CLASSIFIEDS PUCE YOUR CUSSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10# per word tie first day copy is admitted and 8# per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age CALI 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE iron SALE LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11.50. BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 0057O*" '57 CHEVY STATIONWAGON, good body (in Springfield), $250 or best offer 752-0965 for more information. 5:2 TEAC 2300S REEL TO REEL, one year old — $390. Complete Oueensize airframe waterbed with 2 sets sheets, pedestal, he*er. finer — $110 Olympus typewriter, manual — $45. Alwin — 343-3826 5:2 GENTLEWOMAN Great spring looks at al prices. New arrivals 1639 East 19th. Open M, W. F 10-8; Tu, Th, Sat 166; Sun 1-5 343-9655. 01075:29 SALE. TURTLENECKS 25% OFF. Choose from a rainbow of colors Andrea s, 2441 Hilyard, 3461324. 01128:29 nuNCT — in your umudnw. lr ny ^umu. Also bee collected pollen Large selection of rare and exotic honey HONEY HEAVEN 128 East 111h 344-5939 0113029 COMIC COLLECTORS: Selling ok) DC s and Mar vels book prices, call Mike, 345-6003 4:29 NEW SPRING FABRICS. $2 a yard A wonderful selection. Andrea s, 2441 Hilyard, 345-1324. 0112929 BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center in the basement of the old EMU. 01065:27 TENT FOR SALE. 5X7 nylon, backpacking tent, with rain fty. $45. Call 344-4064 4 29 GARAGE SALE: 10-speed $35. Bookcase $20. Plante $1-$2, lots more! 2430 Cherry Grove — Vi block east from 24th and Agate 343-1959 Thurs day and Friday. 429 TEAC 10 inch reel to reel tape A-3340, 4-trac, SymuFSync. $550. 2 Pea Vey speaker stacks. 200 watt, $600 Son 8-trac $60. 15 speed Bike $70. 942-4649. 5:4 FRESH ROASTED COFFEES On Campus NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 782 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 00960MWF THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical Instalments, stereos, photo equipment, etc. Buy sell and trade 00697:MWF ROYAL MANUAL OFFICE typewriter with wide carriage (16"). Recently cleaned, $65. 344-5649. 4 29 CARAGE SALES FANTASTIC QUALITY SALE 2590 Birch Lane (Northeast of Hendncks Park) Saturday, Sunday. 10a.m.-3 p.m Antique furniture, glass, china; bed ding, clothing, jewelry, tables, chairs, large oak desk, filing cabinets, much more!! 429 INSTRUCTION HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY OF YOGA COURSE A new class covering Yoga as described in Bhagavad Gita. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and writings on Kundalmi and Tantnc Yogas TUESDAYS 7-8:30 Beginnng MAY 3 Taught by Dr. Sat Kirpal S. Khalsa For more info, call K.R.I. 485-1837 01170:3 YOGA & HEALTH COURSE Massage therapy, yogic healing, digestive process and problems, homeopathy, and fasting TUESDAYS 7-9 p.m. Begmrang MAY 3 For more info call K.R. I. 435-1837 01169:3 SOUND SYSTEMS ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs. experience Friendly Rates! "Timothy tinkers" — 342-7539 52 STILL A FEW LEFT MARANTZ 25% OFF ON SELECTED MODELS SUN SHOP Records-Stereos-Service 860 East 13th 484-1488 01099-29 STEREO HASSLES? NOISE? CRACKLES? I do house cals, installs, overhauls BOB 434-2740 SAVE THIS AD! 14159 sb KENWOOD RECEIVER, ike new. 45 watts per channel. $225 or offer, evenings, 485-8421 . 52 SPEAKERS — Jensen Model 3. Excellent Walnut Cabinets, $50 each. 343-1758 evenings 429 MIRACORD/ELAC CHANGER WITH Shure M91ED Cartridge and new stylus $110. Ntkko TRM-400 Pre-Amp/Amp $100 Sony HP-170 Complete compact stereo system $170 Dennis 345-8266 4:29 r RAFTS/HOBBIES WOOL CARDS FROM FINLAND, hand made spindles and carpet warp here now Spring fleeces comng soon EUGENE FIBER COMPANY 1157 High 01197:10 SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock. Yams, books on crafts. 13853-tfn PHOTOGRAPHY NEW—HONEYWELL 100m STROBNAR FLASH. Synch-chord included — $15. Cal 686-6187 or see at University Inn #212. 