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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1977)
CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AO AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DASK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10c per word the first day copy is admitted and 8c per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m. tor correction in the next day's issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted. There is no refund for ad cancellations. The Emerald will not knowtingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color. religion, sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE ITOR SALE POLARGUARD BAGS on sale at the OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the EMU 0172227 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11 50 BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 00570:tfn OMEGA SEAMASTER WRISTWATCH $360. HP-27 and spare pack $150 Call Andrew 342-3909 MTWF 5-6 p.m Sat-Thurs mornings. 525 TYPEWRITER. Older Royal. Nothing fancy." but solid, clean, excellent condition $75 — offer 345-2822 5:25 FOR SALE: Couch, chairs, furniture, Sony stereo, electric typewriter Call 345-7156 526 KARATE, KUNG-FU, JUDO, TAI-CHI SUPPUES at Eugene Martial Arts Supply 2003 Franklin Blvd., 342-7756 Hours 1-6, Monday-Friday (Located right across from McKay s) 01718:6 BOYS 19' Panasonic (blue) Good condition $90 or best offer. Call 345-7672. 5:24 GULL HAVEN, the non-profit shelter by the sea is for sale. Six units overlooking ocean for $56,000 Happy vibes from folks who stay there are free So is the ocean. Call Charles or Leslie. 344-0641.5:27 OUR BUSINESS may be small, but we have the largest sales force in the Willamette Valley . . the thousands of people you see wearing blrkenstock* Come see and feel why! birkenstock footprints 136 East 11th Avenue 687-0065 01224:27 FOUR HARNESS HAMMETT WEAVING loom Counterbalanced 48" wide. 3 reeds. $250 Call 996-8754 . 524 FOR SALE: SEVERAL NICE black and wtxte TV s in good working condition Guaranteed. $30, $35, $40.485-0732. 5:27 25" BLUE WINDSOR, male 10-speed — $100. Also North Face down bag $50 and Magna vox stereo $35 — all good condition. Call 343-6808 526 ANDREA'S NEW PRINTS are finally here Andrea'S, 2441 H8yard, 345-1324 0181427 NEW SHIPMENT of imported Dutch wax prints. Andrea'S, 2441 HHyard, 345-1324 0181527 INSTRUCTION OREGON FEELING CENTER. An Alternative to the Primal Institute. Intensive. Groups 438 W 8th Ave Eugene. Ore. 97401. 686-4152. 5:24 GUITAR INSTRUCTION: All ages Beginning thru Professional levels. Most styles, with emphasis on creative skills. Experienced and reasonable Larry 343-7133. 5:24 INTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES involving Hatha Yoga, meditation, breathing practices . call 344-4862 to register Classes begin May 17. 01757:1 INSTRUMENTS Pm MANDOLIN, superb Gibson copy with hard ease, $300. 5-string banfo, Stewart - MacDonald, now, $100. Alto sax, Cleveland, in good shape, $75 344-3870. 526 ELECTRIC GUITAR FOR SALE. Great condition, $75. Ext. 5303 Claik, Bob Room 102. 524 SOUND SYSTEMS MARANTZ1070 Integrated amplifier. 1 year old, 4 years left on warranty $200. Call 343-7141. 5:26 PEAVEY CONCERT SPEAKER SYSTEM. 200 watt. 4-15" woofers, 5-homs Completely recon dMonad. $500. 842-4649. 5:31 MUST SELL CHEAP Pair of MtSow Sounding Spookors 5:27 MAY MADNESS CONTINUES... $6.99 UP’* — $4.47, with specials at $3.99 IS MSANE SAVINGS ON STEREO GEAR SUN SHOP RECORDS-STEREO-SERVICE 860 East 13th 484-1468 01660:31 CRAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock Yams, books on crafts. 13853:tfn ROOKS/SUPPLIES 30,000 USEO BOOKS all selling at Vi or less of published price. Textbooks. Cliff Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447:tfn CERVICES NEED HELP ON TERM PAPERS, THESES, ETC.? Professional editors can give organizational editing and rewrite assistance. WRITING SERriCCS ASSOCIATES 342-8686 or 726-8414 524.26 DANCE THERAPY GROUPS being formed now Let dance allow you to bloom anew call 344-4862 to reg ster 01756:1 TYPING TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rates Close to campus 344-7689 00564 MUW TYPING — Reasonable Carbon ribbon, 12 car riage Graduate School approval pending 747-8290. 5 25 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY FOR all typing needs IBM Correcting Selectnc Graduate ap proved Carolyn Sherrel 344-7231. 01719dn JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR B O A. (Blow-out, oil, adjust) Manual. . $12 Electric.$14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Delivery Call 342-2022 day or night Work Guaranteed — References _02919-6 THESES, Dissertations. Long Papers, Correcting Selecthc, Graduate approved Pick-up-delivery. Sandy. 343-9391. 00682Ifn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Setec tric. Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 14501.1fn TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec thc Graduate School approved IMII prck up and deliver Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627. 2710:tfn OUTDOOR GEAR FISHERWOMEN: DO YOU NEED a pair of Waders that St? Stop by the Caddis Fly, we have a good selection of Women s Waders Bnng along your male friend, we have Waders that will fit him too THE CADDIS FLY 688 Olive St 342-7005 0178824 POLARGUARD BAGS on sale at the OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the EMU 0172327 DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KfTSOUTDOOR CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT We carry our own line of user-designed and tested kits for vests, jackets, wind and ram gear, sleepng bags and more. Also available for your creative Sevang needs are fabrics. Polarguard and acces sories. Limited custom-mades available. 2449 Hityard 484-1252 11-8 Monday-Thursday 11-7 Friday 11-5 Saturday 00451l,h,f PETER STORM RAINGEAR SALE OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the old EMU 0172127 BACKPACKING TENTS on sale at the OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the EMU 0172427 ttlCYCLES USED BIKES From Second Nature... Buy, Sen, Trade. 585 Blair, 343-5362 0C699UW COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and tubes 146201fn RICHARD S Bike Shop Sn the Brand New TAKARA'S Full Service on ALL Bikes “Service end Quality" 2495 Hilyard 345-0477 01202:31 WHY BUY NEW? 26” women's Schwinn Suburban 5-speed. Upright handles, comfortable seat, saddle baskets, like new shape 485-8152 alter 6. 5:25 ^ARS/CYCLES '69 DATSUN 810. Good economy, mechanically sound. First offer over $800. Greg 484-0649.5:26 70 VW BUG, $79,000 miles, radio. 4-speed, very dean $950 or best. 344-0C16 or 344-3675 5:25 LEAVING COUNRTY, MUST SELL 1968 Chevy Malbu good condhion, low mileage, asking $650 call 342-4624. 5:27 1064 RAMBLER FORDOR automatic Rebull en gine, new tires, very dependable $400. 746-0030 525 CAPRI 1976 V6 2600cc. 48.000 miles Excellent condition. Inside and out. $2400. 687-2734. 526 1968 VW Camper New rebuilt engine, new brakes, excellent mechanical condition $1750 or best offer. 343-2198. " 5:27 CYCLES — 1970 HONDA SL175. $325 with trail sprocket — 345-3294 5:25 1965 GMC BUS — 40' — fireplace — stereo — carpel — C.B — cabinets $3100 747-1025.525 1970 AUDI, great shape. $1100 or best offer. 1966 MGB needs clutch work $1000 or best offer 687-9109 or 484-0649 526 1970 VW FASTBACK automatic In excellent run ning condition, looks good! Radials. more. $1000 Call Alan Tapping, ext 4313 campus or 485-9077. 4th floor 5:25 BRITISH AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND SERVICE EUGENE S COMPLETE BRITISH CAR PARTS SUPPLIER ' Accessories and Trim 'Competition -Electrical 'SemperIt Tires •Tune-op Common replacement parts stocked Factory original parts imported from England Obsolete Unusual parts special ordered 579 Garfield 345-7383 6* MGB ROADSTER —1967. Good condition, rebuilt engne. rollbar, wire wheels. 30 mpg 342-4337 after 430 p.m. 1433 Jefferson. Eugene $1,800 Firm. 5:25 75W MGB ROADSTER. Wires, overdnve, AM-FM stereo tape Excellent contition. 484-9433 . 524 AUTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagons 342-3952 12070:tfp CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 M 8 B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty / 14806 do*. TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE? Special serv»-e locates CHEAPEST fares Tail ored to your specific travel plans Wnte: Lasswefl, P.O. Box 3104, Eigene, 97403. 6:1 Wanted_ GOOD USED MANUAL portable typewriter Reasonable Call evenings, 344-5128 5:24 THREE RESPONSIBLE LAW STUDENTS seek house near school for summer, next year Fire place, good condition References. Lease OK 343-7888 524 HELP WANTED INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE: Student posi tions now open Apply Suite 4, EMU before 5 p m onTuesdav May 24 The ASUO is an Equal Oppor tunity Emr .oyer — women and minorities are en courage j to apply 0177324 STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD (SUAB): Positions now open — apply Suite 4, E MU before 5 p.m. on Tuesday. May 24 The ASUO is an Equal Opportunity Employer — women and minorities are encouraged to apply 01775:24 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary. We will train. Car essential Kirby Company. 484-9555. 