pOpmo youth fictrwzuo, me. Gafeattum, && fi&W,_ svubcnc umm and euqenc ftjpmo / community \ Friday $*» -10:00 ym. conbon ' octet WW& fibonssm H<* ‘Tickets Available at EMU Main Desk” CURE "TERM PAPER FRIGHT" <2 ERROR-FREE TYPINO MnOM TYPING » BBON CORRECTION EIMON STM ERRORITE' NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN BROWN, RED, BLUE & GREEN AT YOUR CAMPUS STORE WITH ERRORITE! ANNOUNCEMENT: Wholesale Prices Are Now Being Offered at University of Oregon’s Campus By... TOUCHE: the exclusive line of contemporary women’s fashions. Featuring denims & leathers... from the casual gaucho to the timdessly classic trench. Offering excellence in quality & behevabiBty in price. This program has been created by students, and more importantly, for students, but in order to maintain prices at the wholesale level, it is essential that we have your cooperation and understanding. Therefore, our main goal is to present you with the finished garment, not the huge advertising campaigns or other promotions inherent in normal retail overhead. The elimination of this overhead allows us to market our product to you at the wholesale level. Orders may be placed through the following campus reps Anne Revell at 485-9677 and Kathy Coe at 686-4794. Please contact these reps for incfividual or group showings. A sampling of pre-washed denim prices: pants-$8.25; safari jacket-$15.00; gauchos-$9.00; vest-$6.00, bikini-$6.00. Portland Trading Co. 917 SW Oak Portland, Or. 97205 S__ s -...€l al— Whales to receive hearing The state Legislature’s Com mittee on Trade and Economic Development will hold a hearing and work session on SB 345 Tuesday at 8 a.m. in Hearing Room A. SB 345 declares that whales are overexploited and in danger of extinction and that protective regulations are inadequate. The bill also prohibits state or local governments from purchasing goods produced in countries where whale hunting is permitted for profit. For more information, contact the Survival Center or the ASUO Legislative Resource Center. The Resource Center has the names, addresses and phone numbers of the committee members as well as copies of the bill. Kite builders fly wares The Eugene Parks and Recre ation Department is offering kite building and flying workshops Thursday and Friday for both children and adults. The work shops are followed by a kite fly-in from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 5, at Amazon Field. Dancing set The Asian American Stu dent Union and the Eugene Filipino American Community are sponsoring an evening featuring Cabataan folk danc ing Friday, May 13, from 8 to 10 p.m. at the Condon Elementary School, 1787 Agate St. Admission is $1. uontests tor me largesi ana smallest kites, the fastest launch, the longest tail and other categories will be held as well as kite fighting. The kite building workshops will be held at the Atrium, 99 West 10th Ave., from 7 to 9 p.m. today, at the Westmoreland Community Center, 1545 West 22nd Ave. from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday and at the Sheldon Community Center, 2445 Willakenzie Road, from 10 a m. to noon Saturday. Kite flying workshops will be held from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Sundays May 22 and May 29 at Amazon Field in Amazon Park. Pre-registration and a 50-cent materials charge are required for the indoor workshops. Phone Viv ienne Friendly at 687-5353 for in formation. Talk to review Socrates Homer Thompson of the Insti tute for Advanced Study in Princeton will present a slide lec ture on “The Philosopher in the Market Place: Socrates in the Athenian Agora” Monday at 8 p.m. in 177 Lawrence. The lecture is sponsored by the assembly and the University lec tures committee and history de partment. Thompson, who is generally recognized as the dean of American archaeologists, di rected the American excavation of the Athenian market place, the Agora, for over twenty years. His talk will relate Socrates to the Agora in order to show the philosopher in a human light. Committee to seek wilderness testimony The House sub-committee on public lands will hold a hearing at Harris Hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Committee members Chairer Tino Roncalio and Rep. Jim Weaver, will hear testimony on the Endangered American Wilderness Act. A slide presenta tion will show roadless areas in the bill and an outside P.A. sys tem will broadcast the proceed ings. For more information, call 686-4356. MEETINGS The Muslem Student Association will meet at 7 to right In tie EMU, room to be posted, to discuss some suggestions presented to the elected execu tive committee arid to discuss next year's ac tivities. Interested persons are invited to attend. The Eugene-Spnngftetd Comrmaiity Meet will meet at 10 a m Saturday at the Whteaker School. 