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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1977)
$79.50 QUADS SUMMER RATE8 LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED. PRIVATE BATHS, PRIVATE REFRIGERATORS, LIKE NEW, PARK ING, AIR CONDITIONED, UTILITIES INCLUDED, 'A BLOCK FROM CAMPUS AND TENNIS COURTS RESERVATIONS FOR FALL TERM ALSO BEING ACCEPTED. HURRY, ONLY A FEW UNITS REMAINING Call Drat 345-1272 751 Eaat 16th 01674:sb Vi JUNE FREE. Two bedroom furnished apart ment. Block from campus $210 343-4910. 5:27 LARGE HOUSE: 3 bedroom. 2 bath, fireplace. LARGE backyard, pets o k., 2 miles from campus. 345-5989 5:28 2 BEDROOM BLACKSTONE APARTMENT. Pnme location nee turn ire. $195/June rent pad 344-8507 6:3 MILL RACE APARTMENTS. Sublet furnished two bedroom town house Sun terrace, $195 342-6427 5:27 SPACIOUS. FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT close to campus Available for summer Last two weeks June rent free Will negotiate terms 345-3120. 5 27 LARGE TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APART MENT: Summer sublet. $175, dishwasher, dis posal Cal 343-0968. 527 SUBLEASE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SUMMER. $125 per month, utilities included 686-0043 after 4 p m or 343-3281 early morning or evenings 2015 Elk St (just off 19th and Fairmount) 525 $50 REWARD for mce house less than $235. Eugene, quiet street, yard, garden spaoe Resporv sMe couple References 342-2769 5 26 FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE. $325 V> block from campus, available June 15 Call 343-8751 527 SUMMER RATES One bedroom Two bedroom Quad 951 East 19ft Ave $100 per month $125 per morth $65 per month 343-8751 5:27 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. Four year ok) well designed quad style home Wan to wan carpel and panekng Fuly app* arced common kitchen Mng room With dishwasher washer-dryer and private refrigerator Easy walk to U d O Pay no utilities tup $105 for freshly panned furnished room Apply 747-1538 6 1 SUBLET 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, pool, dis hwasher fireplace $210 a month 1255 Min — 345-6692 62 SUBLEASE STUDIO APARTMENT JUNE JULV AUGUST $75 A MONTH CALL AFTER 7 pm 345-1022 0179225 FULLY FURNISHED FACULTY HOME. 4 miles from campus Four barrooms One year laaea. be ginning August 666-5208 or 344-5020 5 27 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Avalabte June 15 Dishwasher disposal, pool, parking 1255 MW #16. $210 Cal 345-0964 527 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT to tuMM Dis hwasher. deck. pool, laundry tacBtiaa Near campus. Rant nagottabla 344-6790 5:26 FOR RENT. THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT in aider houee Between town and campus Skytghta, carpaling, large badrooms (good for studio or study spaca) Inquire « Ragato Riches. 360 East 11th or cal 344-7038 5 27 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT wHh pod. shag carpaong, dishwasher garbage disposal, prtvata farraca; water garbage paid 1255 MM #7. 346-1684 Subtesae lor summer, $210 527 SUNNY TWO BEOROOM APARTMENT 17th and Aldar #16. $180 monthly, occupy mid June 345-5496 527 ONE BEOROOM APARTMENT. JUNE let available, money bonus, contract thru August 343-2639. BMcfcMone Manor 86 FOR RENT FURNISHED, TWO BEDROOM apartmant; daposal. deck, pod Ctoaa Id campus. Cal 4-8 p.m 346-4712. 531 SUBLET FOUR BEOROOM house 2ba#is. wall lo wan carpet backyard. partsFy furnished, dose to campus Phone 343-0400. $285 per month 527 SUMMER SUBLET. June 15 to September 15 Furnished two bedroom apartment $160. utilities included 687-6880 or 687-0660 evenings 5:31 1V5 BEDROOM APARTMENT, quiet street near campus, yard, no pals. $135, utllDee Included. 344-1258.666-3654. 5:25 LARGE TWO BEOROOM TOWNHOUSE, ft re piece, remodeled, one block from campus, $200 Saa dter 6 p.m at 734 Fast 14th 527 QUADS $65 A MONTH. Summer rate starting June 15. One block from University. Call 687-0506 01813* SMALL HOUSE TO SUBLET for summer $120 a month including utMtee 324 East 12th 5:25 SUBLET LARGE 2 bedroom apartment Furnished with freezer June 15 In September 15. Five minutes trom campus 485-2678 evenings 5:27 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT tor summer Super location and sharp cooking 750 East 15th and Alder 485-8147. 