Legal Aid Service faces financial woes A Lane County-Eugene revenue sharing budget subcommittee has decided not to advise a $10,000 cut in County Legal Aid Service funding, contrary to the recommendation of a citizens advisory commit tee But Legal Aid Service director Mervyn Loya can breathe only a little bit more easily. Legal Aid, which provides free legal help to low income persons, still has a mountain of financial problems and the budget committee s recommendation is still contingent on city-county approval of a 15 per cent increase in the total revenue sharing budget for social service programs. Loya said Legal Aid is pleased to learn of the recommendation but that the city council and county commissioners still have to decide in the next several weeks whether to approve the final revenue sharing budget Anita Larseri. supervisor of the revenue sharing program, said the committee has advised that Legal Aid receive $35,000, the same as its funding for fiscal year 1976-77 Legal Aid had requested $45,000 so it would be possible to fund a staff position for which the service is losing federal funding The citizens advisory committee recommended $25,000 for the program Legal Aid s other financial problems include the possible loss of six experienced attorneys and a legal secretary because government grants for the positions are running out Management course set The Division of Continuing Education at Portland State University is sponsoring a seminar on etlective executive management May 24 at the Valley River Inn Persons interested in attending should till out a registration form by May 17 Cost is $60, which includes tuition, lunch, materials and coflee breaks For further information call Bob Irwin, Portland 229-4820 or toll free 800-452-1368 Mac Court (Continued from Page 3) ^.rector authority over athletic practico time states that this authority be granted for at least one time per term The Cultural Forum wants this specifically designated for only once per term Another clause says no non-University organization may retain a profit from an event co-sponsored with a University organization The Cultural Forum asked that off-campus organizations be able to make a profit based on a 90-10 percentage split with the University organiza tion Lallas said the committee will consider all testimony given at the hearing and will come up with a final proposal in early May The final draft must be approved by University Pres William Boyd and the State System of Higher Education Th* EMU Cultural Forum ELECTRONIC WINDOWS A VIDEO SHOW ED MELLNIK Mr MoHnik wiN pranant two ovanmg shown ill 8 pm May 2 and 3 and two aftomoon open environments on May 2 and 3 from ?6 pin AH performances wiH ba m Via Forum Room EMU All part or mane on ara fion 0105? St) BERTOLT BRECHT’S MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN POCKET PLAYHOUSE VILLARD HALL APRIL 27-30. MAY 4-7 $3 50 raaervad aaata UO atudants half-prlca with ID Call 686 4101 UNIVERSITY THEATRE 01073 6 BERTOLT BRECHT’S MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN POCKET PLAYHOUSE VILI.ARO HALL APRIL 22. 23. 27-30. MAY 4-7 13 SO reserved Mats UO students half-price with ID Call 886-4191 UNIVERSITY THEATRE 01073.6 PERSONAL LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK T he Blood mobile will be at Brand F from I lo 4 p m today Call Hugh Glassow al 753-4463 for more information O Positive 6 Units () Negative ? Units A Positive 0 Units A Nogalive 1 Unit B Positive 1 Unit AB Positive 1 Unit Call 404 9i 11 lor an appointment PARENTS EXPRESS YOUR RIGHT TO AN EDUCATION. Child Care Day is Tuesday' Take your children lo morning classes Let students feel the impact of no day care' There will also