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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1977)
Calendar of Events May 5-11 Compiled by Shannon Sprague; Campus Information 686-INFO Thursday Dr. Harry Edwards, Lecture, “Crisis and Change in Modern Sports." Free. 12:30 p.m. EMU Batroom Jeanne Mackey and Ruthie Gotten. $3. 7:30 p.m. C.C.PA., 8th and Lincoln. “Dr. Strangelove." 96 cents. Midnight. Maytower Thea ter. David Copperkeid,' and “Little Women." Cinema 7. Schwebke Brothers. $1.50. Murphy and Me. Ralph Salisbury. Free. 8 p.m. International Lounge, EMU Robert Eckert, guitar. Free. 6-9 p.m. Pearl St. Station. Richard Bourdeau and Ron BMngslea Free. Noon. EMU East Lobby. Greg Nathan, string bass Free. 4 p.m. Beal Concert Hall. Sonny King Jazz Quartet. 9 p.m. - 2 a m Eugene Hotel. SB# Dreaming. 6-10 pjn. Trio's. “Dr. Strangelove." 98 cents. Midnight Mayflower Thea ter. “Munroe," and The PoinL " $1 adults, 50 cents children. 7 and 9 pjn. 180 PLC. Mosa. $1.50. 9 p.m. - 1 am CC.P.A., 8th and Lincoln. ‘Pygmies ‘ $1. 7 and 9 p.m 150 Geology. Tumalo String Band. Free 4-7 pjn. EMU Demg Room. BaWoom and Contemporary dances, with instructions. 7 pjn. C.C.P.A, 8V) and Lincoln. Terrell Stone, Renaissance Music. Free. 3:30 p.m. Throne Roam, University Art Museun. or Longer, lecture, “Writing Women's Biography: The Lie c4 Josephine HerbsL ' Free. 2:30 p.m. 221 Aden Hal. Paul Delay Band. Murphy and Me Tavern. Unvoting of “Mural in the Landscape." 1 p.m. On the side d the studio in he 15th and Agate Complex. Montuno. $2. 10 pjn. - 1 am. Pearl St Station. Jell Carlson, compoehon. Free. 8 pm. Beal Concert Hal. Sonny King Jazz Quartet 9 pm. - 2 am. Eugene Hotel "Salsa AJacron," Chrcanostyie Dance. $1. 8-11:30 pm. "The Lady’s Not for Burning. "S3. 8 p m Performing Ms Theatre, Lone Community College. "Flub-a-dubs end Unicornsa concert at Mime pieces Si. 8 p.m. Dougherty Dance Theatre. Gedinger Annex. "Giant " Cinema 7. Recreational Folk Dancing. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. 103 Gertnger. "Down the Drain." comedy and old music. Midnight. KWAX. 90.1 FM “Rite of Spring 77," a musical spoof. $1. 8 p.m. Beall Concert Hal. "Dr. Strangeiove." 98 cents. Midnight. Mayflower Thea ter. “A Thousand Clowns. '' $1. 7 and 9:30 p.m. 180 PLC. “Broadway Melody at 1977," a musical revue. S2. 9 p.m. - 1 am. Eugene Hotel. Portland Dance Theater. S3. 8 p.m. Sheldon High Au ditorium Eta. latin jazz S2. 9 p.m. - 1 am. C.C.P.A, 8th and Lincoln. Paul Delay Band. Murphy and Me. Mantuno. S2 10 p.m. - 1 am. Pearl St Stabon. Sonny Kng Jazz Quartet. 9 p.m. - 2 am. Eugene Hotel. "Giant " Cinema 7. Marcia Park, harp Free. Noon. Saturday Market. High Mountain Ramblers, bluegrass. Free. 1 p.m. Satur day Market. "The Lady's Not for Burning. "S3. 8 p.m Performing Arts Theatre, Lane Community College. "Flub-a-dubs and Unicorns " SI 8 p.m. Dougherty Con cert Room, Gedinger Annex. 2nd Perennial Poet Hoo-Haw. $5 tor two people. Begins noon-oh, ends midnight-ish. In and around Mac Court Eugene Community Orchestra “The Emperor Con certo" S2. SI SO University students. 