686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rales are 10* per word «ie first day copy is admitted and 8* per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change. There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day’s incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 pm. for correction in the next day's issue. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertiseme.it will be adjusted. There is no refund for ad cancellations. The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age. CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE 1TOR SALE GENTLEWOMAN GIVES TO every woman an in dividuality. New arrivals. 1639 East 19th, ■woqccc 01683:13 ELECTROPHONE STEREO — Ike new. plus re cords. $100. 342-4123 (Jana). 5:11 1970 4-door Datsun 510 automatic. Low miles, new tires. $1300. 343-0653 . 5:11 FOR 25 YEARS birkenstock has been making the ultimate in foot comfort for standing or walking on the unnaturally smooth and hard surfaces that sur round us all birkenstock footprints 136 East 11th Avenue 687-0065 01668:sb HONEY — in your container, only 69« per pound. Also bee collected pollen. Large selection erf rare and exotic honey. HONEY HEAVEN 128 East 11th 344-5939 01130:13 WE NOW HAVE AN EVEN BETTER BIKINI for those who need more support. Andrea's, 2441 Hilyard, 345-1324, 01663:13 OVER 25% OFF on a large variety orf dating Andrea's, 2441 Hilyard, 345-1324. 01664:13 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11.50. BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343^)222 00570*" instruction GUITAR INSTRUCTION Al styles, emphasis on jazz idiom. All ages accepted. Beginning through professional levels. Experienced and reasonable Lany 344-7133. 5:10 INSTRUMENTS LYLE CLASSICAL GUITAR and hart case Both immaculate. $80. 3450085 5:11 TAKAMNE F-380 Guitar with case Exceler* con <*tion. $170 686-3244. Ask lor Rick. 5:13 fiOUNP SYSTEMS ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yt®- experience Friendly Rates! "Timothy tinkers” — 342-753$ 5:13 ROBERTS 7” REEL-TO-REEL tape recorder. $65 Dave, 343-5368. 01656:11 MAY MADNESS CONTINUES... (6.99 LP's — *4.47, with specials at»» IS MSANE SAVINGS ON STEREO GEAR SUN SHOP RECORDS-STEREO-SERV1CE MO East 13th 484-1488 01660:31 BSR TURNTABLE, 2 years otd. *50 CaH me, 346-5618. 5:10 BRAND NEW CRAIG AM/FMradto, 8-track stereo speakers, warranty value $140. Se9 for *99or deal. Ken 486-2471. 5:11 f»RAFTS/HOBBlES WOOL CARDS FROM FINLAND, hand made spindles and carpet warp here now. Spring fleeces coming soon. EUGENE FIBER COMPANY 1157 High 01197:10 SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock. Yams, books on crafts. 13853.1fn pOOKS/SPPPUES 20,000 USED BOOKS ah set published price. Textbooks, C»H ftojes, Maj^zmes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMB.V BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER^ TYPING TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rates. Close to campus. 344-7689. 00564 MUW THESES, Dissertations, Long Papers, Correcting Selectric. Graduate approved. Pick-up-deirvery Sandy, 343-9391 006821,0 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric Graduate approved. Near campus. 344-0759. _14501110 TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tric. Graduate School approved. Will pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627 2710: tin CORRECTING SELECTRIC — Theses, long papers, dissertations — rush orders — pick-up delivery. Carol — 687-2486. 5:10 PROFESSIONAL TYPING IN my home IBM Cor recting Selectnc Fast, accurate. Mrs Johnson. 689-3915. 53,5,10,12 TYPING. FAST, ACCURATE, REASONABLE RATES. Editing too. Close to campus. Call 343-3994. 5:12 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR B O A. (Blow-out, Oil. adjust) Manual.512 Electric ggLECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Delivery Cal 342-2022 day or night Work Guaranteed — References 02919:6 OUTDOOR GEAR JANSPORT GREAT SACK 2 — with extra side pockets $49. 484-9710. _ 5:10 SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. Manufacturer of high quaity sleeping bags and of fers them to you at reasonable prices Also complete tne of custom fitted backpacks. Why pay more when you can get the best? Buy from SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. 