686-4343 CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DASK 110 BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rales are lOCper word the first day copy is admitted and 84 per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum. Ail ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m for correction in the next day s issue. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowlingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race color religion, sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL, COMFORTABLE SUMMER DRESSES by Turtlestuff at Saturday Market Cus tom orders welcome WH:2 FRESH ROASTED COFFEES On Campus NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 782 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 00980MWF RECYCLED-GUARANTEED refrigerators, ranges, washers dryers ECOLOGY APPLIANCES 769 Monroe Street 687-1990 14016:W THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments stereos, photo equipment etc. Buy sell and trade 00697:MWF TRAILWISE POLARGUARD SLEEPING BAGS, regular $70 value — $55. two for $99.50 TENT SAVINGS UP TO 22V Four models to choose from. MATTOX OUTFITTERS 57 W. Broadway on the Malt 686-2332 01705:sb 2 TRAILBLAZER TICKETS: second home game of NBA finals!! Best offer 485-1860.686-0863.5:20 FOOTNOTES FOR SALE. Linguistics 290 $6 95 or best offer Call 686-6281. 5:18 1963 CHEVY BE LAIR Good transportation $300 36 inch x 44 inch auto roof rack $25 Realistic tuner-amp. turntable. 2 speakers, excelent condi tion. $225. 686-1831 5:20 FOR SALE: Small, modem sofa with two matching chairs, excellent condition. 344-5521 520 MUST SELL: 1970 Ptymouth ($850); 12-string guitar ($75); Hart Free styles, Salomons ($130): Rossignol Stratos. Salomons ($70): Wilson golf clubs ($75): $900 stereo (KLH, AR. Pioneer)— ($450) —Augat —after 5 p.m.-686-5179 5:18 POLARGUARD BAGS on safe at the OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the EMU 0172227 (Or tell 15,500 others; In the classifieds) Page 18 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — S11.50 BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 00570:tfn OMEGA SEAMASTER WRISTWATCH $360 HP-27 and spare pack $150 Call Andrew 342-3909 MTWF 5-6 p.m Sat-Thurs. mornings 5:25 DESK $15. Lamp $4 Chest-of-drawers $25 10 gallon aquarium S8 Steel shank rubber boots $4 687-0737 5:20 12" BLACK AND WHITE SANYO TV, excellent condition S60. Call 342-8494 5:18 COMPLETE B W darkroom apparatus. Canon FTB, 1.7 lens. OK Ford 1966 Mustang, Ruger single action six shot 22 magnum, stereo, stop at 775 East 15th Apartment #1 after 4 p m. 5:18 DOUBLE MATTRESS AND BOX Spnng $30 344-2529 5:18 Birkenstock provides the unique cork footbed con tour and surrounds your foot ri the best of suede and smooth leather For ultimate foot comfort, whether walking or standing on smooth hard sur faces birkenstock footprints 136 E. 11th Ave. 687-0065 01742:20 NEW SHIPMENT — handmade batik scarves, large squares. S5 each. In the Boutique Andrea s 2441 Hilyard. 345-1324 0171320 AFRICAN PRINTS, S3 50-S3 75 a yard, good selection Andreas. 2441 Hilyard 345-1324 0171420 KARATE, KUNG-FU, JUDO, TAI-CHI SUPPLIES at Eugene Martial Arts Supply 2003 Franklin Blvd . 342-7756 Hours 1-6. Monday-Fndav (Located right across from McKay s) 01718:6 GARAGE SALES RUMMAGE RACK — Thursday. May 19. 9 a m -8 p.m. Church of Resurrection. 3925 Hilyard House hold goods. Clothing, furniture 5:19 INSTRUCTION INTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES involving Hatha Yoga, meditation, breathing practices call 344-4862 to register Classes begin May 17. 01757:1 SOUND SYSTEMS BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS. MKKO Solid State Stereo Amplifier. Dual turntable. Jordan speakers Excel lent condition. $250. 