Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1977, Page 4, Image 4

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    Duck Soup
Oregon Daily Emerald
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“And the Oregon distance ace easily outkicks his competition.”
Best guarantee
There is simply no evidence
that unionization has resulted in a
decline in the number of GTF posi
tions at Wisconsin or Michigan, as
the University administration is
currently claiming. Indeed, a
strong union is the best guarantee
that such cuts will not be made, or
that their impact at least will be
Wisconsin and Michigan, like all
large state universities, have been
subject to budget cuts by their
state legislatures Faculty, GTFs,
and students alike have suffered
as a consequence of these cuts:
universities have been forced to
teach more students with fewer
instructional staff (but, unfortu
nately, with more administrators!).
Nothing could be more mislead
ing than for the Administration to
blame possible reductions in
teaching staff on unionization.
The problem is inadequate state
funding of higher education and
the Administration's budget
pnorities—not unionization.
Nathaniel Teich
Assoc. Prof, of English
President, U. of O. AFT
Local 3209
Calvin E. Harris
President, GTFF Local 3544
Robert E. Ginsburg
Teaching Assistants
Local 3220
University of Wisconsin,
Intimidating letter
I received a letter today from Mr.
Novick, Dean of the Graduate
School, informing me that it would
not be in my or the University s
best interest to vote for the Ameri
can Federation of Teachers in the
upcoming election on April 27 and
28 Mr. Novick claims in his letter
that as Dean of the Graduate
School it is his responsibility to
describe what he sees as some of
the possible consequences of un
It is quite ironic that Mr. Novick’s
descnptions of possible consequ
ences are all negative. Further
more, it is not clear whether Mr
Novick is representing his own
personal perceptions or merely
mouthing the administration's
fears that unionization would qual
itatively improve the working con
ditions of the GTFs.
I have been a graduate teach
ing fellow at the University of
Oregon for two years and this is
the first time I have received a let
ter from the dean who is now all of
a sudden concerned about my
best interests I personally find a
letter which states that if and when
we do unionize we will lose finan
cially and will lose the already
good relationships with the faculty
as intimidating and threatening
Does Mr Novick believe that
these kinds of scare tactics will
make us hide under our beds9 We
should all recognize that Mr
Novick s letter is very partisan and
represents the financial interests
of the University Mr Novick rep
resents management and not
GTFs If the University has the re
sources to do a mass mailing to
the GTFs, it has the resources to
improve the lousy working condi
tions we are all subject to
As far as I am concerned, we
have nothing to lose, but every
thing to gain by voting yes for the
American Federation of Teachers
on April 27th and 28th
Harry L. Humphries
GTF Sociology
All in good fun
It seems I’ve started a volcano
rumbling On Saturday. April 16, I
had the most pleasureable job of
emceeing both shows of the
Hawaiian Club Luau. My duties
included greeting the audience,
introducing the entertainment
numbers, handing out the door
prizes and telling a few jokes here
and there. Unfortunately, my
sense of humor was found to be
unforgiveably distasteful to a per
son in the second show
A luau is something different, its
atmosphere being one of informal
ity. Apparently, this is something
not everybody realizes. In the
April 21 edition of the ODE, I was
attacked for my handling of door
prizes, my choice of jokes and my
overall "crudeness." Granted, I
did ask a few (extremely?) per
sonal questions during the door
prizes. I also confess to the fart
joke. But it was all in fun Every
body knew that. Well, almost
I did get a chance to talk to a few
door prize recipients after the
show and they weren't a bit per
turbed In fact, they enjoyed being
part of the show I also sought out
the subject of my gastronomical
joke and immediately apologized
if I had embarrassed her in any
way As it turned out. she thought I
was spotlighting the person in
front of her
Did you talk to any of these
people, Mary Anne? If it's any
consolation, let it be known that
the joke had been thrown out the
window long before your typewn
ter pecking began
I d like to make a public apol
ogy I apologize to the Hawaiian
people, especially my fellow club
members I did not wish them to
be blighted The members
worked hard and long in preparing
for the show and I'm truly sorry for
any image or reputational dam
age I caused They are the
greatest people and if they forgive
me, I don t care what anybody
else thinks
No more apologies
Not all the Hawaiian culture is
as crude as I am I say this with
the same assurance as I say not
all romance language graduate
students are stuffed shirts I
mean, it's not your fault you can't
find pleasure in something 400
other people enjoyed Please
come to our luau next year. Mary
Anne Who knows, maybe you II
win a door prize
Glen Kagamida
Hawaii Club Vice-Pres.
Evidence lackinq
I find the caricature on page six
of Tuesday’s Emerald very offen
sive to me as a woman It shows a
woman in a very negative way
One of the major subtitles of the
article was, Men have a harder
time adjusting to divorce No
place in the article did the reporter
ask Dr Johnson to justify this
statement Is this his personal
opinion, or does he have evidence
to back this up?"
