HORSES TO RENT Hourly rales, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone lor Reservations Windgate Farms. 996-6789 ' 13451fn MUSIC GRADUATE GROUP PRESENTS RITE OF SPRING ’77 A MUSICAL SPOOf I May 7. Saturday. 8pm Beal Hail Tickets S1 Available at School of Music Office. 686-3761 3:4 TANTRIC YOGA TAUGHT BY YOGI BHAJAN IN EUGENE MAY 801. 701. 801 For inlormason ca* Kundatm Research Institute 486-1837 01221* Cinema Unido and Mayday Cultural Committee Present JEANNE MACKEY & RUTHIE GORTON In concert Music for changing times Thursday May 5 S3 WOW Hall 55 HOMEFRIEO TRUCK ST OP Tonsil CHICO on 14th between Hrfyaro and Alder 012293 Btyou Dream Presents WILD STRAWBERRIES INGMAR BERGMAN. 1997 8pm T onufit 180 PLC $1 25 or Season ticket 012253 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2&57 Warned* 344-0816 Happy Hour*. Monday and Wednesday — 9 30 to 10 30. Fnday — 4-6 p m kMCNELOB ON TAP Emen^nmert lout raghts 8 »<*•» 136888n SEE IT ON THE BIG SCREEN THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON TMURS KFMY 980 Midnrte Movie THIS WEEK STANLEY KUBRICK’S Dr. Strangelove OR How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Thia ia a clasaic. very zany nuclear holocaust »lm starring PETER SELLERS BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY 012336 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guitar Monday Saturday. 9-12 14922 M-H MUSIC GRADUATE GROUP PRESENTS RITE OF SPRING 77 A MUSICAL SPOOF! May 7. Saturday, 8 p m Beall Hall Tickets $t Available at School ol Music Ofltce. 686-3761 54 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10lh and Olive. 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU THURSDAY TWO CLASSICS BY GEORGE CUKOR W.C. FIELDS and an All-Star Cast DAVID COPPERFIELD PLUS KATHARINE HEPBURN In the original LITTLE WOMEN SHOWTIMES COPPERFIELD 7 30 p m WOMEN 9 45 pm 01198:5 Tb« EMU Cultural Forum praaants ELECTRONIC WINDOWS A VIDEO SHOW ED MELLNIK Mr Melnik will present two evening show* at 8 p m May 2 and 3. and two afternoon "open environment*' on May 2 and 3 Iron 2-6 pm All performance* wil be In tie Forum Room, EMU All performances are cf0* 01062 sb BERTOLT BRECHT'S MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN Rocket Playhouse VIHard Halt “ay 4-7 7-8 p.m SOLD OUT 01214 6 WEDNESDAY MAY 4th DR. STRANGELOVE PLUS PINK PANTHER CARTOON 8 A 10 pjn. (1 150 Geology ASUO-Stale Affairs 01196 4 THE SURVIVAL CENTER PRE8ENTS “MAGNIFICENCE IN TRUST’ Scenrc view* ol McKinley Glacier Bay and Alaska s mounters AMO “ALASKA PROPOSALS, THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE” The future of Alaska s resources is han^ng r the balance How doe* tie NPS want to deal «wth these vast areas ct untouched wSdarnees and untapped resources t FREE TUESDAY 730 pun. Room to be posted. 011813 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUDLY PRESENTS TOM WAITS PLUS SPECIAL GUEST JOHN HIATT Wednesday May 11 8pm EMU Ballroom U ol O Students 53 75 General Pubkc 54 75 01236 11 C.C.PA PRESENTS ELA LATIN JAZZ Brass — Piano — Percussion Saturday May 7 9 to 1 a m $2 at the door New WOW Halt. 8«h and Lincoln 01210* PERSONA!. Turn tie beat Around WRITE-IN CRAIG GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT Paid Gary Fausatl 54 MOTHER S DAY AT RAMYDAY CACTUS: cut flower bouquets blooming plants, baskets and pot tery RAINY DAY CACTUS 1361 Peart 485-8153 012356 MR. POISE and BARRY DAAALING — my dump ings oI Sgma On Thanks lor so much lor Saturday night, especially the beer in my lace (Happy?), your delightful aftershave the McDonalds