345-7758 after 6 p.m. 5:18 THORENS 160 Turntable used only for recording (10 times). Shure M 95. $150, 343-7141 5:20 SONY REEL DECK with speakers, excellent condi tion $150 or best offer Carolyn 345-9779 5:20 MUST SELL, Almost new. Super Scope Ouad rasonic Amp Larry — 342-7878 5 20 MAY MADNESS CONTINUES... $6.99 LPs — $4.47, with specials at $3.99 IS MSANE SAVINGS ON STEREO GEAR SUN SHOP RECORDS-STEREO-SERVICE 860 East 13th 484-1488 _ 01660:31 CUSTOMIZED SPEAKERLAB SPEAKERS, 5 year Warranty stHI good $70 or best offer Jim 344-5576. 5:18 PLANTS/GARPENS VENUS FLYTRAPS — ready to feed! $2 50 each at RAINYDAY CACTUS 1361 Pearl 485-8153 01766:20 CRAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in slock. Yams, books on crafts 13853If n PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011 :M,W,F VIVITAR 200 MM F3.5 Interchangeable Lens. List $179.95 sell now $100. Virtually unused 484-2480 5:18 NIKON FTN WITH f 1.4 lens, $375, perfect condi tion, with case. 343-0433 late afternoon or evening. 5:18 rooks/supplies 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at Vi or less of published price Textbooks, Cliff Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447:tfn SERVICES DANCE THERAPY GROUPS being formed now Let dance allow you to bloom anew call 344-4862 to register 01756:1 RECYCLE EVERY THURSDAY 1 30-3:30 at 13th and University Bring your cans, bottles, cardboard and aluminum. BRINGMOBILE ON CAMPUS Additional information: Call SURVIVAL CENTER. Ext. 4356 14754W WOMENS SEXUALITY WORKSHOP Talk, movement, fantasy and other body awareness approaches Saturday. May 21 Reservations $15 to $25/trade Carol Green. MS W 344-4455 01699:20 STORAGE WANT TO GET SPACED OUT? We are now offer mg SPECIAL STUDENT RATES! Share a storeroom with your friend and the rent will be even cheaper Bring this ad and your I D for discounts MINI-MAXI Storage 24-hour access RENT-A-GARAGE 4445 Franklin Slvd. 747-5757 Eugene, OR 97403 01242MWF TYPING PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Manuscnpts legal research, slat Daytime only References. Linda Nathan 343-8334 5 18 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY FOR all typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate ap proved Carolyn Sherrel 344-7231 01719ifn TYPING WANTED. Term papers, manuscnpts or whatever IBM Selectnc Typewnter Fast — Accu rate— Reasonable Phone 344-5856 5:19 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BOA (Blow-out. oil. adjust) Manual $12 Electric.$14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up Delivery Call 342-2022 day or night Work Guaranteed — References _ 029196 iHESES, Dissertations. Long Papers. Correctng Selectnc. Graduate approved Pick-up-delivery Sandy. 343-9391 006821fn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 14501 Ifn TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec. tnc Graduate School approved Will pick up and d»'iver. CaH Carole at 688-3983 or 3627. ’710i?n TYPING - RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rales Close to campus 344-7689 00S64 MUW OUTDOOR GEAR PETER STORM RAINGEAR SALE OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the old EMU 01721 27 POLARGUARD BAGS on sale at the OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the EMU 01723:27 BACKPACKING TENTS on sale at the OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER in the EMU 01724:27 SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. Manufacturer of high quality sleeping bags and of fers them to you at reasonable prices Also complete line of custom ftted backpacks. Why pay more when you can get the best7 Buy from SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. 455 High St.. 485-2341 01665:20 HICYCLES USED BIKES From Second Nature Buy, Sell. Trade 585 Blair, 343-5362 00899UW RICHARD S Bike Shop See the Brand New TAKARA’S Ful Service on ALL Bikes “Service and Quality" 2495 Hilyard 345-0477 0120231 RALEIGH 3-SPEED BIKE. $35 Call 342-7535. leave message 5:18 2 MEN'S 10-SPEEDS, 23 (no.7028504), 25' (no 706797). rack, fenders Like new Make offer Martin, Joe 485-9668. Evenings 5:20 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and tubes. 