pETS huge, tough orange tom needs home — call 345-3217 evening* and weekend* 5:13 fjOST B FOUND FOUND: CAMERA, near 19th and Alder. Monday. Identity, damn. Wagner, 685-3033. 5:12 LOST: 7 monti male yeMcmr Lab around 34th and Harris. Has white flea collar Call Mika 464-0496. 5:13 LOST: BLUE SUEDE Nika, PLC May 4. Reward. Please return EMU or 343-2178. 5:16 REWARD. $25 for returning tujica earner*. lost in bush. 19»hsnd Alder. 343-8130. 5:13 FOUNO: MEN’S 10-SPEED BIKE, while. 26 inch Cal 342-8807 after 6 p.m. 5:13 LOST WATCH — left In shower, woman's locker room last Thursday night. Sentimental value RE WARD Nancy 343-0080 5:12 LOST NEAR 1«h-ALDER, female white kitten wflh gray spot. Sherri. 344-1334 5:13 LOST MY GLASSES somewhere on campus They're in black case. Please cal: 687-8780. 5:12 LOST — SET OF KEYS. Leather piece and Oregon centennial coin Please oontad Wendy art. 5387, Thornton 5S poop B PRINK CAFE GLENWOOO, 3758 Franklin, 7-3 pjn. BREAKFAST SPECIAL- N< Fanciful omelet* and special teas 142250n GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder Let us help you with your VITAMIN needs. New kne of low pnee vitamins. Com* see us! 01164.1fn DIO YOU KNOW that our cofle* coats lass per cup •tan Foigers? Come on in and check a out The best teas too ALLEN BROS. COFFEE 2465 Hityard Street 344-0221 0120731 r-“1 Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast Jom ua (or omeMlae such at our Morning Fiesta, Sunshine, or Croat* Your Own The pancake* are yummy and our oatmeal it slow cooked Our homemade soup, sandwiches, salads and smoothies lor kaich wM antes you to come back lor more At night, we lealure Tempura hah or v a pat aril at and other taste detqhti Uve music nightty. Weekdays 8 a m -9 p m Weekends 9 a m.-9 p.m. Closed Tuesdays 875 East 13tfl 343-0846 00967 18 QOOO TIMES AT PIZZA AUREJJO $1 08 Giant Pizza Tuesdays, tree monies to Price on bar terns with regular pizza Sun -Thurs. altar 930 p m. 298i and WOametle 14507M-H NEW DAY NATURAL FOOD RESTAURANT Excellent vegetarian tood at reasonable prices. Open lor lunch end dinner Deity specials 8 soups 11 a m.-9 p.m. Monday-Saturday 136 East Itti Street 486-0411 M SCARBOROUGH FAME 14314:MF emsa. FRIDAY EMU BEER GARDEN FEATURING THE KIN 4 to 7 p.m. LD. REQUIRED 01696:13 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM in conjunction wNh Oie BLACK ARTS FESTIVAL, PRESENTS QUINTARD TAYLOR HISTORMN. RESEARCHER, CONSULTANT Taylor ail pmant a alliM lecture deaWng NS “BLACK COMMUNITIES IN THE WEST: PORTLAND AND SEATTLE” Friday, May 13.1377 Room 1«7 EMU 12:30 pjn. FREE 01244:13 CHINESE MEDICINE TUESDAY, MAY 17 7:30 pjn. EMU (room to be poetad) 501 suoaeated rtonainn Sponsored by C U.S.C.P.FA and C.H.E.C, 5:17 EMU CULTURAL PROGRAM PRESENTS AN UNDER GRADUATE ART SHOW 167 EMU May 15, 16,17 12-4 p.m. 01671:13 SURVIVAL COTTER PRESENTS BOTTLE BABIES Nasttas encourages their formula foods, while <*s oouragng breast feertng at the eq>ensa at tie Marts. Thursday May 12 EMU 1:30 pm. fobs passed FREE 01700:12 SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS WHALE FESTIVAL May 10-12 EMU BaBroom FREE Spaahara. Fame, Discussions, Music WMi PAUL HORN IN CONCERT AND DISCUSSION Thursday May 12 • p.m. $2 SO U of O Students *3 75 General Pubic 01646 12 BALLROOM DANCtNQ with instructions. WOW Hal. Thursdays. 