■““WitfW .. . &S\lE— 1 EXPECT HE THE WEANS,'* Letters Respect lacking I wanted to express my opinion concerning the man who spoke outside the fishbowl on Monday afternoon, and challenged people to prove that God does not exist. I am a Christian and I was disap pointed about the way he pre sented the Christian message for two reasons. For one, he did not show re spect for people. The message of the Bible teaches that man has dignity because he was created in the image of God. And man was so important that the Son of God became a human Himself and gave His life to redeem man from his fallen, sinful state. The man who spoke on Monday did not treat people as though they were important. Secondly, his presentation lacked any attempt to justify the Christian position. The existence of God cannot be ultimately proven or disproven to the satis faction of everyone. The issues are too complex. But the Christ ian is still called to give reasons for faith. I do not know who this man is. He may or may not be a true Christian. But I do not believe his manner was consistent with his message. “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...” — I Peter 3:15,16. Gloria Hegge Sophomore — Pre-Journalism Protest SB 1048 The Senate Labor, Consumer and Business Affairs Committee likes SB 1048 and you must pro test before it becomes law! The bill reduces workmen’s compensation insurance by (1) deducting social security pay ments, that thereby shift the costs from the private insurance indus try onto the taxpayers; (2) phas ing out compensation payments so that the middle-aged are dumped on taxpayer-supported agencies; (3) stopping permanent total disability awards by demand ing the injured disprove hypothet ical job ability, training, experi ence or retrainability, and (4) al lowing insurance companys to in vade injured workmen’s family tax-statement and demand fre quent hounding medical exami nations. The bill returns us to the days when employers (1) hired you only after physical and psycholog ical tests proved your tolerance to take abuse; (2) injured you with long, back-breaking hours; (3) used the fear of lost work, or Pa