455 High St. 485-2341 01665:13 DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KTTS OUTDOOR CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT We carry our own line of user-designed and tested kits for vests, jackets, wind and rain gear, sleeping bags and more. Also available tor your creative sewing needs are fabrics Polarguard and acces sories. Limited custom-mack* available 2449 Hilyard 484-1252 11-6 Monday-Thursday 11-7 Friday 11-5 Saturday 004511,h,f BACKPACK, JANSPORT D3. Exceient condrtion Sells new Tor $85. Best offer. Don 747 1028. 5:16 PI CYCLES USED BIKES From Second Nature Buy, Se4, Trade. 585 Blair. 343-5362 0C899:UW 21 INCH CAMPANIA KHipeed. Excel** con* tier. $80 (Uc. no. 702133) 485-2901 5:12 MEN’S TEN-SPEED BICYCLE. 23 inch frame. 26 inch wheels, orange. 105. Cal 484-2649. Lie. No 730213 5:10 WHITE TEN-SPEED: 1975 model Italian make, good condition, $55. Cal Kadiy, 345-8664. 5:10 RICHARD’S Bike Shop See *» Brand New TAMARA’S Fun Service on ALL Bikes -Service and OuaRty” 2495 Hilyard 345-0477 01202:13 COLLINS CYCLES fin P 1 Uh SI 342-4878 Paugot Authorized dealers for Serves are) repair for ad mates. Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and ia620!ttn ^ars/cycles 70 TOYOTA DELUXE. 27 mpg, low miles excel lent condition, new tires and brakes. $1200 343-9069. 5:13 73 HONDA SL36, new serfs, chain, good mechan ics! condition. Offer, 343-4393. 5:12 1370 HONDA 70. Over 100 MPG. Less than 3000 miles. $225. 689-3700 5:10 '58 INTERNATIONAL » FLATBED wHh sides, in good running condition 343-8141 after 4 p.m 5:11 1988 VW CAMPER—New rebuilt engine with low mileage. New brakes Good on gas. Lets of pep! $1800 Cal 343-2198 5:13 1966 VW FASTBACK, good on gas runs, needs work. Contact Mr Ed after 5 p.m. $700 687-1805 3:11 PANEL TRUCK 1986 FORD FI 00, VB, 3 speed, W ton, engine plus transmission rebuilt in 75. Radiator, generator, fuel pump, battery and brakes 75 or newer. Body plus Irame sound. $600 344-3017 or 686-9833 5:10 NEED A CHEAP R»£? $295 or Less RAJ Motors 1380 W. 7th 342-7339 14645Ifn •74 SUBARU — EXCELLENT CONDITION — MUST SELL — 24,000 miles, mags, 8-track stereo, vinyl rod, mud and snow radials and more. $2998, call Molly 686-5285. 5:2 fl,UTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volks wagons 342-3952 12070:tfn CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIAUST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 MSB SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cytinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14808Hn> TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTINU THERE? Special service locates CHEAPEST fares. Tail ored to your specific travel plans. Wnte Lasswell. P O Box 3104. Eugene, 97403. 6:1 WANTED MATURE WOMAN WILL CARE for your home, yard, pets while you are on vacation or sabbatical in exchange for rent Negotiable References 686-1218. 5:11 WANTED, STATS 333 TUTOR. W* pay premum price. Cal Dan 486-9080. 5:10 HELP WANTED WANTED NOW, LAB ASSISTANT, must have work study certification and be wiling to work through the summer 15 hours per week spnng term, 20-40 hours per week summer Science course work preferred. Ext. 4961 or 5092.01661:12 EXPERIENCED RESEARCH PEOPLE wanted for a noise study of the Laurel Hil neighborhood. Con taa Action Now/ASUO, 686-3724. Suite 4. EMU H 01677:16 THE FOOD-OP, a student wholesale and ratal, non-profit, food corporation has 2 openings. Both require a 2 or 3 term committmeit. Work study is helpful but not required These are excellent de velopment opportunities for your business and management skills. DIRECTOR AND GENERAL MANAGER. Complete rasponsfctliiy for company. &j si ness, management and food experience is desireable Tfxs position carries a significant time committment witi negotiable hours COMPTROLLER. Intermediate accounting or equivalent experience is helpfti. Responsibilties statements, supervision erf billing, bookkeeping and management reports. Approximately 20-25 hours a We ae an Affirmative Action employer 01675tfn FLOOD Suite 4 with Job Applications! We would love it! Pres.