fLASSIFIEPS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER' The rates are 10* per word Yie first day copy is admitted and 8( per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There s a 12 word mnmum All ads must be paid for o advance The Emerald cannot be responsfcle for more than one day s incorrect advert is rig insertion If your ad appears ncorrectty. call 606-4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day's issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser wtvch lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The ErmrakJ will not knowingly accept advertise merits that dscnminate on the bass of race, color, refcgion. sex or age CALI 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE TTOR SALE LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems A large 10 pound bag of shredded foam — $11 50. BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 0057 BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center in the basement of the old EMU 0108527 THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments stereos, photo eqmpmert etc Buy sen and trade 00697 MWF FRESH ROASTED COFFEES On Campus NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 782 Easing 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 00980 MWF SALE TURTLENECKS 25% OFF Choose Irom a rainbow of colors Andrea s 2441 Hilyard 345-1324 01128 29 HONEY — m your contaner only 69« per pound Also bee collected pollen Large seleclon of rare and exotic honey HONEY HEAVEN 128 East 11 tfi 344-5939 0113029 COMIC COLLECTORS: Selling old DC s and Mar vels. booh pnces. call Mike 345-6003 4 29 NEW SPRING FABRICS S2 a yard A wonderful selection Andreas 2441 Hilyard 345-1324 0112929 CARAGE SALES QUALITY SALE — Furniture household goods, clothing, antiques and much more' 2590 Birch Lane (near Hendricks Park) Monday Tuesday 10-5 426 INSTRUCTION ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING FOR WOMEN Five sesson course inclining role playing and video tape feedback Begins 7pm May 3 Spon sored by Campus YWCA For more information and regsiralion call 686-4439 01135 27 ROUND SYSTEMS PANASONIC 4-channel matnx 8-track car stereo $25 speakers also make crffer Evenings 7 p.m 485-2043 4 25 TEAC 1250 REEL-TO-REEL. Excellent condition tapes dust cover 345-0931 686-3340 Steve 427 COMPLETE SOUND SYSTEM - new Pioneer SX-750 AM-FM receiver with 50 watts, turntable cassette deck. JVC 20O«r speakers SACRIFICE at $700 (complete) Contact Steve 968 Aider number 20. Nights 427 STILL A FEW LEFT MARANTZ 25% OFF ON SELECTED MODELS SUN SHOP Records-Stereoe-Service 860 East 13 th 484 1488 01099 29 fRAFTS/HOBBlES SEREHTY WEAVERS 111 w«l Hand crafled spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, m slock Yarns, books on crafls 13853.1fn PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 342 7636 12011 M.W.F FREE COLOR PRINTS — Kodak Of Fup film only 126-12 exp With this ad pay only for film defcvery and get pnnts FREE OREGON PHOTO LAB. on campua. 1231 Aide/ HOOKS/SUPPL1ES THE SECOND HAND BOOK MAN We pay the hKjiest paces n town for your quality, used books 101 W 7th 342 2002 Monday-Saturday 10 am -5 30 p m 14075 M.H.F 20.000 USED BOOKS all soihng at vy or less of putolshed price Textbooks. Clrtl Notes. Maga/mes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMK.Y BOOKSTORE. 1233 ALDER 14447 tfn TYPING TYPBiG. IBM Correctng Selectnc Pica, ekle Fast reasonable Close to campus 687-9168 5 6 THESES, Dissertations. Long Papers. Correctng Selectnc. Graduate approved Pcfc-up-defivery Sandy, 343-9391 00682 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST IBM Correcting Selec trie Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 14601 tfn TYPBIG—15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBMSctec tnc Graduate School apprewed VMll ptek up and deliver Call Carole at 688 3983 or 688-3627 2710«n TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE Reasonable rates Close to campus 344-7689 00664 MUW TYPING FAST. ACCURATE. REASONABLE RATES. Close to campus Editing loo Call 343 3994 427 JAMES INDEPENDENT TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BOA (Blow-out. ml. adjust) Manial $12 Electric $14 SELECTRIC SPECIALIST Free Pick-up/Dek very Cal 342 2022 daybr n«jht Work Guaranteed — References 029196 OUTDOOR GEAR BACKPACKING SALE