Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1977, Page 12, Image 12

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    -World at a glance—
From Associated Press reports
Rebel town claimed recaptured
KINSHASA. Zaire — The Zaire government claimed Monday
that it has recaptured a key rail town from Katangan invaders in
Shaba province and that the rebels were retreating back toward
Diplomatic sources, however, could not confirm that Mut
shatsha had been retaken When reporters visited Shaba on
Sunday the government s front lines were along the Lubudi River.
20 miles east of the town and 50 miles west of the copper-mining
center of Kolwezi.
Oil capping attempt delayed
STAVANGER, Norway — A total calm followed by gale-force
winds and 20-foot waves on Monday blocked efforts to cap the
three-day-old spill of oil from the Bravo rig in the North Sea and to
contain the spreading slick
The offshore oil well operated by the Phillips Petroleum Co.
of Bartlesville, Okla.. continued to spew out natural gas and
49,000 gallons of crude oil every hour, feeding a slick already 20
miles long and three miles wide in Norway s Ekofisk oil field
CIA defends energy report
WASHINGTON — The head of the CIA Monday defended
his agency's report on energy, saying it draws on intelligence
information about world reserves — especially in the Soviet
Union — not available to other energy forecasters.
Adm Stansfield Turner acknowledged that the CIA report,
which claims world energy consumption will surpass production
by 1985, is more pessimistic than other analyses
Calif, committee kills bottle bill
SACRAMENTO. Calif — A bill banning no-deposit beer
and soft-drink containers in California was rejected Monday by a
Senate committee despite testimony that it would help eliminate
Amenca's 'throw-away ethic
The measure by Sen Omer Rains, D-Ventura, went down to
defeat in the face of heavy industry and labor opposition on a 5-7
Senate Finance Committee vote
A similar bill carried by Rains was killed in committee last
Union representation vote
set for graduate fellows
I ne le-monrn-iorig organizing
drive of the Graduate Teaching
Fellows Federation (GTFF)
comes to its climactic conclusion
Wednesday and Thursday GTFs
will go to the polls to vote for union
representation by the GTFF or for
no representation at all
GTFF officers point out that a no
vote means losing the "long
fought for right to collective bar
gaining and the right to take part in
determining wages, working con
ditions and educational planning
GTFs can place their vote
Wednesday or Thursday, in Room
101 EMU between 8 a m and 6
Jerry Lembcke. secretary of th<
GTFF (American Federation o
Teachers local 3544). says th<
GTFF is confident about the turn
out of the election, but adds tha
the GTFF hopes for a conclusivi
turnout' at the polio.
The GTFF has raised five de
mands during their organizing
drive: wages (GTF wages have
fallen 40 per cent behind the cos
of living), childcare, health ben
efits, standardized size of class
es to be taught, and standard
ized method for determining wort
Transcend the
An old way to walk
Self-ordained reverend warns
his 30,000 Unification followers
of Communist threat to world
Editor s Note: This is the first in
a five-part series on the Unifica
tion Church, its leaders and the
people it affects
Of the Emerald
I will conquer and subjugate the
world I am your brain -Rev Sun
Myung Moon
He is at once a millionaire Indus
trialist and the spiritual tather of a
self-claimed three million follow
ers He is the Rev Sun Myung
Moon and he wants you
Moon, 57, is the founder of the
Unification Church which claims
30,000 followers in the United
States and owns a vast amount of
property on both the Atlantic and
Pacific coasts In recent years his
church has become a center of
controversy It is either mankind s
last hope or his certain destruc
tion, depending on which side of
the fence you re sitting on
Moon, the focal point of this con
troversy. calmly preaches a pecul
iar brand of spiritual faith and
anti-communist doctrine He be
lieves the troubles of the world
today can be traced back to Adam
and Eve Because Eve allowed
herself to be seduced by Satan, in
the form of a serpent, and then
had intercourse with Adam, the
entire human race was stained
According to Moon, This fall re
sulted in our divided and dishar
' momous world
The first messiah, Jesus Christ,
failed in his attempt to unite the
I world when the chosen people of
Israel and Judiasm adamantly re
jected Jesus' leadership, and fi
nally had Him nailed to the cross
Though Moon cautiously avoids
directly calling himself the new
messiah, the intimation is there In
the Divine Principles, a collec
tion of his philosophies and teach
ings, Moon states the messiah will
be born in Korea shortly after
World War I, Moon was born in
northern Korea in 1920
The portly evangelist believes
God has chosen the United States
as “His champion in His modern
day dispensation Korea, mean
while, is “a link to bring harmony
between the civilizations of the
East and West' which will be the
"ignition point of God s final dis
According to Moon the greatest
enemies to God's plan to unite the
nations and religions of the world
are communism in general and
the Soviet Union in particular In a
1975 speech in the House of Rep
resentatives Caucus Room, at
tended by some 20 Congress
men, Moon castigated the United
States for succumbing to Soviet
“If America had clearly learned
God's desire," he said, "she
would never have yielded any
thing to the Soviet Union, chief of
the Satanic world
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon was the tilth
ol eight children born to a poor,
rural family in northern Korea in
1920 On Easter morning. 1936
Moon claims Jesus appeared to
him to explain God s desire to es
tablish his kingdom on earth By
Moon s account. Jesus then
spoke o( the need for someone on
earth to accept the responsibility
of taking up the mission
Over the next nine years Moon
received the revelation of God
which was then put forth in the
"Divine Principles " According to
"Sun Myung Moon, published by
the Unification Church. The reve
lation was received progressively
through prayer, study of all relig
ious scriptures, meditation,
spiritual communication with such
persons as Jesus. Moses and
Buddha, and direct communica
tion with God At the end of this
time, Rev Moon had been led by
God to solve a vast spiritual puz
zle. and was now ready to bring
this revelation to the world
Before he could begin his mis
sion, however, Moon was ar
rested by Communist forces and
sentenced to a forced labor camp.
When the Korean War broke out in
1950 he was liberated by a United
Nations landing force
In 1954. Moon founded the Hoi
Spirit Association tor the Unified
tion ot World Christianity (TfJ
name was later shortened to th(
Unification Church purportedly I
garner first amendment protecting
Irom religious persecution and thQ
IRS ) In 1959. Young Oon Kim
disciple of Moon s. arrived i
Eugene and founded the firs
American chapter ot the church !
In the early 60s Moon concerl
trated on developing a base ifl
Korea and Japan, where hi
claims followings of 400.000 arK
200.000 respectively According
to the Unification Church, thisj
accomplished when he
lished an economic four!
by starting a number ol busifl
es and spreading a superior]
ideological alternative to Marx j
ism Their present economiq
foundation in Japan amounts tq
$20 million
Moon first visited this country trl
1965 during his world tour He re-j
turned for brief visits in 1969 and
1971 Two years later he initiated]
a 21-city speaking tour which ex -j
panded to 32 cities the following!
year He now lives for much of the!
year in this country, often in thel
church s $8 million estate in New|
There appears to be a bit of the
showman in Moon; he has a flairj
for doing things big As the true!
father," Moon married 1,800 cou-J
pies in Seoul in 1975 His World J
Rally for Korean Freedom at
tracted an estimated one million |
people In this country, his per
formance in Washington, D C last I
summer drew some 60,000 to the j
Washington Monument
Divorced once, Moon is nowj
happily married and the father of [
nine children He has seen his
movement grow from a tiny'
Korean following to an interna
tional empire that controls millions
of dollars
And at the head of the empire is |
the Rev Sun Myung Moon, smil
ing benignly and lovingly upon the
people who put him there