LANE AUTO IMPORTS is having its annual spring (ling displaying a senna ot Shetoy Amencan cars including Sbetoy s, Cobras, Tigers and other exotic Ford powered cars Itwse cars to be displayed Irom 11am Saturday, Apnl 30. to 4 p m Shefcy Ameri can products represent the only American lirm lo manufacture cars to hold the World Charrtsonship title tor the U S A Located 1000 Franklin Blvd across from Mac Trucks 0114529 ARAB CULTURAL NIGHT H 30 6:30 p.m. EMU Ballroom DINNER, FOLKLORE, EXHIBITS Tickets 64 at EMU Main Desk SPONSORED BY ARAB STUDENTS ORGANIZATION FOREIGN STUDENTS ORGANIZATION 01136 29 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED In Small Claims Court to observe landlord-tenant cases. 9 a m -noon Mondays OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING Suite 3 EMU 686 3731 011772 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS YELLOW SUBMARINE A great arsmeted Mm leatunnQ »ie beaties m an ai out effort to save the* beloved Pep pertand Itom the dutches of the muse halng Bkre Mearsee Fu» of strange an mated characters and lots of wonderful Bea ties music AND * THE * MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR A tree asaocuttcr fantasy n«tw.ti the bea ties have some very strange advertures in deed while grvog us the enjoyment of some ct then best tunes SATURDAY APRIL 30 St 180 PLC 7 and 9 45 p m. 0116329 HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP Torsght JOEL BLAIR on 14th between Hi yard and Alder Ot 193 28 THE CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE CRUSADERS AMO JOAN ARMATRADING MONDAY, MAY 2 :30 p.m. Mac Court V4 50 U Of O students 56 general and reserved Tckets EMU Mam Desk and Everybody s Records IT'S ON FOR SURE!! 010162 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates scene trails no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone !cr Reservations Wmdqate Farms '-98-6789 !345ltn The EMU Cultural Forum presents ELECTRONIC WINDOWS A VIDEO SHOW ED MELLNIK Mr Mettntk wiM present two evening shows al 8 p m May 2 and 3. and two afternoon open environments on May 2 and 3 from 2-6 o m All performances will be m the Forum Room. EMU All performances are cree 01062 sb C C P A PRESENTS FELICIDADES B PIECES. Latin Jan. Calypso, and Reggae FRIDAY, APRIL 29 $2 9 p.m The NEW W O W Hall. 8th and Lincoln 01173 29 BIJOU DREAM PRESENTS THE SEVENTH SEAL INGMAR BERGMAN. 1956 8 p m tonight 180 PLC $1 25 or Season ticket 01195 28 Oregon Daily Emerald LIVE AT THE PEARL LISTEN JAZZ 10 to 1 Admission $1.50 PEARL ST. STATION 412 Pearl 345-0937 01194 28 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guilar Monday-Saturday 9.12 14922 M-H EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS ROSEMARY’S BABY ROSEMARY’S BABY penetrates deep into the subconscious and sirs in the audience an instinctive and irresistible terror Directed by ROMAN POLANSKI, this is a severing and absorb ng lilm FRIDAY APRIL 29 7 and B:30 p m 180 PLC SI 0115729 THREE NITES Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. BEST SEATING ON THURS KFMY 980 Midnite Movie THIS WEEK ALAN ARKIN in CATCH 22 The late of a smal group o< flyers on a light Mite aland community in the MedterraneOT dunng WW I The pilots have lo be crazy lo fly more combat missions And it you re crazy you must be grounded There is only one catch — and hat cs CATCH 22. BEST SEATING ON THURSDAY All Seats Only 980 MAYFLOWER THEATRE 11th A Aider 0116529 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 WAamette ' 344-0816 Happy Hours Monday and Wednesday — 9 30 to 1030, Fnday — 4-6 p m MICHEL OB ON TAP Entertainment four nights a ««ek 13668 tfn CINEMA UNIDO PRESENTS TO DIE IN MADRID Friday and Saturday. April 29 and May 1. 7 and 9:30 p.m. SI 177 Lawrence 429 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 1001 and Okve 687-0633 TONIGHT THRU SUNDAY ELLIOTT GOULO in INGMAR BERGMAN S THE TOUCH PLUS A new documentary on the incredible spiritual community n Scotland THE FINDHORN GARDEN SHOWTIMES TOUCH — 8:30 only FINDHORN — 7:30 or 10:30 Reduced adm matinee Sal 8 Sun at 2 01162 29 WEDNESDAY MAY 4th DR. STRANGELOVE PLUS PINK PANTHER CARTOON 8 4 10 p.m. $1 150 Geology ASUO-Stale Allans 01196 4 THE UNIVERSITY INN PRESENTS SCANDAL 8-12 FRIDAY. EMU BALLROOM $1 COVER 01146 28 WHEATFIELD at MURPHY AND ME Wednesday and Thursday April 27 and 28 428 MUSIC GRADUATE GROUP PRESENTS RITE OF SPRING 77 A MUSICAL SPOOF! May 7, Saturday, 8 p m. Beall Hall Tickets $1 Available at School ot Music Office, 686-376t 5:4 GLASS PYRAMID-PRESENTS-DISCO-CITY Featuring The Dance Masters Saturday. April 30. 