Day care, evaluation issues face legislators By MARY BETH BOWEN Of the Emerald SALEM — Two important stu dent issues will be up for consid eration at the Capitol Thursday. The long-awaited student day care hearing is scheduled for a 1 p.m. hearing in Room 170 before the Joint Ways and Means Sub committee #4, and the student fac ulty evaluations issue receives its first hearing before the Senate Education Committee at 3 p.m. The day care bill, HB 2459, would appropriate $3.65 million to provide day care services for low income students at community colleges and state colleges and universities. Currently day care services are provided only to community col lege students registered in two year vocational training programs and juniors and seniors in four Amazon— (Continued from page 1) them ample opportunity to come and present their ideas. Now, they come at fiil force and slinging ac cusations. How can the housing department justify turning the op eration over to them when they THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM in conjunction «Hft **a BLACK ARTS FESTIVAL, PRESENTS DR. QUINTARD TAYLOR MSTORIAN. RESEARCHER. CONSULTANT Or. Taylor wM praaant a •iKM wciurs aiwing w»xn “BLACK COMMUNITIES IN THE WEST: PORTLAND AND SEATTLE” Friday. May 13.1ST7 Room 1ST EMU 1230 p.m 01244 13 EMU CULTURAL PROGRAM PRESBITS AN UNDER GRADUATE ART SHOW 167 EMU May 15, 16,17 12-4 p.m. 01671:13 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rota*. aoenic tm*». no gtwins WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservation*; Wmdgate Perms, 996-6790 13«5ltn EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUDLY PRESENTS TOM WAITS PLUS SPECIAL QUEST JOHN HIATT Wedneedey Mey 11 8 p.m. EMU Ballroom U of O Students: *3 75 General Public: $4.75 01236:11 EMU CULTURAL FORUM In Aaaodebon With The SURVIVAL CENTER proudly Preset** PAUL HORN In Concert Thuredsy, Mey 12 EMU Balroam U of O student* $2.50 General Public $3.75 01646:12 year state system schools. Funding forecasts for the bill have been bleak. Rep. Vera Katz, D-Portland, co-chairerof the Joint Ways and Means Committee, which controls the Legislature’s purse-strings, told day care sup porters two weeks ago that the day care funding may hinge on whether the Legislature funds the the basic school support and homeowner-renter relief pro grams (HARRP) at the level ap proved by the House. If the pro grams (which have a combined price tag in the $800 million range) are fully funded, says Katz, the Ways and Means Committee may have to cut existing state agency budgets. If state agency budgets are cut, Katz implied that the day care bid, which is merely a program im provement to a budget, will prob haven’t shown responsible indica tions that they can handle it." The $10 increase is one of three rent proposals to be discussed at a public hearing May 17, at 7 p.m. in Room 101 EMU. The other proposals call for rent increases of $6 or $12. BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 WAamatte 344-0616 Happy Hours; Monday and Wadnasday — 9-JO to 1030. Friday — 4-6 pjn. MKXELOB ON TAP Entartaavnarf four nights a weak. 13688-“ C.C.PJL PRESENTS A SOCK-HOP MTa musk; ROCK 'M roll Muac spun by JOHNNY ETHEREOGE Saturday. May 14 (ISO 9 p.m. Tha Naur W.O.W Hal. 86i and Uncobi 01657:13 CRfMI 7 ATRKIM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10lh aid OSve. 687-0733 TONtOHT THRU THURSDAY VISCONTI* LAST FIJI CONVERSATION PIECE WWi BURT LANCASTER as *ha apng ■ntaAactuat an at rvadad by his family SHOWTMES: 730 and 6:46 01666:12 ASIAN-AMERICAN STUDENT UNION and EUGENE FKJPBK) AMERICAN COMMUNITY CABATAAN FOLK DANCERS Friday, May 13 Condon Elemantary School Admission $1 i 1 1 _l ——-—1 ■ —— 8 p.m. 1787 Agate EMU Man Oar* 01263:10 ' —-1 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE LOON’S RAGE An outrageous comic fantasy on the threat of nuclear power plants. SUNDAY MAY 15 ROBINSON THEATRE 6 p.m. avalabtoatt Tickets aval Mila al the door $2 U of O students, senors. chicken $2.50 general pUbftc 01284:13 UMVERSfTY THEATRE PRESENTS THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE from the novel by Muriel Spark adapted tor tie siege by Jay Preston Altai May 13. 14.19, 2a 21 8 P-m ROBINSON THEATRE $3.50. $2 50 UO Students HALF Emeu Box ofSce: 888-4191 0180 Ah ably be a low priority for funding. However, there is speculation among legislators that last week’s take-over of the House Speaker’s powers by a committee represent ing a coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats may re sult in fewer funds for basic school support and HARRP. A lower level of funding could free more money for other pro grams, such as the day care bill. Another student issue in ques tion is the fate of the Faculty Evaluations bill, which would re quire state colleges and univer sities to release the results of stu dent evaluations of faculty mem bers to students. HB 2702, as amended by the House Education Committee, cals for a two-part evaluation form—one for release to students and one for the faculty member’s private file. The bill has already been ap proved by the House, and will be considered Thursday by the Se nate Education Committee, where Kirby Garrett, (Oregon Student Lobby) (OSL) coordinator, says its chances are "50-50.” “A lot is riding on Thursday’s hearing," said Garrett. “The committee has already been lob bied pretty heavily and there’s not AN EVENING OF MIME, MASK AND MOVEMENT 5X5 By lw TtwatrElan C.C.P.A., 8th and Uncotn Friday, May 13 8 p.m. $2 01668:13 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd VocaM witi acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday. 8-12 14822:M-H EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS DUDLEY RIGGS’ BRAVE NEW WORKSHOP In the tradition of the National Lampoon and Firesign Theatre, they are one of the oldest and most successful satirical revues in the country. MONDAY, MAY 9 EMU BALLROOM 8 p.m. Defeats aval labia at EMU Main Daafe $3 — U o» O studerrts/*4.50 — non students 01266 9 WHEATFIELD AT MURPHY AMO ME Wednesday and Thursday May 11 and 12 PRBMMAT.