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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1977)
CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PUCE YOUR CUSSIFIED AD AT BMBIALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAM DESK UO MMKSTORE STAMP COUNIBI The rales are 101 per word tie first day copy is admitted and 8* per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change. There is a 12 word minimum. AH acts must be paid for in advance. The Emerald cannot be responsitie for more than one day’s incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly, caU 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day's issue. Errors not the taut of tie advertiser which lessen tie value of the advertisement wifi be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations. The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of raoe, color, reigion, sex or age. CAU 686-4343 iron SALE LET BEST REST solve your mattress ptdbteme. A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam —- $11.5a BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 0057Orto OLYMPIA-SM MANUAL TYPEWRITER. Pica type Qood condition. $60 484-9199. 5:9 OLYMPIA TYPEWRITER, $90. iegaPtpre car riage. pica type, never used. 687-1935 5:9 FOR 25 YEARS birtrenalodt has been pjj$dng tie ultimate in foot comfort for starting or watting on tie unnaturally smooth and hard surfadttfiat sur round us at. i* a birkenstock footprints 136 East Itti Avenue 8B7-0665 $168BMb HONEY — in your container, only 69$ pat pound. Also baa colectad paten, large saiacipn of rare and exotic honey. HONEY HEAVEN ’ ^ 128 East 11th |mi3 WE NOW HAVE AN EVBi BETTER BNfM for those who need more support. AndrrNCv 2441 Hilyard, 345-1324. 01663:13 - OVER 25% OFF on a large variety ot dotting Andrea's. 2441 Httyard, 345-1324. 01664:13 THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 67* OKs Musical instruments, stereos, photo equipmert, etc. Buy set and trade. 00687:MWF FRESH ROASTED COFFEES On Camous NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHOSE DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 782 East 11*1 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 009B0:MWF INSTRUCTION GUITAR INSTRUCTION Al styles, emphasis on jazz idiom. AH ages accepted. Beginning through professional levels. Experienced and reasonable. Larry 344-7133. &10 .COUNP SYSTEMS REDUCED TO 6500, 1200 new TEAC 10 Reel. Symul-Sync, 4-TRAC Stereo and 2 Peavey Speaker Stacks, 200 Watt. 942-4040. 50 ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs. experience Friendly Rates! Timothy tinkers” — 342-756* 5:13 ROBERTS 7" REEL-TO-REEL tape recorder $65 Dave, 343-5362 01666:11 MAYjiADNESSf CONTINUES... *6-9* LP-s - 64A7, with speciafs at *»M IS MSAME SAVINGS on STEREO QEAR SUN SHOP RECORDS-STEREO-SERVICE 13» 4*4-148* 01660:31 PIONEER SX750 RECEIVER (50 barely 2 months old, $300 or oiler. r»RAFTS/HO RMS), 1.5:9 WOOL CARDS FROM FINLAND, hand made spindles and carpet warp here now. Spring fleeces coming soon. EUGENE FIBER COMPANY 1157 High 01197:10 SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in slock. Yams, books on crafts. 13853.1h) PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011M.W.F HOOKS/SUPPUES THE SECOND HAND BOOK MAN We pay the highest prices in town tor your quality, used books. 101 W. 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 a m.-5:30 p.m. 14075:M,H,F 20,000 USED BOOKS aM selling at % or less of puidshed price. Textbooks. C»ff Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMLY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447:tfn STORAGE WANT TO GET SPACED OUT? We are now offer ing SPECIAL STUDENT RATES! Share a storeroom wit) your friend and the rent will be even cheaper. Bring this ad and your I.D. for discounts MINI-MAXI Storage. 24-hour access. RENT-A-GARAGE 4446 Franklin Blvd. 747-5757 Eugene, OR 07403 01242MWF TYPING TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable tales. Close to campus. 344-7680. 00564 :MUW THEBES, Dissertations, Long Papers, Correctng Selectric. Graduate approved. Pick-up-delivery. Sandy, 343-9391 00682dn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Setec tric. Graduate approved. Near campus. 