Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 19, 1977, Section B, Page 2, Image 12

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    Dixieland jazz set at Rodeway
Auditions held
Auditions for the Cole Porter musical Kiss Me, Kate will be held at
Lane Community College, starting Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the lab
Based on Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, the show will
be presented by LCC s department of performing arts in its summer
theatre, opening July 15 for nine performances. Wayne Ballantyne, who
has acted and directed several plays here and in Salem, will direct.
Roles are available for singing and non-singing principals, as well
as for dance and vocal choruses. Scripts will be available for 24-hour
Workshops scheduled at art center
Crafts Society in Portland, will dis
cuss resumes, format and presen
tation of completed portfolios.
On Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Nancy Jones, photography in
structor at Maude I. Kerns, will
conduct a one day workshop on
the basics of photographing good
slide reproductions of art work.
Two members of the Joe In
gram Trio, Joe and Mary Scott In
gram, will return to Eugene this
Sunday when they perform their
Dixieland Jazz at the Rodeway
Inn. The Trio last played in
Eugene at the Country Squire
several years ago.
Ingram and his trumpet go back
through the Castle Jazz Band, the
Webfoot Jazz Band and the
Blitz-Weinhard Centennial Dixie
land band which toured the state
of Oregon in 1959. He is a
graduate of the University and has
been on recordings with the
Oregon Jazz Band.
In 1970 the Ingrams (she plays
the piano) moved to Monterey,
California, where their band
Medieval music played
The University Collegium Musicum will present “A Sampler of Early
Music,” featuring Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque selections Fri
day at 3:30 p.m. in the University’s Art Museum.
The ensemble, under the direction of Hal Owen, music professor,
will concentrate on 13th through 18th century music. The group will
perform dances and motets from the Middle Ages, music for solo lute,
consort pieces from the Renaissance and a “Trio Sonata" for rwo
recorders and continuo by Telemann, renowned contemporary of J.S.
The Collegium Musicum is a group of music students dedicated to the
performance of music from ancient times to the time of Bach — music
not ordinarily found in orchestra repertoire. The performers use recor
ders, krummhorns, kortholt, cornamuse, harpsichord and lute, as well
as violins, viola, cello and guitars.
The concert will be informal. Admission is free.
began playing at the Casa Munras
Hotel. They are still there, but find
time to be active in the Monterey
Bay Hot Jazz Society (Joe Ingram
is president) and to play around
the Bay area and Sacramento.
The performance at the Rode
way Inn (Beltline Road exit at
Springfield) is being sponsored by
the Traditional Jazz Society of
Oregon. It will start around 1 p.m.
and last until around 6 p.m. Ad
mission is $1 for students and $2
for adults. All jazz lovers are wel
come, members or not.
This Saturday and Sunday
Maude I. Kerns Art Center will
hold workshops in basketry, port
folio preparation and presentation
of the artist's work.
From 9:30 a m. until noon on
Saturday Callum Mac Coll, direc
tor of the Art Center and former
Gallery Director of the Arts and
3:00 p.m. this afternoon
Friday 8:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am
Saturday 11:30 am
Saturday 1:00 pm
Saturday 2:30 pm
Movie: 'Fraternity Row’
Bunion Derby
Push Cart Race
Ballon Launch
Canoe Joust
Oakway Cinema
Here and there
13th Ave.
Mill Race
in front of
Physical Plant
® 1977 Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana 46514
The session will include a lecture
on basic camera functions, lenses
and accessories, film types and
uses, facts of light, exposures, fil
ters and their functions, plus the
actual setting up and shooting of a
student s work. Students should
provide cameras, film and art
Registration can be made for
either or both days. Saturday's
session will cost $5 with a 25 stu
dent class limit. $8 will cover
Sunday 's class which has a li mit of
12 students.
A basketry workshop with
Susan Marrant and Jacci Weller,
will occur from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Saturday and Sunday. A $15 fee
includes fibers. The class limit is
In this workshop, construction
of twined and coiled baskets of
fiber, pine needles, raffia and
other natural fibers will be discus
Registration for all workshops
must be made prior to the class at
the Art Center Office, 15th and Vil
lard. Office hours are 9 a m. to 10
p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9
a m. to 5 p.m on Friday. For further
information, call 345-1126.
The Age of
John Kenneth
A history of Economic
Ideas and Their
Galbraith traces the ideas of
economists and social
philosophers and their consequ
ences from Adam Smith
through Marx and Lenin, to
Keynes and on to concepts and
events that gave shape to the
Cold War, the modern corpora
tion, the struggles of the Third
World and the problems of
modern urban society.
The Age of Uncertainty is also
the subject of a thirteenth-part
television series that will be
broadcast over PBS starting to
night, Thursday May 19
Trad ebooks Dept.
U of O Bookstore
Hth at Kincaid 686-4331
Open: Mon-Fri 8:15 a m. to5 p m. Sat
9 a m. to 1 p.m. _