KWE CDULP WE6CNE10CALIFORNIA1 WE COULD WE CONE To ARIZONA! M OH, MO.' YOU HAVE JO RETIRE: TO PAPE COUNTY FLORIDA.'" ASK) candidate s forum For Feldman Gary Feldman is our choice for ASUO President. We have ob served him in action this year and have been quite impressed. As IFC Chairer, Gary has displayed admirable leadership qualities and overall understanding of the ASUO, student programs and the entire University community. His support for environmental issues and new concepts in education has shown us an important com mitment. By supporting many different programs he has demonstrated a wide scope of responsivity to stu dents. Gary will stress an open presidency thus allowing greater participation and a flow of new ideas. A fresh approach is needed along with competent administration. Gery Feldman is the best person to fulfill these goals. We urge you to vote Feld man for ASUO President. Bruce Walker Senior-Political Science Ruyle Spiller Senior-English Dave Brown Senior-Honors College For Osborn I can’t vote for Keli Osborn in the election for SUAB position #2, because I’m not in speech or journalism. This letter is my vote for those of you who are. Keli and I have worked to gether for the legislative sector of the ASUO sirce last fall. I have seen her skills and interest in stu dent concerns become a genuine sense of commitment and re sponsibility. Keli is intelligent and articulate. Journalism and speech majors need her representation on the Student University Affairs Board. Vote. Vote for Keli Osborn for SUAB position #2. Linda Chapman ASUO State Affairs Junior-English Foi Swegar I feel that it’s important to let students know about an impor tant election that I’m sure many have passed without noticing. This for the position of Media Contact person for the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG). Sue Swegar has unofficially served at this post for the past year, volunteering her time and energy and doing, in my opinion, a good job. Working with Sue at the Off Campus Housing Office, I’m im pressed with her conscientious and thorough approach toward her work. Please give Sue the Page 4 support she deserves and has earned. Chuck Johnson Junior-Political Science Gellatly-Tearnen It's not true! It’s just not true! The rumor that senior class of fices are just status positions doesn't have to be true. If the Gellately-Tearnen team is elected several things will be done. Working with the Career Plan ning and Placement Center, we will continue to make career in formation available through Career Faires aimed at senior in terests. We will try to improve University relations by working with alumni organizations. Through the Academic Occa sions Committee we will trans form graduation into an exciting, action-packed event worth at tending. Also, the contacts we made over the last two years of involvement in student and uni versity governance will enable us to get almost any project done. Concerts in Autzen stadi um.... with us anything has a chance. We will work enthusiasti cally and intelligently for con stituent goals. Sounds good, huh? But can we deliver, eh? Well, here’s where we say, “Look at our records.” First Andrea: I have been the chairer of the SUAB for this year and was vice-chairer last year. Through this position I’ve learned about not only ASUO government and programs, but also University governance. I’ve actively partici pated in furthering the student in terest on many issues — release of teacher/course evaluation (I sponsored the motion through the faculty), financial aid improve ments, and many more. Also, I’ve served on five, count ’em, five University committees. And was selected as one of the 1976 Homecoming Persons. Now Cathy: I am the SUAB representative for Psychology. Along with editing the departmental newsletter, I serve on several major depart mental committees. As the direc tor of the Information and Grie vance Center I’ve been dealing with student problems and ans wering diverse questions about the University for over a year. I’m also an active member of Friends of the Whales (any artists want to contribute to the Survival Center Whale Festival?). With our variety of experience and wealth of knowledge, we can definitely do the best job as Senior dass president and vice president. Please vote on Wed nesday and Thursday. Andrea Gellatly Candidate for Senior Class President Cathy Teamen Candidate for Senior Class Vice-President For Feldman Folks, this is my letter of en dorsement for Gary Feldman and Jeff Warren. Feldman is of course running for ASUO President, Warren for IFC. I imagine that it comes as no surprise to most that I am endors ing Feldman, given the nature of his opponent. (Mr. Tyler and I have rarely gotten along very well.) The only thing that I can decipher in Dave Tyler’s claim that this year's administration has not adequately reflected, rep resented or advocated for the “mainstream” of the student body is that the 10 per cent of my ad ministration that has not been white (self included) and the 45-50 per cent that has been female are somehow perceived by Mr. Tyler as undesirable. My question to Tyler, then, is how would he refute a suspicion that what he is calling for is an ASUO administration that is racist, sexist onH olitict9 Now actually there is more to my endorsement of Feldman than as a lesser of two evils. I have worked with Gary over the last two years and have come to think quite highly of his competence and his attitude concerning peo ple. I have not always agreed with him, yet I have always felt that Gary worked quite hard to be both open minded and fair in his decision making process. What more can I say? (It was these qualities that probably cost him the fraternity endorsement, but whatever.) As for Jeff Warren, I have seen him in action in Faculty Senate meetings and as a SUAB member and was quite impre ssed. To tell