120351fn THE ASUO COURSE GUIDE IS looking for people to sell advertising Pay is 20 per cent commission on what you sell. The job can continue through summer and next year Apply at Suite 4, EMU Applications deadfcne: May 24 at 5 p.m. Any ques tions call 6883724 The ASUO IS AN EQUAL OP PORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 01764:24 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW being accepted tor the director/assistant director ol the Black Student Union. Applications may be secured at the ASUO Office. Suite 4. EMU. 01787:26 GAIN SKILLS IN VOLUNTEER SUPERVISION, COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRICULUM DE SIGN. The job ot Assistant Division Head ot Com munity Services is now open. The job begins sum mer term but applications wilt be accepted tor fall term also This job provides an opportunity to be come well acquainted with the diversity ol commun ity service agencies in the Eugene-Spnnglield area Upper division graded credit is available For more information, call 686-4351 Applications av ailable in the ESCAPE off ice—327 EMU. ESCAPE IS an equal opportunity employer See what ES CAPEing is all about! 01800:25 APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE tor next year's INFORMATION AND GRIEVANCE CENTER DIRECTOR Must be available August and September $50 per month Deadline Thurs day May 26.5 p.m . Suite 4 EMU SUAB is an Equal Opportunity Employer Everyone is encouraged to apply 01790:26 PART TIME BABYSITTING AND kght housework in exchange for room with pnvate bath 3 blocks from campus. Apply to: Vicky Ingber 344-5377 5:24 UNIVERSITY YEAR for ACTION STUDENT needed to work in administrative position at Child Care and Development Center Earn $200 a morth, credit and valuable experience One year placement begins June 13 Call 686-4384 01797 25 PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME Earnings up to $8 per hour No expen ence neces sary Car and telephone required Call Fuller Brush Co 689-8585 , 017386 GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOWSHIP AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER Job title Inlant-toddler Educational Coordinator and Trainer Responsibilities: 1 Coordinate and implement classroom training program for teacher assistance 2 Resource person for teachers and I her assis tants Provide new materials improve caretaking techniques, offer ideas on classroom manage ment 3 Design documentation system for children s personal developmental rate and re commend cumcukim for such Qualifications 1 Student accepted and enrolled in masters or doctoral program by September 15, 1977 at the U of 0.2 Minimum of 1 year experience (at least 20 hours per week) workng with infants and toddlers in a GROUP setting 3 Educational background m psychology, heath, early childhood education or other areas pertinent to infants and toddlers Application Deadline: June 10. 1977 Apply at 1511 Moaa, Eugene 01779:6 MINORITY/DISADVANTAGED PLANNING COUNCIL — Appicatons now abatable la stodert poatons Deadline Wednesday. May 25th, 5 p m Suite 4, EMU 0178955 SUAB POSITIONS AVALABLE. #10 — Archnecture and Ailed Arts Landscape Urban Planning #18— Languages. Geography. Linguistics. Com puter Science. Philosophy, Rekgran, Comparative Literature Apply in Suite 4 by May 25 SUAB is an equal opportunity employer, women and mnonties are encouraged to apply 0176525 SEARCH IS NOW ACCEPTMG APPLICATIONS lor the position ol Director lor Pan term This stmuieflng fob can be yours. Just drop by SEARCH today and pick up a fob description in Suite I. EMU 2. Salary is $95 par morth, work study can be arranged SEARCH is an equal opportunity em ployer. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. Applications due May 31. 0180127 The Oregon Daffy Emerald la now accepting appkcjBone tor summer orlentMton issue ooor dnator and Entertainment Edtor In charge of laying out the weekly Entertainment Supplement. Appl es tons we available in toe Emerald offices in Room 300 EMU. The Emerald is an equal opportun ity employer; woman, minorities and the handicap ped era encouraged to apply Applications must be turned in by 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 31 EARN $2 by participating an hour-long Psychology experiment in noise and performance. Sessions in Mtemoons and evenings. Cal 344-3769 Tuesday 5-7 p.m. 524 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY $3 start — I-tours flex fete Detail experience helpful Apply M Serve n Save Hltfrway 99N and Belt Line 525 1978 OREGANA YEARBOOK EDITOR AND STAFF: Applications are now available in M-111. EMU SMarted position (edtor only) begins July 1, 1977 and ends June 30, 1978 Need not be In Eugene tor summer, but would be an adrantage Journalsm backgrounds preferred Applcattons due before 5 p.m. Thursday, June 2. The Oregana Is an aqua! opportunity employer 01803:1 WOMEN’S REFERRAL ANO RESOURCE SER VICE is now accepting applications tor the exciting position of d rector Put your skits to work. Applica tions era avail able at the ASUO Office, Suite 4. EMU. Dearsne is Tuesday, May 31,5 p.m. Wa are an equal opportunity employer. Everyone is en couraged to apply. 