Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 27, 1977, Page 2, Image 2

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    Mothers to be installed
Newly elected officers for the
state board of the University of
Oregon Mothers Clubs will be in
stalled at a luncheon at Gerlinger
Songfest set
Naomi Little Bear, the Ursa
Minor Choir and Kristan Aspen will
be at the Wesley Center tonight at
Their music is an original blend
of spiritual and political songs.
Tickets are available at Mother
Kali’s books and at Book and Tea
for $2 in advance or $2.25 at the
Hall Friday, June 3. A social hour
beginning at 11:30 a.m. will pre
cede the noon luncheon.
University Pres. William Boyd
will attend the presentation at
which past state presidents will be
honored. In addition, eight $500
scholarship awards will be pre
sented to selected students.
The meeting is open to all
mothers of University students,
former club members and friends.
Reservations are needed for the
luncheon and can be made by call
ing the Office of University Rela
tions, 686-3021 by Wednesday,
June 1.
Photos sought for display
Photos and picture displays are
being sought by the committee
which is organizing a fall sym
posium on Sigmund Freud.
The Freud symposium is the
third in the “Pathfinders in Human
Personality Series" being spon
sored by the Division of Develop
mental Studies. The series fo
cuses on different patntinders
in psychology.
Those persons with any infor
mation about possible exhibits or
who would like to be on the mailing
list for they symposium may con
tact Jan Nakagawa.chairer, Path
finders Series, Division of De
velopmental Studies, ext. 3418
Film to urge civil rights
The Incredible Bread Machine,
a film advocating a free society
and more individual rights, will be
shown today at the Lane County
Republican Round Table
scheduled for noon at the Asia
The film, with University profes
sors Richard Lindholm, finance,
and Paul Holbo, political science,
and Rex Stevens, was designed
to jolt people as to what is going on
and spark discussion, according
to the Lane County Republican
Central Committee.
| Seattle’s hottest rock group!
| Wed.-Sat. May 25-28
The master of the Telecaster!
appearing with The Cray hawks
Mon.-Tues. May 30-31
1475 FRANKLIN_ 485-9274 Jj
—...el al—
Calkins house
topic of lecture
by professor
An architecturally unique house
in the Eugene area will be the sub
ject of a lecture to be given by
Albert Pastine, University assis
tant professor of architecture,
today at 4:30 p.m.
Pastine will talk about The Cal
kins House, located at 11th Av
enue and Patterson Street in
Eugene. The house is representa
tive of The Queen Anne style of
Victorian architecture. It was built
in 1903 by W.W. Calkins.
Pastine has been at the Univer
sity since 1972 and in private prac
tice since 1975. He recently won
an academic year award for the
study and evaluation of the design
The title of his lecture is, “Res
toration of the Calkins House."
The lecture is in Room 177, Lawr
ence Hall. It is open to the public.
Admission is free of charge
Memorial Day
will see buses
Lane Transit District will oper
ate its regular Sunday schedules
on Monday. The Memorial Day
holiday service will provide trans
portation from the Eugene Mall to
Valley River Center, K-Mart, Four
Corners and Springfield.
Regular service will resume
Tuesday. For information about
holiday bus service, call LTD
Schedule Information, 687-5555.
Therapists open house
The Natural Therapeutic Ser
vices office will hold an open
house Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. at their offices on 1598 Pearl
The open house will feature in
formal educational presentations
by Art Leuthe, a chiropractic
physician, Tori Moore and Dari
Thomas, massage therapists, and
Karl Dennison, an emotional
therapist. Tours of the new
facilities will be given as well as
panel discussions and demon
strations on chiropractic and mas
sage techniques. The open house
is open free to the public.
Yurt of a different color
The portable Hoedad yurt home pictured in last Thursday s
Emerald is not to be confused with the Yurt homes built by Morgan
Reiter. The Hoedad differs from the yurt pictured here, which is sold in
kit form for about $1.600 Reiter has a model yurt available for inspec
tion He can be reached at 345-5330
GTF nominations open
Nominations for an annual
award given to Graduate Teach
ing Fellows (GTF) for excellence
in teaching expository writing
courses are being sought by
Nathaniel Teich, director of com
The award, which is made a
vailable through an anonymous
donor, is distributed annually to
GTFs selected by a committee of
students and faculty in the English
department. The committee is re
questing nominations from stu
dents to supplement the anony
mous dass evaluations which will
be consulted Nominations should
contain a brief comment on the
strengths of the teacher and be
sent to the English Composition
Office. 118 PIC
Any GTF teaching an exposi
tory writing course is eligible, ex
cept Tom Nash. Jim Brown. Tony
Franzese, James "Lyn Johnson
and Vic Bobb. who were winners
in past years
The Baptist Student Union will have a noonday
meeting from 11 30 a m to 1 30 p m today m the
EMU. room to be posted For more information call
The Black Student Union will meet tor election at
director and assistant director at 5 p m today in
Suite 14 EMU All members are asked lo attend
Albert Pastine an assistant prolessor of architec
lure at the University will speak on Restoration ol
theCalkinsHouse at4 30p m todayinRoom 177
Lawrence The Calkins House located on 11th Av
enue and Patterson Street is representative ol the
Queen Anne style ol Victonan architecture It was
built m 1903
Pastine s presentation is part ol the architecture
and allied arts faculty lecture senes
Liz Steinbock a University psychology student
will give her orals at 1 30 p m today in Room 141
Straub She will speak on The Empirical Evalua
tion and Treatment ol Repetitive Unpleasant
There will be a meeting lot persons interested m
playing on the womens Ma hockey team ne«'
year Tuesday 4 p m at Aut/en Stadum Anyone
not able to attend should contact Diane Smith
Room 21? Gertmger 686 3396
University Worship a weekly ecumenical lots
rock worship service wkl be held at 11 a m Sunday
at the Wesley Center 1236 Kincaid St (northolthe
UO Bookstore) Everyone is welcome
The Emerald s bn els column is open to anyone
wishing to make announcement ol meetings
tectuies and miscellaneous events Bnels are run
only once and are subject to space limitations They
should be typed tnpte spaced in a 65 unit margin
Include all pertinent information especially the
dale you want it run Also include a name and
phone number m case we have questions Events
with donations or admission charges will not be
considered for the bnels column
A# items muet be turned in by 2 p m the day
before publication at the Emerald ollice Room 300
Oregon Daily Emerald
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