526 SUMMER SUBLET. LARGE, furnished, two bed room apartment June rent free Quiet area close to campus $175. 344-9497 5:25 SIX BLOCKS FROM MAC COURT. Wall 10 wall carpet, furnished, paneling, private refridge Washer and dryer, dishwasher, fresh paint. $105 Apply 747-1538 5:25 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. 2 blocks from campus Available June $210 per month Call 687-9543 5:26 OrPtfntl Hailv Pmapalrl CAMPUS QUADS $95/$ 115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and private baths 1110 Harris 686-2470 14463tin SAVE $60 by renting for summer now! 2 bedroom furnished apartment, water and garbage paid $190 a month (usually $210). $180 clearing/security de posit, refundable ALSO — now taking applications for fall Btackstone Manor Apts. 667-0664 01717:27 $25 Rsssrvss Quad for Summer. $70 per month, includes utilities 1360 Alder 485-0291,484-0804 . 01185 6 Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER One and two bedroom furnished apartments near U of O All have water and garbage service fur nished Some have heat. 01081 tin SUMMER SUBLET NICE 2 bedroom furnished apartment 1750 Alder Can 344-1993 evenings $165 5:27 QUADS $90 Available tow No lease required. Utilities paid. Laundry and parking available 1360 Alder 465-0291 or 464-0804. 14327:tfn LARGE QUADS SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER Pnvate bath. aU utilities paid, furnished. Vj block from campus Laundry and perking facilities. OS PIRG agreement Rent June 15-September 15, at $72 50 per month $50 refundable deposit 738 E 16»> 687-0143. 687-119Q 017351fn QUAD TRIAD Unique design Close to campus No tease re quired Available now Reserve for summer and tall 343-1477 017261fn PETS WHITE LAB SHEPHERD MIX needs home 1 year female, friendly, smr :venings Karen 343-1982 5:27 T OST U FOUND KNIFE FOUND — call 344-0679 5 26 FOUND: BLACK SHEPHERD MIX PUPPY. Probably two months aid. Fotnd Saturday evenng nsar EMU PoaaiMy a stray from die Folk Festival0 Cal e*t 4888 Of 484-1962 525 FOUND: LADIES' GOLD WRIST WATCH outade d Smith Family Bookalora on Aider Street Come to 1240 WaMknglon. ask lor Den and identify watch No phone 525 CHURCHES MCC Metropolitan Community Church A Chnstian Church reaching the gay comnrunrty All meetings open Wore tip 7pm. 3800 Ferry St Wednesday Bible Study Information 345-2462 746-4698 or P O Box 3076, Eugene. 97403 14870W MARKET BASKET GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meats, pizzas and more Miter s Grocery. 1065 E 20th Open 10-10 Sunday-Thursday, 10-11 Fnday-Saturday 14303MWF For All Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 3435393 14570MWF THE UNIVERSITY FOOD-OP 1535 Agate 686-4911 New Local Tofu 65C a pound 01792:27 ITOOP & PRINK THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old-fashioned natural ice cream, sweetened with honey or sugar, frozen yogurt. Itakan ices, non-dairy ice cream, pastries, coffees and teas Now featunng homemade soups, salads and sandwiches Open Dally noon to midnight. 325 Blair Across from Georgs's Garage 14541 MWF MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1609 East 19th Eugene s own New York Deli Salads, meats, cheeses, sandwiches, groceries, picnics, dinners Catering — weddings and ail oc casions Monday-Saturday 14479:mwf THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon, dinner Omelets and other delights Crepes. Desserts. Garden Vegetables 770 East 11th 342-8340. 7 a.m.-10 pm. 14480:MWF ORIENTAL CAFETERIA AND GROCERY Spring rolls, barbeque pork, teriyaki chicken, tempura, fish and vegetable. Combination plates $1 50. We ac cept food stamps tor groceries. BAMBOO PAVILUON 1275 ALDER Monday-Friday, 11-7:30 Saturday, 12-7:30 00667:MWF DID YOU KNOW that our coffee costs less per cup than Folgers? Come on in and check it out The best teas too ALLEN BROS. COFFEE 2465 Hilyard Street 344-0221 01207:31 GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AUREUO $1 Off Giant Pizza Tuesdays, free movies Vi Price on bar items with regular pizza Sun.