-Elect Gary Feldman is beginning to accept appticarts to fil a potpourri ot positions witiin the ASUO Executive. If you have a vcrtbng interest n lobbying, community affairs, iraemel university af fairs, student programs, studert atVocacy, press and media, fctanciai, adminietrative and research issuas. COME ON DOWN! and fW out appiea ton WORK STUDY AVAILABLE ASUO a Alfcma tive Action employer; everyone a wicouraged to Mjy 01678:16 STUDENT EMPLOYEES — WORK WITH CHIL DREN at the U of O Chid Care and Development Center. Experience s preferred. Cal 688-4384 to arrange tor an irierview 01248:10 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accru ing ^plications for next year's and tors summer’s edlocal stall. 19 paid posrtions are available Ap plications may be picked up at the Emerald office on tie third floor of tie EMU and are due before 5 p.m. Friday May 13. The Emerald » an equal op portunity employer, woman, minorities and the handfcapped are encouraged to apply. 5:13 SWIM MSTRUCTOR/UFE GUARD. Junction City Pod. June 11th — September 5th. W.S.I. required. Call 686-4439 days: 726-7591 evenings. 01670:11 NOW INTERVIEWING FOR summer animal caretaker positions. Please do nrt reply unless you have work study certification lor summer. Call Greg. ext. 4958. 01659:12 A UNIQUE LEADERSHIP POSITION as ESCAPE Student Director is now open. This job offers the cpporLnty to develop skis in personnel manage ment, public relations, communication training, fiscal management, and supervision. Student status and a one-year lull-time |ob commitment are mandatory Previous leadership experience and an intensive commitment to ESCAPE are re quired. Feel free to coded Craig Nelson, ES CAPE Director, at 327 EMU or 686-4361 lor infor mation and application materials ESCAPE is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 01257:10 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary. We will train. Car essential. Kirby Company. 484-9556. 12035tin ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION DIREC TORSHIP position now open for 1977-78. Apply at ASUO office, 12 EMU. The AASU is an equal op portunity employer, women, minorities and toe handicapped are encouraged to apply. 01647:12 CHILD CARE CENTER— work study position Salary negotiable — two or more hours daily — 4:30-6:30 essential, M-F. Apply in person at EMU Chifclcare Center 4:30 M-F. Begin immediately. 01234.Hn POOMMATES ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE two bedroom apartment. 1Vi blocks from library Modern dish washer. furnished. Available now through August $110 each Contact Dee at 344-3450 anytime Quiet, non-conservative person preferred 5:11 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 2 blocks from campus. Own room No pets, non-smoker $85 Ext. 3218 afternoons 345-7780 after 9 p.m. 5:13 FEMALE ROOMMATE. near campus, own room. 343-5715. Furnished apartment. no lease, non-smoker 512 TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED. 4 bedroom house, dose Id campus, fireplace. $87.50 343-2039 5:13 NEED FEMALE ROOMMATE. Own Room Nice old house $75 Available Saturday Call 344-6478 5:12 1TOR RENT SUBLET SPACIOUS STUDIO APARTMENT, large kitchen and bath, plenty of doset space, car pet. One block from campus $135 month Availa ble immetJately thru July. 343-0414. 4:13 $79.50 SUMMER RATES large, nicely furnished, private baths, PRIVATE REFRIGERATORS, LIKE NEW. PARK ING, AIR CONDITIONED. UTILITIES INCLUDED. Vt BLOCK FROM CAMPUS AND TENNIS COURTS RESERVATIONS FOR FALL TERM ALSO BEING ACCEPTED HURRY. ONLY AFEW UNITS REMAINING 751 East 18th 345-1272 01674 5b SUBLET ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. $60 per month, furnished 5/20 to 8/20, 344-2386 1261 Alder, #7. 5:13 HOUSEMATE WANTED, 1 or 2 female/male to share rer«. Santa Clara area, *100 689-4885 after fi d m 5:13 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, fireplace, quet street, Southeast of campus, very nice. call 485-2699 5:13 SUBLET LARGE 3 bedroom house 3 blocks from campus. *325/month June 25th-Sept ember 25th John 484-9781. 5:13 SUBLET FOR SUMMER FURNISHED studKJ apartment Two blocks from campus *105 342-2017. 