Photo by Tom Wolfe Calling the state bookkeeping records "lousy," Secretary of State Norma Paulus called for increased auditing of state agencies to get a handle on government bureaucracy. Paulus seeks audit plan By TOM WOLFE Of the Emerald Secretary of State Norma Paulus said she plans to expand the auditing role of her office to include reviewing state agencies efficiency and performance as a way of controlling bureaucracy, when she spoke Thursday at a Rubicon Society luncheon. Paulus said that certified public accountants provide insufficient review of state agencies be cause they review only their fiscal budgets. We need to hire special analysts to test the efficiency of the agencies Paulus said As secretary of state, Paulus controls a staff of 102, including an auditing staff of 47. Rather than adding analysts to this core, Paulus said she would opt for hiring experts to fit each individual task With better audits we could get a handle on controlling the state bureaucracy, Paulus said. And every time I get the chance, I'm going to tell people about lousy bookkeeping in various state agencies, she promised. The Republican said she initially met with politi cal attempts to block her auditing plans by cutting back funds allocated to her office for the audits. ' The answer to that was simple," she claimed. “I said we would simply bill the agencies being audited and that if they didn’t pay we could sue them. Paulus listed several additional suggestions for saving the state money by better controlling its ‘ bureaucracy. "We need to review the tenure and sabbatical process in the state system of higher education. Last session we had to spend $1 million because we couldn't transfer a professor from one univer sity to another after tenure was achieved even if the professor s program went defunct." In other areas Paulus suggested consolidating elections to increase voter turn-out and hold back election costs. “The safety net election cost us almost half a million dollars and we got one of the most miserable turn-outs in years “People are tired of having the polls open three times in a month, she added. Paulus also said she is “investigating the feasi bility of putting state agencies on a four-day work week and staying open Saturdays and until 6 p.m. weekdays. These changes would allow for more citizen access to state agencies, according to Paulus. The society meets weekly to provide a forum for Republican politicians and candidates. County noise complaint hearing sparks pledge to draft ordinance By TIM SCHELL Of the Emerald The Lane County Commissioner? ^oted unani mously to draft a county ordinance to curb noise pollution at a special hearing Wednesday night at Harris Hall After listening to testimony from 13 members of the audience whose complaints dealt mostly with the problem of excessive motorcycle noise, the commis sioners voted to draft an ordinance and indicated there will be another hearing after the ordinance is drafted Complaints about excessive noise from motor boats, the noise of the firing of guns on county prop erty and the loudness of neighbor’s music were also heard. David Crockett of Eugene testified saying, “Mo torcycles may be fun to ride, but they're not fun to listen to." He said the main problem is enforcement. He suggested that motorcycle use be restricted to "public paved roads," and that any violation result in arrest of the individual and destruction of his motor cycle. He indicated "dirt-bikes" (off-road motorcy cles) are the main contributor to noise pollution while street bikes are relatively quiet. Richard Walker of Hatton Avenue also com plained about motorcycle noise from dirt-bikes. “It is hard to equate it when you live in the city,” he said. "It's like having a chain saw right next door cutting wood." Earlan Perry of Cottage Grove complained about the noise some motorboats make. He said the sound of a motorcycle is a drop in the bucket com pared the the noise of motorboats. He was referring to the racing boats with converted automobile en gines with stacks like megaphones." He suggested that the problem may possibly by alleviated through changes in the licensing procedure used for boats. Commissioner Bob Wood doubted that would be a solution, saying boats could be licensed and then converted. Patrick Crane of Santa Clara complained about loud music. “My neighbors have a rock band and they play all night. I wish they had wheels so that they d move out of my neighborhood. I like to dance, but not that much," he said. One man complained about people shooting guns on county property near his house. He said there once was a sign prohibiting firearms, but that it is no longer posted. Commissioner Jerry Rust prom ised it would be reposted. Dianne Andrews of Camp Creek Road, com plaining about motorcycle noise, said she wondered why off-road vehicles do not have to be licensed. Wood explained that the state has never given the counties jurisdiction to do that. "There would have to be a state law change," Wood said. After hearing all the testimony Commissioner Archie Weinstein made the suggestion that two de puty sheriffs be on call at all times to respond to complaints dealing with noise pollution. He said, “I will speak with the budget committee to see if we can cut out something somewhere else." About 30 people attended the hearing that lasted an hour. After the motion to draft a noise pollution ordinance was unanimously passed by the Board, Weinstein concluded, “We will instruct the <23unty council to draft a very strong ordinance with heavy penalties." May 28 EMU Ballroom 10 am-6 pm $2.00 Adults $1.50 Students Under 6 Free Pacific Northwest Collegiate and Open Division POWER LIFTING CHAMPIONSHIPS HairLofr x for Men and W*nen ^(/vrri/i Shed your shaggy locks Let the Hair Loft give you an easy-to-care for summer haircut. 3 locations, relaxed atmosphere! 465-12C2 4*4-2565 2033 Willamette IZ39AUer 14615.(9^ (acnfr*(ror* (neti: door ko Hie itomert&nara) Sacred Heart) 6>antOrinder) The Weight Loss Program Nobody Believes • Total Nutrition • Substantial weight • No hunger pangs and inch loss • Eat regular foods • Gain extra energy • No drugs or chemicals • No gimmicks • Money back guarantee) BE SLENDER It can happen to you. 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