County offers 650 summer jobs Over 650 full and part-time jobs will be available for economically disadvantaged youth this summer through the Lane County Summer Youth Employment Program. Jobs range from maintenance work to clerical positions with such agencies as the U.S. Forest Ser vice, school districts, park districts and recreation camps. Interested students should con tact the counseling office for appli cations and more information. Youth not attending school may obtain applications and additional _gerlach’s\ CAMERA CENTERS Minox 35 EL The world s smallest full-frame 35mm cam era • Weighs only 7 oz • Smaller than the Pocket cameras • Automatic exposure control • Sharp color-corrected 4 element lens • Electronic shutter speeds from 30 sec to 1 / 500 sec Mfr's Sugg. List 222.00 *17477 Minox Pocket Tripod Reg 26 70 2177 The Minox 110S The sophisticated pocket camera It is a precision engineered instrument of out standing capability It has an f/2 8 lens an automatic electronic shutter with speeds from 1/1000 to 4 seconds And at 4 ounces it is the lightest rangefinder pocket camera Reg. $-fl CQOO 197.77 1 99 The All New NIKKORMAT FT3 Now tor the 1st time automatic lens index ing on a Nikon Camera Come in and see it today *31777 wrtk mm Stmm \n N M4«r Ims AH rmmmtntng Nlkkormmt FT2 cmmmrms In stock $257.77 With 50mm f/2 Nikkor Lens 64 Color Slide Film 35mm 20 exposures Perfect choice for all-around every day photography — gives you clean, clear true-to-life color 1 67 Airequipt SLIDE FILES Individual or Group aer lach’s CAMERA CENTERS MAM STOKE CAMPUS STORE M9 t. 1311 3MTM0 information at Lane County Youth and Childrens Services Division, 170 East 11th Ave., Eugene, 687-4468, or by contacting county outreach centers in Florence, Veneta, Cottage Grove and Springfield. Initial job placements will be made by June 6. Youth wishing to have first consideration should apply by May 15. Applications are now being ac cepted. Youth must be 14 to 21 years of age and residents of Lane County. Placements are for 10 weeks, from June 20 to Aug. 26. Youth will be paid the minimum wage, usu ally $2.30 per hour. Job place ments are with public and private non-profit agencies throughout the county. Youth will usually be placed with an agency in the same geographical area in which they live. CLASSIFIEDS (Personals continued from Page 11) ELECT GARY FELDMAN FOR ASUO PRESIDENT 'Emphasis on University Affairs ‘Pinpointing Real Student Concerns ■Student Advocacy 'Responsive and open leadership ■Experience Paid by students for Feldman. 4:26 PREGNANT? Yt)U HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. confidential information and free preg nancv test. Call 687-8651. 14286Tfn THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS. DANCES, etc $75 and up. 896-3913. 02885tfn VOTE FOR A STOP TO THE BUDGET NCR EASE INERTIA elect SCOTT BASSETT lor INCIDENTAL FEE COMMTTTEE paid: Bassett for IFC Committee 4 22 REMEMBER YOUR MOTHER May 8tfi Good selection of cards at YWCA s Dove s Eye 1414 Kincaid Monday through Friday. 10 a m to 4 p.m. 01171:3 A NEW DIRECTION VOTE GARY FELDMAN FOR ASUO PRESIDENT Paid by students for Feldman 4:26 —World at a glance-^ From Associated Press reports Irish strikers predict violence BELFAST, Northern Ireland — Protestant militants organiz ing a nationwide general strike to begin at midnight Monday claim Britain is prepared ‘lor a bloodbath against the strikers. “We have been counting the number of soldiers cominq into the province over the last few days and our headcount is some thing like 8,000,” said Jim Smyth, a spokesman for the United Unionist Action Council, the organization that called the strike. Roy Mason, Britain’s Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, “is prepared for a bloodbath here tomorrow,” Smyth told a news conference. Pakistani tribesmen hit camps RAWALPINDI, Pakistan — Armed mountain tribesmen sup porting the current anti-government movement have encircled some 1,200 Chinese laborers working on the Karakoram highway near the Chinese border, an informed source reported Monday. The tribesmen, fierce Kohistanis who battled the Pakistan army for two months last fall, have cut off roughly 50 miles of the projected highway along the old “silk road,” burning army bull dozers and dynamiting small bridges, the source said. The work ers were bottled up in camps as near as 70 miles to Pakistani border with China. Watergate trio denied reversal WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday rebuffed an attempt by three Watergate defendants to argue that their convictions should be reversed because of a news leak about secret court proceedings. The justices turned down without comment a request by lawyers for former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell and one-time White House aides H R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman to file a sup plemental memorandum outlining the impact of the news leak. V 14 DAYS OF UNIIMI1ED TRAVEL-ONLY $165: Now that the school year is coining to an end, Amtrak has a great way to begin your summer. With our U.S. A.RAIL PASS, you can travel on 26,000 miles of track going to over 480 cities in America. From now until May 15, you can buy a 14-day PASS for only $165, a 21-day PASS for $220 or a 30-day PASS for $275. And if you buy a PASS as late as May 15, you don’t have to start using it for two weeks until May 29. You go by coach as far as you like, for as long as you like and make as many stops as you like. So what’s not to like? See the country like you’ve never seen it before through our big picture windows from our deep re clining seats. Enjoy the friendly atmosphere and the good dining right on board. Amtrak’s U.S.A.RAIL PASS introduces you to a carefree relaxing way to travel. Where else but on the train do you have the freedom to move around and meet people while traveling through the country? For information and reservations about this great deal call Amtrak listed in the Yellow Pages under Railroads or your travel agent below. Amtrak’s U.S.A.RAIL PASS. A travel bargain that’s too good to pass up. Amtrak® Bronson Travel, Inc. 86 E. Broadway, Eugene, 687-8431 ♦Note: Customer must begin use of PASS within 15 days of purchase. Valid for regular coach travel only. Consult agent for rules and charges to upgrade to Metroliner or club and sleeping car service. Reservations may not be made prior to purchase of PASS. Prices subject to change. PASS available after May 15 at higher prices.