CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are UX per word the first day copy is admitted and 8C per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word mninum All ads must be paid for m advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertisng insertion If your ad appears ncorrectty call 606-4343 before 1 p m for correction in the next day's issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discnmmale on the basis ot race, ookx religion, sex or age CALI 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE TOR SALE LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag o< shredded foam — $11 50 BEST REST MATTRESS CO 632 Blair 343-0222 00570*" BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now ai the Outdoor Re source Center m the Basement of the old EMU 01085 27 PtNK FLOYD — two tickets for May 12 concert $25 each. $40 for the pair Richard, 343-0400 4 28 SINGER SEWING MACHINE — |usl tuned $65 1 g GE color TV — $230 342-3290 evenings 4 28 GENTLEWOMAN Great spnng looks at aS pnces New arnvals 1639 East 19th Open M W. F 10-8. Tu. Th, Sat 10-6 Sun 1-5 343-9555 01075 29 TEAC 10' REEL. SYMUL-SYMC. 4-track new $1180 reconditioned $550 Peavey speakers. 200 watts, new $1200 reconditioned $600 Sony 8-track. $60 15speed Jeunet $70 942-4649 4 28 SALE. TURTLENECKS 25% OFF. Choose from a rainbow of colors Andreas 2441 HHyard 34 51324 01128 29 HONEY — in your contaner only 69* per pound Also Bee collected pollen Large selection of rare and exotic honey HONEY HEAVEN 128 East 11th 344-5939 01130 29 COMIC COLLECTORS: Selling old DC s and Mar vets Book pnces. caH Mike 345-6003 4 29 NEW SPRING FABRICS S2 a yard A wonderful selection Andreas 2441 Hilyard 3451324 0112929 GARAGE SALES QUALITY SALE — Furniture household goods, dothmg. antiques and much more' 2590 Birch Lane (near Hendricks Park; Monday Tuesday 10-5 4 26 INSTRUCTION ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING FOR WOMEN Five session course mdudmg role playing and video tape feedback Begins 7pm May 3 Spon sored by Campus YWCA For more information and registration call 686-4439 01135 27 SOUND SYSTEMS SONY OPEN REEL TAPE DECK and 10 Maxell UD tapes Cheap 4851431 427 ALL SOUND EQUIPMENT REPAIRED Guaranteed 10 yrs experience Friendly Rates' Timothy tinkers" — 342-7539 52 TEAC 1250 REEL-TO-REEL. Excellent corxktion tapes dust cover 345-0931 6863340 Steve 4 27 COMPLETE SOUND SYSTEM — new Pioneer SX-750 AM-FM receiver with 50 watts turntable cassette deck JVC 20Qw speakers SACRIFICE at $700 (complete; Contact Steve 968 Alder number 20 Nights 4 27 STILL A FEW LEFT MARANTZ 25% OFF ON SELECTED MODELS SUN SHOP Record *-S ter ©o »- Serv lea 860 East 13th 484-1488 01099 29 CRAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered reasonably priced, in slock Yarns books on crafts 13853-tfn PHOTOGRAPHY FREE COLOR PRINTS — Kodak or Fu|i Mm only 126-12 exp With this ad pay only foe film delivery and gel pnnts FREE OREGON PHOTO LAB. on campus. 1231 Alder 4 27 ROOKS/SUPPLIES 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at V* or less ot published price Textbooks, Ckfl Kfotes .Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE. 1233 ALDER 14447tfn TYPING TYPING IBM Correcting Seleclnc Pea efcte Fast reasonable Close to campus 687-9168 5 6 1HESES, Dissertations Long Papers Correctng Selectnc. Graduate approved Pick-up-delivery Sandy, 343-9391 00682 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST IBM Correcting Setec trie Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 14501 tin TYPING—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IBM Setec tnc Graduate School approved WII pick up and deliver Call Carole at 688 3983 or 688 3627 2710 tin TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE Reasonable rates Close lo campus 344-7689 00564 MUW TYPING FAST, ACCURATE. REASONABLE RATES. Close to campus Editing too Cal' 343 3994 4 27 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BOA (Blow-out oiL adjust) Manual Si 2 Elec tnc $14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up Delivery Cal 342 2022 daybr night Work Guaranteed — References 029196 OUTDOOR GEAR DENALI DESIGNS SEW-YOUR-OWN-KfTS OUTDOOR CLOTHING ANO EQUIPMENT We carry our own line of user-designed and tested kits for vesB jackets, wind and ram gear sleeping dags and more Also available for your creative sewing needs are fabrics Polar guard and acces sones Limited custom-mades available 2449 Hifyard 484 1252 11-6 Monday-Thursday 11-7 Friday 11*5 Saturday 00451 t.h.f BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center in the basement of the old EMU 01086 27 Q1CYCLES USED BIKES From Second Nature Buy Sell Trade 585 Blair 343-5362 00899 UW STU'S BIKE SHOP 771 BLAIR 344-2175 Authorized deafer for top value European light GITANE of France From $119 VISCOUNT of England From $139 00935 sb STELLA 10-speed excellent. 23 pounds 23-rnch $225 or best offer 343-0407 (Lie no 704841) 4 28 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E 11th St 342 4878 Authonzed dealers for Peogot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for ail makes Featuring a wide variety of accessories Michelm tires and tubes 14620 tin RICHARD’S Bike Shop See the Brand New TAKARA S Full Service on ALL Bikes 2495 Hifyard 345-0477 rARS/CYCLES 1972 KAWASAKI S2-350 Road bike Very good condition S350 345-1676 4 29 69 CAMERO 327 — steel betted radiaJs. mags AM FM stereo cassette excellent condition 686-0897 4 29 TRIUMPH, 650 BONNEVILLE 9000 miles $850 Call 689-0270 after 6 pm or weekends 5 2 68 SAAB SONNET 2 sealer sports car Excellent mechanical condition $1850 or offer 56 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 3000 miles on en gine dutch, kmgpms. brakes $600 or offer M 8 B SWIFT SHOP Independent Saab and Volvo Specialists 220 South 2nd. Springfield Call 747-5805 01110.26 NEED A CHEAP RIOE7 $295 or Less RAJ Motors 1380 W 7th 342-7339 14545 tfn 1966 FORO ECONOLINE SUPERVAN. i arpeted paneled, lair condition $500 Phone686-6293 4 29 SACRIFICE 1975 YAMAHA 400 MX lid eludes helmet leather riding pants boots 2590 ftrch Lane (near Hendricks Park) Monday Tues day. 10-5 4 26 AUTO REPAIR M & B SWIFT SHOP 747-5005 4 cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars aro our specialty 148OP ttri CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1936 West 8th _345 7785 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engme and transmission rebuik*ng and parts for Volkswagens 342 3952 12070 tfr TRAVEL_ LOW COST FLIGHTS to Eisope from $259 Israel from $469 plus Africa and the Far East CaM Toll Free. Monday Friday 9-6 (New York Time) Europe Int I Ltd (800)223-7676. 4 27 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPEND EVERYTHING GETTING THERE7 Spenal service locates CHEAPEST fares Tail ored to your specific travel plans Write las swell PO 0o» 3104 Fugone 97403 6 t Wanted_ TO BORROW MKT 361 NOTES for one nK*it Will pay $5 484-2562 4 26 WOMAN AND DOG seek place to live Almost any situation will do Needed by May 1st Susan 686 5474 4 26 HELP WANTED SUMMER OAY CAMP JOBS Now hiring coon sekxs supervisors and a Jewish Cultural Arts Specialist. Arts and Crafts Spmiakst and Over night Camping Specialist For application call Charleen Ball Camp Secretary 501244-0111 429 SUBJECTS NEEDED, psychology experiment rate words