VOI. 2, NO 1 Eugene, Oregon 97403 Friday, May 20, 1977 Brigade protests ‘white guy’ tyranny By H. McMcMcMcMcMc Of the Immorald The Bourgeois Busters Brigade put its theory into practice Thurs day when all six members of the organization marched off campus in solidarity with their slogan "White People Off Campus.” One tragic event marred the otherwise routine demonstration when one Brigade member acci dentally slipped on the steps of the EMU and was smothered in a storm of mimeographed leaflets. The reaction against wnite peo ple in general stemmed from the BBBs month-long campaign to end what they consider to be Uni versify complicity in the oppres sion of nonwhites. “We re taking up the struggle around the slogans Whites Off Campus,’ Victory to the Elimina tion Forces, and Down With Ma jority Rule, Brigade member John Smashem told the small crowd who gathered for a noon rally on the EMU Terrace. “Whites have oppressed and exploited generations of black, brown and yellow people. We re saying enough is enough — we re not going to take it anymore. As students and workers at this Uni versity we have an interest in see ing that this institution end its ties with whites and the racism they represent.” Smashem called for the Univer sity to stop accepting money from whites of all ages and classes and to stop providing University facilities for recruiters from white corporations. “It’s these same white people and the multinational interests they control who wage imperialist war in the third world and make up the bulk of the American ruling class,” Smashem said. "It’s no accident that the University of Oregon recruits a majority of its student body from the white petty bourgeoisie of this country.” The demonstrators marched from the EMU across campus to ImmorakJ photo A physical plant worker cleans up the debris of what used to be Science III. The building was cut from the University last night, when Pres. Nullon Void ordered a bomb be exploded in its basement. “This is part of the belt tightening we've got to do," explained Void. ",A committee will be formed tomorrow to evaluate my decision and recommend any changes they ’d like." Arts, Science College to go, Void terms school ‘a waste’ By LORDY PETER'S SON Of the Emerald University Pres. Nullon Void told members of the General Faculty Wednesday, that he plans to "phase-out" the College of Arts and Sciences by the end of the 1977-78 academic year. Void termed the college "a waste,” and added “it is crucial that we eliminate unnecessary curricula at the University in the face of severe economic crisis.” He addressed the snoring faculty saying, “I realize my decision will receive great protest from many of you. as it has from college Dean Almos Bald, but I still welcome input and I hope that you will forward your suggestions to me at my escape accondominium in Florida.” Void said he plans to clear out Unfriendly Hall, where the college offices are located, in order to rennovate it for a Lane County Jail auxilary office. “This will bring the University added prestige and attention from the community; besides," he added, “we haven’t had any real excitement here since de monstrators dug us a garden in front of the administ ration building." He also introduced a proposal to the faculty that would make all University facilities available to the city of Eugene, when notin use for classes during the day. Void said this proposal he called "Rent-A University" would allow those who had the bucks to use the buildings for whatever purpose they wanted to. "We can be somewhat discriminatory, but when it comes right down to it, we can afford to be real picky.” Void said that the proposal has resulted from many long conferences over beer with Chancellor Coy Screwnmall. He stated, “it is either this or we can file for bankruptcy." Some of the more coherent faculty members commented on Void's cuts and proposal following the meeting. "Well, I don’t think we have to go to these ex tremes,” stated Bill Comeon. "We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if Void would have put his $60,000 house up for sale, like we told him to." Bob Blowhard, sociology professor, stated, “we ll just have to trust his judgement, after all, he's promised us a handsome retirement package.” Susan Campbell Hall in an at tempt to confront representatives of the giant MultiCorp Co., who were conducting recruitment in terviews inside. When recruiters failed to meet with the protestors, the group demanded an audience with University Vice-Pres. Jailor Blowgun. Blowgun, enroute to a top-level security confab in the Dominican Republic, could only spare a few minutes with the demonstrators. His answers to queries about whites on campus were brief: "Look, you clear it with the Ath letic Department and I'll even let you book Adolph Hitler in Mac Court," Blowgun said. “Money talks. I don t care what color you are, as a guest of the University you have the right to make money, keep it, and make some more. The demonstrators listened as Smashem reiterated the Brigade’s opposition to white people and the special interests the race represent. "We can t sit by and let this go on forever. We must nse up and smash Whitey wherever we find him in whatever form he takes. I say — and it's the position of Brigade chapters throughout the country — ‘White Guys Off Cam pus and Victory to the Elimination Forces!" The chanting, sign-carrying crowd proceeded to the basement of the EMU where they held a short rally and demanded to see the ASUO executive officer. Smashem accused the ASUO president of conspiring with the University’s all-white administra tion to asuage white guilt. "She s not fooling anybody. We know who's calling the shots here and its time we fleshed the phonies out," Smashem said as the group took up his cry: “Oliver's not black — Only part of her!" The protestors were interrupted in mid-chant when campus sec urity observers — who outnum bered demonstrators 10 to one — moved in to break up the crowd. That does it," Smashem shouted. "Whites Off Campus, Now!" With that the demonstrators began their exodus from the Uni versity area. Marching down 13th Street, the Brigade promised not to return until they are replaced by an all-black radical student group. DIC warns of toxic drug A deadly light brown gas being sold as an amyl nitrite or nitrous oxide subsititute may have made its way to the Willamette Valley. The University Drug Informa tion Center (DIC) issued a statewide alert for the substance — popularly known as ' farts — after receiving word from federal marshals that the gas could be circulating in the Northwest. Mark Miller, FdT (Fonzeof Drug Technology), of the DIC says the substance is a derivative of rear gas projectiles" and is highly ir ritating. The gas is light brown in color, tasteless, and has a fetid barnyard odor, Miller says. The gas cannot be washed off and can be absorbed into the blood stream through the skin. Exposure to “farts' causes tear ing contractions of the nostrils and even in small doses, may cause death. Exposure to the substance in a small room (such as a bath room) could be lethal, Miller re ports. The gas may have entered the country through Mexico, where it is known that beans are a staple of the diet. Customs officials in Chicago say one woman was hospitalized with irreversible brain damage after coming into contact with "farts in the "Windy City. Meanwhile, a small group of af ficianados of the drug who refer to themselves as "odor-eaters' have openly advocated "farts. At tempting to clear the air of con troversy, Miller has condemned the "eaters’,stating unequivocally that: “flatus will get you nowhere.' Noting that the worst is behind us, Miller urged members of the community to keep a tight asshole and to beware of unidentified bubbles in their bathtubs. On other fronts, astronomers at the University have performed spectral analysis of the gas noting that it closely resembles the at mosphere of Uranus. The "natural gas crisis ” is the subject of a long range feasibility study now being conducted at the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). DEQ proposals include personal emissions controls and hi-flow exhaust hoods on public toilets. Will Oregon go down in the anals of history as the new “farts’’ capitol of the world? The answer my friend is not Blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin’ Through your shorts ... ijesterdcKj Amazon University Housing Director P.H. Barnyard ousted all Ama zon Housing Project residents in a surprise “housecleaning" move. The students currently are residing on the steps of Johnson “Unit" Hall. See Page 25. Holocaust Irate librarianship students raided University Pres. Nullon Void’s home and stoned him with numerous oversized braille Dr. Zeuss books. Void was reported in satisfactory condition with a cat in the hat. See Page 30.