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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1977)
EMU BEER GARDEN featuring the tumalo string BAND FRIDAY MAY 8 4 10 7 p.m. 1.0. REQUIRED 01258:6 the emu cultural forum In conjunction with Via black arts festival, presents DR. QUINTARD TAYLOR HISTORIAN. RESEARCHER, CONSULTANT Or. Taylor wM praaant a allde-locture dealing wWi “R| ApK COMMUNITIES IN THE WEST: PORTLAND AND SEATTLE” Friday. May 13, 1V77 Room 167 EMU 1230 p.m. FREE 01244 13 RAY WILEY apeak* on Energy Effletant Deetgn In Home ConatrueVon Or How To Heal Your Home For 830 a Vaar k/cfmect. Energy conaervMion coneuttant lor WEB mraday May 10 430 pm 177 Lawrence 01843:10 POW wow Dancing & Drumming Friday & Saturday 8 p.m. Roosevelt Junior High School 24th & Hilyard Everyone Sponaorad by Via Netty American Student Union 01262:6 SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS A WHALE FESTIVAL May 10-12 EMU BaNroom FREE Spaakara, FHma, Dtacua atone. Muaic PAUL HORN IN CONCERT AND DISCUSSION Thureday May 12 • pm *2 50 UdO Students S3.75 General Pubic 010*66 ••USIC GRADUATE GROUP PRESENTS RITE OF SPRING ’77 A MUSICAL SPOOF! "•» 7, Saturday, S pm Baa* HaU SI« School o» Muatc OIBoe, 0SS-S7S1. 56 THS ANANDA MARQA SOCIETY A THOUSAND CLOWNS JMOU Roberta Mrs in (Ns htanoue «m that •i^lorw ihe limits ol freedom and non conformity Robards it a 10tatty lovable nut who tnd* tv meet faced wNh tie difficdt choice d adopting to a society tiat he ro |ede, or eiee losng custody d his equdfy wacfcy nephew. Saturday May 7 r 1*0 PLC 7 and 930 p.m 01251:6 DANCE: The Recreational BaMroom Dance Club meets every Friday rift at 6 p.m in tie Hamrtton Dmng Room Everyone is welcome 5:6 EMU CULTURAL. FORUM PRESENTS DUDLEY RIGGS BRAVE NEW WORKSHOP In the tradition of the National Lampoon and Firesign Theatre, they are one of the oldest and most successful satirical revues in the country. MONDAY, MAY 9 EMU BALLROOM 8 p.m. Tlckata available at EMU Mam Deek S3 — U of O etudeots/$4.50 — non studenta 01265^ HOMSTdEO TRUCKSTOP Tors** AMA2MQ FEATS! Sakjrday a m VfCKI HANLEY Evwwig JON JAR VIE Sunday am DOS UUGAOOS Everang OAVK) WINTERS on 14th between Httyard and Aider 01701 6 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE LOON’S RAGE An outrageous comic fantasy on the threat of nuclear power plants. SUNDAY MAY 15 ROBINSON THEATRE 8 p.m. Tickets available at the door $2 U ot O students, senors, chHtten $2 50 general public 01264:13 AStAM-AMERtCAN STUDENT and EUGENE FUPMO AMERICAN COMMUNITY preesnts CABATAAN FOLK DANCERS Friday. May 13 8pm Condon Elementary School 1787 Agate Admission $1 EMU Main Desk 01263:5 NORTHWEST ROCK RETURNS TO THE AMORV DIAMOND JACKSON ALONG WITH EUGENE'S ONE WAY ALLEY WITH SPECIAL GUEST FROM PORTLAND PASSAGE NEW EUGENE AMORY on Cantanrsal Btvd (across from Autzen Stadium) 8 p m Friday May 6th Tickets $3.50 at he door Brought to you by: GMAC Prod., Oregon Sound Prod. Georges Bouhey S* THE AMANDA MARQA SOCIETY PRESENTS A THOUSAND CLOWNS Jaaon Roberts Mars in Ms hilarious llm that explores tie limits of freedom and non-oortormtty. Robards is a totally lovable nut who finds himself faced with the difficult choice of adapting to a society that he re jects, or else losing custody of hie equally wacky nephew. Saturday May 7 SI ISO PLC 7 and 9:30 pjn. 01251* “BROADWAY MELODY OF 1977” A gay-straight musical revue and (Saco Saturday. May 7*i in tie Eugene Hotel's King Cole Room. Doors open at 8*0 p m Show begins M 9 p.m. Disco till 1 a m J2 per person. Must be 21 or older 5* SEE IT ON THE BIG SCREEN THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURS. KFMY 980 Midnite Movie THIS WEEK STANLEY KUBRICK’S Dr. Strangelove OR How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb This s a classic, very zany nuclear holocaust llm starring PETER SELLERS BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY 01233* THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocal si with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday. 9-12 Jam Season every Sunday 830-130 a.m. 00571f TANTRIC YOGA TAUGHT BY YOGI BHAJAN IN EUGENE MAY Ml, 7th, 801 For i formation cal Kundatni Research In istitute 485-1837 01221 * black forest tavern 2657 WAametle 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to 1030, Friday — 4-8 pm MKHELOB ON TAP Entertainment lour nights a week 13688'*'' LIVE AT THE PEARL Latin Jazz with MONTUNO MUSIC AND DANCING 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. $2 admission PEARL ST. STATION 412 Pearl 345-0937 01249:6 EUGENE COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA "THE EMPEROR CONCERTO” toy Beethoven And Other Selections Guest soloist; VICTOR STEINHARDT Conductor: PHILIP BAYLES Sunday May 8 8 p.m. $2; $1.50 students and seniors C.C.PA, 8th and Lincoln 01186:6 DANCE TO MOSA Friday May 6 9 p.m.-1 a.m. JAZZ at the WOW HALL 8th and Lincoln 5« EHU CULTURAL FORUM AMD EMI CMLD CARE CENTER PRESENT MUNROE A JULES FEFER jab at the Army estab lishment; this is a short about a four-year otc! boy sbois drafted. He cannot convince anyone that he is not able to be in the army. THE POINT The tale of OMo and his dog Arrow. Cast out because he doesn't have a pointed head. Obfco travels about and makes a dis covery about having a point in life. A de liffitfuf tale. Friday May 6 7 and 9 pjn. 180 PLC Adults — $1 Children — 50< EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS MONIKA MONIKA is BERGMAN’S most erotic film, a passionate testimonial to the theme that, for intellectual modem man in search of meaning, sex is not enough Sunday May 8 7 and 9 pjn. 180 PLC SI 01240:6 MOTHER’S DAY ANDROCLES AND THE LION The Eugene Thsake Company presorts tiree per formances of this delightful children's comedy, at 2, 4. and 7 p m., The Eugene Hotel. Mothers ac companied by cHtten admitted free. Advance tick ets $1 and $2 at the Eugene Hotel and the Sun Shop. Reservations 344-1461 56 SPIRITUAL UNION PRESENTS PYGMIES This unus ial and provocative fu*-color film captures tie magical Ives of tie Pygmies of the Hurt Forest in Zaire, Africa. Living nomadteally and in total ecotogicai harmony with tie natural world, the Pygmies have no material possessions to arouse materialis tic passions and crimes. Though classified as a primitive'' culture, director Jearv Plerre Halet claims tiat the joyous Pygmy world-view may hold the secret to our planetary survival. “ ... the finest in-depth study of tiis vanish ing people to reach the screen' — Variety Friday, May 6 81 150 Geology 7 aid 9 pjn. 012506 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic traits, no guides WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations: Windgate Farms, 996-6789 1345lfn EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUDLY PRESENTS TOM WAITS PLUS SPECIAL GUEST JOHN HIATT Wednesday May 11 8 p.m EMU Ballroom U o» O Students $3.75 General Public: $4.75 01236:11 BERTOLT BRECHTS MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN Pocket Playhouse VINard Hall May 4-7 8 p.m. SOLD OUT 01214:6 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olive, 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU SUNDAY JAMES KAN in GEORGE STEVEN'S GIANT SHOWTIME: 8 p.m. only Reduced acin. matinee Sat. & Sun. at 2 HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND FRL A SAT. MIDNIGHTS ONLY MARILYN CHAMBERS ki BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR RATED X — OVER 18 Requires Separate Admission 01261.6 EMU CULTURAL FORUM In Association With The SURVIVAL CENTER proudly Presents PAUL HORN In Concert Thursday, May 12 EMU Ballroom U of O students $2.50 General Public $3.75 01645:12 C.C.P-A. PRESENTS ELA LATIN JAZ7 Brass — String — Percussion Saturday, May 7 9 to 1 a.m. $2 at the door New W.O.W. Hall. 8th and Lincoln 01210:6 PERSON ALL 1S7S-7S CLARK-ADAMS ALUMNUS thie * HI The dm annual minion a 1 p.m. Saturday, at Skinner's Butte Park. Cal Mfce, 6864310 or A» son, 344-4085 If you're coming. 