1977, 9 p.m -2 a m. WOW Hall, 8th and Lincoln $2 DANCE CONTEST TOTAL DISCO ATMOSPHERE 429 BERTOLT BRECHTS MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN Pocket Playhouse V it lard Hall April 27-30, May 4-7 8 p.m. SOLD OUT Call 686-4191 UNIVERSITY THEATRE 01073:6 PERSONAL CRAIG GEARY ASUO PRESIDENT For students who want to change the University and the community Pd Geary 4 28 SHERWIN SIMMONS Modern Man “ — your mind is i rtngurig but I m hot f or your body Let s make it after class 428 ARLENE ALIAS J.C.F. — You re re^ty getting mo the Frat scene What s getting into you’ 4 28 TINA, SAL — Sorry you had to leave — it coiid have been and we aim to please Satin sheets forever JS, BP 4 28 CHEERS TO THE 3-0 FIVE So now we know what makes you yve1 Room service and 7 was just for you The guy m the black suii didn t have a due Quick tfunkstg saved the night Room 748 turned out just njfit h loo lew beds are your concerns Don t worry next time we ll take turns"! Thanks the Whiskey Sours 428 WELCOME TO EARTH, MOLLY ELIZABETH DUNCAN!!! 4 28 JOURNALISM ANO SPEECH FOLKS: Vote today tor responsive and dynamic represents ton KELI OSBORN for SUAB position #2 Paid Osborn 4 28 VOTE TODAY STAR TORSET PRESIDENT DAVID BECKWITH VICE-PRESIDENT SENIOR CLASS Paid . Voters tor Tor set and Beckwith 4 28 THEY’VE GOT SENIOR CLASS! ANDREA GELLATLY President CATHY TEARNEN Vice President BARRY BERGMAN Write-In Secretary Paid by: GTB Election Committee 4 28 J. BATES.. . Spring is tor dancing and ?. The Polka is fine for |ust us 2 C U ME 4 28 SUSIE BRICKNER—I m not quite as stuck-up as you think Obviously you got the wrong i mpresston The Senior from Lake Oswego 4:28 MY CHl-O CUPCAKE: I cant always get what I want, but you give me what I need Love Mike 4 28 HANS—Happy 20th Birthday See it I invite you to another party 4:28 LIGHTWEIGHT: NOW THAT you re legal, were sate from the cops Happy 19th' Love, your older woman 4:28 MIKE PIERSON—(ooh1 Ahh! after lour years — your very own personal1) Happy 21st to an extra fine. extra-tun tnend (who I m sure I don t deserve ) Love. J S 4 28 FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT. Quality handcrafted lewelry designed |ust tor you Mardt. 687-9556 4 28 VOTERS GET ACTIVATED! Vote BARB SELBY Senior Claes Vice President Paid: BS 4 28 DON’T FORGET VOTE * JEFF WARREN For IFC Paid: Warren Committee 4:28 VOTE DAVE WHITE For Junior Class President Paid: by White 428 STOPPED THE SPEECH because hedidn t agree We alt know Uncle Tommy H he s not an agent, he's missing some easy money 428 D.G.’e—Thanks tor the midnight surprise, but who invited those guys m the blue surts’i’ HAPPY! We II see you in court The Sigma Chis. 428 ALL CAMPUS DANCE AND PARTY This Friday at Bean-Willcox Lounge 8:30 — come dance and have a good time NO COVER CHARGE 0117229 VOTE TODAY BARB SELBY lor SENIOR CLASS VICE PRESIDENT Paid Young 2nd 428 VOTE BRIAN BAIRD THE INDEPENDENT For IFC Paid B B tor IFC 428 ELECT MIKE HADDOCK Sophomore Class President For Leadership 'Expenence Innovation ‘and Responsibility 428 VOTE ENTHUSIASM INTO OFFICE Elect GEOFF WAGNER For Junior Class President Paid Wagner for President 01149:28 WHY LIVE vwth the embarrassment of ugly, unwanted facial hair7 See my ad m the yellow pages Electro+ogy By Marian 687-9181 889MWH VOTE JAN CHAMBERLIN FOR SUAB #2 JOURNALISM-SPEECH Pax) Chamberlin 4:28 VOTE EXPERIENCE OHLENDORF For senior class President Paid Ohlendort Re-electon committee 4 28 CONFIDENCE, RELIABILITY. EXPERIENCE. Dont waste your vote Vote DALE RICHARDS. Sophomore Oass Vice-President Paid Richards 4:28 POOR MEMORY? YOU MAY NEVER HAVE TO SAY -1 DONT REMEMBER AG AM. Learn tech niques that improve your recall dunng studying, exams and everyday life Non-credit Memory Tech rubies class begins May 3. meets UHat 11 30 a m for 4 weeks Register now Learning Re sources Center. 