hamburger etc They didn l make em Ike you down South — You rowdy devils! Cautiously. CL. "Kickass" 5 3 I'D Kmda like to be your President so I could show ya how your money is spent Write in GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT Paid Geary organization 5:4 12% OF MY TUmON isn't very incidental to me Elect me to tie IFC Paid Soot! Basset 53 POOH BEAR — I love you more Love Tigger 5:3 See Geary Run WRITE-IN CRAIG GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT Paid: C McMullen JEFF. SHORTY, COUNT — Have a happy Birth day! Brenda 5:3 No More Spartan Budgets Write-In GEARY Paid C. McMullen 5:4 K: You d really be a sweetheart if you'd vote in the election today N 01205:3 VOTE, FOR A CHANGE. Write-in CRAIG GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT. Paid: McMullen 54 JOURNALISM AND SPEECH MAJORS VOTE JAN CHAMBERLIN to represent you SUAB #2 Paid: Charrtoertin 53 VOTE JEFF WARREN FOR IFC •FOR — Budget Stability 'FOR — Greeter student voice in Athletic Dept matters 'FOR — Student control at student programs and money Paid Warren committee 53 SEE THE ASUO PRESIDENTIAL Candidates on T V tomorrow a noon on KVAL. Tomorrow at 9 am on KEZI. 012283 DON'T DO ft GREEK DO rr GEARY Wrtts-ln CRAIG GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT Paid by Darrei Justus 5:4 UPS: Take care erf yourself and get we* soon Love Boss 53 THIS WEEK AT MAX’S WerXiesday — Free Pretzel 7-21 Friday — Pitcher Sate 4-6' Saturday — Live Muse (McKenzie Rrver Boys) 9-2' 5* MIKE CUTRERA — Cherrwts don't get older, they fust lose ertropy* Happy B-day from Karen and Vrvianne 53 COFUNNE SK: Don't msunderstand please That girt is just a Inend She has a boyfriend 53 THAT’S C-R-A-l-G G-E-A-R-Y Paid Geary Organization 5:4 DAMIEN'S OWNER — oWy the best deserve whipped cream — Lrftte One P S Hope Darrven can handle ftve on Friday' 53 SCOTT B A S S E T T tor INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE Paid: Baaaatt for IFC Committee YOUNG STARVING MALE ARTIST seeks young starving female artist lor com person snip Phone 343-6936 — quick! 5:3 BEWARE THE TROJAN BOURSE (It's really a machine) 5:4 FLOW WITH THE TIDE: Wnte in CRAIG GEARY tor ASUO PRESIDENT Paid: Ciff Barber 5:4 ITS ALL GREEK TO ME. MIKE B AND NANCY P. — Have a Happy 3rd and if you check the fng . you'll see I ddn t forget Enjoy tonight! — Patty W P S. I won t be home after 530. just thought you d like lo know!! 5:3 THEY’VE GOT SENIOR CLASS! ELECT ANDREA GELLATLY SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT CATHY TEARNEN VICE-PRESIDENT paid GT for SCPVP 5:5 THE CANDIDATES ON T. V. I Tomorrow at noon on Northwest News on KVAL Tomorrow at 9 a m on Good Morning Oregon on KEZI 01226:3 IT'S OUR MONEY, let’s spend it on ourselves for Student access to student funded buildings and parking. SUPPORT tor those who need it Increase our voice as consumers and citizens in The Com munity. Write in GEARY. Paid Geary Or ganization 5:4 5:4 SEE GEARY RUN ... Write-In C. Geary ASUO PRESIDENT Paid: Gary Fausett TROOPS: It was a great rush Thanks for every thing. Hang in there Megan 5:3 MOTERMNAL BREAKDOWN? We have tutors that can help your academic health Geog, Gaol, Physics, Bio, Hist, Pok. Sa, Psych and Writing, Get one now at the Learning Resources Center 266 Condon, 686-3226 01219:4 VOTE DAVID BECKWITH VICE PRESIDENT SENIOR CLASS Paid by voters for Beckrwth LANE MEMORIAL BLOOO BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 5 Umts, O Negative 1 Unrt; A Positive 8 Urita; A Negative 2 Units: B Positive 0 Units: AB Poeteve 2 