5:11 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, 1 block from campus. Available IMMEDIATELY Call 687-9235 if interested 5:13 ROOM SIX BLOCKS from Mac Court Waltowall carpet, paneling, private refndge Washer and dryer, dishwasher, Iresh paint. *105. Apply 747-1538 5:11 COZY ONE BEDROOM, near campus, a vs at*) 5/15 to 8/15. Rent negotiable. 344-1042. 5:11 LARGE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished, *140. summer 2 blocks from Library Reserve now for summer and fall 6691061 520 I LL GIVE YOU *10 to take my quiet quad. *85 per monti, no lea*, summer rates, dose to campus. 484-2649. manager 430 Eatf 15th 5:10 FOR RENT — 2 bedroom apartment, tumehed, *210 a month *180 deposit Blackstone Manor Apartments. 687-0684 01253:11 LARGE NICE 2 BEDROOM triple* upstairs, car port, appliances, near downtown-campus. *230 485-2564. 012581fn CAMPUS QUADS $96/$ 115 IMttws paid Air condMoning and private bathe 1810 Harrit 886-2470 14463*n TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, private, $175 per month $87.50 depoeit 30 day agreement No children or doga Call 344-8466 or Mop by 1715 Hijfi St #3, evenings only. 5:13 Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL. One «id two bedroom hjmtehed apartments near U of O. A* have water and garbage service furnished. Some have heat. 01061 Sn LARGE QUADS PRIVATE BATH ALL UTILITIES PAID FurniMied, Vi block from campus OSPIRG agree ment used. Laundry faculties and parking available $110 per month $50 refundable deposit. 738 East 16th 687-0143 or 687-1190 00745tin QUADS $90 Available now. No lease required. Utilities paid. Laundry and parking available. 1360 Aider. 485-0281 or 484-0804. 14327ifn SUMMER SUBLET at 17th and Aider. 2 bedroom, furnished, staring June 12. 3455495. 5:10 GRATIS_ GERMAN SHEPARD/GOLDEN LAB. 2 years Spayed female. Licensed. Free to good home. Cad 343-1800. 85* 1 oeuo, A FROLICSOME IV* year old neutered shepherd mix, needs a warm home. Call 345-6202. 5;11 f OST B FOUND LOST: MEN'S GOLD WEDDING BAND. Reward Call 687-2970 after 6 p.m 5:11 FOUND: WEDDING BAND, lound by PLC on Thursday. May 5. Contact Sue at ext 3911 from 8 to 5. 5:’0 LOST: CIGARETTE CASE with sih/er and tur quoise lighter, money Keep money, return lighter REWARD No questions asked Call Ruth, ext 3235 or 686-0199. leave message 5 10 FOUND: DRUM PAD, fell off the hood of a 72 Blue Camaro on Franklin Blvd Call 344-8551 5 11 LOST — SET OF KEYS. Leather piece and Oregon centennial com Please contact Wendy ext 5387. Thornton. 5:9 POOP B PRINK CAFE GLENWOOD, 3758 Franldln, 7-3 p.m. BREAKFAST SPECIAL— 85« Fanciful omelets and special teas 14225 tin DID YOU KNOW that our coffee costs leas per ci*> lhan Fotgers7 Come on in and check it out The best teas too ALLEN BROS. COFFEE 2465 Hilyard Street 344-0221 01207:31 -1 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 OEUCtOUS VARIETCS OF PIZZA P%mg hot Right to your door And now we have two delivery trutks to give you I aster service Call 342-8111 Now open until 1 am. Monday to SUurday. Midnight on Sunday 00628Hn BREAKFAST AT THE HOMEFRIEO TRUCK STOP: Wednesday s # 1 Brealdaat; (2egg». generous por tion d tries, and toasted homemade bread) $1 Your comments welcome 01687 10 GOOO TIMES AT PIZZA AUREUO $1 Off Giant Pizza Tuesdays, tree movies Vi Price on bar items with regUar pizza Sun -Thurs after 930 p m 29to and WAS mens 14507M-H Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast Join us for omeietlas such as our Morning Fiesta. Sunshine, or CreMa Your Own. The pancakes are yummy and our oatmeal is slow cooked Our homemade soup, sandwiches, salads and smoothies tor lunch wH entice you to corns back for more At night, we tenure Tempura fish or vigMablss and other taste detghts Live music nightly. Weekdays 8 a m -9 p.m. Weekends 9 a m -9 p.m. Closed Tuesdays 875 East 13th 343-0848 00067:18 GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder Let us hs(p you with your V1TAMN needs. Now (ne of bw pries vitamins Como too us! 01164 ifn LATE GREAT SPAGETTI FEED Evsry Tussdsy and Thursday Rag. 64.70 NOW $2.95 PER PERSON al You Can Eat. Y> Utsr of WINE or a Pitcher of BEER or a Pitcher of SOFT DRINK of your choice Sausage 6 Meatballs excluded on re-order 9:20 to 11 p.m. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 726 W. 1st 464-1019 13976T.H