i PEANUTS AM I &0M& ? UMAT AM I 0O.\S y uXAT if ThE MEAMnS Of LIFE ? THC M£ANiN<? Of Uf£ !5 ID 60 SAC* TO £i.££f AV* HlV£ THAT TDAVJkWL 4>4U. 0t A BETTER C3A. f A*? iF'itVte THtSH»Hc A^CH/T SATi^c? fOXctT ITU «COcN hat HA' Kik.»s. ^OM£On€ kMO The OF MAf CH H THE MirOw£ JANT5 TO u MEANiN6 Of OF THE AOAxENEC AS? kMju THE 6hT By Schutz Doors A‘door’nments provide keys to unlocking owner’s personality I knew my journalistic career had reached an all time high when I was asked to cover doors More precisely, what students and fa culty put on their doors — humor ous, perverse or profound. Before I hit the big-time faculty doors, I decided to warm up on the ones in my dormitory. Cruising down the hall, I came across a door which seemed illustrative of the feminist struggle. These men hate woman," it read in a banner headline But someone had cros sed out “nate and put in "love. But someone else had crossed out love and put "need." To which someone had added "Isn't it the truth. Feminists haven't gotten very far in doors, I decided It doors are exemplary of their owner s personality, there are a lot of blank people running around But then I came across an oasis of ego. On a pink, glitter-studded door were the words: "INTRODUCING UNSUR PASSED PERFORMANCE: DE NISE AND JULIE. (To know us is to love us)" Below which was a collage in cluding phrases such as "Size has nothing to do with performance," "The softer you are the harder men fall" and “Is there life after 19?" Indeed. Hedonism, existen tialism and free thought all wrap ped up in the philosophy of one door. Back to the desert. Oases fell farther and farther apart as I climbed higher in the dorm: "From deep within my cranium, I this prediction make. If you eat Uranium, you’ll get Atomic ache." Until, when I reached the Oregon Daily Emerald seventh floor graduate students, door thinking had apparently died Occasionally I would happen upon a cryptic note left by a sur vivor: "Babe, You turkey! You have my bike key!” I decided it was time to go after the biggies — the faculty doors. Faculty doors have overdosed Doors were plastered with car toons in an aimless hodgepodge of humor on the fourth floor litera ture dept. On one door, a man car rying a 'doom sign and dressed in a mourning frock is told by his wife, “Have a nice day, dear." On another a character in BC looks up a tower and shouts, “Fair Story by JOCK HATFIF.LD and Photos by TONYA HOUG Of the Emerald on Ph. D. Office hours, manila fol ders and test results obscure their historical significance. I began on the third floor of PLC, philosophy. The doors here were blank, in some cases even the office hours were missing. As I walked down the hall, blank door preceding bl^nk door, I could almost see tumbleweeds rolling toward me across the tiles, and hear the wind whistling through the door jams. It was a veritable door ghost town. Then I found whai had to be the key, the lone door message on the third floor: “If you think chemistry is depressing, wait until you try philosophy." It was 12 o' clock, and I climbed the stairs. The economics floor was another desert. Cacti, in the form of office hours and "the Key to quiz #6" were the only growths sprouting. Upper floor economists did a little better. A headline read on one of their doors: "Market sinks to 20 year low under glut of liver." maiden throw down thy locks." In the next frame covered by a pile of fish he comments, "Who says Jewish girls don t have a sense of humor." Why did the literature profes sors decide to post these particu lar cartoons? Is there meaning behind their mad selections? Are fish somehow connected to doom? I began to feel covering doors was too much for me. Unlike stu dent doors, five floors of faculty doors had presented nothing orig inal, nothing that was not clipped from a paper, stolen from a circu lar or written by Nietzsche. I had seen seven Peanuts cartoons, one "Boycott Grapes' bumper sticker and a picture of the Fonz saying "Sit on it”. As I climbed the stairs to the next floor, I asked myself, "What has happened to our teachers?" I was in no condition to plow through another floor of cartoons. Luckily cartoon doors gave way to doors of political activism on the seventh floor. Not all doors, I realized, are anti-feminist: “.. And so Cinderella told the prince she wasn't falling for a divi sive tactic like a glass slipper and she stayed home raising the con sciousness of her three sisters. There was a strong sense of people getting kicked around on the seventh floor. A newspaper ar ticle on one door told of an Irish steel worker, Bob Finnegan, who was hit by four different cars in the space of two minutes. First he was hit by a taxi, then another car swerved over and hit him where he was lying in the gutter, and then "as a knot of gawkers gathered, a small van ploughed through the crowd, leaving behind three injured bystanders and an even more shat tered Finnegan. Finnegan was hit by another car before the article finished. Did the person who put this up identify with Finnegan or take sadistic pleasure in him? Pro found. On the eighth and ninth floors, doors became more radical and I was beginning to have a restored faith in the faculty. An article about the Kent State killings was on one with a sentence underlined in red: “The guardsmen accused of shooting four students were ex onerated this year.'" Posters advocating GTF or ganization and unionization were everywhere. "Albert Einstein was no dummy. He joined the AFT. Another door displayed a letter with a CIA letterhead which read, "We were unable to find any re cord of your mail being inter cepted.' Hmmm. Before I left the building I asked a passer-by what subject profes sors and GTF s on the top floors taught "Political science, she said. "All right!" I exclaimed. There really IS a connection bet ween people, their personalities and doors. As I rode down the elevator I began thinking of a lead for my article: "The handwriting is on the door, not the wall. An inspiration! I thought to myself as the elevator whined past the fourth floor to ward ground. 3 OVERNIGHT C NO MINIMUM COPIES UNBOUND KINKOS 1128 Alder 344-7894 Also in Corvallis U"ittch out Back Door.' A celebration of the Gluteus Maximus BEST BUTT NIGHT ♦MEN & WOMEN! COMPETITION vs THIRS. V*W MAV 19 ^ S PM / n V \.\> 7 III\(, (.<)!S ' " I- nlrk-s limited sign up nl the bar M55 Vhu/iih Page 17