GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder Lei u* t>e*> you wKh you* VITAMIN needs Now Irvn at tom pncm rtunnl Coma aoa US' 011«4 Ifn GOOD TMES AT PIZZA AUREUO $ 1 08 Gtart Pen T ueadaya Ira# movies Vj Pncm or bar Same with ragulat pu/a Sur Thurs aft nr 930 p m ?98i and WMamena 14507M H TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 21 DELICIOUS VARK7ES Of PIZZA Ppaig hoi Ri^a B yote door And now we have two dee very trucks to prve you taster service Ca* 342-9 111 Now open unU 1 a m Monday to Saturday Lbdraghi on Sunday 0062Bdn EVENTS BALLROOM CONTEMPORARY DANCES weft .nstructiona Fndays 7 pm (Warmer) At WOW Has 687 96*3 55 1 I HE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUDLY PRESENTS DR. HARRY EDWARDS Soactagat Author Actrvst f ram r» Unrveraty o* CtMorrsa BaAeMy SPEAKING ABOUT “CRISIS AND CHANGE IN MODERN SPORTS” ThuraNy. May S. 1*77 EMU Ballroom 12 30 p m FREE 01182 5 EMU BEER GARDEN FEATURING THE TUMALO STRING BAND FROAV MAY 6 4 lo 7 p m ID REQUIRED 012S86 CINCO de MAYO CELEBRATION FRKJAV. MAY « Preview 11 30-1 30 EMU Patio Salsa Atacran (Lain Rhy*»m Mumc) Manaehi Nuevo da Ajltan 8 p m EMU Bail room DANCE Salsa Aiacran Saturday ( p m -10:30 p m EMU Ballroom D"ner — Fasraon Show Presentation ol ^'mnas — Manacti Nuavo da A/ilan Bal k# Foauonoo Dancers S2 UO Students %2 50 non students $1 cfskjren under 12 Tickets EMU Man Doak and ai the door 01256 4 Entertainment I EMU CULTURAL FORUM AMO EMU CMLO CARE CENTER PRESENT MUNROE A JULES FENER tat, at Tut Army eetab tshmenl this a a ahorl about a tour year old boy eho is drafted H* cannot convince anyone that he >a not able lobe m Via army THE POINT The tale at Otto md tie dog Arrow Taal out becauee he doeent have a pomtrid head. Otto kavela about and make a a dl* cowery atxx* hmmg a point n Me A da !Kjhtful tale Friday May 6 7 and t p m tSO PLC Adutta — (1 Children — MM EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS MONIKA “ONtKA it BEROMAM S moat erotic lam a paaaonale leaamoraal to die theme Vutf tor inteHectuat modern man ai eeartii o< 'hearing, lex ta not enough Sunday May • 7 and t p m ISO PLC |1 01740A HOMEFRIEO TRUCKSTOP Tonight JOE CHtNSERO on 14th between tWyard and Airier 01??/ 4 TANTRIC YOGA taught by yogi bhajam IN EUGENE MAY Ml. Tti. Mb For irlormMior cai Kunda4r» Rawarcfi hv slllutc 485 183 7 01221 6 ■CUTOUT BRECHTS MOTHER COURAGE AMO HER CMLOREN Podwl Ptayhouaa VWard Haa SOU) OUT * Pm _ 01214-6 EUGENE COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA THE EMPEROR CONCERTO by BaaBtovan And Otiar Satectons GuaN toloat VICTOR STEMHARDT Conductor PHHJP BAYLES Sunday May 8 8 pm $2 $ 1 SO sludanta and aanors C C P A 9m and Lincoln 011866 C.CRJU PRESENTS ELA LATIN JAZZ Ifrasa — String — Parcusaon Safurday May 7 9 to 1 am V2 a! Tia door Maw WOW Had. Mh and Latcoto _ 012106 the ananoa marga society PRESENTS A THOUSAND CLOWNS Saturday May 7 180 PLC 7 and 6.30 pm |1 012314 DANCE TO MOSA Friday May 6 9 pjll,m JAZZ at the WOW HAU. 8th and Dncotn 56 SPIRITUAL UNION PRESENTS PYGMIES An amenng tul-ccior llm on fie tasanaeig Pyqrn** & the Nun Foraat r Zara Friday. May 6 S1 150 Geology 7 and 9 p.m 2SB3L MOTHER’S DAY ANDROCLES AND THE LION The Eugne Theatre Corrysny presens tvee p» lorrnancr® ot tv, deh^idu! ofyidren s ctenedy at 2 4 and 7pm. The Eugene How Mothers ac cnmpaned by charter, admned tree Advance » ets $t and J? at tie Eugene Motet and fie Son Shop Reservations 344 1461 5 6 Cinema Unldo and Mayday Cultural Committee Present JEANNE MACKEY & RUTHIE GORTON in concert Music for changing ti mas IhurvJay May 5 S3 WOW Han 55 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates scene traits, no grades WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone lot Reservations Wmdgate Farms 996 6/89 1345 tin MUSIC GRADUATE GROUP PRESENTS RITE OF SPRING 77 A MUSICAL SPOOF! May 7. Saturday, 8pm Beal Had rickets 11 Available at School at Music Ofl.ce 686-3761 5 4 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2667 yv«amet1e 344-0816 happy Hours. Monday and Wednesday — 9 30 to 10 30, Friday — 4-6 p m MKHELOB ON TAP Entartaavnenl lour mgtafe S week 13668-’ THE BAVARIAN 444 Eaal 3rd Voca*«t nritfi acoustical guitar Monday Saturday 9-12 14922 M H MUSK GRADUATE GROUP PRESENTS RITE OF SPRING 77 A MUSICAL SPOOF1 May 7 Salunlay • p rr. B*X HaA TkMi *1 A. Media al ScToca cf *A»c Office 9*6-3761 54 OMEMA 7 ATRIUM BUAJ3MG, SECOND FLOOR 10Mi and 0*ve 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU THURSDAY TWO CLASSICS BY GEORGE CUKOR W.C HELDS and an A»-3tar Cast DAVID COPPERFIELD PLUS KATHARINE KEP8URM In ** origin* LITTLE WOMEN SHCMmMES COPPERFIELD 730 pjn WOMEN 9 45 p m , • 011985 . * •* ; '! <■ ' .. 1 r WEDNESOAY MAY «* DR. STRANGELOVE puis PINK PANTHER CARTOON • A 10 pa»- *1 ISO Gaotogy ASUO-Siae Altars 011964 SEE IT ON THE BIG SCREEN THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURE KFMY 980 Midnrte Movie THB WEEK STANLEY KUBRICKS Dr. Strangelove ON How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Trvs ts a classic zany nuclear noocaus: fcm starng PETER SELLERS BEST SEATING ON THURSOAY All Seats Only 98c MAYTLOWER THEATRE 11* A ALDER 0’?336 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUOLY PRESENTS TOM WAITS PLUS SPECIAL GUEST JOHN HIATT Wednesday May 11 8 o m EMU BaAoor' UofO Students $3 75 General PutAc S4 75 01236 11 THAT’S C-R-A-l-G G-E-A-R-Y Paid Geary Organization 5 4 SELF-STOR INCMVIOUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5ft « 5 ft . 5 ft x 10ft. 10 ft x 10 ft. and larger 344-2710 West 11th and Bertelsen Road 02918 tin THIS WEEK AT MATS Wednesday — Free Pretzets 7-2* Fnday - Pitcher Sate 4-6' Saturday — Uve ftArsc (McKenzie ftver Boys) 9-2* 56 Turn tie boa! Afour} WWTE-« CRAIG GEARY asuo president Part GeryFausen 5:4 •■OTHER'S DAY AT RAMYDAY CACTUS: ctf *o«er Dououets Oocnr^oarrs iaAelsanlpol !«ry rajnyday cactus 1361 Pearl 465-6153 012366 TO Kn3a Me to be j«xr PraaOert so 1 costd To* /a noer ytu money s soerf *r*e m GEARY ASUO PRESIOOrr Pad Geary orgBrrzafrx: 5 4 •EW ARE THE TROJAR HORSE f»s really a mamne: _ 5:4 FLOW WTTH THE TOC: Mw m CRAIG GEARY tar ASUO PRESIDENT Pad CW Bar Her 54 9 rrs ALL GREEK TO ME. 54 MEED CASH? Trade, set or eonagr yox artemcorari or y»v tagec*c0*ng (botfiman’sandwomer s) RAGS TO RCHES SECOND HAND CLOTHES 36C Eaa 11 in 11J3C aVn -530 p rr Tuesday ttrougn Satur day 344-7039 ^ . 56 SAVE ( FRENCH PETE FOR MORE MFORMATION. SS TABLE M QRJ TOOAY OR CALL S66-43S6 01223 *3 IT'S OUR MONEY, er s spend r or auraeses tar SluDn access fc sLOM Knded ajtrtngs aid Barking. SUPPORT tar fxse »mc need t increase our race as consumers and ovens in TV Zan muney Wme n GEARY Pad Gear? Or See Geary RE WRITE-*! CRAIG G£ARV ASUO PRESOENT Pad C UcSAAer 5 4 SEE GEARY RUN Wrv-*n C Geary ASUO PRESttOfT Pact Gary Fausee ELECT DAVE TYLER ASUO PRESIDENT I rMuae ID run on an image I otter an open and responsnre student govern ment Moat people don't grve a damn Aout *v« ASUO because it doeant rap re aa Nth am We must move back ado the matnseeam of student a turn and con cerns: •Gevetapmert of ar EFFECTIVE guOe to ASUO programs and serrces •Mater coyecoves of loidng cowr~ tuoon EJrSJ tavern sfjden ad of «s •Development ano auooor of tne Stu dent Owersity Altars Boa'S our Pool m The Door m Unrversty co gover-merit • Student paracoaacr in ai ’Jrwersey deo sons wrach a*ect us •Dsersdec ASUO