Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1977, Page 2, Image 2

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    Two day care bills on tap
Two bills designed to map a dear path for day care services in the
state will be heard at a meeting of the Senate Human Resources
Committee in Hearing Room A at 7 p.m. in the State Capitol building.
Drafters of the bill, the Child Care Task Force of the Oregon Council
for Women’s Equality, are asking the Legislature to establish a day care
policy for the state and to study the situation in Oregon.
mountain festival films presents
The Climbing of Annapurna - South
Chris Bonnington
Solo: Behind the Scenes
Mike Hoover
Sen final - West Face
Royal Robbins, Y Chouinard
May 3 Tuesday 7:30 PM EMU Ballroom
Tickets on sale now at the Main Desk
Students $1.50 General $3.00
Sponsored by Survival Center Wilderness Comm.
Career Faire ’77
Out on a limb?
Find your perch
if you’re majoring in
Political Science
Career Faire ’77 offers you information about what you can
do with your juts and sciences degree.
Tuesday, May 3, 1977
Rooms 108-111 EMU
panels at
10:30 - History, Sociology
12:00 - Psychology, English
1:30 - Biology, Political Science
Sponsored by the UO Alumni Association, Orientation Office,
Senior Class, and the Career Planning and Placement Office.
DEBATES Tuesday, May 3
7:30 p.m. Room 114 EMU
“The Cafeteria”
Panelists meet
to deliberate
land planning
The Department of Urban and
Regional Planning in conjunction
with a course on politics and plan
ning will present this week’s ses
sion on “Who is the Expert in
Speakers for the panel discus
sion will be Nancy Hayward,
former Lane County commis
sioner; John Bennett, senior plan
ner for the Lane County Planning
Department, and Larry Thomp
son, attorney at law.
The panel will analyze the vari
ous levels of expertise in plan
ning and planning related
decision-making. The panel
discussion will take place in Room
210, Lawrence tonight at 7:30. For
more information, contact the De
partment of Urban and Regional
Planning at ext. 3635.
Martin to speak
on ed issues
House minority leader Roger
Martin, R-Lake Oswego, will dis
cuss higher education topics now
before the Oregon Legislature in a
talk scheduled for Wednesday at
the University.
Martin’s talk is being sponsored
by the Oregon Student Lobby and
will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Room
167, EMU.
Interested persons are invited
to attend.
__el al
CARE offers unique gift
CARE is offering a special way to say Happy Mother's Day’’
The organization delivers needed aid to the poor overseas and as
part of a special Mother's Day program is asking persons to donate a
minimum of $2 to CARE as a Mother's Day present. The organization
will send a special Mother's Day card with notification of the gift.
Contributions can be sent to CARE-Mother's Day Plan, Seattle,
Wash., 98111. The donor's name and address, the name and address
of each mother honored and instructions for card handling should be
included. If cards are to be mailed directly, the giver should specify how
each one is to be signed.
Checks can be made payable to CARE, Inc., and should be sent
early to assure card deliveries in time for Mother's Day. Contributions
are tax deductible.
Albrecht lands new post
Robert Albrecht, English professor, has been appointed vice pro
vost for academic planning and resources. His appointment was an
nounced by University Provost Paul Olum. Albrecht will fill the post
vacated by Glen Starlin, who will retire in July.
Albrecht was associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the
University from 1972 through 1974, when he was appointed acting dean
of the college. During his sabbatical year in 1975-76, he worked in the
provost’s office at Stanford University, studying the Stanford adminis
tration and was a Stanford visiting scholar He returned to the University
in 1976 as a professor of English. He currently serves on several
University ad hoc committees, including the inter-institution committee
on admissions.
In his new position, he will earn a salary of $35,000.
Fulbright deadline early
Spring is the time for University students interested in graduate
study abroad in 1978-79 under the Fulbnght-Hayes program to contact
the University's Office of International Student Services, according to
director Tom Mills.