lor meaning 45 minutes $2 50 344 1250 4 27 WORK STUDY TYPIST — Top pay mellow work mg conditions Please apply now Footnotes room 15 EMU 0104029 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Part time with full time possibilities EXCELLENT INCOME POTENTlAl For interview call Jim Manning between B to 10a m 607 0036 4 29 EIGHT STUDENTS NEEDED Tuesday morning begmrxng 8 30 to pul up flyers tor 3-4 hours J2 35 per hour Should have bicycle Apply Suite 4 EMU 01144 26 THE JOB OF DIVISION HEAD oI Community Ser vices m the ESCAPE program is open beginning summer term Exceflert opportunity to gam skills in social service communication administration and curriculum design Pay and credit available must be a student For more mlo call 606 4351 Appkca lions m ESCAPE office 327 EMU Work tor an innovative student program and get great job experience' 01147 2 TEACHING JOBS ire available in Ihe Virgin Is lands For general information send $1 lo INFO P O Box 23191 Tigard OR 97223 4 29 PART TIME BOOKKEEPER start May 9th Full cycle financial statements Hours vary Non profit institution Send resume or apply m person Maude I Kerns Art Center 1910 East 15th Eugene 97403 01134 29 NEED PART TIME SECRETARY ORGANIZER Require efficiency in managing-organizing professional-personal concerns Public affair*, feminist activity academic situatons household management Prefer experience references Catt 345-0406 evenings weekends by April 29 4 26 FEMALE VOCALIST WANTED must know how to play guitar modern folk type Call 404 0020 for appointment 4 27 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will Iram Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 12035 tin WORK STUDY SECRETARY 20hour•» per wee* $2 54 per hour Apply Foreign Students Organza lion 203 EMU The ASUO is an equal opportunity employer 01120 28 OPPORTUNITY TO WORK with the handicapped Peart Buck Center Must be eligible lor work study or can receive pracbcum credit through ESCAPE or Special Education Call Laura Krenk at 345-8505 02916 8b LISTENING SKILLS COORDINATOR needed 10-15 hours week Previous experience in design ing and implemerting instructional program pre* erably at community college level $3 73 per hour See Rita, 207 Emerald Hall 01084 27 ROOMMATES PERSON TO SHARE 3 bedroom house with two others $72 plus utilities 484 9359 evenings 4 27 FEMALE OR MALE with interests .n garden mg yardwork housework and or cooking tor old house m Coburg Communal food Rent $65 plus 343 9019 4 26 DECADENT ROOMMATE NEEDED S/1 plus 1M and last month rent 3 bedroom house with yard Call 344 4006 after 4pm 4 29 ROOMMATE NEEDED 4 bedroom house clone to campus fireplace van! $87.50.346-2039 4 26 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED FOR tour bed room house $52 50 per month F irepiarn dish washer 2094 Willamette 485 1420 4 2 7 Glen Oxonewood needs 2 or 3 roommates It you know Greg Wasson or Pete Pearson i*v« us a * all at 344 9450 We live |ust two miles from campus but are surrounded by acres of open land Must be mo communal Wing situations 4 26 FEMALE ROOMMATE NON SMOKER, to sham two bedroom furnished apartment Clone to cam pus (Tool sauna 343 5715 4 27 VEGETARIAN WANTED TO SHARE 2-bedroom house Quiet neighborhood fireplace Joan 344 6137 4 27 Forrent Call 343-9917 RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL One and two bedroom furnished apartments noar U olO All have water and garbage service turn, shed Some have heal 01081 rtn LARGE QUADS PRIVATE BATH. ALL UTILITIES PAID Fmrushed v, bkx* from campus OSPtRG agree menf used l aundry facilities and parking available $ 110 per month $50 refurvloble dapoait 738 f nsl 16fh 687 0143 or 687 M 