Candidates rehash issues in final debate By KEVIN HACKETT Of the Emerald Round two of the ASUO presi dential debates Tuesday night proved to be a mellower affair than Monday's session with the two candidates and the non candidate basically taking similar stands on the issues in question. Presidential contenders Gary Feldman and Dave Tyler along with Craig Geary, whose write-in campaign has been declared il legal by the ASUO, mostly reiter ated their previously announced positions concerning tuition, the Athletic Department (AD), the Oregon Student Lobby, the role of the ASUO and various other issues. A question from a member of the approximately 40 people in the audience concerning what the. candidates considered to be the three major issues concerning the ASUO drew only one specific response from the candidates. Tyler listed the tuition issue, stu dent control of University deci sions and the control of MacAr thur Court. Geary said, “There aren't really three major issues. There are too many issues to just specify three as most important." Feldrtian said the major con cern should be to create better . communication between the pres ident and the students. Secondly he said there is a need for diver sification in the executive’s office The president can't surround himself with yes' people," he said Thirdly, he pointed out that he doesn t consider free parking Telefund aims at area residents Telephones throughout Eugene and Springfield will be ringing this week as the University's traveling telefund campaign comes home. Coordinated by the University Development Fund office, the campaign to raise money from University alumni begins in the fall with the first football game and ends in June. Evan Austin, associate director of the De velopment Fund, says the goal is to reach every Oregon graduate in the major West Coast cities. The Eugene-Springfield tele bports lecture scheduled Berkeley professor Dr. Harry Edwards, noted sociologist, author and political activist will speak on "Crisis and Change in Modern Sports" Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in the EMU ballroom Edwards is probably best known as one of the main organizers of the Black protest at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. The lecture is free and open to the public. 95<2 Drink of the Night 7 DAYS A WEEK 7:00-10:00 All Drinks $1.00 10:00-2:00 95C Drink of the Night fund began Monday and will run through Thursday this week. Cal lers will again be on the line ask ing for contnbutions to the Uni versity Monday through Thursday next week Austin expects telefund callers will contact over 6,000 Eugene Springftekj residents in the next week He also expects those con tacts to pay off well. Last year the Eugene telefund brought nearly $10,000 worth of pledges and this year — at least in the other cities where telefunds have been un dertaken — pledges are nearly double. CLASSIFIEDS (Personals continued from Page 15) TMIMOS ARE MAPPE NRG al re Dee House du> mg Oe(t Week May 2-9 5 4 DO YOU WANT A Gtee* or B Greek? 5 5 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD s now accept mg applications for next /ear s and this summer s editorial staff 19 paid positions are available Ap pUcations may t>e p*cked up a< Yie Emerald office on fie third floor of the EMU and are due Friday May 13 The Emerald «s an equ* opportunity emp loyer women rrunoniies and the handicapped a re encouraged to apply 5 13 THE NORTH WIND DOES r>ow at fie Den Houv But Yukon Jack keeps us warm 5 4 SOPHOMORES — JUNIORS remember to vote Wednesday and Thursday could mean your /o*e 'or a quality /ear Vote Russ Fw?rrorvq for /our Junta Class President Paid Flemng 5 5 BIG MAN. GET KEYED FOR H D art-or XQX Mom 5:4 BOWLING CARDS Available Mon-Fri 9-4 .* »* t. 100 Games $30.00 75 Games $25.00 50 Games $20.00 25 Games $11.00 EMU RECREATION CENTER to be an issue. ’Concerning hassles with the Athletic Department, .Geary said he would expect “equity, fairness and justice." Tyler said, better communica tion is needed with the AD. “We need to 'prevent problems from happening. We shouldn't have to read about a problem first in the Emerald I don't know how to get them under control. I don t think we can. Well have to work with them." Feldman took a stronger stand on the AD issue He said that stu dents shouldn't be responsible for meeting Title IX requirements by funding Women s Intercollegiate Athletics with incidental fees “The state and the federal gov ernment should have that re sponsibility, not us.