Mills says that because the application deadline for the grants will
come early in the fall term (about Oct. 17), interested students should
contact his office in Room 172, Oregon Hall, as soon as possible
ASUO Psi Center staff members will meet at 11
a m. Tuesday in the conference room of Sute 1,
EMU On the agenda are long-range program
planning and budgetng, spring term activities and
goals Persons inerested n Psi studies are irvited
to attend
The Hawaii Ckb will meet at 7 tonx^it n the
McClain-Hamilton dormitory lounge On the
agenda are election of next year s officers and ban
quet planning. Club members are asked to attend
Vivian Otum, a University associate professor in
psychology, will speak on "Listening to Kids A
Child Psychotherapist Looks at Developmental
Research." at 3:30 p.m. today in Room 156.
Straub Her presentation is a psychology depart
mart prosemmar.
Jeffrey Stratiem a University graduate student
in biology, wil gve Ns Ph D Inal oral at 2:30 p.m
today in Room 317, Science 3 The tile of Ns orate
"Control of Cell Type in Saccharomyces Cere
visiae.' There will be tea outside the room at 2:15
Erven Hertitzius, vice-president of the Technical
University of Dresden in tie German Democratic
Republic, will speak on "Man — Science — Tech
nology at 3:30 p.m today m the Honors College
Catherine Toepei a graduate student n kngtis
tics, wtl speak on Reconstruction m the Grea
Basin at 330 pm today in Room 159 Straub
Richard Nuccttetk from the UCLA zootogy de
partment. wil speak on Electrical Controls in De
velopment at 4 p m today in Room 331. Science
2 His presentation is a biology department semi
The Survival Center Lower 48 Fnends o( Alaska
and the Outdoor Program wl conclude their A'aska
film series at 7 30 tonight with Magnificence ri
Trust' and Alaska Proposals the National Park
Mayiiticence m Trust' includes scenic views of
three Alaskan National Parks Alaska Proposals
will review some of the National Park Services
■dees on the state s wilderness
The films wil be m the EMU room to be posted
Admission is free
Psi Center patrons are asked to return al refer
ence books and matenals to its Ibrary (n the
SEARCH office) or to the Psi Carter desk located
in Suite 1, EMU
The ASUOPsi Studies Interdisciplinary Center is
sponsoring an al-day excursion to the Oregon Vor
tea inear Gold Mil m southern Oregon) Saturday
ftde-pool groups at* leave Eugene Friday regf*
and earty Saturday morrang AJ groups wil return to
E ugene at dusk Saturday
More details and a nde-poa egrup sheet are in
the center Suite 1 EMU For more irtormaaan
there wMbeavofle* boating and workshops! norm
Friday n the EMU room to be posted
How the recovering atcohokc can plan day-to
day acttvitias to m*ntam sobriety ml Derkscutsed
at long ft s Alcona Educeson program The tree
program wilndude a short Mm Get MuJi on Ute
lotowed by discussion in smal groups about ways
tor the aloohoAc to spend leisure tana and have tun
The senes is designed lor thegeneral pubkc and
coordnaled by the Lane County Counol on Al
cohoksm H a presented every Tuesday m 7 30
pm m tie sooai rooms ot the Feet Christian
Church. 12th Avenue and Oak Street Interested
persons are rvited to attend
Canrkdalee involved n Vie ASUO run-olf election
must kirn intense torms showing anyeddttonal
eipsn se 1 tor their campaigns seica the primary
election Forms are due at 5 p m today m Suite 4
EMU. ahrfher or not any addbonal expenses were
The ad hoc committee on the Librarian trap
School win obtan testimony from faculty members
m 7 toragM in tie EMU. roam to be pasted
it is when you give of yourself that you truly give —
MAY 2-5
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Kahil Gibran j
Eugene Hotel
222 E. Broadway
Oregon Daily Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday ex
cept during exam weeks and vacations, by the Oregon Daily Emeiald
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The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently ol the University
with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union
The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and
Colleqe Press Service
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