268 Condon. 686-3226 01152 3 THIS WEEK AT MAX S Wednesday — Free Pretzels from 7 p m -2 a m Fnday — Pitcher Sale 4 to 6 p m Saturday — Live music (Foothill Flyers) 9 p.m -2 am 4:29 STUDENT PARENTS and interested friends CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES IN SALEM to express your suppod for the student child care aid bill and demand a heanng (HB 2459) Wats lines are available at the ASUO Monday thru Friday for your tol tree call Come to Suite 4 EMU 01138 29 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5ft x 5ft 5ft x 10ft. 10ft x 10ft. and larger. 344-2710 West 11th and Bertelsen Road 02918tfn FREE TUTORS available m FRENCH. GERMAN. ECON MATH. Stats (QM). BIOLOGY COMPUTER SCIENCE to eligible students CENTER FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT 207 Emerald 686-3232 011512 Smoke— (Continued from Page 8A) Also seeing action is HB 2423, which would require the Workmen’s Compensation Board to adopt rules restricting smoking in places of employment operated by the state. The bill had originally covered all places of employment, but was amended to narrow its scope. It was approved by the House Social Services Commit tee. Since it has a double referral, it now goes to the House Business and Consumer Affairs Committee. Not doing as well is HB 2419, which would prohibit smoking in public meetings at the county and city level. A vote by seven of the nine members of the House Inter governmental Affairs Committee failed to table the bill Wednesday, but the committee administrator says it probably will be tabled when the full committee votes on it. One of the most comprehensive non-smoking bills, HB 2921, had been scheduled for a public hear ing Friday, but it has been can celed. The bill would require re staurants to provide non-smoking a^eas and would prohibit smoking in retail businesses. The House Business and Consumer Affairs Committee will probably re schedule a hearing sometime next month. VETERANS The VA provides funds for tutorial assistance For more info call 686-3232 00504 :sb SPEED READERS — GET BACK INTO SHAPE! Here s your chance to develop higher comprehen sion and brush upon rate improvement techniques Learn how to become a critical reader by analyzing reasoning patterns and dtscorenng author biases Non-credit Advanced Reading class begins May 2. meets MWF at 1 30 p m for 4 weeks Regsternow Learning Resources Center 268 Condon. 686-3226 01153:3 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FR1ENO AT BIRTH- ' RIGHT, confidential information and free preg nancy test. Call 687-8651 142861fn COURSE WORK STRANGLES UNSUSPECTING STUDENT! It can happen if you don t place academics m perspective The Time Liberation class shows how wasted time can be turned into eictra hours for you if you set pnonties and use time wisely Personalized instruction can make your schedule work for you Non-credit class starts week of May 2. meets for 4 weeks Regster now Learn ing Resources Center 268 Condon, 686-3226 01155:3 i-1 WE SUPPORT JEFF WARREN FOR IFC. Mark Cogan. Cathy Teamen. He* Osborn. Jim Bemau, Jon Teague Jenny Harada. Ron Bills, Scott Faunt. Andrea Gellatty, Jenette Bunch. Willy Teo Paid Warren Committee 4:25 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations for spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS. DANCES etc S75 and up 896-3913 028851fn YOGA, SEXUALITY & LOVE This workshop offers a conscious alterna tive to present day problems and trends in sex and love — based on ancient yogic teachings SATURDAY APRIL 30 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Taught by Dr. Sat Kir pal S. Khalsa For more info call K.R.I. 485-1837 0116829 DRUIDS (JUNIOR HONORARY) NOW ACCEPTING AP PLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP SELEC TIONS BASED ON SCHOLARSHIP. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES PICK UP APPLICATIONS AT STU DENT SERVICES. OREGON HALL, BEFORE APRIL 29 DRUIDS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF SEX, COLOR, RELIGION OR RACE. 00890:8 Page 11 Section A