21 N. Grand St The Baptist Student Union win have a "noon day" meeting from 11:30 amto 1:30 pm today in the EMU, room to be posted. For more informa tion, call 344-7443. briefs LECTURES Unda Wicks will give an Honors College presen tation on the Suzuki Metiod of violm instruction with student demonstrations and a workshop at 9:15 p.m. Saturday in tie Gertmger Lounge Robert Murase, a University assistant professor of landscape architecture, will speak al 4:30 p.m. today in Room 177, Lawrence His presentation is part of the architecture and ailed arts faculty lec ture series MISCELLANEOUS Rutiie Gorton will sing songs about interna tional struggles and the women’s and labor movements in tie United States at 730 tonight in the EMU. room to be posted. 1 Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday ex cept during exam weeks and vacations, by the Oregon Daily Emeiald Publishing Co.. Inc . at the University ol Oregon. Eugene. Ore 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service Emerald subscriptions are $7 per term and $20 per year News and EdtoriaJ Display Advertising and Business Classited Advertising .Production 686-5511 686-3712 686-4343 686-4381 Edttor Managing Editor Asst. Managing Editor News Editor Graphics EdNor Asst. Graphics Editor . Editorial Page EdHor Greg Wasson Tom Wolfe Martha Bliss Lora CuykendaH Perry GaskiN Steve Sandstrom Jackman Wilson \ Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor Entertainment Editors Wire Editor Associate Editors: Department and Schools Features Local Politics State Politics Community State System and Student Services ASUO Environment Night Editor Production Manager Advertising Manager Accountant Marv Fjordbeck Kim Spir Peter Duryea Bob Webb Paii Waldschmtdt Sean Meyers Nick Gallo Becky Young Maty Beth Bowen Tom Jackson Meatier McClenaghan Lori Peterson Kevin Hacked E G White-Swilt Becky Young Kale Seigai Cart Bryant Ted Johnston 7 Eugene Hotel tonight hosts booze, bands Eugene’s Mithrandir and Cor vallis’ Magpie will perform in con cert tonight at the Eugene Hotel. The music starts at 9:15 p.m. Hard liquor will be served before the performance. Mithrandir is calling this per formance "The Road Show” be cause they are using it as a launching point for a summer tour of Oregon and the Northwest. This will also be Magpie’s last performance in Eugene for a while. Tickets for the concert, which takes place in the King Cole Room, are $2.50. They are avail able at Everybody’s Records, the Sun Shop, New Frontier Market and at the door. There will be no price hike on the day of the per formance. Fish experts to demonstrate angling advice On Saturday the Southwest Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (SWOMSI) will have "Something Fishy" going on in the west wing of the museum. Fisheries biologist Robert An derson will present slides and a talk about the fish of this area. He will bring live specimens as well as photographs and will explain where fish are found and what they do. He will answer your questions about the life history of fish, how to find them and how to catch them. The half-hour “Kaleidoscope" presentation will begin at 10 a.m. and is especially suited for those 12 years of age and older. SWOMSI, a non-profit cultural and educational organization, is located at Fifth Avenue and Wil lamette Street in Eugene. Admis sion is $1 for adults and 50 cents for students and senior citizens and includes all exhibits and planetarium shows. SWOMSI members are admitted free. ' Dust or Destiny, a film, sponsored by the Chinese Christian Work Group. mM be shown at 8 tonkfit in tie EMU Forum Admission a tree. POUCV The Emerald s briefs column is open to anyone vesting to make announcement at meetings, lec tures and miscellaneous events Briefs are run onty once and are subject to space I medians They should be typed, tnpie-spaced n a 65-umt margin. Include all pertinent information, espe cially the (Me you want it rin Also, include a name and phone number n case we have ques tions. Events with donations or admission charges wit not be considered for the bnefs column At items must be turned in by 2 p m the day before pubtcation at the Emerald office. Room 300, EMU