Patricia M. Dasso
Graduate, non-degree
Permits required
There are some semantic er
rors in the front-page article Mon
day concerning the Valley River
bicycle-pedestrian bridge
There is no State Board of En
gineers, and no State Bureau of
Lands. The state regulatory
agency for operations involving
fills or removal of materials is the
Division of State Lands. Nor is
there a Fish and Wildlife Associa
tion The state agency concerned
with fish and wildlife is the Oregon
Greeks misrepresented
The tear and hatred some people on this campus loel to
wards the Greek system is starting to look liko paranoia
Its understandable that some people dont agree with the
qoals methods or activities of our system Most ol the time, these
prejudices are based on a lack ot knowledge, or hearsay, any
way Even when they re not well were not here to please
However this year wove been accused ol having a woll
organized political machine that would make Mayor Daley spin in
his grave Dedicated students who have mado sacrifices of thoir
time m recognized service to the entire University such as Gary
Feldman. Dave Tyler Steve Herlockor Doug Benson are put
down because ot the life style they happen to have chosen here
The term Greek has become something of a slur, degrading
anything it is attached to
If people are going to attack us. would they pleaso get their
facts straight and make a token effort to mako sense'’
First, our budget
We were not allocated S600 to go to Reno on a two (fay trip
Over half of the money for our travel budget were for high school
visitations that we sponsor with volunteer labor and a slide show
on the entire University that we present to high schools all over
the state including Medford The; Western Regional I F C con
ference takes four days not two The monoy we were given
amounts to about Vi of the total cost ot the tnp
By the way the high school visitations are one attempt by a
student group to help alleviate the 5 per cent enrollment drop that
all of the other programs are moaning about
Such misrepresentations of fact have been common in the
Emerald all year despite Greg Wasson s statements to the con
trary The big mistakes come when people take the Emerald
seriously, especially the Emerald itself Their recent editorial
based on Brenda Tabor s unchecked and untrue story about our
budget allocation shows the danger of this
Finally, ol the four students on the Incidental Fee Committee
who supported our budget increases. Gary Feldman wasn t even
endorsed by the Interfraternity Council Bartel and Schmunk
both ot whom argued against much ot our budget woteondorsed
by us Hardly proper functioning for Greek robots
Bitching is fun We all do it But if people want to smear
Greeks all over the editorial pages degrade the positive
achievements of student officers and put down organizations
who have even partial success in getting students to vote
If we are to be libeled by the student newspaper and mado
the ob|ec! of letters rallying the students of tho University
against us (as if we weren t students ourselves)
Get the facts straight
Jerry Martens
President—Interfraternity Council
Department ot Fish and Wildlife
and the federal agency is the U S
Fish and Wildlife Service
Oregon State law requires a
permit from the Division of Stale
Lands for any work involving fills
or removal of more than 50 cubic
yards of material in State waters
Federal law (the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act of 1972) re
quires a permit from the Corps ot
Engineers for any fills in navigable
waters, their tributaries, or adja
cent wetlands Other federal regu
lations require a permit from the
Coast Guard for any bridge,
causeway, or other structure that
may be an obstruction in naviga
ble waters (the Rivers and Har
bors Act of 1899, as amended)
These permits may be irksome
to people who want to build
bndges, but they have a useful
purpose to prevent the pollution
or obstruction of the waters of the
United States If applications are
made for them early enough in the
planning process, no excessive
delays should result The hitch is
that in some cases public hear
ings on these permit applications,
as well as reviews by regulatory
agencies, are required Perhaps
the Eugene Bicycle Committee
did not understand these facts
William Erwin
4815 12th Avenue North
Salem, Or.
Errors noted
There have been errors in the
press regarding the number of
tenured faculty members on the
staff of the University s School of
Librarianship At this writing there
are six tenured faculty Two of
them, Dean Totten and Professor
Pond submitted resignations (et
tective August 31 1977) prior to
President Boyd s tentative clos
ure decision
Jan N Wiggins,
Acting Secretary
Faculty Council
School ot Ubrartanship
Kecyclinq option
This is in regard to Tom
Jackson s article on tho wine bol
tie bill, which appeared in the
Emerald on April 15 Tom stated
that HB 2482 would call tor the
recycling and romanulaclunng ol
wine bottles, rather than the refil
ling The bill does not call lor such
a thing, the bill only includes wine
in the definition of beverage in the
present bottle bill What will hap
pen to tho wine bottle once rt is
returned to the retailer is deter
mined by what the distributor and
manufacturer decide to do They
have the option of deciding
whether the bottle will be recycled,
refilled, crushed and made into
cullet, or thrown out
Karen Bergsvik
Letters policy
Tho Emerald will accept and try
to print all letters containing lair
comment on ideas and topics ot
concern or interest to the Umver
sity community Because ot
space limitations, letters must be
no more than 250 words, typed,
triple-spaced, dated and signed
with the person's major No un
signed letters will be published