“ Feldman also pointed out that “student funds built Mac Court We should have more control of it. I’ll stand by that till the day I die He added that he would create a liaison position between the ASUO and the AD in order to facilitate better communication All three agreed it is important for the Oregon Student Lobby (OSL) to continue its activities during interim years when the Legislature isnt in session. Tyler believes that the ASUO deserves a bigger voice in the OSL in rela tion to its funding of the organiza tion. We currently pay 40 per cent of its budget yet get only one vote We deserve a greater voice in it." A major issue of the campaign has been the certain factions that the candidates supposedly rep resent They were questioned as to how they would handle group issues that would affect only a certain sector of the student body Feldman said it would be up to the president to decide if the issue is of a high priority "in his own mind." Tyler said he would try to handle the problem by work ing with the ASUO programs that already exist Geary said, "I don't think I would represent any particular group. I've been up and I’ve been down. I ve been oppressed and have oppressed I've seen it all I think I could handle any group s problem effectively. All three candidates will ap pear on a segment of KVAL-TV s Northwest News at Noon today Tyler and Feldman will be guests on KEZI-TV s Good Morning Oregon program at 9 this morn ing Confidence Rekat>hty Eipeneoce Elect DALE RICHARDS Sophomore Class Vice PrevcJen? PaiO Rcha/ds LANE MEMORIAL BLOOO BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 4 Umts O Negative 2 Units A Pos-hve 8 Units A Negafrve 2 Units AB Potsrtrve 1 Unn Call 484 9H1 leu an appointment TERRI LYNN — l am keyed for a tot* n 9v- hay this Saturday right1 — Piggy 5 4 CHIEF THANKS FOR a whr>.e ot m:*e tha/, gnost S3 ones Freedom 5 4 AOPfS" Were aimos-' hem a*- -tv** ycx. »•- rw ous — Dji please De patient’1 5 4 KAPPAS TAKE PRECAUTIONS T*» turns tonte' Those growing S A E s 5 4 BARRY PILIP EMU BOARD PAID (out of his own pocket) 5:5 GARY FELDMAN DESERVES , v- 'e ’of E* penence Advocacy and Open Responsive Lead ership I knea* I WtU Mark E Pose.* I Paid Powe<; 5 4 NON-TRADITIONAL RINGS tor rv f-if,* lalionsNps Carelui designing and meticulous craftsmanship can mane an <tem o’ .ewelry realty mean something Mardi 68/ 9556 5 6 THE RIGHT OF ALL. m every oav, s fri ♦ d' <■ from discrimination For acNice. consult Aflimtatrve Acton 686-3177 01241 4 V MICKY Hope you enter the wet l-shtrl night at the Backdoor tonight Jeff 01255*4 WE SUPPORT JEFF WARREN For IFC 'an Gogan Ke* Osborn Kim Deteedertet m Bernau Jon Teague Lrxja Cbapmar nbrea Getfatiy Witty teo Base Das ?nny HaraOa At Hoicomoe Catny Tear »n Victoria Moy Dare Hercner Scot’ fcjnr Ran Bits Tony DeFazio mceic EMERALD. art! Warren Committee .5 a GARY CONSTANTINE Head Pissant Part Citizens For Better Pissanf? DON’T FORGET vote IEFF WARREN For IFC Paw Watten'Comtnrtee 5 5 A NEW DIRECTION VOTE GARY FELDMAN FOR ASUO PRESIDENT TODAY The ASUO is an association designed to represent the stu dents in their dealings with the administration, legislature, faculty and community. In effect, the ASUO Executive is the collective bargaining agent for the students of this campus. THE ISSUES - College is much more than just an academic experience. While I recognize the need to meet academic demands I also believe we must also meet the student demands for cultural, social, athletic, political, economic and legal services. - The ASUO Executive must be diversified enough to accomo date the diversity of student interests. - We must develop an effective legislative program to combat the proposed tuition hikes and to fight for increased financial aid to students here at the University. - The University affairs sector has to be greatly revitalized to develop the ability to handle student issues with the immediacy demanded by students. ELECT GARY ASUO TODAY FELDMAN PRESIDENT