7 pm. (Informal, everyone wel come) Admission: $1. 5:12 RUTHIE GORTON Smgs songs from Irish. Latin American and other international (and national) struggles Friday, May 13 7:30 pm. S2J0 01673:13 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS BONNIE RAITT WITH SPECIAL QUEST MUDDY WATERS and LORI MORITZ Sunday May 22, 1977 830 p.m Mac Court Tickets: $4.50 U of O Students $5.50 General public $8 Reserved and at door Available at EMU Main Desk and At Everybody's Records 01696:20 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE LOON’S RAGE An outrageous comic fantasy on the threat of nuclear power plants. SUNDAY MAY 15 ROBINSON THEATRE 8 p.m. Tickets avaeable at tie door $2 U of O students, seniors, older children $2.50 general public 01284:13 J MTTHRANDF FROM EUGENE AND MAGPIE FROM CORVALLIS AT THE EUGENE HOTEL FRIDAY MAY 13 Tickets: $2.50 AtStedoor Music at 9:15 p.m., King Cole Room 5:13 BUOU DREAM PRESENTS DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST BRESSON, 1998 180 PIC tonight 8 pm. $1.25 or Season bcfcet 01707:12 DANCE: THE BALLROOM DANCE CLUB meets every Friday night at 8 pm. in tie Harrttton-Tingte dining room. Everyone is welcome. 5:13 PLAYWRIGHT’S THEATRE presents TWO original STUDENT plays E*^ESS TRAIN” 87 AMY CHARTOFF AND ‘COMMUNICATION AMONG ELEPHANTS” BV PAUL THOMUS EMuT®7' Ma* 17 twu Forum Room 12:30 p.m. f*ee Sppn-or-d by the EMU Culhwl For,*, 01698:17 E**U CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS gimme SSssS^ss^ er©ay may 13 „ no plc J1*nd • p-1" umverstveilm society LA FAUTE DE L’ABBE „ mouret 01694:13 THREE NITES Thur8.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY KFMY 980 Midnite Movie THIS WEEK DUSTIN HOFFMAN LITTLE BIG MAN Either he was The Most Neglected Hero In History or He Was a Liar of Insane Proportion BEST SEATMG ON THURSDAY 01667:13 WHEATFIELD AT MURPHY AND ME Wednesday and Thursday May 11 and 12 5:12 DANCE/CONCERT AT CARSON HALL SATURDAY, MAY 14 *-1 Am. FEATURING SCANDAL SI 5:13 run pm* 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10ttt and OWe, 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU THURSDAY OREGON PREMIERE of VISCONTI S LAST F8.M CONVERSATION PIECE With BURT LANCASTER as the aging intellectual artist invaded by his family. SHOWTMES: 7:30 Mid 9:45 01658:12 C.C.P.A. PRESENTS A SOCK-HOP 'Sffe MUSIC ROCK ‘N’ ROLL Mi sic spun by JOHNNY ETHEREDGE Saturday. May 14 $1.50 9 pm. The New W.O.W. Hall. 8th and Lincoln 01657:13 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS, WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations: Windgate Farms. 998-6789 13451tn THE AN AN DA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS WHAT’S UP TIGER LILY? In one of his craziest ideas, Woody Allen creates a very funny film by taking a Japanese spy-thriller and dubbing in his own dialogue. The idea's not original. Woody says, "GONE WITH THE WIND was a Japanese movie — they tust dubbed in the southern accents." SHOWN AT 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. ALSO I NEVER SANG FOR MY FATHER Gene Hackman and Mekryn Douglas were both nominaed lor Academy Awards in fits brtkantly acted film about the generation gap. SHOWN ONCE ONLY AT 8.25 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 14*1 180 PLC BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2857 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 d 10:30, Friday — 4-8 p.m. MCHELOB ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week. '7688-* UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE from the novel by Muriel Spark adapted tor the stage by Jay Presson Allen May 13. 