Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1977, Page 2, Image 2

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    Transcend the
CSPA school
slates job faire
The Job Placement Center ot
the School of Community Service
and Public Affairs (CSPA) is
sponsoring a spring job fair,
"Career and Employment Oppor
tunities in the Public Sector"
Wednesday from 2 to 5 p.m. in
Room 167 EMU
Representatives from Lane
County, the City of Eugene, the
Lane Council of Governments,
the Oregon State Civil Service
Commission, State of Oregon
Conections Division, Lane Com
munity College, the City of Spring
field, the Voluntary Action Center
(VAC), Career Planning and
Placement, the University Affirma
tive Action Office and the
Children s Services Division of the
State of Oregon will be available
to disseminate information to |ob
seekers and answer their ques
tions concerning employment
Greek talk set
Roman Imperialism and the
Freedom of the Greeks will be
the topic of a public lecture today
at 3:30 p.m. in the EMU, room to
be posted Professor Erich Gruen
of the University of California at
Berkeley will give the address
Gruen is a leading authority in
the field of Roman republican his
tory He will discuss the question
of how the "Freedom of the
Greeks" slogan was employed by
Rome in the second century B C
to subvert Greece and bring her
under Roman control
Gruen s talk is sponsored by the
history department
Training offered
The University s chapter of the
YWCA will offer a five-week asser
tiveness training course for
women starting May 3 The class
will meet from 7 to 9:30 p.m May
3, 10. 17, 24 and 31 at the Coun
seling Center in Susan Campbell
Hall For registration or informa
tion, call 686-4439
IK*** ************ ************ *******
EMU Food Service Cafeteria
ur»K/lP RAKFD 11:00 a.m.—130 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
\2 akTA oai/cc Assortment of complete meals
Soft Drinks
Meatless Dishes
Luncheon Specials
3* ****** ******** ******************************
Oregon Daily Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday ex
cept during exam weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily E met aid
Publishing Co Inc at the University ot Oregon Eugene Ore 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University
with offices on the third tioor o' the Erb Memorial Union
The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and
Coiieqe Press Service
Emerald subscriptions are $7 per term and $20 per year
News and Editorial
Display Advertising and Business
Classified Advertising
086 5511
686 3712
686 4381
Managing Editor
Asst Managing Editor
News Editor
Graphics Editor
Asst Graphics Editor
Editorial Page Editor
Greg Wasson
Wally Benson
Martha Bliss
Lo*a Cuykendall
Perry Gaskifl
Sieve Sandslrom
Jackman Wilson
Sports Editor
Asst Sports Editor
Entertainment Editors
Wire Editor
Associate Editors
Department and Schools
Local Politics
State Politics
Slate System and Student Services
Night Editor
Marv Fjordbeck
Kim Spir
Boh Webb
Peter Duryea
Paul Waldschrmdt
Tom Wolfe
Nick Gallo
Becky Young
Ma'v Ik ", f
Tom .eckson
Heattie' McClenaghan
lori Peterson
Brenda Tabor
F G White Swift
Lora Cuykendall
Production Manager
Advertising Manager
Classified Advertising
Kate Seigal
Carl Bryant
Darlene Gore
Ted Johnston
Dance concert scheduled
The dance department and the Student Dance Board will be pre
senting the Student Dance Concert Friday. Saturday and Sunday in the
M Frances Doughedy Dance Theater. Gerlinger Annex
The concert will beginat 8 p m each night Tickets are$1 and may
be purchased in the EMU Lobby and Gerlinger Annex's main office
(Room 161). This year s presentation consists of works by student
choreographers, including modern dance and jazz techniques, folk
themes and chance choreography
For further information call the Department of Dance, 686-3386
Accountants set meeting
The Eugene-Springfield Chapter of the National Association of
Accountants is holding its April mooting Tuosday evoning at the Rode
way Inn on Interstate 5 and Belt line The meeting is open to the public
At 5:30 p r,v a mini-workshop win bo held on Control Charts
instructed by Harry Schleet of the University The social hour will begin
at 6:30 p m followed by dinner at 7p m and the evening s program at 8
The featured speaker will be Jay Mollies, division controller of
Hewlett-Packard, who will speak on Hewlett-Packard Choosing a
Plant Site
Food education reviewed
In a two-parl series, Options In Education examines the role of
schools in educating children about nutrition and food
Options In Education is a weekly series of Oregon Educational
and Public Broadcasting Service (OEPBS) Radio stations KOAC (550)
in Corvallis, and KOAP-FM (91 5) in Podland The first program will be