__ VETERANS The VA providat hinds tor tutorial assistants For more into, cal 666-3232. 0050(3b MSTANT RELIEF FOR THE HUNORIES can be found at a sub-marine andwich shop calad Big gies SUi-Orty Ota Biggest can tasd 4-5 people. They ate great to sat while watching Monday nite sports. 786 East 11th. naxt to the Mayflower Theatre 01133MWF F YOU SAW AUTO ACCIDENT, noon May 3 on Franfefen at Weal 1 i*i. please contact Suzanne, 975 West Tt\, #11 or leave masago —344-6079 I wM contact you 5:10 TERM PAPER CUNIC Ubrartans can gve you MMdual asistanoe in Mng materials tor yoor term paper. May 9-23 MMn Ubrwy only. Sign up at Catalog Information Servtoa. ext 3063. 012223 much left that students can do. We’ve just got to go into the hear ing and win on the logic of our arguments.” Three other important student issues may see some action this week or next: the tuition freeze for resident undergraduates, limiting tuition increases for resident un dergraduates to no more than the increases of the Portland Con sumer Price Index, and the $2.6 million appropriation bill for finan cial aid to middle-income stu dents. The three issues may be acted on this week, while the Joint Ways and Means Education Sub committee is working on the Higher Education budget. The subcommittee’s decision is cru cial, since the full Ways and Means Committee and the Legis lature usually go along with the Subcommittee’s recommenda tion. The appropriation extending fi nancial aid to middle-income stu dents apparently has the support of Subcommittee chairer Sen. Ed Fadeley, D-Eugene, who said last week he is trying to trim enough money off Gov. Straub's basic school support budget request to fund the bill. SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5 ft- * 5 ft, 5 ft x 10 ft.. 10 ft x 10 ft.. and larger. 344-2710. West 11th and Bertelsen Road 02918Un HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREG A big 22. you're not getting older, you're gating BETTER! Love. Butter Lips 53 WBSHA M.: Dig a hole, creep Ihe Greeks. 53 PATTY MFR, Jetlo and Happy Birthday. No Rhymes iust wishes for tie best! Enjoy. YR??S3 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOO BANK The BtootknoMe w* be in Florence today at tie Eks lodge. The hours are Jrom 230 to 600. Con tact Evelyn Strange at 997-8037 lor more informa tion. DONORS NEEDED O Positive 6 Units; O Negative 2 Units; A Positive 5 Units; A Negative 2 Units; B Positive 1 Unit: AB Positive 1 Unit Cal 484-9111 for an appoirtment. GET M TOUCH. STAY M TOUCH S.U.A.B. Suite 4. EMU 686-3728 01672:13 A KEY OF HEROIN in Orange County is a drop in the bucket. Mot 53 LOOK. THERE'S BLUE LAKE , and other fa mous Ir>e6 from our tntertude Thanks tor the times you've kept me above water; but most d alt for stick ng by me these last two years. You're the best friend I could ever ask for (besides man s best friend!) Y.LO.T.R.H. (woof, woof) 53 KAPPA ALPHA THETA PROUOLY welcomes: Nancy, Patti, Mary, TaVy, Claudia Laurie, Car-yn. Margaret and Sue You're the greatest pledges ever! 5:9 GOOD MORNING MEN of McAister. International DeBusk Week salutes your athletic ability (at 630 am!) 016493 MATURE FOREIGN TEACHER desires to meet American lady with international interests, music and dancing. P.O. Bo* 3721. Eugene. OR 97403. 5:10 D.W. AND D.F. — Thanks for not dismembering or bating Sponts Wemesed him and he's happy to be home Love. Krusty, Regatha. and Bishy S3 SAVE FRENCH PETE FOR MORE MFORMATKNt, SEE TABLE M EMU TOOAY OR CALL —6 1361. 01223:13 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. confidential information and tree preg nancy teat. Call 687-8601. 142B63n QUESTION! Which method removes unwanted hair perma nently. safety? A) Diptatory B) Tweeing C) Wax ing D) Electrolysis E) Shaving. Sea my ad in the yellow pages. Oacbdogy by Mahan. 01187MWH PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION? Don't target to IBs your Registration Re quest Card Slop by room 84 PLC of tie RoMobar’s ORleo 01666:13 Of all the OSL priorities, the proposed tuition freeze seems to be in the best shape. Fadeley has said he supports it, and Gov. Straub last week appropriated $3 million in his budget to pay for it. The freeze may cost over $3 mill ion, but a Straub budget analyst told the Subcommittee last week that the Governor’s budget will fund the extra cost. 3c COPIES OVERNIGHT NO MINIMUM UNBOUND ' KINKOS 1128 Alder 344 7894 Also in Corvallis f|L COPIES 3 50% OFF REGULAR 64 "While-You-Watch" copies are only 34 when your work is left 36 hours JOHNNY PRINT 470 East 11th 1219 Alder ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE MAJORS LET US HELP YOU PLAN AHEAD TO BECOME A CPA PORTLAND 503-223-3384 1/3 of USA Get decked out at Every Monday starting at 8 pm you receive a FREE QLYMP|\ or You dt ’t have to drink all 6 pitcher: n one night. Coupons may bt aved from week to week id redeemed any > r>day night.