Unite Cai 484-9111 lor an apportmert M: CoUUnl meet ■■'esterday but let's rendezvous tors^tt at the Second P^sate J 01204:3 O’MALLEY needs your VOTE TOOAY Bookstore Board MEED CASH? Trade, sen, or consign your contemporary or vin tage dotting (both men s and women s) RAGS TO RICHES SECONO HAND CLOTHES 300 Eas» 11th 11 30am -530p m. Tueeday through Satur day, 344-7039 50 SAVE FRENCH PETE FOR MORE MFORMATKM, SEE T ABLE IN EMU TOOAY OR CALL 686-4356 01223:13 DAVE TYLER: Best at luck and I nope you «wn Lowe. Lady 5:3 POOR MEMORY? YOU MAY NEVER HAVE TD SAY ’I DON’T RBBDBT AGAM. Leem tedv rttques that improve your recal durmg studyng. exams and everyday life Non-credit Memory Tech riques class begns May 3, meets UH at 11 30 am tor 4 weeks Register now Learning Re sources Carter. 268 Condon. 686-3226 01152:3 RE-ELECT CHARLES LUNDEEN Unrveraty Bookstore Board Vote May 2 and Tuesday May 3 at the EMU or Bookstore Pd: Charles Lundeen 53 VETERANS The VA prcvides funds for tutorial assistance For more info, call 636-3232 0060*ab SPEED READERS — GET BACK INTO SHAPE! Here’s your chance to develop higher comprehen sion and brush up on rate improvement techniques Learn how to become a critical reader by analyzing reasoning patterns and disccarering author biases Non-credrt Advanced Reading class begins May 2, meets MWF at 130 pm for 4 weeks Reg star now Learning Resources Center, 268 Condon, 686-3226. . 01153:3 J.L.B. you can't light it you ! always be my Q.T. Guess who 53 JOURNALISM AND SPEECH MAJORS: Vote for assertive and responsible representation! KEU OSBORN, SUAB #2 5:5 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5 ft. x 5 ft, 5 ft- x 10 ft.. 10 ft. x 10 ft.. and larger, 344-2710 West 11th and Bertelsen Road 02918Jfn COURSEWORK STRANGLES UNSUSPECTING STUDENT! It can happen if you don't place academics in perspective. The Time Liberation class shows how wasted time can be turned into extra hours for you if you set priorities and use time wisely. Personalized instruction can make your schedule work for you. Non-credri dass starts week d May 2. meets for 4 weeks Regster now Learn ing Resources Center, 268 Condon, 686-3226. 011553 ELECT DAVE TYLER ASUO PRESIDENT I refuse to run on an Image. I otter an open and reeponaive student govern ment. Most people don't give a damn about the ASUO becauaa It doaan't rep resent them. We must move becfc Into the mainstream of student Issues and con •Devetopmert of an EFFECTIVE guide to ASUO programs and services. •Major objectives of holding down nation, EMU tavern, student bill of ncfits • Development and support of ttw Stu-. dent University Altars Board, our ‘Foe* in the Door' in University co govemment * •Student pattapalion in aH Urrversrty deo sions which effect us. •OrversMod ASUO programs lor a diver sified student body. •An aggressive voce for student concerns. Through an open office, an open mind and a responsive, accountable adminis tration, the ASUO can once again repre sent the vast majority of atudanta cur rently disenfranchised tram the govaiv merit they paid for. Paid: Tyler 5:4 (Personals continue on Page 12) WELL GET YOU THERE! EUGENE TRAVEL 831 E. 13th 687 2823 'ORks'1 Spring Special ♦tune-up *011 change ♦ valve adjustments Volkswagon-Datsun-Honda Civic *Parts & Labor 15% off with this ad 388 W. 13th Avenue ^* ****** ********** **************************j Student Bar Association presents VINE DELORIA The Future of Indian Law in America Tuesday, May 3 — 12:30 Law School — Room 129 E Everyone Welcome wwwti a a mu wwwwwakutiuta* uv wawwwwaaaa toubawawaw?