Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1977, Page 2, Image 2

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    Iridology class offered
The Community Health and Education Center is sponsoring an
introductory class on iridology, an analysis of the iris of the eye and how
it can be used to understand past and present conditions in the body.
Douglas Bloch, a pre-chiropractic student, will teach the class, which is
scheduled for 7 to 9 tonight at the Patterson Community School, 1510
Taylor St.
Tuesday, Gene Bicksler, a licensed masseur, will teach a session
on polarity, the healing art of energy balance from 7 to 9 p.m. at the
Patterson Community School.
Rob Shirey will teach a class on standard and alternative health
practices Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Lincoln Community
School, 650 West 12th Avenue.
On Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Lincoln Community School,
Jane Barber, a master gardener, will discuss down-to-earth methods of
where, when and how to plant.
Vegas comes to Eugene
Professionals from all over the northwest section of the National
Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) are in Eugene today to par
ticipate in an NRPA conference. As part of the conference, co
coordinated by Elaine Yandle-Harmon, an instructor in the University's
Recreation and Park Management program, a leadership class will hold
a Las Vegas night tonight, complete with play money gambling.
This class is also holding two other sessions of the 50 session
conference. Students may attend the conference for a fee of $15.
mountain festival films presents
The Climbing of Annapurna - South
Chris Bonnington
Solo: Behind the Scenes
Mike Hoover
Sentinal - West Face
Royal Robbins, Y Chouinard
May 3 Tuesday 7:30 PM EMU Ballroom
Tickets on sale now at the Main Desk
Students $1.50 General $3.00
Sponsored by Survival Center Wilderness Comm.
Are you overwhelmed by
midterms; homework, and
Then come to an hour long talk and question answer
session on the 'The Power Of God”, by Omar Horacio
Rivas, a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mr. Rivas is
a Teacher, Lecturer, and Practioner of Christian Sci
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Date: May 3rd Place: EMU
(room to be posted)
* Plain, old fashioned campus doldrums
Sponsored by the U of O Christian Science Organization
School of Public Administration
Sacramento Campus
Graduate Degree Programs in
Public Administration (MPA/DPA)
offered in Northern California
May 2, 1977
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m./Group Discussion
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon/11111 Individual appts.
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m./individual appts.
Contact Joann Hansen at (503) 686-3235 for an
University of Southern California
1007 Seventh Street, Suite 606
Sacramento, California 95814 (916) 442-6911
Page 2
...et al
Info corrected
Friday’s story reporting the re
sults of the Graduate Teaching
Feilow unionization vote con
tained an error. The result of the
election was 332 votes for rep
resentation by the Graduate
Teaching Fellows Federation and
191 votes for no representation.
There was an error in Friday’s
announcement of the demonstra
tion against Boeing Aircraft Com
pany. The announcement said the
demonstration was organized by
the Pacific Northwest Research
Center. Actually, Clergy and Laity
Concerned organized the de
Alaska talk set
Lidia Selkregg of the Arctic En
vironmental Information and Data
Center will speak and answer
questions on Alaska's resources,
problems and future today at 3:30
p.m. in 210 Lawrence.
EQC testimony reviewed
Preparing testimony for the Environmental Quality Commission's
(EQC) public hearing May 21 will be the topic of discussion with OS
PIRG staff environmentalist Jan Sokol at 4 p.m. today in the EMU.
The EQC hearing May 21 will discuss adoption of an emergency
water quality rule. Research is needed to document alternative waste
discharge techniques and water quality standards and to determine
what emergency preparations are being made for the drought.
Sokol will introduce and explain the issues involved in preparing
the testimony. OSPIRG's local board meeting will follow at 4:30 p.m
Indian law to be covered
Vine Detoria, Jr., a lawyer and Yankton Sioux who is the former
chairer of the Institute for the Development of Indian law, will give two
talks on campus Tuesday.
Deloria will speak on "The Future of Indian Law in the United
States' at 12:30 p.m. at the University Law School He will also give a
lecture (topic to be announced) at 3:30 p.m. in 167 EMU.
Delona is author of “Custer Died for Your Sms." “God is Red,
"Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties" and "We Talk, You Listen His
appearance is sponsored by the Native Amencan Student Union, the
Student Bar Association and the Cultural Forum
Growing Alternative Youth (GAYouth) meets at 8
tonight GAYouth s open to interested persons
under age 23 For meeting location, cal 343-8130
or 485-8783
Enc Fajardo will speak on Temporal Inferences
by Precperational Children, at 4 p m today in
Ftoom 156 Straub His lecture s an expen mental
prosemmar in the psychology department
Erwn Herlitzius. vice-present of the Technical
Uruversrty ol Dresden in the German Democratic
Ftepublic. will speak on Man—Saence — Tech
nology at 3:30 p.m TuesdaymtheHonorsCollege
Lounge Herlitzius has written numerous pieces on
the Marxist philosophy ol saence and cybernetics
His presertation is sponsored by the political sa
ence department the honors college and the Rus
sian and East European Study Group
Ian Campbell from Queens University, Ontario
vwll. discuss macro-rhythmic layenng and sulfide
honzons i n the Jimbertina I ntrusion in Western Aus
tralia at 2:30 p m today in Room 307. Volcand
ogy Maunce Weds from the University ot London
will also speak then on recent contnbutcns on the
structure anO petrology ol fie Freetown Instruson
in Sierra Leone
Rabbi Leonard Thai associate de®i ot the He
brew Union College-Jewish Institute <* Ration at
Los Angeles will speak on Soviet Jewry A
Visitors Reflections and Fears, at 12 30 pm
today m re EMU room to be posted
Before and after he speech. Rabtk Thai will meet
with persons interested in studying at Hebrew
Union College to prepare for careers in the rabt»
nate Jewish education or Jewish communal ser
vice The college offers a variety ot master s degree
programs including a pm program combining
Jewish communal service study with a masters
program in social work al Ihe University of Southern
For more nformat on about nterview s wflh Rabtj
Thai contact Saul Tooberl al fie University Coro
selng Center 686-3227 The veil s being spon
sored by the Jewish Student Uncn
Orientation sessions enplaotng the services a
variable to |Ob seekers are held every Thursday at
3 30 p rn m Room 246 Susan Campbell the
Career Planning and Placemen Center Free
workshops in resume-wntng /ob nterv«wng and
tot) search atso are catered
Handicapped students can make special ar
rangements lor workshop and nterview sign ups
by ca*rtg the center *3235
Interview s^jn-up sheets lot the tcrkrwmg orgw*
rations w<) be posted Wednesday 8 15 a m
May 10 Procter 4 Gamete Posbonsn sates man
age men Preferred majors n business and tfeerai
arts and al MSA candriaies
May 10 Hatkuns & Seas Position* in Wnler 1978
accounrng intern program Juraors m accourtng
May 11 F amt an Sonhwest Inc Posruon as Sales
and Management Tramee Business majors prkter
May 12 Moss Adams & Company Passions n
Writer 1978 accounting irsem program Jursors n
May 16 Copper Rtver School DisJncI Teachng
posibons n eiemeniary educated special educa
non school psychologist secondary business
education hgh school language arts and Ngn
school social sturkes Sign-up sheet wil be pasted
Wednesday one we«* earlier than usual
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday ex
cept during exam weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emeiald
Publishing Co Inc . at the University of Oregon. Eugene. Ore 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University
with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union
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Monday, May 2, 1977