-Thure. after 9:30 p.m. 29th and Willamette 14507:M-H F! VENTS LEVITATION BY MERE INTENTION THROUGH THE TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM Four Executive Governors of the Age ot Enlighten ment will be speaking on the development of supernormal abilities such as levitation on the basis of their own personal experience. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 8 p.m. General Public: $5 Students: $3 AT THE EUGENE HOTEL 5:26 THE GERONTOLOGY ASSOCIATION PRESENTS PERSPECTIVES ON WIDOWHOOD FOR MEN AND WOMEN May 26th, 7-9 pjn. Emerald Baptist Church, East 19th and Patterson Hazel Foss, d rector of the Widowed Ser vices Program with a panel of widows and widowers wil dscuss: Adjustment to grief, problems encountered, and services avail able For more information call the Gerontology Association. 686-3749 0180526 CHINESE CULTURAL WEEK (25-27th) LECTURE, MOVIE AND SUOE PRESENTATION 2 pm THURSDAY “CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY” By DAVID LUNG STREET FAIR 11 a m.-3 JO p.m. FRIDAY 13th Streat on campus MOVIES: 177 LAWRENCE FRIDAY 7 and 9 pm “RETURN OF THE DRAGON” Starring BRUCE LEE $1 Admission SATURDAY CHINESE MOVIES 7 p.m.: WAVE 9 p.m.: DATE FREE 01824:27 ENTERTAINMENT HOW MANY MEDIA CIRCUSES FIT in an elephant s ear? Find out at the WOW Hall Satur day. May 28 at 8 pm Admission is $1 50. There may never be another Ske it. 5:25 SCHWEBKE BROS. BAND AT THE BACK DOOR MAY 26 — MAY 29 ORIGINAL OREGON MUSIC 5:27 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to t0:30, Friday — 4-6 p.m. MICHELOB ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week '3688 •* THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday, 9-12 14922:M-H CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olive. 687-0733 TONITE THRU WEDNESDAY LENI RIEFENSTAHL S rarely seen: OLYMPIA THE FESTIVAL OF BEAUTY, THE FESTIVAL OF THE PEOPLE A film on and about the 1936 Olympic games in Germany directed by one of the most controversial directors in.cinema And a short film by local artist Oar rah Marlin MARATHON SHOWTIME: 8 p.m. only Eugene Film Society Members admitted free. Show your EFS card at door. THE AMANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS PETER SELLERS IN I’M ALL RIGHT JACK Saturday, May 28 $1 180 PLC 7 and 9 p.m. 0180225 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS BLUES IN THE BALLROOM OTIS RUSH MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD WITH THE NIGHTHAWKS Friday, May 27 EMU Ballroom 8 p.m. Tickets: $3 50 U of O students $4 50 general Available: EMU 0173427 EMU BEER GARDEN FEATURING THE CROSSTOWN FLYERS FRIDAY, 4-7 p.m. I.D. REQUIRED 0180627 PLAYWRIGHTS' THEATRE Presents TELEPHONE MAN and BODY AND VOICE Two New Plays for Actor and Electronic Media b» DENNIS KENNEDY Thursday and Friday May 26 and 27 Pocket Playhouse, Viltard Hall. 8 p.m FREE — Seats Unreserved 0179627 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS, WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations: Windgate Farms. 998-6789. 134S-rfr Friday. May 27 150 Geology THE MARX BROTHERS A MARILYN MONROE IN LOVE HAPPY PLUS TWO W.C. FIELDS SHORTS 7 & 9:15 $1 Sponsored by Spiritual Union 01816:25 FREE CONCERT An Evening oI Praise and Fellowship with Brother Sister and Fnends Tonight 7:30 p m. at Central Presbytenan. 1475 Ferry 5:25 HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP Breakfast: ROSS Lunch: TEREZ Dinner: GREG FIELD on 14th between Hilyard and Alder 01818:25 THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURS. KFMY 980 Midnite Movie THIS WEEK PETER BOGDANOVICHS THE LAST PICTURE SHOW This is a Him that introduced America to the forgotten 50's. It won 2 Academy Awards and was nominated for 8. If you missed it the 1st time, you owe it to yourself to see it. If you saw it once, remember again BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY 01809:27 THE VERY LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS ARSENIC AND OLD LACE By JOSEPH KESSERUNG Directed by BILL BURGER May 25, 26. 