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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1977)
\ NATURAL FRESH FROZEN YOGURT Honey Sweetened in Peach Honey Strawberry Raspberry Vanilla PoiTRA’S 875 E. 13th Next to the U of O Bookstore — Duffy’s Tavern celebrates the new single by SCANDAL, “Memory Road” & “Too Much Complainin’ ” Friday, May 20th. Free admission to anyone wearing the Duffy’s “Rocked by SCANDAL” T-shirt, 5 available in advance at $ Duffy's Tavern. s _ The Deli Meats Corned Beef (round) Roast Beef Ham Turkey Raft Salami Pastrami (turkey) Salami (turkey) Ham Stick (turkey) Pastrami (round beef» Assorted Salads Cheese Swiss Cheddar Tillamook Provalone Monterrey Jack Caraway Muenster Breads Light & Dark Rye Wheat Berry Cracked Wheat Onion Roll Sourdough OPEN 11:00 - 2:30, 4:30 - 6:30 M-F 5-7 Sundays NO BEER GARDEN TODAY Next Beer Garden May 27th A&M Records is happy to announce a new album by CAT STEVENS (£} on A&M Records & Tapes ™ Produced by Cat Stevens wah Davtd Kershenbaum Cat Stevens. LPsNowMy $495 CHRYSTALSHIP 164 W. Broadway o C?_ Evelyn Sell to speak today Evelyn Sell, a named plaintiff in the landmark civil liberties suit brought by the Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialist Alliance against illegal government harrassment, will speak today at 1 p m. at Lane Community College's Forum room 301. Her appearance is sponsored by the Political Rights Defense Fund, an ad hoc civil liberties group that is publicizing the issues and rasing funds for the suit. While teaching in Austin, Tex., Sell was targeted by the FBI for her outspoken stand against the war in Vietnam and her activities in the women’s liberation movement. She was fired from her job as a result of the FBI s investigations Sell has filed her own suit against the government in addition to the first suit. Bring it down to BRING The BRINGmobile will be on campus at the corner of 13th Avenue and University Street today and every Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. to pick up recyclable materials. The BRINGmobile will be at the Grower s Market, Fourth Avenue and Willamette Street from 4 to 6 p.m. BRING will collect glass, reusable containers, aluminum, tin, cardboard and kraft paper, white paper and lead or other metals. BRING meetings are open to the public and are held the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 15th Avenue and Ferry Street. For more informa tion call 746-3023. Fair Board seeks input Lane County Commissioners are encouraging citizens interested in serving on the Fair Board to apply for appointment by May 18 The Fair Board is responsible for the management of the Lane County Fair Grounds, the Exposition Center and the activities held at those county facilities. The board is responsible for making and enforc ing all rules and regulations necessary for the proper conduct and management of the county fair. County commissioners are interested in expanding the present Fair Board by appointing two people. This will increase the board to five Applicants must be taxpaying residents of the county One of the new appointees will serve until January 1979. and the other until January 1980. Applications for the Fair Board appointments are available from the Lane County Community Relations Office, Public Service Building, 125 East Eighth Ave.. or at the Fair Board Office. 796 West 13th Ave. MEETINGS The Baptist Student Umon wil meet a! 7 30 to at 1939 Onyx St Apt 6 EdtJe Olds wil lead the meeting and the topic is “Lowe Is For more riormator or transportabor caH 344-7443 The Handball Club wa meet a! 5 p m today in the EMU room to be posted Interested persons are invited to attend The Jewish Stodent Umar >Mpt wiUmeel at 8 30 tomtit a 1414 K«ca*o St Interested persons are turned to attend University Women in Tran 9 Bon wiB meet at 7 30 tomtit m the EMU room to be posted Non traditional female students and women interested in attending the University to further ther educa tions are invited to attend Academes scholar ships grants child care orientation, counseling and support groups will be dscussed For more information call 345-7876 Alpha Kappa Pa the organization of under graduate business and economics students null meet at 7 tonight m the EMU. room to be posted Ali business and economics students are invited to attend A speaker wilt be featured Legal service sets closures The Senior Law Service, a program of the Lane County Legal Aid Service in cooperation with members of the Lane County Bar Association, provides legal advice and services to people over 55 with limited income and assets, according to Jean Beachdel, Legal Aid spokesman. • Services are normally available each Saturday morning at the Kaufman Center in Eugene and on the first and third Saturdays of each month at the Memorial Build ing in Spnngfield. This Saturday, however, the centers will be closed for Senior Law Service be cause of a planning session being held by Legal Aid on that day. The service will also be closed May 28 for the Memorial Day holiday. For more information, call Beachdel at Legal Aid Service, 342-6056 Library offers term paper aid A term paper clinic aimed at providing individual assistance to students on how and where to find information for term papers will be offered by the library Monday through Fnday next week According to program coor dinator Didi Malarkey, documents Itbranan, 12 librarians are assist ing in the program Students who wish to participate can sign up at the catalog information service from 8 a m to 5 pm.. ext. 3053 ( briefs LECTURES David McKay trom He Johnson Space Center m Houston «; speak on Scan nog Electron Micro scopy Geoscience Appecatons at 1230 pm today n Room 307 Geology Ezra Stotland from the University o* Wash.r\pon and the Bates* Institute tan* speak on EmpeHy Fantasy and Helping at 330 p m today m Room 146 Straub Eksabefh Kaan* from He University ot Bntur Columbia wilt speak an ionization Processes m Hot Dense Plasmas at 3 30 p m today *i Room 16 Science 1 Her lecture is sponsored by the physics department The Nigerian Students Association Presents igerian cultural nigh Dinner, movies. Slides, High-Life music. Sunday. fTlavj 22nd 6:30 £mU Ballroom $3.50 Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald s pubkshed Monday through Fnoay ex cept during exam weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emeiald Pubkshmg Co Inc as the University ot Oregon Eugene Ore 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union The Oregon DaXy Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service Emerald subscnpuons are S7 per term and S20 per year News and Edsonal Display Advertising and Busness Oas sited Advertising Production Edrtor Managng Editor Asst Managing Editor News Edrtor Graphics Editor Asst Graphics Editor Edtohaf Page Edtor 686-5511 686-3712 686-4343 686-4381 Greg Wasson Tom Wolfe Martha Bliss Lora Cuykendali Perry Gaskin Steve Sandstrom Jackman Wilson Sports Editor Asst Sports Editor Entertainment Editors Wire Editor Associate Editors: Department and Schools Features Local Politics State Politics Community State System and Student Services ASUO Environment Night Editor Production Manager Advertiang Manager Accountant Marv Fyydbec* Kim Spir Peter Duryea Bob Webb Paul Waldschrmctt Sean Meyers Nick GaHo Becky Young Mary Beth Bowen Tom Jackson Meatier McClenaghan „ Lon Peterson Kevn Hacked E G WNte-Swift Tom Fluharly Kate Setgal Cart Bryant Ted Johnston