429 DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342-7636 12011:M,W,F ffOOKS/SUPPLIES THE SECOND HAND BOOK MAN We pay the highest prices in town for your quaiiy. used books 101 W. 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10a.m.-520pm 14075:M, H, F 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at V: or less o( pubtshed price. Textbooks, Ckfl Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447:tfn TYPING TYPING. IBM Correcting Selectnc Pea. elite Fast, reasonable Close to campus 687-9168 56 THESES, Dissertations. Long Papers, Correct eg Selectric, Graduate approved. Pick-up-delivery Sandy. 343-9391. 00682tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric. Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 14501 If n TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tric Graduate School approved Will pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627. 2710:tfri JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR B O A. (Blow-out. oil, adjust) Manual.$12 Electnc.$14 * SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Delivery Cal 342-2022 da/or night Work Guaranteed — References 02919:6 OUTDOOR GEAR DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KITS OUTDOOR CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT We carry our own line of user-designed and tested kits for vests, jackets, wind and rain gear, sleeping bags and more Also available for your creative sewing needs are fabrics. Polarguard and acces sories. Limited custom-mades available 2449 Hilyard 484-1252 11-6 Monday-Thursday 11-7 Friday 11-5 Saturday 004511,h,f BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center in the basement ot the old EMU. 0108627 PECREATION CHARLIE'S TOO 525 East 13th 12 to 12 Pinbad-Foosbalt Pool Tables — Video Games Also, Charke s Pool 2645 Willametle 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. All Week' 14461 sb mCYCLES LIKE NEW 76 MOTOBECANE -Nomad Sprint 10-speed 28 t>s . 26" sitvec-blue with lock and chain. $140 Call 485-1593 or Mike 746-1671.4 29 RALEIGH 3-SPEED, 26 beanngs repacked $60 or best Oder Truckin' bike 688-4323 429 STU’S BIKE SHOP 771 BLAIR 344-2175 Authorized dealer tor top value. European light weights GITANE of France. From $119 VISCOUNT of England From $139 00935 sb COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St 342-4878 Authonzed dealers tor Psugof Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repar lor all makes Featuring a wide variety of acci^sories. Michelm tires anc tubes 146207fr RICHARD S Bike Shop See the Brand New TAKARA S Full Service on ALL Bikes 2495 Hityard 345-0477 f* ARS/C Y CLES SALE: 67 SAAB V4. Good deal 343-2437 before 3 p.m 55 1972 SAAB. Great condrton 60.000 mites S2000 Mart 344-1307 Of 20*0 Alder 52 1968 VOLVO 144, Excellent condition, rebuilt au tomate. kxx door MUST SELL $1275 or Oder 936-2896 52 1970 SAAB 99E, runs OK. needs some wort Must sell $550 484-1053 52 1958 CHEV. *4 pick up tong-narrow, good bed. runs great. $600 484-1053 52 VESPA 200. Excellent condrton 2300 miles Ac cessones 344-5879 after 5 p.m 429 1950 CHEVROLET PICK-UP — 235 ci engne— custom cab — completely rebuilt After 6 p m 688-6547 52 '71 MAZDA R-100. Good condrton New tires $800 2350% Cal Your^ 344-5783 4 29 1970 MUSTANG FASTBACK 302 V-8. AM-FM. must sell, taking best Oder 342-6969 4 29 WANTED: SAAB V4 BODY. 67 69 without erv gne. body rust or dents 342-6974 52 1971 HONDA 350, absolutely must sel. leaving 485-8207 4 29 1971 VW KARMANN GHIA, great shape $1800 or offer 689-8074 429 1972 GREMLIN — excellent condition, rebuilt transmission, good mileage $1150 or offer 937-2895 429 1972 KAWASAKI S2-3S0. Road bike. Very good condrton $350 345-1676 4:29 '69 CAMERO 327 — steel belted radials. mags. AM-FM stereo cassette, excellent condition 686-0897 4 29 TRIUMPH, 650 BONNEVILLE 9000 miles, $850 Call 689-0270 after 6 p.m. or weekends 52 1966 FORD ECONO LINE SUPERVAN, carpeted, paneled, fair condition $500 Phone 686-6293 4:29 NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $295 or Less R & J Motors 1380 W 7th 342-7339 14645:tfn AUTO REPAIR UNIVERSITY TEXACO Brake job special for U of O students Replace front or rear shoes Most cars $27 88 Disk extra Call for appointment, 343-1015. 