programs tar a dver sdec studerr aoOy •An aggressrve race tar studert concerns Through an open office, at open maid and a reepereire accountable admans trabon. the ASUO can once again repre sent We vast majority of students cur randy dearth anchiaed Irom die govam mere they pad lor PaC Tyler __ 5* VETERANS The VA prtvxles Hnds tar Utorua assistance For more rto cat 686-3232 0050*3*1 JOURNALISM ANO SPEECH MAJORS: Vole ’or asserswe and response* representaBon KEU OSBORN, SUA8 #2 55 MD-TERbHNAL BREAKDOWN? We lave uos that can he%) ycxv academe heair Geog. Geoi Physics &o fast Po* Sa. Psych and Wrbng Gel ore noa at he Leamng Resources Center 268 Condon. 686-3226 01219a VOTE DAVID BECKWITH VICE PRESIDENT SENIOR CLASS P*d th voters tor Sectoral* U of O CRtSfS CENTER is open every rvgft from 5 p m to 8 a m to beta you wan any problem Sbictly corddettial 686-4488 '4546W M STANT RELIEF FOR THE HUNGRKS cat be tound at a sob-manne sandmen shop catect Ekg ges Sub-Oty Our Bqgest can taed 4-5 people They we great o eat wide watering Monday nae sports 786 East 11th next to the Mayflower Theatre 0H33MWF A CHANGE OF PACE and a change of face Come see the HEW Da* House dunng Dell Wees May 2 9 5 4 FOR INOEPENOerr. AGGRESSIVE LEAOER SHd». Wnte r CRAIG GEARY tor ASUO Pres> dent Pd Pochard Cook GDI 55 54 VOTE, FOR A CHANGE •'Rain CRAIG GEARY ASUO PRESWEMT Pad McMtRer JOURNALISM AND SPEECH MAJORS VOTE JAN CHAMBERLIN •3 represent o, -teress SUAB #2 Pad: Chanpertn 55 PUAKTS FOR MOTHER’S DAY INDOOR GARDEN 1412 Pearl 342-27* 011*3-8 ONLY A FOOL SdcodC *3TE TODAY 012064 SPECIAL GIFTS FOR MOTMSL Ranee* r 4c nary Scarves s* Vvrers aorta and sens gewtlewomak gallery ’ffiSEaaiafr jlj-SEK Open M W F. 10 a-m_-8 pje : Tu_ jJjL, Sat 10 ajn -6 pjil Sirtaay 1-5 p-m. 012305 • »#e. ‘ 9 l fatArp.-l'J QUESTION! Wlecn mediod removes jmaantad na» perma nency salary'* A) Oepiaory B) Teoosng C) Was h's D: Eiecsroryas Ei S7arr-.g See my as r t»e ye»ow pages Electroiogy by Marian 01187i**fri PWtGMAKT-* YOU HAVE a FR04D AT WHTH WGHT. corAdenta rtformaton and ‘ro^ preg teS Ca# 6B74G61 142B6lfn THEY’VE GOT SENIOR CLASS! ELECT ANDREA GELLATLY SEJROfl CLASS PRESCIENT CATHY TEARNEN vice-prescott pad GT tar SCPVR 55 THE V®A BARN — Soar a*ng reservaaons sc^tq term parties uc£--ikrf-,s picnics DANCES eec r>S and uc 996-3913 32886rp, No Uoro Spartan Budges WntMn GEARY Pad C UcMuien 54 SEE THE ASUO PRESIDENTIAL Cavfraates or T V Icmorrow a lay or <VAu Tomoroe at 3 a_m or KEZL 01228 3 DO»rr oo rr grsx DO rr GEARY Wrrta-ln CRAIG GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT Pad By Dar*e4 justs 54 JOURNAUSM AND SPEECH MAJORS VOTE JAN CHAMBERLIN lo -eoresert you SUAB #2 Pa*: Ctsa-tiertr 53 VOTE JEFF WARREN FOR IFC ■FOR — Buogei Siae*l> •FOR — Greeter student race r Aseetc Dept —aners "FOR — Student oantns at student programs and money-' Pat) Warren committee # F YOU'D l*YER Tustec a Potbco «Yai an wr no mu a nave never Been Hi doe’1- 5 4 CHI-OMEGAS A ear your beaver skns me DELTS na.e go mev snow sroes YiAon Jack 4 gonrta be in E-_-gene Saturday ra^n Gel Keyed'" 5 4 OPEN MIND. HIGH ENERGY, good ideas Change d Hands. You can *Be m. 5 4 J>L GOOOARD — You <x» He-esed I an Ca» me — 345-7871 Sa*> 5 4 TO BE SEEN. ST AMO UP! To be heard, spear, up' To Sght dscnmnatki cat AJfirmaeve Acsor 686-3177 012593b AN OPEN NOTE TO STUOENTS Each or ua paid StSlota ASUO this year Otd you get your moneys worth? V you re setts Wed ■nth *>• Curran* ASUO >ten vote tor my oppo nent — Ha's sttoportod by toe madarv fm eat ing tor a radarecbon of tie ASUO beck Info maeiatream of student issues and concerns * m your choice — ELECT DAVE TYLER ASUO PRESCENT Paid Tyfar. (Personals continue on Page 16) 5 4