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Beautiful 20-page booklet for planning your engagement and I wedding plus color brochure on vital diamond facts and latest ring | styles Special Bonus Coupon saves you 50% on Keepsake Bride's Book, . your complete wedding record Send 25C for postage and handling Name ( ity_ Stale . /ip Keepsake Diamond Rings, Box 90, Syracuse, New York 13201 Find Keepsake Jeweler* in Yellow Paget or dial free S00 24 J-t>100 In ( onn WOO WW2 -oSOO et al • • • Class sets planning talk The "Citizen's Role in Planning In Oregon" will be the featured topic for tonight’s session of Politics and Planning (URP 525) Speakers will be Merle Morser on the State Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee; Jean Baker, neighborhood consultant, and Margaret Collins of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning All three speakers have been very active as citizen advocates involved in state planning in Oregon. Moiser and Collins have been involved in the citizen involvement activities of the Land Conservation and Development Commission Baker has previously been a plaintiff in the major land use planning case of Baker v Milwaukee The talk will take place in 210 Lawrence Hall at 7:30 p.m. and is sponsored by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Judo team wins awards Five beginning and intermediate University judo students recently competed in the annual Harvo Kato tournament at Oregon State Uni versity (OSU). The five men were placed in competition according to their belt-rank and weight Bob Nicholas won second place in yellow belt competition at 176 pounds and Alejandro Castro placed fifth in green belt competition at 176 pounds. In the orange belt category. Mike Daniels placed fourth in his weight division. Ken Douglass placed fifth and Eric Sciewe third in white belt competition in the 139 pound weight class Coach Chuck Hunttmg said his students made a fine showing at the OSU tournament which was the first they had competed in Camera bug club to meet The Southwest Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's camera dub will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Scout Room at the First Presbyterian Church, 1475 Ferry St. Byron Baker, co-owner of Photoregon, will lead a discussion on cameras and equipment The meeting is open to the public free ol charge Participants are encouraged to bring their cameras For more information, call 344-5248 Coach appears on show Oregon's new football coach Rich Brooks, along with players Jack Henderson and Kim Nutting will be featured on Sideline Report, a University sports program The show will be aired Wednesday at 7 30 p.m. on KOZY TV, cable 11 Host Mike Guldager, will discuss with Brooks the changes being made in the Ducks' football program Henderson will look at his role regarding the return of the option, while Nutting examines his switch from offense to defense The audio portion of the show wi 1 be replayed Sunday at 7 a m on local radio stations KPNW and KPNW-FM Slavic politics talk slated Ivo Banac, assistant professor of history at Yale University and an expert on Communism in Yugoslavia, will speak at the University Wed nesday. Banac will talk on "The Impact of Foreign Domination on Slavic National Consciousness '' The free public lecture will be at 2 p.m. in 146 Straub briefs MEETINGS All past, present and future students in the Na tonal Student Exchange program are asked to at tend a meetng at 6 30 pm Wednesday in the EMU room to be posted Important material wilt be handed out LECTURES Ted D urso, a vtsrtmg prcrfe9bor from the Urover srty of Queensland. wiH speak on Power and Au thority m School Settngs at 3 30 p m Wednesday in Room 004. Casea. on the corner of 15fh Avenue and Kincaid Street Hit presentation is sponsored by the educational pokey department Mary Rothbart a Umvwirty assistant professor n psychology speak on A Study ot Tempera mental Difference* in Infancy at 3 30 p m today m Room 156 Straub Her presnntafton is a psycho! ogy department prosemmar Noe! Rude a graduate student m linguistics *iU %>mk ext The Syntax at Give at 3 30 p m today in Room 159 Straub MISCELLANEOUS Deadline for AS LX) candidate expense forms for the primary election is 5pm today m Suite4 EMU AH candKlales to* all offices are required to file these forms, even if no expenses are incurred Entry deadline nears for four writing awards Entry deadline for four writing awards sponsored by the University's English department is May 2 at 5 p m The Julia Burgess Award, Alicia Wood Poetry Award. Walter and Nancy Kidd Short Story Award and the H. E. Neuberger Award are given an nually and this year's winners will be notified by June 1 For more information, contact the English office. 118 PLC i ASUO elections are scheduled tor Wednesday and Thursday of this week, not the days mentioned in Monday's editonal In addition, the nodh end o( the new music music building now under construction will house classrooms Community fair ^ blackballs cars The Amazon Neighborhood Association will sponsor Another-Way-to-Get-There-Faire at the Amazon Community Center on Saturday. June 4, to celebrate and promote the use ot alternative means ot transportation The fair will start with a parade, featuring children and adJts on decorated bikes, wagons, carts, skate boards, hot air balloons, ponies, dog teams and (eel Actu ally, anything goes except gas powered automobiles The idea is to stimulate imagination and creativity tor low energy, non pollutinq vehicles The parade will end at the Amazon commun ity Center with a picnic, speak ers. displays and games of skill and daring The event is still in the planning stage and persons with ideas or energy who wish to help in any way may contact Roz at 343-5528, Tom at 687-1754 or Alice at 687-2069 Day care rally to support bill Day care legislation supporters are holding a "Bring Your Kids to Class Day" and a noon rally at the EMU basin today A demonstra tion ot support is necessary to get a hearing for HB 2459 — legisla tion which would provide aid to needy student parents 4 Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Erne* aid <s published Monday tnrougn r way e* cept during exam weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emeiald Publishing Co Inr. at the University of Oregon Eugene Ore 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates irxJeperriently of the University with offices on the third tloor of the Erb Memorial Union The Oregon Daily Emerald *s a member of Associated Pres*, and College Press Service Emerald subscriptions are $7 pi News and Editorial Display Advedismg and Business Classified Advedisinq Production Managing Editor Asst Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Asst Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor term and $20 per year 666-5511 686 3712 686-4343 686 4381 Greg Wasson Wally Benson Martha Bliss Lb* a Cuyfcendall Perry Gastull Steve Sandstrom Jackman Wilson V. n*'"b canor Asst Sports Editor Entertainment f ditors Wire Editor Asso Mete Editors OepartrTK nt and Schools f eaturrr, local Politics State Politics Community Stale System anil Student ‘awvu.es ASUO Environment Night Editor Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Accountant Marv » jordbeck Kim Spir Bob Webb Peter Duryeu Paul Watdschrredl I oni Wolfe N.rv GaMo Becky Young M.i*. Iw • f tom .-ckaon Heather McClenughan l or. Peinisuii Brenda Tabor F G While Swift Watty Benson Kale ^>e•gMl Carl Bryant Darlene Gore Fed Johnston