1888 Franklin BNd 429 CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagens. 342-3952 12070:tfr 686-4343 M 8 B SWIFT SHOP 747-580* 4-cySnder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14806 80* TRAVEL LOW COST TRIPS to ports and villages m the South Pacific Free catalogue Goodman s Good Travel Tours. Dept OR. 5332 College Ave . Oak land. CA 94618 *22,21.29 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE? Special servce locates CHEAPEST tares Tail ored to your specific travel plans Write Lasswetl. P O Box 3104. Eugene. 97403 6 1 WANTED_ WANTED: SMALL 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Preferably untumshed. qixet location Near cam pus or m country within commutable delance Call 753-3127 or write T Heller, 530 N W 1«h Street. Corvallis. 97330 5 6 ffELP WANTED HOST OR HOSTESS FOR CHARTER tnp to California Call 345-7606 between 9and 11 am on weekdays only 5 3 RESEARCH ASSISTANT OBSERVER lor work study Summer plus two terms required Begn $3. $3 50 when trained Interest m disturbed tarmkes 485-2711 54 INNOVATIVE SCIENCE INSTRUCTORS are needed summer session lor the Upward Bound Program. Individuals with experience teaching high school students are preferred For further informa Bon and apphcation contact Upward Bound. Uni versity of Oregon. 322 Condon Ha*. Ext 3501 University of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity Affir mative Atdion Title IX Institution 0117929 W.S.—WORK WITH CHILDREN at Childcare and Development Center with ages 3VS to 5 Afternoons Call 686-4384 lor appontment 0117429 SUMMER DAY CAMP JOBS. Now hmng coon seiors supervisors, and a Jewish Cultural Arts Specials!. Arts and Crafts Speaahst and Over night Camping Speaahst For application call Charleen Ball. Camp Secretary — 503/244-0111 *29 THE JOB OF DIVISION HEAD of Community Set vices n the ESCAPE program is open begnning summer term Excetenl opportunity to gam skills in soaal service, commomcahcn adrmrvstrahon and cumciAxn design Pay and crecht available must be a student For more mfo can 686-4351 Appkca tions in ESCAPE office 327 EMU Work lor an innovative student program and get great job eHJenence' 01147 2 ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME TO CHECK OUT A LIFE INSURANCE SALES CAREER? Nortiwestem Mutual He Representaave on Cam pus May 3 Coni ad Career Planning and Place ment. ext 3235 Of call Glen Campbell. CLU 342-4461 53 TEACHING JOBS are available m the Vxgn Is lands Fof general irXcxmalion send $1 to INFO. P O Bax 23191 Tigard. OR 97223 4 29 PART-TME BOOKKEEPER Stan May 9lh Full cycle fxianaal slalements Hours vary Non-profit institution Send resixne or apply m person Maude I Kerns Art Center 1910 East 15th Eugene 97403 01134 29 PARTTRIE FULLTWIE SALESPEOPLE expenence nc* necessary We will train Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 120351»n WORK STUDY TYPIST — Top pay mellow work mg conditions Please apply now Footnotes room 15 EMU 01048 29 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Part bme with Itil time possibilities EXCELLENT INCOME POTENTIAL For interview call Jim Manning bet ween 8 to 10a m 687 0006 429 HOUSEPERSON WANTED: now thtu Ihe rest ol tie term 343-0643, Delta Delta Delta 429 POOMMATES TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED, 4 bedroom house fireplace, yard, $87 50 each, 345-2039 5:3 NEAT, RESPONSIBLE HOUSEMATE WANTED Non-smoker Own furnished room $1 OOrmonth utilities included 688-4355 4 29 DECADENT ROOMMATE NEEDED $71 plus 1st and Iasi month rent 3 bedroom house with yard Call 