P.E. department installs plan for crowded courts By MARTHA BUSS Of the Emerald Dear Beef Box, The raquetball/squash/hand ball courts on campus are very heavily patronized, from early morning to about 9:30 every night. People have been known to wait over an hour for courts. An informal sun/ey has shown that a significant fraction (one third to one half) of users are not University students nor fac ulty/staff. How about implement ing this cheap and (hopefully) ef fective solution: 1. Glue a small, clear plastic compartment on the inside of each court's window. 2. Require every group (class es included) to insert a student body card or staff card into this pocket so that it can be seen from the outside. 3. Post conspicuous notices two weeks before beginning en forcement. 4. Have an official-looking per son enforce the rules the first week or so. No exceptions - no card, no court. Sincerely, Tired of waiting Dear Tired, The physical education de partment is finally answering yours and many other students’ complaints about court misuse. The department is currently in the process of formulating new rules for all courts. Under the new plan, which Doug DeWees, an administrative assistant in the physical education department, hopes will take effect by the end of this term, the hand ball courts will have a 10-minute turnover schedule. There are eight handball courts on 15th Avenue and, under the plan, players will alternately vac ate six of them at 10-minute inter vals beginning on the hour, there fore allowing one hour of playing time in each. The remaining two courts will be left open for chal BEEF BOX V. tenges. The winner in each chal lenge court must accept all chal lenges and may not play more than three consecutive games. The tennis courts will also have a new system. The physical edu cation department has ordered three “rotation racks" and will in stall one at each of the University’s three tennis court complexes. These racks will have clear tubes to hold waiting players’ balls. The balls will go in at the top and come out at the bottom on a first-come basis. The balls, of course, must be labeled and court use will be limited to one hour. The whole system will be similar to tak ing a number in a shoestore or waiting in one line at the bank, with the balls lined up in the tubes as telltale signs to who’s next on any available court. On both types of courts, only University members will be al lowed. Although no officers will be on hand to enforce this, DeWees says the students and staff should feel free to ask for a person s ID whenever they have doubts. A Typewriter Warmed la Hell By JOCK HATFIELD Of tt» Enwrald Greeks deliver a trojan horse Rumor has it the construction next to the music building is not, as some would have us believe, a classroom addition, but a nuclear missile site. Our sources have traced con struction funding to the Greeks, who deny building a nuclear mis sile. Let them eat... tough bananas Prof. Paul Hobo announced this week that professors are going on the semester system whether students like it or not. The declaration came after a student speech unfavorable to the semester system. "Having a pro fessor teach a semester system rather than a quarter is similar to leaving a camera on a news man after he has finished giving the news," said the student speaker. “Before our eyes a dignified send er of information is transformed into a trembling grin addict.” It was at this point that Hobo seized the podium. “Who do stu PSYCHIC CAN BEWITCH (MESMERIZE) LOVED ONES. OTHERSTO YOUR BIDDING WRITE REQUESTS: DONATIONS APPRECIATED JAMIL P O. BOX 10154. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE ANYTIME: 342-2210 484 2441 l -J dents think they are?” said Hobo to his colleagues. “We re the ones who run this University. If students don't like it well...TOUGH BANANASr The professors will go on the semester system Monday. Quar ter system classes will continue as usual without them. Profound odes live in sneakers University student Denise Z. Charbonneau received the na tional “I'm Not A Poet" award Thursday for her poem The Last Living Plant.” Charbonneau says the poem was inspired by a seven-month-old sneaker. The poem reads as follows: A small green twist of ivy By the open window grew. Striving from the dark room to the light In a dirt filled shoe. All known life was gone Even the ivy was rotten of root. The world’s last living plant dying Of athlete’s foot. Judge Julie Z. MacKen says the poem was selected for its “pro found rhymes.” Crippled POSB Merril Lynched I have a complaint. Three months ago I was happily pushing my wheelchair to the library when I was suddenly surrounded by strange-looking students. One of them, Bob, grabbed my chair and began pushing me across the street. "What are you doing,” I asked. “You are going to be instrumen tal in putting the proletariat into power,” said Bob. “The POSB has noticed handicapped people have a great shock value, and we de cided to get one.” What is a POSB?” I asked. “That’s POSB,” he corrected. “The Pissed Off Student Brigade. Everyone has heard of us Pissed Offs.” He was now dragging me up the stairs to Johnson and Johnson Hal. The other crazies followed be hind changing ‘Tuition Schmui tion! Tuition Schmuition!” Bob positioned me in front of the door to Chancellor Lou EHen's of fice. “OK kid, go do your stuff,” he said and shoved me through the door. Chancellor Ellen looked up from her work to see me coast through the door, skid over her throw-rug, and crash to a stop in front of her desk. “Hi,” I said. Bob was waiting for me when I coasted back outside. “Great,” said Bob. “I can see it now: Chan cellor bounces crippled demon strator!”’ \dfflaWtn?n\ reliable service for your foreign car. auto service VOLKSWAGEN MERCEDES • DATSUN • TOYOTA GUENTER SCHOENER Bus Ph. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Ore. 97403 Home Ph. 746-1207 “Can I go to the library now?” I asked. “Are you kidding,” said Bob. “Do you realize how many pro letariats are still in bondage?” Bob now brought up a large cardboard coin, hung it around my neck, wheeled me downtown and chained me to a lamp post in front of Merril Lynched. Three weeks later he came back to visit me. “I feel iH,” I said. “I know,” said Bob, holding up a newspaper for me to read: “Hand icapped protestor nears starva tion, death in three week protest vigil.” “Five columns,” said Bob. “You know what you’ve got kid — PR power!” “But I don’t want PR power!” I replied. I am writing this letter from Chancellor Lou Ellen’s closet. She was less patient the last time I came through her door, and filed me away. Bob says I can’t come out until this hits the papers. He suggests the following headline: “Chancellor kidnaps, closets crip pled demonstrator.’’ But, as of this minute, I am re signing my post as POSB Chairer. I have rights you know! You can’t just go around pushing people through doors! As for ROTC, semesters, ASUO, Earl Butz, fraternities, Hit ler and everything else Bob has on my protest agenda for next week, FORGET IT! I am now three months late studying for my health midterm, and MUST go to the lib rary. Sincerely, Herman “Hotwheels” Step hotter Now comes Miller time tonite nba playoff games 3355 E Amazon 5-8 PM TONITE 7oz. Ponies 250