp then described how teachers of TM met at Maharishi European Research University in Switzerland in the fall of 1975 and began to develop the new tech niques. Story and Photo By Pete Shepherd Of the Emerald “We were extending the natural ability of the imagination,” Repp said. We can all form a clear thought of an apple, but we were able to extend that to the point where we could eat the apple, ex perience its taste and feel satis fied afterwards.” Repp said the teachers found the extension of mind-body coor dination made easier by the use of ritualized patterns of thought called “sutras.” Using the "flying sutra,” the participants first ex perienced a faint vibration. After a week or so of meditation, the body begins to wiggle "very naturally," dtiu men u unexpectedly moves two to three feet. While meditation generally is practiced with eyes closed. Repp noted the first “flights" were often very entertaining and “you couldn’t help but peek." Repp described some of the sutras available, including ones for friendliness, compassion, strength, calmness, knowledge of bodily systems, seeing objects hidden from view and knowing anything. When asked why they did not demonstrate any of the extraordi nary skills allegedly available through the new techniques, the governors said they would like to but had to be careful not to bring unwanted notonety on the move ment. Repp said the focus should not be on the skills themselves. "The sense of bliss was tremen dously more important than the actual flying,” he emphasized Eckstein then summarized tests performed at the move ment's Swiss university. In addition to changes in electro encephalogram brainwave co herence patterns during the performance of a given exercise. Eckstein said researchers found lasting increases in creativity as measured on "all creativity scales.” Independent research ers at Harvard and UCLA have found reduced blood pressure and oxygen consumption in prac titioners of "old-fashioned'' TM The final governor to speak, Gill, described the impact of TM and the new formulas in more grandiose terms. "When five per cent of the population begins to practice TM,' he said, "the quality of life for all will become ideal.” With that as a goal, Gill said he was delighted to make the pro gram available to the public. He invnea memoers oi tne audience to "become citizens of the Age of Enlightenment." But citizenship is not cheap. To reach the flying sutra level, it would first be necessary to have paid for a course in the basic medi tation technique. Then one must pay $265 for attendance at a week-long residence course where the more advanced sutras are learned. Additional weeks may be required at the discretion of one’s teacher. Persons interested in more in formation or desiring to register for a residence course held in Port land soon should contact the Eugene World Plan Center for the TM program at 343-8738. Literary awards given Two literary pieces which have appeared in Northwest Review, the University’s literary magazine, have been selected as 1977 prize win ners in a competition sponsored by the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines, a national nonprofit organization that aids literary magazines. Selected among the 10 national award winners were John Woods’ poem ‘Why Adam and Eve Came Sadly to Love,” appearing in the Fall-Winter issue of Northwest Review, and Shannon Applegate Muellers The Applegate Family,” published in the Spring issue. The awards bring cash prizes of $300 to the individual authors and companion prizes of $200 each to the magazine. Northwest Review was the only publication honored with two award winners. More than 270 writers representing 177 literary maqazines were entered in the awards judging.