344-0759 14501 dn -18 YEARS EXPERWEMCE. IBM Seiec tric. Graduate School approved. W>l pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or Z7tO*n CORNECTMG SELECTRIC — Theses, long papers, Baa art Mims — tush orders — picfc-up deivary Carol — 687-2486. 5:10 JiSSEB BCEPEMOEWT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR B.OA (Blow-out cN. atSuat) Manual..-S12 'V...'..$14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-upOaftvery % Cal 342-2022 day or re#rt 02919* rkCTPOOBMAR JANBPOm GREAT SACK 2— wMi extra sda pockets. *49. 484-9710. 5:10 RUNDOWN! SLEEPBIG BAG CO. Manufacturer d high <*JaMy sleeping bags and ot ters them to you M reasonMris prices Also ccmptatolne of custom fitted backpacks Why pay more when you can get the beat? Buy from SUNDOWN SLEEPMG BAG CO 465 Htofl St 485-2341 01665:13 DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KITS OUTDOOR CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT We carry our own line of user-designed and tested kits for vests, jackets, wind and tain gear, sleeping bags and more. Also available (or your creative sewing needs are fabrics. Poiarguard and acces sories. Limited custom-madaa available 2449 HRyard 484-1252 11-6 Monday-Thursday 11-7 Friday 11-6 Saturday 0045171,1 PECREATION CHARLIE'S TOO 525 East 13»i 12(0 12 Pinbal-Foosbal Pool Tablee-Video Games Also, Charted Pod 2645 WBamette 11 ajn. to 1 am At Weald 144618b H1CTCLES MENS TEN-SPEED BICYCLE. 23 inch frame, 26 inch wheels, orange. $65. Cal 484-2649. Lie. No. 730213. 5:10 WHITE TEN-SPEED: 1975 model rial an make, good-condition, $55. Cal Kafty, 346-8664 5:10 RICHARD’S Bike Shop 4 See tie Brand MWf TAKARA'S Full Service on ALL BHtoS "Service and OtotoRy" 2495 Hiysrd 345-0477 01202:13 COLUNS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Dalei0) Motobecane Service and repair for aU makes. Featuring a wide variety of accessories, Michelin tires and tubes. 146207fn CARS/CYCLES 1970 HONDA 7a Over 100 MPG. Less than 3000 miles. $225. 689-3700. 5:10 ’58 INTERNATIONAL 9' FLATBED will sides, in good running condition. 343-8141 after 4 p.m. 5:11 1968 VW CAMPER- -Now rebuilt engine with low mileage. New brakes. Good on gas Lots of pepl $1800. Cal 343-2198. 5:13 1966 VW FASTBACK, good on gas, runs, needs work. Contact Mr. Ed after 5 p.m. $700 687-1805. 5:11 '74 SUBARU — EXCELLENT CONDITION — MUST SELL — 24,000 miles, mags, 8-track stereo, vinyl roof, mud and snow radials and more. $2998, call Molly 686-5285 5:2 NEED A CHEAP MDE? $285 or Leu R A J Motors 342-7338 1464ft*i 1360 W. 7lh 16M MALMU CHEVROLET. AbeoMely iruM Ml. Leaving 10 May. Excellent transportation. $400, beat offer. 485-6207 5:9 PANEL TRUCK 1S66 PORD F1QB, \», 3 speed. 14 ton, engine plus transmission rebuilt in '75. Radiator, generator, fuel pump, battery and brafcu 75 or newer. Body plus frame sound. $600. 344-3017 or 686-9633. 5:10 1972 DATSUN 1200. Engine just overhauled. Radto. $115 344-4902. 5:9 AUTO REPAIR J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 Weet 7th Custom engine and Vans miss ion rebuilding and parts lor Volkswagcns. 342-3952 12070*1 CHUCK’S AUTcf SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECtAUST CompMe maintenanoe i 1936 West 8th 345-7765 NIB StMFT SHOP 4-cyfndar Swad shears 747-SMS and rapae our specially ~ 14608*1 TRANSPORTATION I EVERYTHMQ GCTTMO THERE? Special service locates CHEAPEST taru Tai ored to your apecAc travel plans Write: I asaweS, P.O. Baa 3104, Eugene 97403. 6:1 MATURE WOMAN MU CARE lor your home, yard, pete while you avion vacation or aabh a* Mis exchange for rent. NMotletole. References 686-1218. r* 5:11 TO CANOE the Paaca Macfcanzie River, Canada June-August. WMy. 1111 Walnut. Yaatton SO. 57078. 605-665-7820 59 REWARD 825. For iMtoom house or detached apartmert $130 or laes % June 1 StvJuly 15*. 345-3012. S3 WANTED. STATS 331 'SJTDBL W« pay prwmm price. Cal Dan 485-9060 , 5:10 WANTED NOW, LAS ASSISTANT, must hare work Nutty cartMction and be wMng to work tirough the summer 15 tours per week spring term. 20-40 hours per week summer. Science course work preferred. ExL 4961 or 5092.01 661:12 STAFF TTUUMNG POSITION AND SfTAKEfflEFERRAL POSITION Available at Lane County Adiit Corrections. De velop one ol tteee programs and earn S215tmonti, 9 credKs/term, benettts and experience Start term and continue tor 12 months. 