be an important rally outside the F MU at 12 noon. Tues day April 26. to protest the fact fiat a hearing has not been scheduled lor the student daycare aid bill (HB 2459) For further information call Cathy Loomis at 606 4304 01140 26 WE SUPPORT JEFF WARREN FOR IFC. Mark Cogan Cathy Tearner. Keli Osborn. Jim Bemau. Jon Teague. Jenny Harada. Ron Bills, Scott Faunt. Andrea Gellally. Jenette Bunch, Willy Teo Paid Warren Committee 4 25 ELECT DAVE TYLER ASUO PRESIDENT A substantial numb** erf students feel disen franchised from THEIR government It a time the ASUO mwed bad* nto the man stream of student concerns, bach to an acaderncally oriented student government The major emphasis of my administration wi* be directed toward academe issues EXPERIENCE: Twice elected to the Incidental Fee Commit PRIORITIES: 'Streamline the ASUO for more accountabil ity 'Development erf an EFFECTIVE guide to ASUO programs and services 'Ongoing objectives of holding down tuition FMU tavern effective lobbying •Integration of the ASUO into the darfy routine of University administration by de veloping a spirit of cooperation rather than 'Increased student polling to insure that the policies of fr*e ASUO are respresentatrve Mine will be a responsive, academically oriented administration Make the stu dent voice the ASUO. an everyday part of Unhrsrsfty administration ELECT TYLER ASUO PRESIDENT Paid contrOulors for Tyler 4 27 NSTANT RELIEF FOR THE HUNGRIES can be found at a sub-manne sandwich shop caled fig gtes Sub City Our Biggest can feed 4-5 people They are gtem to e<* while watching Monday rate sports 786 East 11th. next to the Maytlower Theatre 01133 22 CORRECTION WES HUTCHISON VOTES BARB SELBY SENIOR CLASS VICE PRESIDENT PD Sefcy 4 25 SATURDAY S TRAVELER The personal was race The Vermouth Cassis loo A special than* comes From me just lor you1 Noisy Harold 4 25 ACTIVATE! SPEAK OUT! VOTE BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT PD BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT SUPPORT GROUP 4 27 FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION TO SALEM1 Parents and students gel on fie bus on Thursday April 28 E xpress your support and demand a hear ing lor Ihe student Child Care Aide Bill (HB 2459) For your reservations call Cathy Loomis 066-4384 01139 27 WHY LIVE Mrtth the embarrassment of ugly unwanted facial hair'7 See my ad m the yellow pages Electrology By Marian 687-9181 889 MWH DISSATISFIED WITH WHAT you ve found'’ Dis cover Christian Science See the Christian Science Campus Counselor today 12 to 2 in the EMU 0114125 STUDENT PARENTS and interested friends CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES IN SALEM to A*press your support for the student child care aid bill and demand a hearing (HB 2459) Wats Imes are available at the ASUO Monday thru Friday for your tol free call Come to Suite 4 EMU 01138 29 VOTE UNION Our only way to insure democracy Apnl 27 28 4 26 VETERANS The VA provides funds for tutorial assistance For more info call 686-3232 0050* sb AMBITION. ENTHUSIASM. AND RESULTS SPELL GEOFF WAGNER FOR JUNIOR CLASS PRESIDENT PAID WAG for Pres supporters 01137 26 It s time we had a voice It s time we gave a collective damn Weve already reached into our pocket books too many times BRIAN BAIRD FOR I FC Paid for BB tor I FC 4 25 ATTENTION SORORITIES: The Chi Psi pledges ust reccMved their JEWELS! For more nformation all ext 3428 ask for BEN or BOB. JOHN 4 25 CAMPAIGN TO ELECT BARB SELBY SENIOR CLASS VICE PRESIDENT Announces new mascot ARCHIE PD Young 2nd 4 25 4R BUSINESSMAN /ome see roomies aquarium, if that isnt the line) 'ome listen to my stereo. Ve il have a tunetime" rhartks, Coach — Co-pilot 4 25 JIM — Study hard and the very beat ol luck on your final law finals Me'! 