Les Betes Noires m,uw*4»maw*/ AD proposes policy changes for Mac Court use By KEVIN HACKETT Ot the Emerald The Athletic Department (AD) has raised objections to the proposed rules concern ing tho use ot MacArthur Court and the scheduling of events in It The objections were made in a memo submitted at a public hearing Fnday on proposed policies relating to fund raising, delegation ol authority to die ASUO and the use of facilities on campus State law requires that a public hearing be held any time policy changes are pro posed at a state funded institution All the testimony ottered at the hearing was concerned with scheduling and tees charged tor use ol Mac Court Both the AD and Cultural Forum submitted written tes timony John McBride, the AD's events manager, submitted the memo which contended that intercollegiate athletics is an academic ac tivity ottering University credit The policy proposal drawn up by an ad hoc committee headed by Executive Dean John Lallas specifies that registration and other academic uses take priority over aH other uses. The AD also revised a clause that gives the EMU director priority over athletic prac tice time in scheduling and use of Mac Court for one non-athletic cultural event each term The AD wants the EMU director to have pnonty only over non-athletic cul tural events and not practice time Michael Connelly. ASUO vice-president for prog rams and community affairs, disclosed dur ing the heanng that a possible Fleetwood Mac concert could not be scheduled last term because Mac Court was reserved for basketball practice. The AD also asked that a change be made in the designation of authority for set ting a rental or "user" fee for the facility The University's director of business affairs is given the authority in the committee's pro posal The AD requested that it be given this authority in consultation with the busi ness affairs director. Various Cultural Forum members voiced their support for the committee's policy proposal in generai. Written testimony submitted by Ned Shafer. EMU program advisor, suggested changing two points in the proposal The clause that gave the EMU (Continued on Page 11) JAZZ SAILED EVERYBODY’S' open lO to lO everyday 40 E.Fifth...Eugene • good til April 30 7.98 list price THE SAN FRANCISCO CONCERT FOUR