the truth, if we get out and vote and get Feldman elected we are going to need a replacement on the IFC that can weather the madness. And if Feldman isn’t elected, we’re gonna need all the help we can get.. .that’s aH, go out there and vote for Gary Feldman and Jeff Warren. Jan Oliver ASUO President Non-endorsement We re the two presidential hopefuls that didn't make it from the primaries to the general elec tion. We re losers, but the experi ence and the fine work done by our supporters gives us some thing to say. Considering the $1.3 million ASUO budget and the $85 we each pay a year, students should vote. The ASUO executive has a lot more potential than people think. As students, we are an organi zation of 16,000 adults. As such we could generate our own jobs and services through coopera tives in the EMU. and have an impact on relevant issues in the environment and specifics like the State Board of Higher Education s investment in corpo rations that have dealings with South Afnca Human systems, like the ASUO. are much like ecosystems and by getting the various parts to cooperate, one establishes har mony and balance. That's why Paul spoke out on the environ ment and Eric proposed working cooperatives to bring students together. The University depends on cul tural variety just as diversity in na ture brings balance — homeos tasis. Thus, change is the stimulus for innovative adaption. The question arises, what is necessary to bring students to gether? It sure wasn’t us, al though between us there were enough votes to win. That s a basic lesson in progressive split ting of the vote. Which bnnqs us down; to the campaign, and down it is. The expense is too great and Incidental Fee budget hearings shouldn't be held at the same time. We urge you to speak out and vote — for us, last week. But, who are you going to vote for this week: Craig. Dave, or Gary9 We ll give you three pos ters: look at where they are com ing from, their goals and inten tions. and who stands to gam. So vote your conscience We have been approached to make endorsements for presi dent, so we hereby endorse Cathy and Andrea. — So there Paul Bartel Eric Bellman For Tyler In fairness to Dave Tyler and his campaign, and in view of the fact that no endorsement letters will be printed after today, the Emerald granted Tyler the oppor tunity to respond to the letter from Jan Oliver that appears else where on this page Tyler's re sponse is the letter that follows. - ed. TO THE EDITOR: What’s happened to this ASUO election? I’m surprised I haven't been interviewed by David Frost. To listen to your elected student body officers and some people at the Emerald, I m a combination of William F. Buckley, Gov. George Wallace and Adolph Hitler. It’s in teresting, isn’t it? I’m a ’racist’’ who voted to fund every minority program and has a Native American campaign manager I m an "elitist whose primary focus of the campaign is reaching out to the vast majority of the stu dent body currently disenfranch ised from the student government they paid for. I’m a "sexist” who voted to fund the Women’s Refer ral and Resource Center and the Women in Science program. I have refused to promise anyone a job, yet I fully expect half of my staff to be women — half the stu dents are! Where are the issues of this campaign? Every advertisement and every flyer of mine outline my platform. I've tried to run an open and informative campaign What's the competition done? I'm tired of ineffective and hypoc ritical student government. I don't want to see it repeated next year Do you really feel represented by your student government? As ASUO President I will work to pro tect and ennch our diverse prog rams. But just as importantly, I will reach out to the majonty of the student body “left out'' now Read the issues I'm running on Try to find the issues of my oppo nent. Let s end fairy-tale politics in the ASUO I need your votes now. and your cooperation next year. Dave Tyler Candidate for ASUO President For Zarosinski After spending more terms than I care to mention witnessing campaign pledges, promises, and programs flung like dungbee tles about our ears, it is indeed refreshing and perhaps inspmng that a candidate comes up with no statement at aH No platitudes, no attitudes, no hipisms picked up from cocktail conversations This candidate in stead leaves to the mind of the electorate his policy stands This is not to say however, that the candidate is not ' Eugene." He s a vegetarian; he runs and he only eats at restaurants with ' B ratings No slogans, no sandwich boards, no posters, no handouts, no shit. For SUAB position #1, David Zarosinski Gregory Harris First Year Law For Filip Barry Pilip, candidate for the EMU Board, ments special con sideration in the elections Wed nesday and Thursday He is amply qualified for this position; he would bong to the Board the experience, energy, and com mitment to student concerns necessary to make him a very ef fective EMU Board member. He possesses an excellent grasp of the budgetary process, which is an important prerequisite for intel ligent decision-making involving this 2.5 million dollar-a-year op eration. Most importantly, Barry Pilip will see to it that responsible student input is solicited and utilized in the EMU's manage ment and policy decisions I support the candidacy of Barry Pilip for the EMU Board and urge you to vote for him Jim Dulcich Vice Chairman, EMU Board Senior-Finance Letters policy The Emerald will accept and try to print all letters to the editor con taining fair comment on matters of general concern to our reader ship. Untyped or unsigned letters cannot be accepted. A 300 word limit applies to all letters. The writers address and phone number should accompany the signature, these will be used for verification purposes. The writer’s year in school and major is re quested from student letter writ ers.