8 p.m. C C PA., Lin coln. “Androdea and the Lion." SI and S2. Mothers free when accompanied by children 2. 4, and 7 p.m. Eugene Hotel Saturday Tamara Saxton, voice. Free. 3 p m Beall Concert Hat. Sonny King Jazz Quarter 9 p m - 2 a.m. Eugene Hotel "Giant. " Cinema 7. Recreational Folt Dancing. Free 7:30-10:30 p.m 103 Gertnger "Monika. "SI 7 and 9 p.m. 180 PLC "Pygmies."SI 7 and 9p.m. 150 Geology. Monday Dudley Riggs' "Brave New Workshop S3 students. S4.50 general. 8 p.m EMU Ballroom Geta Roma! Murphy and Me Man Jones Free. Noon EMU East Lobby Vocal Jazz Ensembles Free. 8 p.m Beat Concert Han "Comersstbn Piece " Cinema 7. Tuesday Geta Romal Murphy and Me Jon Janie, classical gutar Free. 6-9 pm Peart St. Sta ton. Jazz Lab Band I. S2 general, SI students with IO 8 p m. Beal Concert Hat "Conversation Piece " Cinema 7 StM Dreaming 6-10 p.m. Ten's. Wednesday Tom Walts and John Hiatt Students S3.75, general S4.75. 8 p.m. EMU Ballroom Wheatfield Murphy and Me Tom Hook, piano. Free. 6-9 p.m. Pearl St Station Orion Free 6 p.m. EMU Fishbowl Mary Ann Bato. piano. Free 8 p.m. Baal Concert HaI Sonny King Jazz Quartet 9 p m. - 2 am. Eugene Hotel Conversation Piece " Cinema 7 Stitt Dreaming 6-10 pm Ttno'a Continuing M F A. Graduate Exhibition University Art Museum Through May 27 Sculpture by Michael Loomis University Art Museum Through May 27 "Triptych." Tendd Peterson Lane Community College Through May 12 University Student Art Show Free. 9 a m - 5 pm Mon day through Friday 141 Lawrence Gary Farrington, photography oi New Zealand Bruner Gallery Through May 13 Erich Stahl, engravmgs Free Original Graphics Gatiery 125 East Broadway Through May 31 "In Search ot a Friend. * Steven Oshatz Open Gallery Northwest Through May 15 Northwest Soccer For Everyone - "Kicking. Passing, and Shoot ing." 3pm Chernaia. Portland Saturday May 7 "Chemical Dependencies and Society 6:15 a m Channel 8. Portland Monday. May 9 Edward Munch .* The Movie House Theater. 1220 S W Taylor. Portend May 5-11 Charles Newkn. photographs Camerawork Gatery. Good Samaritan Hospital. Portland Through May 8. "Die Meatersmger von Numberg Portland Ceric Au ditorium Wednesday. May 11. "Iggy Pop," 8 p m Paramours Theatre. Portland Friday. May 6. Arabian Cultural Evening $3 6:30 p m Methodist Church. N W 11th and Monroe. CorvaMa Saturday. May Sophomores, My sophomore year, received a three-year Army ROTC scholarship which pays my full tui tion, all books and fees, and gives me $100 each academic month of the year. If you would like to learn how to qualify, m. Randy Fisher, Junior, Accounting Call 686-3102 TENNIS MAYERS_ WHY PAY MORE? See our special selection of famous Dunlop Maxply Tennis rackets. Good selection of grip sizes, 4V4 thru 4%, light. All On tale At $17,931 (Regular Price $33.00) Need your old racket restrung? Let us install new quality string; we have all popular brands in stock. Price $8.00 to $30.00. We repair leather grips too, at Berg’s. §4rtjV#W /hop/ ^SBSBaBSSr ■ 343-0013 11* ft Ml