427 MJ. — On crutches — Wishing you a speedy recovery! 426 SUSAN HAAKE READ THISI Have a happy birth day please Let 6 celebrate — Carne 4 25 WE STILL HAVE ALTERNATIVES BILL DICKEY FOR I.F.C. Responsible, Equitable Funding Paid Dic*ey 4 21.25 PLEASE VOTE. Please vote BHI Dickey. I F C (Responsible Equitable funding) Paid Dicky 4 25 THREE BACHELORS WANT to get aquainied with three attractive Bacheloref’es 485-0370 4 26 THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations tor spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS. DANCES, etc S75 and up 896-3913 02885 tin PREGNAN1 ? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH-' RIGHT. Confidential mformrhon and free preg nancy test Call 68 7 8651 14286tfn For New Beginnings Vote Bartel For EMU Tavern Vote Bartel For Open Education Vote Bartel For Student Acttvism Vote Bartel For University Tenant Union Vote Bartel For Innovation in ASUO Vote Bartel VOTE BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT Pd Bartel ASUO President Support Group 427 JOURNALISM AND SPEECH MAJORS VOTE JAN CHAMBERUN SUAB Position #2 Journalism and Speech Paid by Chambedin 4 26 VOTE EXPERIENCE OHLENDORF For senior class President Paid Ohlendorf Re-el eel on committee 426 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS Sizes 5 ft k 5 ft 5tt k 10 ft. 10 ft x 10 ft and larger 344-2710 West 11th and Berteisen Road 02918 tin HIS RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF VOTE PAUL BARTEL ASUO PRESIDENT Paid Bartel unofficial fan club Puce and Carrdon 4 26 DRUIDS (JUNIOR HONORARY) NOW ACCEPTING AP PLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP SELEC TIONS BASED ON SCHOLARSHIP. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES PICK UP APPLICATIONS AT STU DENT SERVICES. OREGON HALL BEFORE APRIL ?9 DRUIDS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF SEX. COLOR. RELIGION OR RACE. 0089fr8 A NEW DIRECTION VOTE GARY FELDMAN FOR ASUO PRESIDENT Paid by studerts for Feldman 4:26 BARTEL for ASUO PRESIDENT Definitely not Politics as Usual pd Bartel ASUO President Support Group 4 25 STUDY IN EUROPE. JUNE 30-JULY 28 ln-<Jepth study of London Pans Salzburg Florence, Rome Madrid COLLEGE CREDIT No age or language requirement Contact K Bramard Romance Lan guage Dept 401 Fnendly 4 25 ELECT GARY FELDMAN FOR ASUO PRESIDENT Emphasis on University Affairs Pinpointing Real Student Concerns Student Advocacy Responsive and open leadership Eipertence Paid by students tor Feldman 4 26 STAR TORSET PRESIDENT DAVID BECKWITH VICE-PRESIDENT FOR SENIOR CLASS Paid by committee to elect Torset and Beckwith 4 25 GET ON THE BUS! Daycare supporters |Oin stu dents from around the state in Salem at the hearing and rally tor HB 2459 The ASUO is charting a bus (free) for supporters Daycare is available in Eugene Call Cathie Loomis. 686-4384 to reserve your place' 01117 25 3c COPIES KINKOS OVERNIGHT NO MINIMUM UNBOUND 11Z8 Alder 344-7894 Also in Corvallis sf/Asty W' <t/A>tr ■»'-* *- ► TV'-" »- V VERIFICATIONS OF REGISTRATION AVAILABLE Monday, April 25 — Tuesday, April 26 Oregon Hall Wednesday , April 27 — Thursday, April 28, — EMIJ /'V COPIES 50% OFF REGULAR 6$ "While You Watch” copies are only 34 when your work is left 36 hours JOHNNY PRINT 470 East 11th 1219 Alder ELECT GARY FELDMAN for ASUO PRESIDENT •Emphasis on universitx affairs * Pinpointing Real Student Con cerns •Student Advocao *Responsi>e and OPEN Leadership •Experience pd h* Mudrnt fir h rid man Get decked out at Every Monday starting at 8 pm you receive a FREE 0LYMP|\ or with the purchase of Can’t drink 6 pitchers? Well, coupons may be saved from week to week and redeemed any Monday night.