32 hour a/weak You muN be a ful-time savor or senior. These are Unt verNty Year tor ACTION pceMcns. Cal Joant Mog Stad. 687-4417. 01666-9 SWIM INSTRUCTOR/UFE GUARD Junction C*y Pool. June 11*i—September 5th. W.S.I required. Call 686-4439 days; 726-7591 evenings. 01670.11 NOW INTERVIEWING FOR summer animal caretaker positions. PteaaeNo not reply unless you have work study cerMcaMpn tor summer. Cal Greg. ext. 4968. 01689:12 STUOBNT EMPLOYEES — WORK WITH CHS. DflEN at the U ol O Chid Care and Development Center. Ejgtetience is preferred. Cal 686-4384 to arrange tor an interview. 01248:10 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accept ing appications tor next year's and tvs summer's rxttonai staff. 19 paid poeOone are available. Ap pications may be ticked up at the Emerald office on the third door oi tie EMU and are due betore 5 p.m. Friday May 13. The Emerald is an equal op portunity employer, women, minorities and tie handicapped are encouraged to apply. 5:13 VETERANS—We wit be sefectirwJ5 veterans tor - service in Eugene's National GWWd uni These : individuals wM be e«0btotor up to $1400yearly and otherbenetMtorl weekend per month end a two week annual training (fertod veterana need net attend basic taking again and this ear vice wtl not effect Gl education banaMa. Qualified veterana cal Mr. Lawson at 688-7896 or cal 1-800638-7600. Oregon National Guard 01186:9 A UNIQUE LEADER8HW POSITION as ESCAPE Student Director is now open. This job offers the opporturNy to dsvetap skis in personnel manage ment, public relatione, communication training, fiscal management, and supervision. Student status and a one-year UMkne job commitment are mandatory Prerrioua leadership experience and an intensive comrottihant to ESCAPE are re quired. Feel free to contact Craig Nelson. ES CAPE Director, at 327 EMU or 686-4361 for Infor mation and application materials. ESCAPE is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 01257:10 ■ pari ism ' FULLTME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary. We will train. Car essential. Kirby Company. 464-9555. 12036Hn ASIAN AMERICAN 8TUOENT UNION DIREC TORSHIP position now open for 1977-78. Appty at ASUO office; 12 EMU. The AASU is an equal op portunity employer, women, minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply. 01647:12 WANTED: ADULT SOFTBALL UMPIRES. Sunday-Friday evenings. 57 50/per game. WII lamaiane Park District 765 North A, Springfield. 01237:9 CHILD CARE CENTER— work study position. Salary negotiable - two or more hours daily — 4:306:30 essential. M-F Apply in parson at EMU Childcare Canter 4:30 M-F. Begin immediately 01234.tin POOM MATES ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE two bedroom apartment 1H blocks tram (btary. Modem dfrv washer, furnished Available now through August. $110 each. Contact Dae at 344-3460 anytime Quiet, non-conestvallve person pralerted 5:11 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 2 blocks from campus. Own room No pets, non-smoker. $85. ExL 3218 afternoons 345-7780 after 9 p.m 5:13 TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED, 4 bedroom house, dose to campus, (replace. $87.50. 345-2039.5* FEMALE ROOMMATE. Furnished apartment, near campus, own roam, no tease, non-smoker 343-5715. 5:12 ROOMMATE TO SHARE twobedroam apartment $105 par month. Pod. Jacuzzi, sauna and more. Cal 343-5779. 5:9 ROOM SU BLOCKS from Mac Court Wal towel carpet paneling, private refridge Washer end dryer, dishwasher. Iresh paint. $105. Apply 747-1538. 5:11 MCE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. 1 block from UO. Not ki apartment complex. $195 $196 deposit. No pels! Available immediately. 887-8288. 5:9 COZY ONE BEDROOM, nsw cmioua. tvtfabifl 5/15 to 8/15 Rant negotiable. 344-1042. 5:11 SUBLET SPACIOUS STUDIO APARTMENT, lerge Mchsn and bMh, plenty ddoeel apace, car pel. One block from campua. $135 morth Ava8 atote ... 8su July. 343-0141. 4:12 LARGE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, banished, $140. sunmar. 