0181131 LEADERSHIP IS A SKILL THAT CAN BE NUR TURED. A challenging position as ESCAPE AD MMtSTRATVE ASSISTANT la now available. Ap ptcants should have an aptitude tor problem solv ing. tscal management and fee abMty to reexvriza and develop reeourcee. Requirements are prior leadership sapadenca and a three term commit ment This position offers a monthly stipend, upper dvision credit and a unique opportunity to develop your leadership skits If you enjoy autonomous work In a supportive framework, apptcatona are available In the ESCAPE Office, 327 EMU (686-4361), and due May 31st. ESCAPE is an af IrmatNe action employer Women and mfeorttias are encouraged to apply 0181231 THE GERONTOLOGY ASSOCIATION IS NOW adapting applications lor a committee ol program dractors. Thraa people will ba chosen to equally shara the responsibility ol this job Apply In Suite I EMU. 686-374S, dsadlna May 31 01686:24 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK wifi the handicapped Peart Buck Center Must be eligible lor work study or can receive practicum credit through ESCAPE or Special Education. Call Laura Krenk at 345-6506 02916:6 ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE LARGE two bedroom apartment lor summer. Call 3444)180 631 MALE ROOMMATES NEEDED FOR summer Two beGoom apartment, dock. pod. lour blocks trom campus. $70. 484-8021. 5:26 ROOMMATE WANTED. BEAUTIFUL house, yard, barbeque, with three ethers 21st and Alder 3434)938 525 LIVE WITH ONE OTHER PERSON In large house with Displace and garden In University area. $85 par month. 344-0016. 525 MALE OR FEMALE roommates needed lor 3 bed room tarm house Can alter 7 pm or on weekends — 747-4817 5:27 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Share with two others $67 Available June 5 342-1688 5:25 FEMALE — available June 15th Own room $83 33 Nice neighborhood — tireplace Deck 485-0689 524 FEMALE NON-SMOKER TO share turmshed two bedroom apartment. Blackslone Manor $112 50 Available September 1 Evenings 669-6848 524 FULLY FUWMHED FACULTY HOME, 4 mites from campu*. Four badroona On* yaar te«n. be ginning August 666-5202 or 344-5020 5 27 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Avalabte June IS OtehwaMwr. dspoaal. pod. parting 1255 MM #16. 6210 Ca# 345-0964 527 TWO BEDROOM FURMSHED APARTMENT to sublet Dishwasher, deck, pod, iaurxty facBtiae Near campus. Rem negotiates 344-8790 526 FOR RENT. THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT m ddsr house. Between town and campus. Skylghts. carpeting large bedrooms (good for atudte or study space) Inquire st Rags to Riches. 360 East 11*> or cat 344-7030 527 PURMSHED TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT wit) pod. shag carpeting, dtehwaaher. garbage dspoaal. private terrace, water, garbage paid 1256 MB #7. 346-1664 Sublease lor summer. 6210 527 BUNNY TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 17th end Alder #16. 6190 monthly, occupy mid June 346-5496 527 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. JUNE 1st available. money bonus, contract thru August 343-2836, Bteckstons Manor 66 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR BUMMER, fenced yard, swage. 32nd-Akter. 6225 687-9674 527 FOR RENT FURNISHED. TWO BEDROOM apartment; dspoaal. deck. pod. Ctoae to campus. Cat 4-6 p.m 346-4712 531 SUBLET POUR BEOROOM house. 2 baths, wall to net carpet, backyard, pari sty furnished, dose to campus. Phone 3430400 6265 par month. 527 SUMMER SUBLET. June 15 to September 15. Furnished two bedroom apartment 6160. ulBSes included. 667-6890 or 667-0660 evenings 5:31 1% BEOROOM APARTMENT, qdet street near campus, yard, no pete. 6136. utStHee included 344-1259.666-3664 525 LARQE TWO BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. fireplace, remodeled, one block tram campus. 6200. Sea Mtsr 6 p.m st 734 East 14th 527 QUADS 666 A MONTH. Summer rate starting June 15. One block from University. Call 667-0506 01813* SMALL HOUSE TO SUBLET lor summer 6120 a month including utHtee 324 East 12th. 525 SUBLET LARGE 2 bedroom apartment Furnished with Ireezer June 15 to September 15 Five minutes from campus 488-2678 evenings 5 27 $25 Reserves Quad for Summer. $70 per month, includes utilities 1360 Alder 485-0291,484-0804 01185:6 SUBLET STUDIO APARTMENT, available June 15th — cut rale tor June. 6135 a month after Op tional tease in September for school year. Phone 484-1694. Furnished/poo! 5:24 CAMPUS QUADS $95/$ 115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and private baths 1610 Harris 666-2470 14463lln SAVE 660 by renting for summer now! 2 bedroom furnished apartment, water and garbage paid $ 190 a month (usually $210) $180cleening/aecurity de posit, refundable ALSO — now taking applications for fall, Btacketone Manor Apts. 667-0684 01717:27 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. 2 blocks from campus Available June $210 per month Call 687-9543. 5:26