Sale on Backpacks on now at the Outdoor Re source Center in the basement of the old EMU 01086 27 RECREATION CHARLIE'S TOO 525 East 13th 12 to 12 Pinball Foosball Pool Tables-Video Games Also, Charlie s Pool 2645 Willamette 11am to 1 a m Ail Week1 14461 sb BICYCLES STELLA 10-speed excellent, 23 pounds 23-mch S225 or best Oder 343-0407 (L* no 704841) 4 28 10-SPEED DOTSON BIKE. Aioman s In very good condition just tuned up $40 Ca> mornings or evenngs after 6 p m 344-4409 4 25 COUJNS CYCLES 60 E 11th St 342 4878 Authorized dealers for Peugot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Servce and repair for all makes Featuring a wide variety of accessories Michelm tires and tubes 14620 rfn RICHARD’S Bike Shop See the Brand New TAKARA'S Full Service on ALL Bikes 2495 Hityard 346-0477 f* ARS/CY CLES NEED A CHEAP RIDE? $296 or Less R & J Motors 1360 W 7th 342-7339 14645 tfn 68 SAAB SONNET 2 seater sports car Excellent mechanical condrtcn $1850 or otter 56 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 3000 miles on en gine dutch kngpns. brakes $800 or otter DIB SWIFT SHOP Independent Saab and Votvo Specialists 220 South 2nd. Springfield Call 747-5805 0111026 SACRIFICE 1975 YAMAHA 400 MX trail bike In eludes helmet leather ndng pants boots 2590 Birch Lane (near Hendncks Park; Monday. lues day 10-5 4 26 AUTO REPAIR M 6 B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 1 4-cytmder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 148OB tfn CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7705 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7!h Custom engine and transmssion rebuilding and parts for Voikswagens 342 3952 120701r TTRAVEL LOW COST FLIGHTS to Europe from $259 Israel from $489 plus Africa and tha Far Last CaN Toll Free. Monday Friday 9-6(New York Time) Europe Int i Lid (000)223-7676 4 27 TRANSPORTATION WHY SPENO EVERYTHING GETTING THERE/ Special servce locates CHEAPEST lares Tad ored to your specific travel plans Write Las swell PO Bo* 3104. Eugene. 97403 6 i WANTED_ WOMAN AND DOG seek place to Irve Almost any situation will do Needed by May 1st Susan 686 5474 4 26 HELP WANTED TEACHING JOBS are mailable m the Virgm Is lands. For general information send $1 to INFO. PO Box 23191 Tigard OR 97223 4 29 PART-THE BOOKKEEPER start May 9th Full cycle financial statements Hours vary Non profit institution Send resume or apply m person Maude I Kerns Art Center 1910 East 15th. Eugene 97403 01134 29 SURVEY TAKERS-HELP NEEDED for a traffic survey One hour shifts. $2 46 per hour Survey to be taken May 3 4 All vilerested people apply Mon day, April 25 at 3 p m in fie EMU room to be posted or call 345 198? and leave a message 0112225 WORK STUDY TYPIST — Top pay mellow work ing conditions Please apply now Foofnutes room 15FMU 01048 25 NEED PART TIME SECRETARY-ORQAN12ER Require efficiency in managing organizing professional-personal concerns Pubhc affairs feminist activity academe situatons. household management Prefer expenence references Cal 345-0406 evenings woekends. by April 29 4 ?6 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Part time with lull time poasitxfctier. EXCELLENT INCOME POTENTIAL For intervew cal Jim Manning between 8 to 10am 4 29 FEMALE VOCALIST WANTED must know how to play guitar modern folk type Call 484 0020 for appontment 4 27 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will train Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 12035 tfn WORK STUDY SECRETARY 20h blocks Irom campus Residential aiea Call 343 677? 4 ?7 MICE. SMALL ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Uuk* Not n apur*n«**t (X*ipkw C>xt bfcx* Irom University $195 $195 deposrt UMNtea paid No pet si Available May 1 687 82B8 4 ?7 LARGE. NICE. 2 BEDROOM near downlown/campus F ireplace. carpeting, np phances Cozy' $1*40 4652564 00456 tin QUADS $90 Available now No lease reqjued Utiktms pauf laundry and parking available 1360 Airier 466 0291 or 464 0604 14327 Ifh AVAILABLE JUNE mce one bedroom apartment Near campus, oft street (tahwasher private t>ai cony 345-4961 4 29 T OST 6 FOUND LOST M 164 PLC. Pair ol preemption sunglasses If tound contact Barbara ext 5373 HI WARD 4 ?S WATCH FOUND BETWEEN ADPI and A to houses Cal l eske W al 666 4353 to identify 4 26 FOUNOMEN S lO^pMtfMlM «**e. 26 mch CeN 342 6807 after 6 k> xlentify 