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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1977)
Gulf liberation opinion (Continued from Page 4) dangerous working conditions. The student movement has milit antly voiced its opposition to the Shah’s regime and the U.S. im perialists he represents. In addition to these often spon taneous actions staged by the masses, two revolutionary or ganizations, known as the Mojah edeen and the Fedayee, have taken up armed struggle against the regime. These conscious polit ical forces are seeking to free Iran from imperialist domination and bring about a society that would meet the needs of Iranian people. The Mojahedeen states that it is important to “ .. .support the struggles of the workers and all exploited Iranians ..and to politicize their daily struggles and revolutionize them .. The Shah’s attempts to quell opposition to his regime have led him to extreme lengths in sup pressing the basic rights of the people. The Iranian secret police, known as SAVAK, are trained by the CIA and the Israeli secret If police and regularly use torture in interrogating political prisoners, the number of which is 100,000 (London Times). However, in stead of crushing the will of the people, this repression fans sparks into flames; they continue to oppose the regime in order to liberate their country. In Oman, the Peoples’ Front for the Liberation of Oman is waging the struggle for the liberation of that country from foreign domina tion and feudal rule, personified by Sultan Qabus. It is made up of peasants, fishermen, intellectuals and ex-soldiers (those who have left the Sultan's armed forces). The goal is a government which represents all oppressed people in Oman: one which would allow the people to exercise basic human and political rights, reas sert national control over the country’s natural resources and build a balanced economy from which the people would benefit. However, these aspirations are in conflict with those of the multi national corporations, the U.S. government and the puppet re gime in Oman. By 1973, 90 per cent of Dhofar province was liber ated by the PFLO. Since Sultan Qabus was not strong enough to quell the revolutionary movement, he was forced to rely on the Shah’s armed forces, which in vaded Oman in 1973. After three years of intense fighting, the Shah’s army inflicted heavy casualties on the PFLO. This caused a shift in the military strategy of the latter, but did not extinguish the movement. More and more people are joining the PFLO since they learn from their daily experience that the only way to escape from the exploitation they face is to take up arms against it. Since U.S. corporate interests are suffering increasingly sharper attacks in the Gulf area, the U.S. government, which protects those interests, has been forced to come up with new strategies to maintain its hegemony. To this end, the Gulf has been made into an American military sea. The Shah's invasion of Oman is a clear example of the Nixon Doctrine, which states that it is necessary 10 arm and train local rulers to pro tect U.S. interests rather than out rightly using American troops to do so. As in Iran, the secret police in the Gulf states are trained by the CIA and the number of political prisoners grows daily. The total absence of democ racy and denial of basic human rights by the puppet regimes are supported by the U.S. govern ment in deeds if not in words. The widespread influence of the CIA and the arms build-up which are being used against the peoples of the area are dear evidence of this. This kind of repression is neces sary in order to continue "develop ing" the Gulf economy to be an appendage to the international monopoly capitalist system. The multinational corporations which profit from the exploitation of the peoples of the Gulf also pro fit at the expense of American people. The 1974 "energy crisis” was a fabricated one which en riched only the oil sheiks and the energy monopolies, which used it as an excuse to raise prices. Even mougn urc^ is usea Dy me U.S. media to propagate the image that the peoples of the Gulf are benefit ing at the expense of Americans, the decisions of this organization are largely determined by the more powerful of its members (Iran and Saudi Arabia), who are actually vieing with each other for favor with the U.S. and in no way represent the people. The revolutionary struggles car ried out by the peoples of the Gulf are on the side of historical prog ress by fighting against local reac tion and imperialist domination, which stand in the way of a more just society. The attempts to rep ress these movements have not and will not work; they only serve to show the people that they have a life and death stake in continuing and expanding the struggle for the liberation of their countries. We call on American people to sup port the PFLO and other re volutionary movements in the Gulf area. Submitted by the Gulf Solidarity Committee IT’S PHASE LINEAR DAYS AT napier audio PPAabe SUneaA- 400 POWER AMPLIFIER NOW ONLY *39995 ■CHOOSE YOUR SAVINGS* 400 Power Amp .$500 200 Power Amp .$390 4000 Pre-Amp.$600 2000 Pre-Amp.$300 1000 Auto Correlator.$350 All Speakers.$1185 5000 Tuner .$500 NOW $399“ $299“ $489“ $219“ $259“ $885“ $399“ A whopping 201 watt power per channel minimum RMS at 8 ohms from 20hz to 20Khz at no more than 0.25% THD • DISTORTION FREE POWER • OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE • HANDMADE CRAFTMANSHIP • PROVEN RELIABILITY The Phase Linear 400 is the best stereo amplifier in its power range at any price. Outstanding performance and proven reliability are the main reasons for so much power. However, if you want volume, well... PHASE 400, WOW! SfihctM S£ine€i/i 2000 PRE-AMPLIFIER NOW ONLY (JJineui 4000 THE INCOMPARABLE PRE-AMPLIFIER NOW ONLY The perfect pre-amp? 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CREDIT TERMS napier audio ■ STEREO WITH A TOUCH OF CLASS AUTO CORRELATOR Noise Reduction System NOW ONLY $ 259 95 Valley River Annex (Next to Ernst) 485-1945 Wouldn’t it be nice to remove hiss and rumble from your stereo system? Well, your time has come! Phase Linear's auto correlator can do just that and more. Noise can be effectively eliminated from all sources (p ono, tuner and tape) without the bother of special encoding and decod ing, and without loss of any fidelity. As an added bonus the auto correlator and peak unlimiter, used together, will increase your system s overall effective S/N Ratio and dynamic range by 17.5dB! CORVALLIS • COOS BAY • EUGENE Page 8