146201fn f»ARS/CYCLES ONLY 15,000 MILES. 1973 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. radials, radio perfectly maintained $2400 or best offer 687-1885 5:16.18.20 SHARP 1971 Fiat 850 Spyder Roadster, low mileage, radials. gold color. $1350. Call 689-3009 5:19 1971 DATSUN 2402. Good condition A/C 30mpg highway. Radials $3000 342-3864 5:20 GREAT DEAL. 1973 Ford Pick-up. V-8. runs fine Some body damage $1600 or best offer 688-4323 5:19 1971 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK One owner Clean Nearly new radials 687-9335 After 5 p m. 5:20 CLASSIC 1946 DODGE PICKUP. 4-speed 6 all original Runs well $500 — 345-4832 5:20 VW BUS 1964. Body not bad 5.000 miles on rebuilt 1969 motor $800 Good car. superb deal 484-0104 5:20 1969 JAVELIN, SST, PS. AT. radio, S850. call 344-0180 after 5 p.m 5:18 '70 TOYOTA DELUXE. 27 mpg. low miles excel lent condition, new tires and brakes $1200 343-9959 5 19 '70 TOYOTA DELUXE, 27 mpg low miles excel lent condition, new tires and brakes $1000 343-9959 5 19 1964 VW Factory-built camper Best ofler 343-5942 after 6 p m weekdays 5 20 MUST SELL — 1970 Mustang Fast back in decent shape 302 V-8 AM-FM 342-6969 anytime 5 20 1968 SKYLARK BUICK PS radials air New brakes, shocks, battery Clean $700 687-9489 5:20 1974 AUSTIN MARINE, 25.000 miles Must sell by June 28 AM FM cassette with auto-reverse $1750 344-5650 or 343-4582 5 20 FOR SALE: 1963 FORD FAIRLANE. deluxe 4-door wagon Small V-8 automatic Original owner, professionally maintained Excellent mechanical, interior, and exterior $695 344-0330 5 18 20 MPG LUXURY SPORTS CAR Datsun 280-Z 2-*2 1975 AM-FM radials 5.800 686-9634 520 NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $295 or Less R & J Motors 1380 W 7th 342-7339 14545tfn AUTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmssion rebuilding and parts lor Volks wagers 342-3962 120701fr CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 M 8 B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cyknder maintenance and rep ax Swedish cars are our specially 148 OP In TRAVEL LEAVING SATURDAY MORNING FOR MON TANA. Male preferred lo share driving and gas Call 896-3239 or 74643727 (message) 5 18 GOING TO MAINE JUNE 1st Need person to share dnvmg Call Bob 344-1906 5 1 9 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE? Special service locates CHEAPEST fares Tail ored to your specific travel plans Write Las swell P O Box 3104. Eugene. 97403 6:1 WANTED_ WANT TO BUY: SORTING AND SEARCHING by Knulh. PU1 by Pollach Sieve 342-6838 5:18 20 23 WANTED: SMALL child's motorcycle or bicycle helmet 485-2571 after 6 p.m 5:19 WANTED: HOUSE TO SUBLET. July 1 Septemter 1 (flexible) Furnished 2-3 bedroom South University area. 343-1327 5:20 NEED STUDIO APARTMENT for summer and fall under $110. Anytime after June 1 $20 REWARD 344-9184 after 6 p.m. 5:18 HELP WANTED The job Of DIVISION HEAD OF ELEMENT ARIES is now open This is an excellent opportunity to gain skills in supervision, communication and cur riculum design This is a fine opportunity to be come well aquainted with the Eugene-Springfield elementary schools and daycare centers while working with school and agency staff Pay and credit available For more info call 686-4351 Ap plications are in the ESCAPE office 327 EMU ESCAPE is an equal opportunity employer Men, women, and minorities are encouraged to apply 01710:18 QUICK BUCKS Earn them delivering the Observer this Spring and Summer. Call Steve at 687-0378. 