4 28 MARKET BASKET GOOD PRICES ON BEER, meets pu/a» and more MiSnr s Grocery 1065 F 2Qh Open 10 10 Sunday Thursday 10 11 Friday Saturday 14300 MW I Fix All Your Frud and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343 5393 14570 MWf UNIVERSITY FOOO-OP 1536 Agate 686 4911 Tilamoot' $1 39 I) (jreat prices on other cheeses 01131 29 FOOD & DRINK CAFE GLENWOOD 3758 Franklin 7 3 pm BREAKFAST SPECIAL 86c Fanciful omoMs and special tore GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOODS 1211 Alder NOW YOU CAN BUY GRANOLA IN BUI K1 Fresh Irom our bah«*t OOLOEN (ifiANOl A and COCONUT At MOND GRANOl A Crunchy. delirious and natural (made wrth honey) Stop in al I he GOLDEN TEMPLE 00940 8 THE NICE CREAM PARLOR Featuring old fashioned natural ice cream sweetened with honey cx '.mjiii frozen ynrjud Italian v.es non-dairy ice cream pastries catfees and teas Now featuring homemade soups salads and sanrMu ties Open Dally noon to midnight 325 Blair AcroM from George t Garage 1454 t MWf ORIENTAL CAFETERIA AND GROCERY :,pnny rolls barbegue pork lenyaki chicken tempura hsh and vegetable Corrtunalmn plates $ 1 SO We ac cepl food stamps tor groceries BAMBOO PAVILLION 1275 ALDER Monday-Fnday. It-7 30 Saturday. 12-7.30 00667 MWf MICKIE S DELICATESSEN 1609 East 19lh Eugenes own New York Deli Salads meats c hoe ties sandwiches groceries picnics dinners Catering wertrlngs and «H or canons Murday Saturday 144/9 mwt UNO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping hoi Right to your drxx And rx/w we liave two delivery I rucks to gtve you faster service Call 342 0111 Now open until 1 a m Monday to Saturday Midnight on Sunday 00620 tin THE CREPERY For a unique luncheon, dinner Omelets and other delights Crepes, Desserts. Gan Ion Vegetables 770 East 11th 342 8340 /am 10 pm 14400 MWI GOOD TIMES AT PIZZA AURELIO $1 Oft Gianl Pi//a Tuesdays free rrxjvie*. V» Price on bar items with regular pi//a Sun T hurs after 9 30 p m 29lh and Wilarnetle 14607 M H NEW DAY NATURAL FOOD RESTAURANT Excellent vegetarian lood at reasonable prices Open lor lunch and dinner Daily specials A soups 11am 9pm Monday Saturday 136 East 11th Street 406 0412 IN SCARBOROUGH FAIRE 14314 MH ALLEN BROS COFFEE Miamian of gourmal coftaas bulk loan chocointat 74b ?» Hityarcl Si . Eugano 144 0221 oomb 79 INVENTS BALLROOM DANCE land aomo contemporary dancmi) ttvmy Friday 7 pm til rmdnryM nt the W O W Mall (8»h and Lincoln Street) starling May 6 Admin won $2 Dre»a Informal 4 25,2/79 EMU Cultural Forum •at |itownl a THEATRE WORKSHOP South African Black ’77 Theatre Project liKtaday Apnl 26 I MU Ballroom I p m AN arm aatcom*' FREE 01124 76 ENTERTAINMENT Black forest tavern 266 / WHarnttlla 344 0616 Happy Mouni Monday and Wednesday 0 30 k> 10 30 Fnday 4 6 pm MICHCLOB ON TAP f ntartarnrivirtf four ruyhtn % mu THE CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE CRUSADERS AND JOAN ARMATRAOINO MONDAY, MAY 2 8:30 p.m. Mac Court V4 50 U ol O tluOonta V> general and roaorvad f m kat*. I MU Main f)e»* ar«J ( vnrytv *ly a Heuxilt HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates scenic no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservation* Wmdgate f«im MB-6789 ' 34 *> tin EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE SOUTH | AFRICAN * “BLACK ’77" THEATRE PROJECT Recently arrived Irom JotwuinnsOurg South Africa. this original and talented group of lout young Soutti African actor* will be par forming their piny SURVIVAL . i :omtnnu ton ol mime it maim song and dance TUESOAY APRIL ?6 EMU BALLROOM B p m $3 U ol O Students S4 50 Nnr. atudtnta lit>els available at I MU Mam Desk THE BAVARIAN 4 44 Earn) 3rd Vocabal with acoustical guitar Monday Saturday H 1 ? 1436*^ M H ARAB CULTURAL NIGHT April 30. 0 30 pm l MU Ballroom Dinner Folklore I *hibith I idurb> $4 at F MU Mam Desk Sponsored by Arab Students Orgaru/almn Foreign Students Organ/atmn 01136 29 WHEATFIELD at MURPHY AND ME Wednesday and Thursday April 27 and 28 4 28 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING. SECONO FLOOR tOlh and Olive 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU TUESOAY LAWRENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE In ALFRED HITCHCOCK S REBECCA PLUS GEORGE CUKOR S GASLIGHT Starring INGRID BERGMAN in her OBCar winning role SlK/wtimes RF BE CCA at 7 30 GASLIGHT at 9 40 01123 26