2 dorks from Ubrary Reserve now lor summer and M. 689-1081520 I'LL GIVE YOU SlOtotoke my (*delquad, $85 par monti, no laaas. sunmar rates, does to campus 484-28481. manager 453 East 15th 5:10 PDR RENT — 2 bedroom apartment, tomahad. $210 a month. $180 deposit. Btocfcatone Manor Apartmanls 887-0884 01253:11 port, appHeroas. hear downtown-campus $230. 485-2584. 0128BJfri 1 BIO Ham* 14463:fr> TWO BEDROOM UNFURNMMB) APARTMENT, private, $175 par month $87 $0 deposit. 30 day agroenwnL No cMdran or dogs. Cai 344-6466 or slop by 1715 H^i St #3. waning* orty 5:13 CaN 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL One id two bedroom tumtehedapartmsnta near U of O. A» lava water and gartwga tarvtce lumiehed. Some have heeL 01061 An LARGE QUADS PRWATE BATH, ALL UTMJTMES PAID FurrMtad, Vi block tram campus. OSPIRG agree ment used. Laundry facRUaa and parking avariatote $110 par month $60 rakmdMria deposit 738 East 1661.687-0148 or 687-1190. 00746dn QUADS $90 AvaNabte noar. No laaae required. UMttes paid. Laundry and parking available. 1300 Aider. 406-0291 or 46441004 14327An $25 Raaaraaa Ouad tor Stanmer. $70 par month, includes utRtlee. 1300 Alder 4050291. 4040004. 01185MF SUMHfB SUBLET at 17»i and Alder. 2 bedroom, lurmahed ltarOng June 12. 345-5495 5:10 . i - EAST SKSqMrt BUTTE, sublet one bedroom heristiadttMliipert. Quiet, Memfy area. June 11 through September 1S S135 John, 345-5111.5:12 ' 2 BEDROOM, LARQE unfurnished garden apart ment. $105. 343-9377 or 726-3751 1340 Ea* 19th, near campus. 5:9 PJ» FREE, VARIOUS kitttene (six weeks) and one black cat (aevenmonths). 343-1064,629 East 17th Ave. 5:9 BLACK-Lafc-Qotden Retriever puppies. Excellent mix, ready now, price is open. Phone 687-1640 5:9 t.OST (i FOUND LOST: MENS GOLD WEDOtNO BAND. Reward Cal 607-2970 after 6 p.m. 5:11 FOUND: WEDOtNO BAND, found by PLC on Thursday, May 5. Contact Sue at ext. 3911 from 8 to 5. 5:10 THURSDAY, MEN’S P.E.—You got a lot of bucks so how about returning wallet—at least let me know where you dropped it, IMPORTANT! 687-9238.59 LOST: CIGARETTE CASE with silver and tur quoise ighter, money. Keep money, return lighter REWARD. No questions asked. Call Ruth, ext. 3235 or 6860199, leave message. 5:10 For Al Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUST PROOUCE Is Just That 742 Eat) 24lh 343-5393 14670:MWF GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meats, pizzas and more MBer a Grocery, 1056 E. 20th. Open 10-10 SuttV-Tluad*. 10-11 FrtCby-SaUdSy 1430OMNF FOOD V DRINK CAFE QLENWOOD, 3766 Franklin, 7-3 p.m BREAKFAST SPECIAL— M< Fanciful omelets and special teas. 14225«n DR> YOU KNOW that our coltee costs less per cup •ion Folgers? Come on In and check it out. The best tees too ALLEN BR08. COFFEE 2465 HSyard Street 344-0221 0120731 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VANETEtOF PIZZA PipSig hot. Right k> your door. And now we have two dtfvery trucks to give you I eater service. Cat 342-6111 Now open unt* 1 am. Monday to Saturday; MkMght on Sunday 00626dn BREAKFAST AT THE HOMEFMED TRUCK STOP: Wednesdays #1 Breakfast; (2eggs. generous por Oon of Mas. and toasted homemade bread) Si Your comments weloome 01967:10 GOOO TRIES AT PIZZA AURtUO Si OB Giant Pizza Tuesdays, Ires modes W Piles on bar asms wtti regular pizza Sun -Thurs. Mter 930 p.m 2Mi and WRamstts 14507M-H NEW DAY NATURAL POOO RESTAURANT DtcsAarS vegetarian food at reasonable prices Open tor hatch and dbtner. Daly apedals A soups. 11 ajrv-fl p.m Monday-Saturdoy 136 East 11Bi Street 466-0412 M SCARBOROUGH FAME 14314MM Honey’s Cafe Introduces Breakfast are yummy m* our o*n»K it (too OOOhtlJ Our homemade loop. and emooMee (or lunt* »■ •"*» you k> oome bar* for _ ai n^t. «*• Tr^rv*v. ■ aKj other uete de*g«* lw" -Lla- nlatUM. Weekday! 8 • "* -9 pjn ^^5»?m,9pm Clo-OTu-djyr o«* 1809 E»x fygrocer*. S Marts meeia. <*”***„ ZZZianqt wtd all oo per»c* dinners 14479:m*rf eta on* Monday -Saturday^___ tuc mice creak parlor MTS SttS STS. and (MR No* foRudofl homemade tcur». and sandwiches .- '’*'*’•* Open Dady noon lo i ass r-■- *—“ golden tei natural f 1211 ^ New line o4 tow puce Q1 1641tn us! ORKNTALCA^^j^^KS OKU IMS AU** ><*»** RAV WILEY" speaks on Energy EfflOentPeejgn In Home Construction Or How To Heat Your Home E~.'» “ E,s,.»»>» <*■»- mrs