...€l al Widowhood forum slated The University Gerontology Association will present “Perspectives on Widowhood,” as their spring term forum on aging 7 p.m. Thursday at the Emerald Baptist Church, E. 19th Avenue and Patterson Street. Hazel Foss, director of the Widowed Services Program, and a panel of widows and widowers, will discuss adjustment to grief, prob lems encountered, and services available. Pacific Northwest Collegiate and Open Division POWER LIFTING CHAMPIONSHIPS May 28 EMU Ballroom 10 am-6 pm $2.00 Adults $1.50 Students Under 6 Free Decorator Desk Set At last there are desk sets with a decidedly feminine touch. Choose from six charming designs. Each has the always dependable Hallmark pressurized cartridge. Delicate desk sets by Hallmark - an ideal gift. $750 Profs elect new officers The University’s Chapter of the American Association of Univer sity Professors has elected offic ers for the 1977-78 academic year. The new officers, who as sume office on July 1, are Clyde Patton, president; Donald Tull, vice-president; Vernon Dorjahn, secretary; Katherine Eaton, treasurer, and Theresa Ripley, membership chairer. Tour of campus trees scheduled The first in a series of tours of the trees on the University cam pus will be conducted today at 12:30 p.m. Mark Mendell, graduate student in landscape architecture, will lead the tours which will em phasize the family relationships and ecological importance of the many campus trees. The tour will begin from the north entrance to the Faculty Club and should end at about 1:15 p.m. Jewish group presents night of folk music The University’s Hillel/Jewish Student Association will present an evening of Hebrew folk music tonight in the EMU. Featured will be Yitzchak Han kin and Ari Hirschfield. Location and time of the program will be posted within the EMU's daily calendar of events. A $1.50 dona tion will be requested. Info on energy bills available The Survival Center will have a table today in the EMU lobby (out side if it's sunny) dealing with energy conservation legislation in Salem. Emphasis will be on bills pertaining to resource recovery and recycling, weatherization of homes, solar energy and non nuclear proliferation. The table is also designed to help students with tips on how to influence legis lators on favorable bills. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. briefs MEETINGS The Incidental Fee Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m today in the EMU. room to be announced Interested persons are runted to attend LECTURES Thomas Rohlen, an associate professor of an thropology at the University of California at Santa Cruz, will speak on "Blue and White Collars in Japan: Perspectives on Japan's Employment Sys tem,' at noon Thursday in the EMU, room to be posted Ftohlen returned from Japan recently after re searching employe-management relations. His appearance is presented by the Asian studies de partment. S Tenants plan car caravan Residents of the University’s Amazon Married Student Housing complex who have been engaged in a rent strike since the first of May are organizing a car caravan to the Oregon State Board of Higher Education meeting Friday in Klamath Falls. Striking tenants will present their case to the board at their meeting on the Oregon Technical Institute’s campus. “The objective," says Dave Mason, a representative of the striking tenants, “will be to per suade the board that the proposed $10 rent increase in unjustified and that serious problems exist in the management of the University Hous ing Office and the Amazon Project.” A bus is also being chartered for the trip. In addition, persons who wish to support the Amazon residents may do so by writing letters to the State Board, Johnson Hall, University of Oregon, or by joining the caravan. For more information, call 343-3616. Singers perform tonight The University Singers, conducted by Paul Westlund, will perform musical selections ranging from a Renaissance sacred motet to a 1974 composition with electronic tape at 8 tonight in Beall Concert Hall. The Singers will be accompanied by organ and various small ensembles for the first half of the concert. After intermission, the Aaron Copeland work "In the Beginning,” narrating the seven days of creation as recorded in Genesis, will be featured. During the concert the Max Risinger Memorial Award will be pre sented to an outstanding student in choral music education. The cash award is given annually in memory of former University faculty member and director of the University Singers, Max Risinger, who died in 1975. Admission to the concert is free. Lindbergh stamp issued The 50th anniversary of Charles Lindbergh’s solo flight to Paris is being commemorated by a new 13-cent stamp issued by the Postal Service. The stamp was designed by noted aviation artist Bob Cunningham of Fort Worth, Texas. The design depicts the “Spirit of St. Louis” low over the water between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in the ninth hour of the flight. The setting sun appears behind the right wing of the aircraft. The stamp is available now at Eugene post offices, according to postmaster Ethan Newman. Mail embargo restored The embargo on parcel mailings to military post offices in Turkey will be restored effective June 1, according to the U S. Postal Service. Parcels, both surface and airmail, will not be accepted for mailing after May 31. The affected New York APO numbers include: 09040, 09051, 09117, 09118, 09133, 09224, 09254, 09289, 09294, 09320, 09324, 09338 and 09380. Mail other than surface or airmail parcels will continue to be ac cepted subject to the usual restrictions indicated by the Postal Service Manual. S. African film shown “There Is No Crisis,” a film about the Soweto uprising last June in South Africa, will be shown tonight at 8 at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St. The 30-minute color film has been brought to Eugene by Clergy and Laity Concerned (CALC). Members of CALC’s Southern Africa Study/Action Group will lead a discussion after the film. May 25 is recognized by the UN General Assembly as Africa Liberation Day and is observed in many countries. For more informa tion, call CALC at 485-1755. Paul Bullen will speak on Last Hope for Mankind — the Messiah at 7 tonight m the EMU. room to be posted The lecture is about the teachings of Rev Sun Myung Moon and is sponsored by the Col legiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) Interested persons are invited to attend Fandah Allagi. one of the Arab delegates to the International Women's Conference, will speak on "Liberation of the Arab Woman' tonight at 7:30 in the EMU. room to be posted The activity is spon sored by the Organization of Arab Students MISCELLANEOUS Mark Bondurant will present a three-screen, mufti-media program at 8 p.m Thursday on his 5,500-mile bicycle trip from Reed sport. Ore. to Eastport. Mane The program wtl ben Room 107. Lawrence The free program is sponsored by the Outdoor Program Job interviews for summer oounsefor portions (pax) and volunteer) for the Triple H Ranch may be made by calling 747-5629 or by writing Tnple H Ranch, Jasper, Ore 97401. Training wil begin in June and will employ positive reinforcement tech niques Gay Rap oilers open informal discussion for per sons in the Eugene area who are concerned with sexual identity issues The rap sessions are scheduled every Wednesday at 7:30 p m at 1850 Emerald St For more information, call Gay People s alliance, x3360 V Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday ex cepl during exam weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emeiald Publishing Co . Inc . at the University of Oregon. Eugene Ore 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently ot the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service Emerald subscriptions are $7 per term and $20 per year News and Editorial Display Advertising and Business Classified Advertising Production 686-551t 686-3712 686-4343 686-4381 Editor Managing Editor Asst. Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Asst. Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Greg Wasson Tom Wolfe Martha Bliss Lora Cuykendal! Perry Gaskill Steve Sandstrom Jackman Wilson V Sports Editor Asst Sports Editor Entertainment Editors Wire Editor Associate Editors: Department and Schools Features Local Politics State Politics Community State System and Student Services ASUO Environment Night Editor Production Manager Advertising Manager Accountant Marv Fjordbeck Kim Spir Peter Duryea Bob Webb Paul Waldschmidt Sean Meyers Nick Gallo Becky Young Mary Beth Bowen Tom Jackson Heather McClenaghan Lori Peterson Kevin Hackett E G White-Swift Jerril Nilson Kate Seigal Carl Bryant Ted Johnston