14, 19, 20, 21 8 p.m. ROBINSON THEATRE *4. $3 UO Students HALF-PRICE! Box office: 686-4181 016621fn RUTH IE GORTON Sings songs front Irish, Latin American and other international (and national) struggles. Friday, May 13 EMU 7 JO pjn. *2.50 01673:13 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocals! with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday, 9-12 14822M-H EMU CULTURAL FORUM In Association With The SURVIVAL CENTER proudly Presents PAUL HORN In Concert Thursday, May 12 EMU Ballroom U of O students $2.50 General Public $3.75 01646:12 ANEVEMNQ OF MIME, MASK AND MOVEMENT 5X5 By the TheatrElan C.C.P.A.. 8th and Lincoln Friday. May 13 8 p.m. $2 01689:13 WEDNESDAY MAY 18 ROBERT REDFORD IN THE CANDIDATE PLUS PINK PANTHER CARTOON 8 and 10 pm $1 150 Geology ASUO State Affairs 01709:18 PERSONAL HOOHAW VISUAL THINKER: pooh on you! Ados? George 542 Emerson. Palo Alto. 5:18 INTERNATIONAL DEBUSK WEEK Take to tie MHrace to show REAL duck spirit 01652:12 THERE WILL BE a Christian Science Organiza tion weekly teetmony meeting tonight at Wesley Center (13th and Kincaid next to the U.O. Books tore) 6 pjn. At are welcome to attend. 01199+1 ITS READY THE SUMMER TME SCHEDULE OF CLASSES SO GET IT TOOAY Stop by room 64 PLC or the Registrar's Office 01706:16 DO YOU BELIEVE taat there are 100 at tie tap? Mot 5:12 MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR THE LATE U.O. ART DEPARTMENT HAVE BEEN CANCELLED due to the In completed construction of the $18,000 foundry. 5:12 JSS — Thanks for your help on the HD and tor all the extaa. EL 5:12 BEGINNING WITH O By Olga Broumas The winner of me Yale Series cf Younger Poets Competition. A book of letting go. of wild avowals and unabashed erobdam. NOW AT THE U OF O BOOKSTORE 13th at Kincaid 686-4331 01711:13 DELTA GAMMA CONGRATULATES its newest members: Cindy Brown and Amy Lawrence, and its fantastic pledges: Cindy, Laurel, Karen. Ntaki, Chari, and Kathy 5:12 TO MY FAVORITE KORN-OATE — The black lights and Cowboy Hats were more tin than Hick-ups and a walk around Bean. Thanks for Friday Night. Chris C. 5:12 CHI O S: Our plates are ready The table is set Vffiether it's rainy or sunny WeH have tie best time t»t The D.U.'s 5:12 MALLARD DRAKE, triday weather conditions lor flights north are poor — layover at pond #7. H.H.T. 5:12 GORDON, REEVES, HUD — please come to Portland to identify the remains of tie Lakers.5:12 PEGGY — My sincere apology for offending you. BCNM 512 DAS AWAITS YOU: Be tiers or be square! "Ahh Thank-you" 5:12 SUPERMAN: Happy A-day to us! 5 big years... and only 87 more days til we start counting al over again! Love you. pork. 5:12 GOOD LUCK AT PAC-Ta. Go for it Ducks! 5.12 PH PHI TRIO: Things aren t always Tun Wth Dick & Jane " F-I-I-I-NE, D B G. 5:12 THIS MAY BE the night of dreams oome true. The Dream Date Function of Sigma Nu! 5:12 (Personals continue on Page 12A) Paao 11 QiMsfiAn A