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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1977)
Callenbach: Secession movement growing By KEVIN HACKETT Ot the Emerald Then sometimes life here seems like a throwback to a past I might have known through old photographs Or a skip ahead in time: these people, who are so American despite their weird so cial practices, might be what we will become Ecotopia These people, otherwise known as Ecotopians. packed the EMU Friday to listen to their prophet, Ernest Callenbach, update them on the progress ot the Ecotopian movement His talk was spon sored by SEARCH, CSPA and the Survival Center's Earthweek program Callenbach has won cult follow ing in the Pacific Northwest since he published his book Ecotopia a little over two years ago Since then, 24,000 copies ot his book have been sold without any public ity or advertising, Ecotopia is the name ot a mythical new country formed in 1980 by Northern California, Oregon and Washing ton after they secede from the Un ited States. Ecotopia attempts to create a land that works — ecologically, humanly and politically The book relates the adventures and obser vations of Will Weston, an inves tigative reporter for a New York newspaper, who is sent to do a story on life in Ecotopia 19 years after its declaration of indepen dence What does the prophet consider the current status of his move ment to be7 ' Ecotopia is coming whether Amenca likes it or not, Callen bach claimed Seattle guzzles light beer OLYMPIA — Seattle might be the light beer-drinkingest city in the United States, says a brewery survey of quailing habits Light beers captured 10 4 per cent of the Seattle market, com pared to a nationwide average of 4 to 5 per cent, according to re search released Monday by tfnpia Brewing Co Ye have not encountered a figure that high anywhere else in the 27 states where we do busi ness. said an Olympia spokes man Some other metropolitan areas we know get to about 8 per cent but that’s it On the west coast, light beers had 7 3 per cent of the market in San Francisco, 6 6 per cent in Los Angeles and 5.2 per cent in Port land. the spokesman said Olympia led last year's light beer sales in Seattle and Portland, the spokesman said Miller Brew ing Co . led light beer sales in Los Angeles and San Francisco, fol lowed by Olympia in second and I Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co in third, the spokesman said Schlitz and Miller rank second and third, respectively, in total in dustry sales and Olympia ranks sixth, Olympia said Light beer sales in Seattle gained an estimated 72 per cent last year over 1975, the brewery said The 1977 year-to-date rate ' suggests that this year s sales might be even greater than last year," the spokesman said Light beers have been on the market a number ot years but only recently have they made a dent in regular beer sales, the spokes man said Today, according to Olympia, they constitute the fast est growing segment in the malt beverage industry Some 11 brewers market light beers, but the top three brands account tor 92 per cent ot the Seattle sales. Olympia said They are Olympia Gold, with 46 per cent of the Seattle-area light beer mar ket . Miller Lite with 31 per cent and Schlitz Light with 15 per cent ! % rhis spring see one of the areas selections of fine diamond wedding rings at $ Provincial $165 ea our Valley River store is open evenings and weekends Perdido $265 ea. oauenDacn saia people are ae veloping an awareness o( what they want out of life and what they’ll have to do to get it. He sees this awareness spreading to this nation s political leaders "The significance of Carter s energy plan is that for the first time we have a President who has a grasp for understanding technol ogy and realizing its limitations " Callenbach noted Pres. Carter s recent ban on construc tion of plutonium breeder reac tors. "It's important to realize that up until two years ago breeder reac tors were accepted even in the scientific community. People are being sensitized to problems that didn't exist a few years ago Callenbach expressed surpnse inai me ecology movement iriai was bom in the 1960s has con tinued to grow and mature in the 1970s. 'We re seeing continuing con cern for the environment," he said "People are hanging in there I personally didn't expect it." Callenbach said the nuclear power initiatives that were on sev eral state's ballots last November was a step toward the masses de termining what limits are going to be set on progress. Callenbach pointed out that secession is not merely a dream in many areas of the United States In Nantucket and Martha s Vine yard, Massachusetts, citizens have voted to secede because iriey are lusirig ineir own rep resentatives in the state legisla ture He said there are other popu lar secessionist movements alive in Northern Michigan and North ern California. In 1981, voters in the province of Quebec, Canada, will vote on secession from the country. Callenbach drew a roar of ap proval from the audience when he said he believed "there are more secessionists in Oregon than anywhere else ’ Any Ecotopian or secessionist movement will need mass popular movement behind it in order for it to become a reality, Callenbach said. "We have to bite off pieces we can chew, but then we have to keep on chewing." Tl Cookies Fruit Yogurt Cigarettes Candy Soda Milk Find peace in “Oregon-fzation” Ivuvi slutK i itv -.nitillf! ciasM'". bright (m sunshii V ntv ills! a tow of I ho bi’iu’fits of an ()ivtjnn iA’il summi t' Tlii'iv's also iisidunt tuition fot tAvrumi1. workshops, instiiuu's and oiijht vvwk t'liisst's (’allon thi Summn Sossit>n ()ffiiv. Room c>4 FIX', extension 447"). toi r»ou' inf)>rm,HD ’ii .m4 v. 'in tiw a>py < >1 ilV Sunimot Sv'sion Catalog I In' Time Siluxluli'-of claws-..will I1)' available mid Mai