5* VETERANS The VA provides funds for tutorial assistance For more info, cal 686-3232. 005043b SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5ft. x5ft, 5ft. xIOft., 10ft. x 10ft.. and larger, 344-2710. West 11th and Bertelsen Road. 02918Zfn THIS WEEK AT MAX’S Wednesday — Free Pretzels 7-2! Friday — Pitcher Sale 4-6! Saturday—Live Music (McKenzie River Boys) 9-2! 56 NON-TRAOTTIONAL RINGS for non-tradWonai re lationships Careful designing and meticulous craftsman^kp can make an item of jewelry realty mean something. Mart* 687-9556. 56 .€ VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES, MEETINGS, PICNICS. DANCES, etc. 575 and up 896-3913. 02885Ifn NEED CASH? Trade, sell, or consign your contemporary or vin tage clothing (both men s and women's). RAGS TO RICHES SECOND HAND CLOTHES. 360 East 11th. 1130 a m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Satur day, 344-7039. 5.6 SAVE FRENCH PETE FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE TABLE IN EMU TODAY OR CALL 686-4366. 01223:13 PLANTS FOR MOTHER’S DAY INDOOR GARDEN 1412 Pearl 342-2735 01183:6 SPECIAL GIFTS FOR MOTHER, Rainbow statio nary, Scarves, sill: flowers, combs and pens GENTLEWOMAN GALLERY 1639 East 19th 343-9555 Open M, W, F, 10 a.m.-8 pm.; Tu., Th„ Sat, 10 a.m.-6 pm.; Sunday 1-5 p.m. 012396 MOTHER'S DAY AT RAMYDAY CACTUS: cut flower bouquets, blooming plants, baskets and pot tery. RAINYDAY CACTUS 1361 Pearl 4854153 012356 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND ATBWTH-" RKJHT. confidential information and free preg nancy test Call 687-8661 142B61fn KERRY — Springtime is the best! Have a super Happy Birthday!! Love, Your little Sis. 5:6 HOP A LONG HURRA Y IS 19) Sorry girts, we don't mean inches. Have a good one! 5:6 ORVILLE AND WILBUR — Sorry you were late for Kitty Hawk. Welcome and Happy Moms Day — Love, the one who's always Wright. 5:6 NATALIE, DEBBIE, AND LORI — Welcome to Sigma Kappa. Love. aH your sisters. 5:6 PHI PSI CRAZED TRI-OELTS — Pack your bags for the time of your life this weekend! 5:6 fT TAKES 256 people to pass one ounce of heroin. Mot 5.-6 IF YOU SAW AUTO ACCIDENT, noon May 3 on Franklin at West 11th, please contact Suzanne. 975 West 7*1, # 11 or leave message — 344-9079, i will contact you. 5:1C MATURE FOREIGN TEACHER desires to meet American lady with international interests, muse and dancing. P.O. Box 3721, Eugene. OR 97403. 5:10 FOR A GREAT PARTY call toe CHI O S Love, the PHI PSIS. 5:6 ALPHA CHI HOUSE DANCE DATES: Basabal and beer. Valley River and you. Wei dance and drink. (And perhaps mash some, too!) 5:6 ALPHA CHI OMEGA welcomes the greatest pledges, Alice. Jan, Kalin, Karen, Karen, Lynn, Kathy, Jute, Jan. Barb. Cherrit, Sherri, Joan. We love you! 5:6 RANDY, I'm sure getting "fluffed" for the house dance Friday right! An anxious banana. 5:6 LORI, NATALIE AND DEBBIE—Welcome with at our hearts, your new Sigma Kappa sisters! 5:6 HANSEN — Today starts the 366 countdown. Happy Birthday and have a great tear. Love. 3rd floor DeCou. 5.6 D.U. HOUSE DANCE OATES: Thunderbird Air lines leaves tiis evening lor uncharted lands and cultures. Be there early for first class seating. THE NATIVES ARE RESTLESS. 5:6 EAR LA, Can I be you? Get ready for one of our best out at the pasture tomorrow Lore. Linda 56 ANNE — I know times can be toujfi, but you must be stronger and show where you stand. Love you, Ftuss 56 AL DUKOWSKI — Good luck at the Twilight Meet. JW 56 WATCH OUT WORLD I rite mat!anal DeBusk Week — May 7-14 016486 (Personals continue on Page 20A)