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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1977)
Bicyclists plan tour to state park over Memorial Day weekend By JANE LEHMAN Of the Emerald If you re looking for a cheap, fun and ecological way to spend Memorial Day Weekend sharing camaraderie and the great out doors, then cycling enthusiast Dick Moffitt has got a deal for you. Moffitt is a motivating force be hind Spoke Folk, a bicycling touring group in the Eugene-Springfield area. Next weekend, the self descnbed informal association of convivial two-wheelers," is plan ning a 156-mile round trip to f order and camping gear are also needed. The cyclists will leave Alton Baker Park next Saturday at 8 a m. From there the bikers will fol low the back roads from Coburg to Halsey. At this point the course follows old Highway 99 into Tangent and up through Lebanon. Heading north into Sublimity, the bikers will face moderately trafficked roads. Only the en trance to the park should be con gested, he says. The course is relatively easy, years ago through the efforts of Mary McClusky, who was con nected with the Eugene Parks and Recreation Department. The city was already sponsoring bike re pair workshops and day rides, ac cording to Moffitt. But in order to accomodate overnight rides, McClusky got together the bicyc lists she knew and launched Spoke Folk. Moffitt, who is a Springfield den tist, is one of the few charter members still around. During Spoke Folk's two year history, he has been on at least a dozen FRIDAY FEATURES » Silver Falls State Park, south of Salem While the mileage sounds im pressive, the ride is broken down into manageable portions. The first day is spent covering the 78 miles to the park and making camp there that evening. This is followed by a day of rest, recuper ation and exploration of the trails between waterfalls there. The last day is spent getting a headstart on homeward-bound holiday traffic. Interested riders should be able to travel the 10 miles per hour pace set by the group, according to Moffitt. “We all try to stay to gether in case anyone has a flat or a bike breaks down," he says. A 10-speed bike in good working says Moffitt. "You’re in the Wil lamette Valley and it’s a flat as a board.” However, the last mile and a half of the 78 mile jaunt is uphill. “The road is not quite as steep as the 30th Avenue hill outside of Lane Community College, but it’s twice as long,” warns Moffitt. Spoke Folk ventured on the same excursion last year. The only mishap was when one of the members dropped out of the cara van at Lebanon. “ She was on a three-speed bike and had a drag ging brake. A three-speed is a fine bike for around town, but it isn't the ticket for touring." Spoke Folk started around two rides, clocking over 1,000 miles. Moffitt believes "better weatner and more interest" has lead to the expansion of Spoke Folk ac tivities. Up from four annual rides, the two-wheelers now get to gether in fall and early spring for one day rides. This summer the normal fare of “45 miles out, 45 miles in" trips will jump to as far as a 1,648 mile journey to Colorado. The following is a schedule of re maining trips for the summer: May 28-30 (Memorial Day weekend) SILVER CREEK FALLS. A three day outing, cover ing the Santiam River Valley. 78 miles npo June 17-26 NAPA VALLEY WINERY TOUR. Take train to Davis, Cal. Bicycle to Napa Valley and tour vineyards. $73.50 round trip train fare, $5 baggage fee for bike. July 16-17 SHARPS CREEK. Includes racing the Goose Steam train to Culp Creek. Beautiful swimming hole at camp. 43 miles one-way. July 23-Aug. 20 TRANS AMERICA TRAIL Eugene to Fort Collins, Col. Follows Bikecenten nial trail through Missoula, Mon tana, and Yellowstone National Park. Fly back from Denver. 1,648 miles. Aug. 20-21 ALSEA FALLS. Only one hill. 42 miles one way. Sept. 10-11 MARY'S PEAK TREK. 60 miles to top of coast range. Last 13 miles is uphill. Sept. 17-18. CRATER LAKE RIM TOUR. Take bikes to Crater Lake in trailer, camp overnight at Mazama Campground, drive home. 35 miles around the Lake. The 15 to 20 Spoke Folk mem bers meet every third Wednesday of the month at the Mandarin Re staurant, 13th Avenue and Hilyard Street, at 6:15 p.m. to discuss up coming rides. However, persons who would like to participate in the Silver Creek Falls ride can call Moffiti for more information at 746-5130 after 7 p.m. [tip j$qutrr ^oP | \ s s \ Hooded j \ T-Shirts & [ $ ^^Sweatshirts j j $16.00-$25.001 J } Valley River Center CAN BEWITCH (MESMERIZE) LOVED ONES, OTHERS TO YOUR BIDDING * WRITE REQUESTS: DONATIONS APPRECIATED. JAMIL P.O. BOX 10154, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE ANYTIME: 342-2210 484 2441 V ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE MAJORS LET US HELP YOU TO BECOME A CPA CPA REVIEW PORTLAND 503 223 3384 COURSES BEGIN MAY 26 A NOV. 24 su STUDENTS pEpGtSENT 1/3 of USA