Irate lumbermen whack downtown In a protest against wilderness, Oregon lumbermen chopped down Eugene Thursday. Screaming “Kiss my Axe,” the loggers began chopping on City Hall early Thursday morning. “Timber,” they shouted as it crashed to the ground. When they ran out of buildings, the loggers began chopping down cars. These were also leveled. Having nothing better to do, the loggers then proceeded to chop down Ar chie Weinstein. “We re having a lot of fun," said logger Douglas Fir. “If the weirdos take the wilderness away, we log gers will come to the city and play.” ' Portland escapes via nuclear clouds The amount of damage caused by the May 1 radioactive gas leak from Trojan Nuclear Power Plant was underestimated, Portland General Electric authority Adam Split reported Thursday. “At first, we thought Portland was hiding somewhere in the Nuc lear cloud, and were optimistic,” said Split. “But now the cloud is gone and Portland still hasn’t shown up. The Public Relations dapartment isn’t going to like it, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Portland has dissol ved." Split points out, however, that the damage was only half as much as allowed under federal safety standards. Student spaces out on Moonie leaflets Mark Z. Hughes broke another school record Wednesday collect ing 14,000 Moonie pamphlets in the space of one hour. Asked his secret, Hughes replied, “I dunno, I was walking around campus a lot and people with varnished eyes kept holding out Moonie Pam phlets. I thought they had some thing to do with astronomy," he said. Detectives narrow creature’s identity The furry, foul smelling creature sighted by tourists last Sunday in Vancouver, Canada, was not, ac cording to investigators, the legendary Bigfoot. “At first he had us footed,” ad mitted chief investigator Squash Sack. “But then we considered his actions. Bigfoot wouldn't jump up and down, juggle tourists and break a bus. We are convinced the hairy half-man half-ape was either Hunter S. Thompson or Idi Amin on a Northwest vacation," confided Sack. Brigade members kidnap committee Unbeknownst to the populus, the Pissed Off Student Brigade (POSB) kidnapped the House Joint Ways and Means Commit 1 tee after the tuition hearing Tues day night. POSB members are at this moment masquerading as a sub committee in Salem. Whatever you do, don't put this in the paper, said POSB member Bob Z. McGregor, who preferred to re main anonymous. “It would blow the lid off our whole project." Comedy premieres despite nose itch “Over the Roar of the Greasepaint, I Heard the One Who Flew Over the Loon's Nest Call Me Jean Brodie On a Stretcher Named Desire,' Franz Kafka’s only humorous play, opened last night at Carouso Theater. The play was presented in a way that not only stimulated the eye, ear, nose and throat, but that created a sinking feeling in the viewer's stomach as well. John Power played the part of a 90-year-old man with the physi que of a 20-year-old exquisitely. However, since we must find something to criticize, we will ask Power: was it necessary to scratch your nose at the end of the third act? Every actor must learn to practice some restraint and, after all. you were supposed to be dead. Peter Welch seemed to live the role of the evil cuckoo, doing a magnificent job of strutting around, ruffling his feathers and laying an egg in the second act. 3 OVERNIGHT C NO MINIMUM COPIES UNBOUND KINKOS 1128 Alder 344-7894 Also in Corvallis r > SUMMER VACATION Whether you’re flying home for the summer, planning a vacation or just need to pick up tickets call us 686-1234 Fine clothes sensibly priced Gentlewoman Gallery Where being feminine is being yourself 1639 E 19th Open: MWF 10-8 Agate and 19th TuThSat 10-6 sPhone 343-9553 Sunday l-5> u Put your expensive eye behind our inexpensive System 35...and WOW Just about any of the great photographs you see could have been taken with Vivitar System 35. Plus one good eye. Vivitar System 35 is a most inexpensive way to get serious about photography. The basic limitation is yourown creativity and skill. Vivitar 220/SL 35mm camera Center-weighted match needle metering system/Speeds from 1/1000 to 1 second plus "B" for time expo sure/Electronic flash sync at 1 /125th second/Universal thread mount 50mm f1.8 lens/Built-in hot shoe/Self timer/ Film-in-chamber indicator/ASA Range 25-1600. Vivitar Automatic Electronic Flash Up to 200 flashes from one single 9 volt alkaline battery. Vivitar Automatic 135mm f2.8 lens Super focal length for portraits/About 2'h times larger than normal image Vivitar 2X Tele Converter Doubles the effective focal length of your lenses/Converts the 50mm lens to 100mm/ the 135mm lens to 270mm. Vivitar Enduro Case Carries the entire system com fortably and securely while hiking, cycling, skiing, etc. Find the nearest Vivitar dealer and ask for a demonstration. Marketed in the U S A. by Ponder & Best, Inc. Corporate Offices: 1630 Stewart Street, Santa Monica, CA 90406. In Canada: Vivitar Canada Ltd./U6e Vivitar. System 35 ©Ponder & Best. Inc.. 1977