344-4008 after 4 p.m. 4 29 URGENT! Female roommate needed lo share three bedroom house with two others $86 50 plus utilities 345-9779 4:29 1TOR RENT DELUXE, FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APART MENT on Alder and 17th Available June 12 344-8797 4 29 STUDIO APARTMENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS. $80 — first and Iasi — Call 345-1022 after 7 Pm 01166 29 AVAILABLE JUNE. Furnished, nice, large, one bedroom Pool $160 345-7732 after 5pm 5:3 LARGE SUMMER SUBLET — 3 bedrooms, patio, 1 block from PLC: call 686-6556 4 29 1 BEDROOM STUDIO, car poled upstairs, adults only, no pels. $185 — first and last 4 blocks carryxis/town 346-3413. 011585 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with cooking. $35 month. $60 month, ladies only, no pels. 345-3413 01158:2 SUBLEASE FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM apartment al Blackslone Manor One block from campus $210 per month Available June 12 687 9289 5:2 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS 5 blocks from campus $115-$145 summer $130-$ 155 winter Add up to $15 per month if furni ture desired Communal vegetable garden Call 343-4758 late evenings 4:29 CAMPUS QUADS $95/$ 115 Utilities paid Air conditionng and private baths 1810 Harris 886-2470 14453Hr LARGE, NICE, 2-BEDROOM near down town/campus Fireplace, carper mg. appliances Cory' 485-2564 00458 Ifn Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL. One wx) two bedroom furnished apartments near U of O All have water and garbage service furnished Some have heat 01081 tin LARGE QUADS PRIVATE BATH, ALL UTILITIES PAID FLimited. Vs bloc* from campus OSPIRG agree ment used Laundry laciUes and parlung available $110 per month $50 refundable deposit 738 East 16th 687-0143 or 687 1190 00745 Ifn WANTED — TO SUBLET/RENT lor summer 3-4 bedroom furnished house Graduate students 686-4255, 686-6416 4 29 ONE BEDROOM, lovely apartmert tor rerr as of May 5 $140 per monrh dose ID campus Deposit required Gel m now tor summer dwcount later Cal 344-0435 52 QUADS $90 4 Available now No lease required uatrties pai Laundry and parking available 1360 Aldei 465-0291 or 484 0604 14327 tin AVAILABLE JUNE race one bedroom apartment Near campus oft street dtolxnrasher private bel cony 345 4961 429 GRATIS FREE BEAUTIFUL. PLAYFUL ebite kitten Has shots housebrohen needs home <wti access lo back yard 345-0049 4 29 OBLIO. a frolicsome iVj year old neutered shepherd mix needs a warm home Call 345-6202 52 FREE KITTENS, mostly Siamese Free delivery with reasons within reason Call 344 34 70 evenngs 4 29 LOST PRESCRIPTION GLASSES Ten tramej and case evening at Aprs 21. 138) and Unrver Please cal 345 2182 :;A 4 FOUND: PAIR OF GLASSES. »<*)1 brown, n case On 13th between EMU and Lawrence Hall last Thursday Cal 686-4125 Toni 4 29 MARKET BASKET GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meets pizzas and more Miler s Grocery 1065 E 20ti Open 10-10 Sunday Thursday, 10-11 Friday Saturday 14303 MWF For All Your Frurt end Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343-5393 14570 MWF UNIVERSTTY FOOD-OP 1536 Agate 686-4911 Tilamook $1391) Great prices on ether cheeses 0113129 POOP V DRINK CAFE GLENWOOD, 3758 Franklin, 7-3 p.m BREAKFAST SPECIAL— 85f Fanciful omelets and spea at leas 14225 Tin GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder Let us help you math your VITAMIN needs New line oI low price vitamins Come see us! 01164 tin THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old-fashioned natural ice cream, sweetened with honey or sugar, frozen yogurt. Italian ices, non-dairy ice cream, pastries coffees and leas Now featunng homemade soup6. salads and sandwiches Open Dally noon lo midnight, 325 Blair Across from George’s Garage 14541 MWF YOGURT — FRESH FROZEN The rage of the east coast At Poitra'a. Also serving Arabic Foods, soup and sandwiches Open from 116 875 East 13th 01080:29