aired on KOAC today at 3 30 p m with a repeat on KOAC and KOAP
FM Sunday, May 1, at 11 a m The second program will air on Monday
May 2. on KOAC at 3 30 p m with a repeat on KOAC and KOAP FM
Sunday. May 8. at 11 a m
Reports include critiques of school cafeteria fare in Dallas aij^^
Philadelphia and visits to supermarkets in several areas to look
trends in food consumption The programs also examine National
Policies regarding food consumption, and federal programs like The
National School Lunch Act and The Child Nutrition Act
Re-enroll forms required
All graduate students who are registered this term and intend to
register fall term must file Intent to Re-Enroll forms, available in all
departments and schools, as well asm the Graduate School s offices in
Chapman Hall These forms must be approved by the student s major
department or school and filed with the Graduate School by Aug 1
Filing is essential to insure registration packets for fall term
All returning post-baccalaureate students must pick up their forms
in the Graduate School
The Paul Bariei lor ASUO Preederi Support
Group Mill meet tonight m the EMU lime and plan*
Id bo polled Tha moolirig stop*. will be Advocat
mg for New Beamings n tie ASUO
Growing Alternative Youth (GAYouth) meet) al 8
lonighl at the Grower s Market 4*>4 Willamette M
GAYouth m open to mtoredod [>«r v>rn> unrter age
23 For more information call 343 8130 or
Phi Chi Theta a group for students m busifwas
arid economics will meet at 3 30 p m today m
Rormt 107 Gitoert A representatrve from tha bum
ness community will apeak and election ballots will
bedtstnbuled Those unable lo attend fie meetir^j
may pick up balk** in Catherine Jones offue
Room 270A Gilbert Deadline for these ballots is
AM past present and Mure National SlurJent I. >
change program members ate askod to attend
a meeting at 6 30 p m Wednesday m the EMU
room to be posted Important material will be
handed out
Barbara Gordon-Lickey a University associate
prot«>sof in psychology will speak on T tie Affects
of Visual Deprivation on fie Cat s Superior Col
liculus at 4 pm today in Room 156, Straub Her
presentation is a psychology depart merit proaemi
Erich Gruen a professor of ancient history at the
University of California at Berkeley will speak on
Roman Imperialism and the Freedom of the
Greeks at 3 30 p m today in the f Ml J room in be
A New Direction
pd by Student* for Feldman
potted (.truer. a the author el two books end
nufTHKOun eiticlen on ancient Ibvne M>% tortui
presented by the hntory department
Phi rhnui upailon a jursur honorary vody it
now taking nppfcr att.re lex m»*t year % merry.i*
Ship <>i4ktn nitons am jonua Hi andiny by tall 1977
a 3 0 grade para average and at toast halt ol ad
courses t«va been taker. I<x credit Selection ai*
•t bated on campus activities
Apply about are available «i the student services
oWtee in Oregon Mall Applcatirxi doadi«iei* May ♦
m the tame office
Orientation sessions eaplaning the service* a
varfubte to j<*> seeker* are every Thursday at 330
pm in Room ?4« Susan Campbell free work
shops in return* writing job interviewing and jrrti
search are alto offered .m ntukog to »*e lotkrwmg
Resume writing worVnhup* 1 to 2 p m Monday
9 30 to 1030 a m Tuesday. 11 30 a m to 1? 30
p m T hursday
Job finding workshofrs J to 5 pm Monday
12 30 to 2 30 p m I tiur vlay
Job inlervuiverg workshops 1030am to 12 30
p m Monday 9 30 !o 11 30 a m and ? 30 »o 4 30
p m T hursday
Handicapped students can make special ar
rangementa Ira workshop and interview signups by
r.alkng tli« renter k3236
Interview signup stwots for the following organ,
/alions will be posted at H IS a m Wednesday
May? Arttiur Young & Company Winter Ifl/H
accounting internship program Juniors woiking on
BS or HA in accounting
May? University of Southern California at Sw
ramento Recruiting frx graduate programs tn ttw
Scfiool of Public Administration
May ? & 3 Montgomery Ward Positions as te
tail mansgemerit trainerrs Preferred majors in bus
mess administration and related fiekls also liberal
arts majors wi»i in I or out » retailing
May 3 Nod I iwe stem Mutual life Insurance
Positions in career sales and financial planting w»tb
opportunities for college inter ns htps. career sale*,
or sales management Open In all majors
May 3 Arlhur Anderson & Company Winter
1978 acorxirrting internships Accounting majors
May 3 Josephine County School District
T ear Jung positions m high sctiool English, jour
rialism counseling, library chernsfry matt and
(jirls P f with emphasis on gymnastics
May 4 T Bird Home Center Positions as man
ayemetf trainer** Preferred majors in marketing
and general business
May ?> IBM Position in product development
and manufacturing to develop and confrol coaling
process BS or MB in chemistry