27, 28 $3 8:15 p.m. Boxoffice 344-7751. 2 to 8:30 p.m. 01795:25 PERSONAL THE FACULTY OF O.8.U. ART DEPARTMENT wishes to offer our condolences to (ha Univer sity ot Oregon over the recent demise of U.O. Art Department Even though It had bean HI for many yaara, we atiH understand your grief.5 25 EH, KAMA AINASI No worry. The Greek Week Emcee wasn't me. Love, Glen. 5.25 CHI PSIS: No bar leaning tonight! We re ready to PARTY and do it right! Love, AoPi’s. 5:25 KEL, When you go — II miss our coffee dates... and especially YOU! Family. 5:25 LYNN WHfTE: Breakfast was nice (and early). If I wouldve known big sisters were so entertaining I would've had my mommy and daddy get me one years ago. Love, Cherrill. 5:25 JACKI: Sorry it’s late. Last Monday you were pin ned, this Monday you turned 21! What shall it be the Monday following ? Congratulations!! I love you! Love in Sigma. Carroll 5:25 PORCH PAINTMG WAS GREAT, The Party was late. You are super TCs Love, the DG's. 525 FINGERS FOULON, Tosh Wood. Hands Hctis, Birddog Kelly, Mr. Poised Chestler: What can we say It was awesome! 525 BON BON: Here s to low-tar attacks (cart races at midnight?) and LB and his Way-to-get-a-Lay (the post-O-glow is now your basic shine). Goebs, how's his Butt? 5 25 TO THE CONSIDERATE PERSON who turned in my purse to the EMU Main Desk: You restored my faith in the human race. 526 SEVERAL RELIABLE WITNESSES have staled that Architecture had hired the James Gang to shoot down the Art Department 525 U of O CRISIS CENTER is open every night from 5 p m. to 8 a m. to help you with any problem. Strictly corfidential. 606-4488. 14546 W IT IS WRITTEN: Equal opportunity does not dis criminate Call Affirmative Action, 686-3177, to act as your advocate. 0109025 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK The Blood mobile will be at McKenzie High today from 220 to 6 p.m. Contact Nera Fuller at 822-3710 for more information. DONORS NEEDED O Postive 8 Units: O Negative 2 Units; A Positive 6 Units; A Negative 2 Units; AB Positive 1 Unit: and AB Negative 2 Units. Can 484-9111 for an appointment. IS THERE UNWARRANTED sexual or racial ds criminadon in one of your classes? The Office of Affirmative Action can help Call 686-3177. 0174925 DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled spring term, you need to file a Registration Request card rf you’re planning to register for courses during the Summer Session. There is still time to do it so stop by 64 PLC or the Registrar s Office 01817:sb STUDENT NEEDED for position on ASUO Lib rananship Committee Apply before 5 p m., Friday. May 27, in Suite 4. EMU 01819:27 AUDREY: Como esta? Eres rm Japonesa favorita. a Mexicanperson 5:25 A.W.: Good luck this week, m be thinking of you. With love, from a fellow Chi. 5:25 NORT: THIS IS A RETRACTION FOR ALL 16,000 U. OF O STUDENTS TO SEE OTTER. 5:25 FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? UKE RUNG YOUR REGISTRATION REQUEST CARD FOR SUMMER SESSION Stop by Room 64 PLC or the Registrar s Office 01776:sb NEED CLOTHES? Shop RAGS to RICHES SECOND HAND CLOTHES SHOP. Contemporary and vintage styles for men and women Open 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p m., Tuesday through Saturday 360 East 11th. 527 tino’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DEUCIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping hot Right to your door And now we have two delivery trucks to gve you faster service Call 342-8111. Now open until 1 a m. Monday to Saturday: Midnight on Sunday. 00628:tfn VETERANS Contact the VA Tutorial Office about your benefits For info call 686-3232 00730:6 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. confidential information and free preg nancy test. Call 687-8651. 1428Tfn SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5ft. x5ft., 5ft. x 10ft., 10ft. x 10ft.. and larger. 344-2710. West 11th and Bertelsen Road 02918:tfn THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations lor spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS, PICNICS, DANCES, etc $75 and up 896-3913 02885:tln. Pace 19