01727:t8 THE FOOD-OP, a student wholesale and retail, non-prollt. food corporation has 2 openings Both require a 2 or 3 term com mitment Work study is helpful but not re quired These are excellent development opportunities lor your business and man agement skills DIRECTOR AND GENERAL MANAGER Complete responsibility lor company Busi ness. management and lood experience is desirable This position carries a significant time commitment with negotiable hours COMPTROLLER. Intermediate accounting nr equivalent experience is helpful Respon sibilities ,’atements supervision of billing bookneeping and management repons Ap proximately 20-25 hours a week We are an Affirmative Action em ployer 016751tn FULL-TIME SUMMER work study person lo work with Daily Emerald Advertising Department (some selling delivery and pick-up. office etc ) June 13 to September 1 Sunmer CWSP full-time awardees only Please eppty to 300 EMU The OOE is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action employer Women and minorities encouraged lo apply 5 20 PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME Earnings up to $8 per hour No expenence neces sary Car and telephone required Call Fuller Brush Co 689-8585 01738 6 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK wifi the handicapped Peart Buck Center Must be ekgible for work study or can receive practicum credit through ESCAPE or Special Education Call Laura Krenk ai 345-85C6 02916 6 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS many suEjects for expenments in judgements and decision making this week $4 lor about 90 minutes Call 485-2400 from 9 a m to 5 p m 0174020 HELP SAVE THE EARTH! THE SURVIVAL CENTER has staff posit o ns open mg for next year Job descriptions and applicatons lor director are available m Suite I EMU Leadership skills and environmental commitment are impor tant Deadkne lor applications is 5 p m May 23 Women and mmonties are encouraged to apply Oregon is a leader mthe environmental movement * — why don t you become involved” ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION 0171220 EVER DREAM OF NIXON? Seeking descriptors of Nixon as a dream Kgure Please contact JoanB 343-6804 afler 5pm 5 WH 26 THERE S STILL TIME TO create a SEARCH class lor summer term Class requests sating Tai Chi srXt sculpture wntmgsof KenKesey KnshnaMurti Any top* a posabAty Deadkne May 30 Drop by SEARCH. Suite 1. EMU 2 686-4377 01763 19 THE ASUO COURSE GUIDE IS looking lor people lo sell advertsxig Pay « 20 per cent commission on mhat you sell The job can contnue through summer and next year Apply at Suite 4 EMU Apptcations deadline May 24 at 5 p m Any ques lions cal 686-3724 The ASUO IS AN EQUAL OP PORTUNITY EMPLOYER Women and minontes are encouraged to apply 01764 24 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will Iram Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 12035 tin ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED Two berkcum apartment With one other 2 blocks Irom campus $72 50 plus utilities Available June 13th 344-9418 5 20 TWO ROOMMATES WANTED. June 15-September 15 Share nice furnished house, close to campus $87 50 per month 343-7544 5 18 TOR RENT TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. 2 blocks Irom campus Available June $210 per month Call 687 9543 5 26 SMALL HOUSE TO SUBLET lor summer $120 a month including utilities 324 East 12th 5 20 $79.50 QUADS SUMMER RATES LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED. PRIVATE BATHS. PRIVATE REFRIGERATORS. LIKE NEW. PARK ING. AIR CONDITIONED. UTILITIES INCLUDED. '/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS AND TENNIS COURTS RESERVATIONS FOR FALL TERM ALSO BEING ACCEPTED HURRY. ONLY A FEW UNITS REMAINING Call tlrst 345-1272 751 East 16th 01674:Sb LARGE TWO BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE — fireplace Two blocks from canpus Newly remod eled. $200 345-5515 5:20 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. $135. utilities in cluded 344-1254 or 343-8026 2043Vi Onyx. 5 19 NEW 2-BEDROOM, 2 bath, unusual contempor ary three level house in S E. lulls on no mainte nance wooded lot with view Fireplace, decks, gar age Completely furnished including all appliances $425 Deposit, references Available mid-June, one year lease 5:18 Wednesday, May 18, 1977