90 00746 Ifn SUBLET - Unique one bedroom apartment ftru place no deposit block from campus 484 1827 4 28 MUST MOVE. $195 for 2 bedroom furnished apartment near campus 484 2649 Discount 4 27 CAMPUS QUADS $95 $1 15 Utilities paid Air conditionng and pnvate baths 1810 Harris 68fr2470 NICE SMALL ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Oat* Not n apnrtrrwvit cur<A*> On# Wor* from University $195 $195 deposit Utilities paid No pels' Available May 1 587 8288 4 27 LARGE NICE 2BEDROOM near down town/campus Fireplace carpeting appkarurr. Cary'485 2564 00458 tin QUADS $90 Available now No lease inquired Utilities pad Laundry and parking available 1360 Alder 485 0291 or 464 0804’4 32/ tfr AVAILABLE JUNE race one bedrid »• apartn • Near campus off streot daihwasher private bat cony 345-4961 4 28 T OST U FOUND LOST IN 180 PLC on 4 21 77 parr of eye glasse-. Cal 686 9839 4 28 LOST — MALE SHEPHERD-LAB MIX Black wth brown marks Choke Cham with rabies tag An* wers to Loggms Call 34 3 0400 4 .'6 LOST IN MAIN LIBRARY. • assette recorder Model M 1540 on April 15 REWARD Awaits ■* found 4 26 WATCH FOUND BETWEEN ADPl and /* ' houses Cal Leslie W at 086 4353 to identity 4 ?o FOUND MEN S 10-speed bike white 26 inch (-all '342-6807 alter 6 to identity 4 ?8 MARKET BASKET UNIVERSITY FOOD-OP 1535 Agate 686 4911 Tilamook $1 39 lb Great prices on other cheeses 1TOOD U DRINK LATE GREAT SPAGETTI FEED Every Tuesday and Thursday Reg $4 70 NOW $2.95 PER PERSON All You Can Eat, Vj Liter o< WINE Of u Pitcher of BEER or a Pitcher ol SOFT DRINK ol your choice Sausage & Meatballs excluded on re order 8 :30 to 11 p.m TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 725 W 1st 404-1919 13976T.H CAFE GLENWOOD. 37M Franklin. 7 3 p m BREAKFAST SPECIAL BSi Fanciful omelets ami tear* 1422S Ifn GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder NOW YOU C AN BUY GRANOLA IN BUI KI f rtah from out baton 1M * 01 N1 IRANI N A nnd COCONUT Al MONO GRANOLA Crunchy dellcioua ami natural (mad* aalh honey) Slop tn at tf»o GOLDEN TEMPLE (KMMOfl ALLEN BROS COFFEE H«ii»I<mi ol gourmet cottaaa. bulk teaa chocolates 24fi?> Mityard SI F ugone 144 U221 00900 :*t» TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES Of PIZZA P«Mtg hoi Right ID y«u» door Anil no* we have two delivery trucks to grvo you lw»ln» Mjrvtca Can 342 11111 Now open until 1 a m Monday lo Saturday Midnight on Sunday '***» «" GOOD TIMES AT PI//A AURELIO $1 Off G>aH P'//a Tuesday* tree moyn« '■> Pnc* on har items witti regular pi//a Sun Thurt alter 0 30 p m 29th anr WilMmeilr IT. VENTS EMU Cultural Forum THEATRE^ WORKSHOP South African Black 77 Theatre Project A(*ii . * f MU Ballroom 1 p m AII arm welcome' FREE 01124 ;*> FRIDAY EMU BEE GARDEN FEATURING WISDOM STAR PLUS NEW HOURS 4 lo 7 p m ID REQUIRED 0114? ?9 LANE AUTO IMPORTS is having its annual spring fling diaplaying a sene* pi Shefjy American cars including Mmhy % Cobras 1 igors and other erotic Ford powered cars These cars lo bo displayed from 11am Saturday April TO to 4 p m Shelby Amon can products represent the only American firm lo manufacture tars to hold Hie World Championship title for the USA t or ated 1000 Franklin Blvd across from Muc Trucks 01145 29 ENTERTAINMENT WHEATFIELD Ml MURPHY AND ME Wednesday and Thursday April 27 and 28 4 2H CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING. SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olive 88 / 0733 TONIGHT THRU TUESDAY LAWRENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE in ALFRED HITCHCOCK S REBECCA PLUS GEORGE CUKOR S GASLIGHT Starring INGRID BERGMAN m her oscar wanning role Showtime* REBECCA at 7 30 GASLIGHT al 9 40 01123 26